Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 285: Three Kingdoms Kill (Part 1)

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At the entrance of the nuclear power plant, the atmosphere is beginning to become more and more depressing. The audience is a kind of creature who integrates advantages and avoids harm into the bones It’s not the sheep in the sheepfold. It’s not impossible to keep them together like sheep, but it seems that only broadcasting can do this. The rest, no matter how strong they are, they really can’t do it, even if they rely on it. The momentary momentum was suppressed, but it was only temporary.

Because you are not a broadcaster, you do not have the huge pressure that prevents the audience from being distracted.

When this kind of suppression, after a long time, the effect of killing chickens and monkeys at the beginning, naturally slowly faded;

Furthermore, it’s impossible to want to kill chickens and monkeys again. Everyone’s heart has become much more fragile than at the beginning. After such a long time, sitting here and communicating with each other, even if you don’t speak, it’s just eye contact. , And gradually let the original dish of loose sand have more cohesion than before.

Lips are dead and teeth are cold. The listeners naturally understand this truth. Therefore, they are now like a trembling gunpowder keg. They are afraid, so they dare not come out to be the leader for the time being, but if there are people at this time Stand up and lead them to the gate, and the rest of them will definitely not sit back and watch this person be directly beheaded by the five Chinese like the previous one.

Munan still sat there in his spare time, as if he hadn’t noticed anything, vaguely, it made people feel that he was dozing off.

And George, looking at the sky, slowly stood up, and walked down. Steven and McCarrie followed him and stood up and left.

Munan also slowly opened his eyes at this time, looking at the back of George leaving.

A woman next to her immediately looked at Munan and prepared to get up, but Munan reached out her hand to indicate that she would not do anything, and the woman could only sit back again.

The departure of the three Englishmen seems to have become an inflection point to change the balance and atmosphere on the court. The people below slowly have a tendency to move around, and this trend is intensifying.

Munan, like an old monk entering Ding, still sat there calmly.

Soon, the four of Su Bai walked out of the nuclear power plant.

Su Bai stood beside Mu Nan, “I can’t help it anymore.”

What Su Bai said was naturally a group of listeners below. Emma was also below. When she saw Su Bai coming out, her eyes stayed on Su Bai for a while, but it was obvious that Emma didn’t know that she In fact, there was an intersection with Su Bai in the last reincarnation, but now they meet and become passers-by.

This story world is actually not very fair, because the information grasp, leaving aside the division of power, has become a watershed between the high and low of the initiative. The audience below has a good presence, but now it still seems ignorant and ignorant.

“You come out ten minutes late, and you will start fighting.” Mu Nan said calmly.

“Where are the Americans?” Su Bai discovered that George and the others had disappeared.

“Going to do something.” Mu Nan clapped his hands and stood up. Many of the audience below also stood up. When four more Chinese people appeared, plus these Chinese people all stood up and looked here. At that time, all the audience below felt a threat.

“I’ll find them.” Su Bai said.

“You go to them, who will come to see the door?” Mu Nan said to Su Bai.

“You should have a way.” Su Bai didn’t mean to talk to Munan, and went on.

“Let’s go, you and me, and the rest of us, continue to look at this gate. After all, there are many talents in the audience, who can be sure that no one in them or those who have no luck can enter After entering the real core area?”

“I said, that’s your problem. Even if something accident happens, I don’t care if you have another reincarnation.” Su Bai said, stopped, looked at Munan, “The level of information began to get worse. The higher you come, the richer and richer. Both the American and I have the ability to retain memories for the next reincarnation, but you don’t. Although you have wisdom, you can be sure that you can have enough in the next reincarnation. Will all the current information be deduced in time?”

“You are threatening me.” Mu Nan smiled slightly, and looked at Su Bai seriously, “I can also break the net.”

“Hehe, I haven’t lost anyway, I just let my friends die again.”

Su Bai shrugged.

“But you should know that there are some things that can’t be repeated, not only because of me, but also the thing behind me, do you think there will be another reincarnation?” Mu Nan said that I was for you Okay, “Someone has broken the rules. It seems that you are the same.”

“Rules, who made the rules?” Su Bai looked confused, “Is it the rules set by the radio or the rules set by your Munan?”

“The three of us were sitting on the ground and talking about things.” Munan reminded.

“Sorry, I don’t know what the rules are.” Su Bai shook his head, “For the listeners, rules are inherently meaningless.”

“It seems that this is about preparing to disband.”

“I never really got together.”

After speaking, Su Bai turned and left, and the Fat Monk and Gyatso followed him.

The four of Munan’s subordinates all looked at Munan at this time. They knew that Munan didn’t seem to be “betrayed” so much. This, the person named Su Bai, should also know.

“Go and enter the nuclear power plant.”

Munan smiled and seemed to be in good spirits,

“The Three Kingdoms Kill, it’s about to begin.”

The four men around him all stood up and walked into the nuclear power plant with Munan. Then, the audience outside also stood up. After watching for a while, they also started walking towards the nuclear power plant one by one.

Munan walked in the forefront, surrounded by his four men, a gap was opened in the palm of his left palm, and a scarlet tentacle began to sway out.

“I don’t believe it, this time, luck, not on my side.”


Most of the listeners have gathered at the nuclear power plant either by themselves or driven out. Therefore, now in the periphery, the probability of meeting the listeners again is not high.

No one really has that big heart, playing a story world with such a big background as a place for outings.

So, whether they are willing or unwilling, no matter the people who are more cautious, they should have gathered at the nuclear power plant at this time.

George stopped. At this time, he was in a relatively empty area.

“Steven, oh no, Li Xiumei, you can start.”

After speaking, George winked at McCarrie.

Mc Carrie knows, walks to the dead branches on one side, pushes the upper layer of dead branches away, and then puts pieces of toys, children’s clothes, comic books, and even each with children All of the photos were taken out and stacked in the open area.

The hair behind Steven’s back slowly drifted away, revealing an old woman’s spiteful face.

The old woman looked at these toys and clothes on the ground, with blood and tears in her eyes, she knelt on the ground, raised her arms, whispering and shouting something in her mouth.

George was standing aside, McCarrie was standing behind George. I don’t know why. At this moment, McCarrie seemed to be the shadow of George. He didn’t speak or make any movements, just standing quietly on George’s. In the shadows, it seemed… sweet and sweet.

The ceremony lasted for five hours. George looked towards the nuclear power plant more than once. Vaguely, a darker cloud that was different from the surroundings was drifting from the nuclear power plant. Although the speed is very slow, although it seems very hesitant, but it is still slowly drifting here.

“That very smart Chinese, at this time, he should be still in a circle at the nuclear power plant.”

The corner of George’s mouth shows a meaningful smile,

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re fighting. Pay attention. You want to go in and pick the fruit while I pull that thing out of the nuclear power plant. But when that thing leaves the nuclear power plant, the whole rule of the game will happen. Has changed.

You can get in, but you can’t get out. “

Being able to calculate a smart person, George feels a sense of accomplishment, the story world, only this kind of confrontation, only this kind of calculation, can you have pleasure and make people feel…interesting.

“I feel that someone is approaching here.” At this moment, the old woman looked at George and said.

“It’s okay, you continue to do your things.” George turned and looked into the forest ahead. Vaguely, he could see four figures marching here.

“I thought you would stand on Munan’s side and cooperate with Munan, but I didn’t expect that you came to me.” George’s voice ~IndoMTL.com~ penetrated the **** of distance and appeared there. In the woods.

When Su Bai and the others walked to less than 20 meters away from him, George stretched out his hand to signal Su Bai and the others to stop.

“I didn’t come to you to cooperate.” Su Bai said while looking at George.

“I know.” George nodded, “But sorry, you guys should be late. For some things, whoever takes the first step is bound to continue to lead.

It’s a strange thing for me. More than five hours have passed. Since you four Chinese did not choose to enter the nuclear power plant, it is impossible for you to be stuck there and not get out. A barbecue, so I found my place now? “

“Let’s go back to the county seat first.” Su Bai said.

“Oh, it’s a pity, and stupid, you guys are still slow.” George said calmly.

“We will go to the county again, in fact, it is not to get things.” Su Bai sighed, and then asked: “But your team has three people, one is seriously injured by radiation, and 4V1. How to judge the victory is still on my side. “

“Oh, isn’t it, what if I’m an advanced listener?” George asked.

“Haha…Are you acting like us, even if you have gained an enhancement in the last cycle, but there is still a long way to go before being promoted to a high-level audience.” The fat man mocked.

Mccarrie walked out behind George,

George reaches out,

patted McCurry on the shoulder,

“Yes, I just took a boost, but my clone, McCarrie, also took a share.”

Mccarrie began to melt and gradually merged into George,

George’s breath began to skyrocket at this time,




Up to,

The breath of an advanced listener,

It began to show up…………

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