Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 287: 3 countries kill! (Next)

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! George was stunned there. He didn’t know why everything turned out like this, which is what he imagined. It is completely different from what he deduced!

Subconsciously, George manipulated his second clone, which is Steven, but the old woman just glanced at him, scanned George, and then continued to gobble up his grandson.

The upper body of the little boy has almost been eaten, and it seems that because the little boy has been swallowed, the old woman has mutated, directly causing George’s second clone, Steven, to basically lose her deity. Link.

Moreover, George’s entire face also showed pain. As the second clone parted from himself, he, as the deity, began to suffer a backlash.

This is a backlash from the body, but also from the depths of the soul.

“No, no, no!”

George was about to split, and his breath began to tremble and float.

“Damn, don’t go crazy with this guy.” The fat man said with a little fear, “If we blew up again, we will be so close to him, and we will GG together.”

“Amitabha, the clone has an inseparable connection with the deity. Only in this way can the strength of the clone be supplied to the deity to the greatest extent, and at the same time, it can also stimulate the strength of the clone to the greatest extent, and it can also prevent the clone from losing control. It is possible, but in this way, once the clone has a problem, the deity will not be spared.

The clones refined by ordinary people are actually used as disposable items in most cases to break the back and enter the dangerous area, and George obviously uses the clones as a springboard to improve his strength.

He used his clone to deliberately possess the old woman Li Xiumei, and tried to use Li Xiumei to call upon the soul, summoning the little boy from the base camp of the nuclear power plant, and using his grandchildren’s affection to control the little boy to achieve the purpose of controlling reincarnation.

But now, it’s obvious that it’s a bit of a loss for my wife and forgiveness. “

Reminiscent of George’s vows and majesty before, even a monk, at this time, it is inevitable that there is a feeling of gloating, it’s no wonder that it is in this story world, because the information is not equal and even the audience is extremely The obvious difference in task participation makes the monk feel very uncomfortable.

It seems that in this world of stories, I am just for Su Bai.

Grandmother Li Xiumei swallowed her grandson whole, her abdomen bulged, as if she was pregnant, she grinned and laughed, and then walked into the air, step by step, very hurried, looking very In a hurry, I can’t wait.

And here, a black line began to appear on George’s face. This black line suddenly made his face extremely hideous. Before, George seemed to have the temperament of a foreign university professor, but now , Like a gambler, he lost everything he had worked so hard to manage. At the same time, he was also like a drug addict who had committed a drug addict, showing a sense of hysteria.

“It’s not enough if you swallowed my clone, you still want to swallow my deity!”

George opened his mouth and let out a beast-like low growl in his throat. He immediately rose into the air, leaped up, and reached out and grabbed Li Xiumei’s ankle.

Li Xiumei showed resentment, but she who was planning to take action against George suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of the nuclear power plant. Her face was surprised and inexplicably, even, there was some panic.

Immediately, the black cloud wrapped the two together, and then whizzed towards the nuclear power plant.

“Fucking, high-tech, we are still walking on the ground with our legs, the clouds and mists here are all over here.” The fat man joked with his arms folded.

“The short-lived ability of senior listeners is much stronger than that of senior listeners, because they are more comfortable with the integration and control of the surrounding space environment.” Gyatso explained, “By the way, you see Li Xiumei’s last look , She seems to be scared.”

“She really should be scared.” Su Bai smiled. How could that guy in Munan stay at the nuclear power plant so peacefully? If you don’t have to worry about something, you will be sorry for his IQ. “

“Now things are coming.” Gyatso laughed, “However, I thought it was a Three Kingdoms killing, the Americans, the Munan, ours, but now it looks like we are just running to be on guard. Gang took the computer and Googled it. It seemed that there was no need to do anything.”

“Stupid people have stupid blessings.” The monk also couldn’t help but laugh, “This story world, the broadcast seems to be a bit targeted. After it is over, you can check it out. Mu Nan and George are in their respective circles. What are you holding.”

“Monk, do you think this is a punishment for broadcasting?” Su Bai asked.

“Amitabha, I can only say that it is a bit like, otherwise, there is no way to explain the poor monks and others. No, to be precise, most people are actually playing soy sauce. Broadcasting has always pursued storytelling. In the story world, every listener will be mobilized as much as possible, but in this story world, because of reincarnation and nuclear reasons, most listeners don’t even know that their environment is reincarnation. Contrary to the principle of the supremacy of storytelling in broadcasting.”

“It doesn’t matter to him, to be alive, you don’t need to die here as a nourishment for others. It’s already a worthy thing to burn. If the Three Kingdoms were to be killed, Mu Nan and George, the two anti-thieves, had already rebelled. Now, Li Xiuying, the traitor, also jumped. It’s good. As a master and loyal, we don’t have to watch the counter-thief die together with Xiaonei. It’s a pleasure to take it easy.”

The fat man shrugged and yawned.

“So, we can just wash and sleep?”


In the nuclear power plant, Mu Nan quietly looked at the dark clouds in the distance, and finally, his brows slowly unfurled.

The American,


So, it’s my turn now.

Mu Nan opened his hands, a twisted crack appeared in front of him, and then he walked in.

Mu Yao stood there and didn’t move. She knew that Mu Nan would not be polite if she needed her own help, but right now, he felt that he was fully capable of handling everything by himself.

Looking at the dark night and **** moon that are not in my memory, but there is a familiar feeling, Mu Nan took a deep breath, as if this one could smell the nucleus.

A charming taste, a taste that fascinated him.

“Is this the fire suit.”

Munan looked at the row of firefighting suits in front of him,

“The clothes I wear, you should remember me.”

Munan closed his eyes silently. The next moment, a tentacle slowly grew out of a fire suit, as if he was beckoning to Mu Nan.

Munan walked over, reached out, picked up the firefighting suit, put it on, and walked straight into the cylindrical building in front of him.

The feeling of radiation makes people a little lost, and the body starts to shake involuntarily, but it seems to have been experienced in the last cycle, so this time, it is acceptable.

When I walked into the underground rotunda, the black ball in the center completely fell in front of Mu Nan’s eyes.

“So beautiful.”

Munan exclaimed sincerely, he couldn’t help walking over and standing in front of the black ball.

The black ball is static. It does not continuously expand and contract. It still looks very different from the heart.

Of course, this is because the little boy who originally lived in the black ball has now gone out.

“This is the most beautiful throne in the world,

And me,

will be your master. “

Munan stretched out his hand and stroked it on the black ball. The hot temperature kept burning his palm, causing his palm to smell of scorching, but he didn’t mind. The root tentacles are released, like a big octopus.

Lots of tentacles covered the black ball from all directions, constantly moistening the temperature of the black ball with the mucus on the tentacles, and finally, the tentacles began to try to penetrate the black ball,

At the same time,

Start to control the black ball!

“You are mine!” Munan roared.

“In this story world, I am the final winner!”

Munan’s tentacles lifted the black ball, and at the same time, his whole person was moved by the tentacles and landed on the black ball. At this moment, the black ball was under his feet, and he had vaguely controlled this. Environmental capabilities!

“It only takes another ten minutes, ten minutes later, I will completely control you, erase all traces of you before, and become my forbidden!”

Munan licked his lips. In his mind, all the listeners in the story world appeared one by one,


will become a Chinese meal for himself and his subordinates~IndoMTL.com~ even, Munan is confident that after this story world, with several of his subordinates, they will attack the ranks of senior listeners together, which is equivalent to, After being promoted to a high-level audience, his Mu Nan first line will also have a great influence on the level of high-level audiences!


Outside, there was a harsh scream.

“Well, are you back?”

Munan stretched out his hand and squeezed lightly, a bead shattered in his palm.

Mu Yao, who was staying outside, suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest. His heart burst open at this time, and its blood turned into a barrier, covering the position above the nuclear power plant.

“Mu Yao, rest assured, in the next cycle, you will be resurrected.

Hehe, a little guy with insufficiency, it is easy to leave his cradle, but it is impossible to come back…”

Munan’s self-talk is not over yet, but the blood barrier outside instantly collapsed at this moment,

“What, how is it possible!”

That blood-colored barrier has a miraculous effect on the defense of ghosts. It can successfully make the ghosts be confused and unable to extricate themselves from previous painful experiences. How could he break open so quickly, that little guy!

Next moment,

A black cloud appeared under the rotunda,

From the dark clouds, walked out an old woman with a horrible face and George with a painful and hateful face,

Where is that little boy?

Munan suddenly felt ridiculous.

Because this is inferred from what I designed,

Completely different…

The old woman opened her mouth and looked at the black ball that was about to be completely controlled by many tentacles. On her face, the little boy’s painful expression appeared. At the same time, she opened her mouth:

“Explosion (Korean)!”


It’s exploded!

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