Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 29: Send a letter

Liu Ting rubbed his wrist lightly. In fact, what he wanted most was to rub his hips, because when the formation was opened, everyone was caught off guard, and most of his strength was directly sealed, like It was a normal person who fell straight down. Most people landed on their buttocks first. For everyone who has become accustomed to being “gods”, they suddenly become mortals, which is really uncomfortable.

It’s just that there are many men here and the only woman here. Liu Ting is not willing to rub her part at this time. It is not hypocritical and artificial. After all, this is a place in the real world. The options are naturally much higher. If In the story world, Liu Ting has also experienced something more terrifying than betraying her virginity.

“Sun Gan, what exactly is this place?” someone in the team began to shout.

Obviously, this Sun Gan should be the leader of the team, or at least the initiator of this operation.

Actually, it has been almost a year since Su Bai and the others entered this place with a local audience in Yunnan. First, Su Bai was trapped here by Xu Fugui for two months at first, and then he committed suicide on a deserted island. The training also lasts more than three months, and there are several story worlds in between, so the time is really long.

Although the entrance to the Land of Enlightenment is very meticulous and exaggerated, it is impossible to say that no clues are found under the search of interested people. Moreover, it is very likely that there is a place in the West. The big brothers coming in to prepare for the sermons produced a chain reaction, causing the entrance of the Eastern Sermons to appear or slack off, giving this group of seniors a chance to enter.

Last time, when Su Bai and others came in, they did see the majestic and mysterious of the tomb of the ancient Dian Kingdom, but the shadow of death still hung over them, and the killing started by Ruyi even shattered the extremities present at the time. Most people’s guts and souls can only be regarded as desperate to leave in the end.

Liu Ting’s figure is very plump, and she still has a charming atmosphere on her body. Before becoming an audience member, she was a teacher by profession. Now she is naturally not a teacher, but she has been doing well in maintaining her body.

Whether it is in the audience circles of the East and the West, women are actually at a disadvantage, especially women with low strength. In the story world, where there is no king and reason, it is even more miserable. Of course, the male audience is also It’s more tragic, but there are more female listeners than men in a tragic way. After all, there are many perverts in the listeners, but those who like the taste of men and men are just as few in the real world.

“Little Liu, follow me later. It’s not peaceful here.” An old man with white hair and beard stood beside Liu Ting and said, his hand was intentionally or unintentionally on Liu Ting’s body. The location is cruising.

Liu Ting is not annoyed, she appears to be very casual. For her, it is a commonplace for her to use her body to think she can gain some benefits. Of course, there is actually another way to go, that is Like lychees, it is estimated that no one has any thoughts about lychees.

This old man, Liu Ting, knows that he is already one of the best among senior audiences. It is said that this year he has the hope of sprinting into the realm of senior listeners, and he participated in the action a year ago. This is his second time here.

This old man, Su Bai knew him, of course, I don’t remember the name. The one who impressed Su Bai more deeply was the old man who was like a scholar in the team a year ago because he eagerly picked up Dian The jade seal of the country then turned into a pool of pus.

Su Bai was still lying in the coffin and did not move, but his consciousness was scanned on everyone. There were 7 people in total, all seniors. As for their specific strength division, Su Bai didn’t bother to go into details. Now, a dinosaur doesn’t care if an ant is considered strong among the ant colony.

Ruyi and Jixiang also sensed the breath of strangers at this time, and they are a group. Two black cats merged into the dark environment silently, although Jixiang has not been preaching for more than 20 years. The land, but it still knows its own vocation.

However, Su Bai does not intend to let two black cats kill and play at this time, because Su Bai still needs them to get in touch with the outside world, such as the monk and the Buddha.

Actually, according to the way Xu Fugui contacted him before, Su Bai felt that he was not incapable of communicating information to the outside world. It was just that many secrets in the land of proving Dao had not figured it out, such as the comrades of the unit next door. Can make a hole out.

It’s too boring to be here alone. Anyway, the mountains and rivers of Dali are good. If the monk and Gyatso are happy, they can move here and be neighbors with themselves. Of course, let them enter here. It is more difficult, but even if the monks live in a guesthouse on the Erhai Sea, they are still living next to Su Bai.

Because of this, Su Bai didn’t think too much, and his mind moved, and the coffin lid floated directly.

A senior listener already has the advantage of crushing for seniors. Both physically and spiritually, it can be crushed, and now Su Bai is from the mysterious environment of this land Suddenly, it is equivalent to automatically adding a layer of BUFF, which is equivalent to a college student giving a speech on learning to a group of high schools and a provincial champion university student giving a speech on learning to a group of high school students.

Seven seniors, with curiosity and trepidation, slowly walked to the position where the twelve coffins were placed. When their hearts were not completely calmed down and it was impossible to calm down, the heavy coffin lid suddenly floated. Immediately afterwards, a strong corpse aura spread out. Except for the white-haired old man, among the seven people, he immediately knelt down, and the other six people all sacrificed their own weapons.

As listeners, they will never give up the hope of resistance at any time. Their lives are struggling from the world of the story from the rest of the audience around them. When faced with danger, their first reaction can never be waste. And escape.

Of course, the white-haired old man was an accident. He has been here before and has seen the horror here, and the existence in the coffin has imprisoned more than a dozen senior people in an instant. That kind of coercion and horror , Has already produced a great imprint in his heart, and even affected his future impact on the level of senior listeners. Therefore, this is the reason why he knows that there is danger here but has to come again a year later. He is for Untie your knot!

While Liu Ting was holding her own natal weapon and dagger while looking at the white-haired old man who had already knelt down beside her, her chest rose and fell. This old man didn’t eat less tofu, and she even served last night. He once, but now, how does he protect himself?

Kneel directly to danger?

Of course, the audience is not a moth after all. If they had the previous experience of the gray-haired old man, it is estimated that most people would give up resistance at this time.

For the current Su Bai, even if he does not have the strength of Xu Fugui comparable to a big-time audience, the strength of his high-level audience is more than enough to deal with the group of senior people in front of him.

Su Bai’s gaze looked around, the windbreaker was draped on his body, with a heavy coffin as the background, and the corpses around him acted as the effect of dry ice on the stage. It is impeccable whether it is from the picture or from the shock. There is no other way. Su Bai wants one of these people to be his own megaphone, rather than killing them. If you just kill them, the problem is actually the simplest. He just shouted: Close the door , Put good luck;

“Put away your weapons, otherwise, die.”

The coercion on Su Bai began to actively exude. The coercion of the senior audience was enough to make the seniors feel desperate, and Su Bai did not take the initiative to kill, which can be regarded as comforting everyone present.

As long as you don’t die, you can talk about everything. This is one of the basic guidelines for listeners.

Everyone withdrew their natal weapons one after another, and even two audience members had bowed to Su Bai and shouted: “My lord.”

Su Bai nodded slightly and continued, “If you continue to walk in, you won’t be able to get out.”

This is a warning and an explanation, but it is clear that, except for the white-haired old man who had been kneeling in front of him from the very beginning, Su Bai, the rest of the people are still lucky enough to enter the treasure place~IndoMTL.com~ The reason for leaving empty-handed?

The white-haired old man tried to look up at Su Bai, but Su Bai’s figure was hidden in the rich corpse. He couldn’t really see it, and he wouldn’t have thought that this one in the coffin nowadays, In fact, they were teammates on the expedition together years ago.



Two cat calls came from the depths,

A wish is good,

A sound is auspicious,

Obviously, they were very dissatisfied with Su Bai’s stuck his toy there.

“You stay, the rest, leave here.”

Su Bai’s fingertips penetrated the black fog and pointed at the white-haired old man. The white-haired old man shuddered, but revealed a touch of ecstasy. For listeners who have been groping for radio temperament for many years, their ability to observe and observe other people It’s not bad either. The white-haired old man naturally perceives that Su Bai left him not to kill himself, but to order.

The rest did not obey Su Bai’s instructions and chose to leave, nor did they continue to walk in, because until now, Su Bai has not killed anyone,


You didn’t kill anyone,

Even if your momentum is strong, it will be difficult to fully display the effect. Even if you are an adult, you can’t kill people casually. This is the real world, not the story world.

Audience, it is so realistic.

“Then die one.”

“Ah ah ah ah!!!”

A male listener next to him was directly forcibly attracted to the front of the coffin. His body slammed into the coffin and then burst directly. Yin Hong’s blood stained the coffin, making the coffin more beautiful.

At this moment, the other five listeners turned their heads and ran towards the exit without hesitation, rushing over!

The gray-haired old man’s head is buried lower,

“My lord, please tell me.”

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