Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 284: Call the soul!

The genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! “Hiss, do you guys feel a bit colder?” The fat man frowned and asked, meanwhile, the fat man stayed away The fingers behind him lightly hooked the monk. This is a hint, the fat man knew that the monk could understand.

The monk stretched out his hand and put it on the fat man’s shoulder. The fat man knew, and immediately closed his eyes.


The monk and Fatty sang at the same time. A Tai Chi pattern appeared on Fatty’s chest, and a Buddhist mark appeared on the center of the monk’s eyebrows. Then, the two opened their eyes together!



Su Bai and Gyatso stood aside, supporting and protecting. At the moment when the monk and the fat man opened their eyes, Su Bai suddenly discovered that on the beam of the room, there was a child’s figure hanging there, like It is like a gecko, attached to the wall.

The fat man immediately picked up the talisman paper, apparently intending to catch the ghost, but the monk grabbed the fat man’s wrist and signaled the fat man not to act rashly.

The boy phantom walked on the ceiling, showing a very strange posture.

“Close your eyes!”

The monk shouted.

However, it’s too late, because in an instant,

Su Bai suddenly found that the space he was in had been completely turned upside down. The whole house seemed to be rotating. The bottom where he was, instantly became the top, and the whole person immediately lost weight.

Below, where the beam ceiling should have been, turned into a piece of lava, emitting a terrible black flame.

Subconsciously, Su Bai grabbed a protruding spot beside him with one hand to prevent him from falling.

The fat man and the monk are the same. Gyatso drew his hatchet and stabbed it into the wall to stabilize his figure.

The boy phantom walked in the lava, drifting away, with a touch of joy, with some excitement, as if he was a urchin who had just returned from school in the kindergarten and was going home.

When the phantom of the boy completely disappeared in the depths of the magma, the magma disappeared completely.

The dislocation relationship between the ceiling and the ground is also restored,

Unexpectedly, all four fell to the ground.

For a while, a touch of amazement appeared in the eyes of the four!

“Fuck, this is the bodd we need to deal with?” The fat man spit, “paralyzed, how can this be fun? Even advanced listeners have to persuade him like us?”


The method that the boy phantom showed before is completely beyond everyone’s imagination and understanding.

The suddenly upside-down space,

The lava that can feel the terrifying hot breath is gushing out,

It really left a deep shadow in the hearts of everyone.

The other party, just come over and have a look, just come and have a look, whether he can directly kill the audience, but this feeling, this means, this attitude,

It’s really shocking enough.

The monk sat cross-legged and began to recite the scriptures. As the scriptures were read, strands of cool feeling penetrated into everyone’s bodies, dispelling other emotions in everyone’s hearts, and soothing everyone’s mood.

The fat man gritted his teeth and stood up, looking a little depressed and disappointed.

Gyatso also stood up and sighed silently.

The monk glanced across the crowd, and there was a touch of helplessness in his eyes, yes, helpless;

The monk can understand everyone’s feelings now, so why not?

Su Bai pursed his lips at this time, and said, “The broadcast will not arrange the necessary bureaus.”

“Yes, broadcasting will not set a dead end.” Gyatso responded, “but broadcasting can set how many of us must die before it ends.”

For example, after 10 listeners, five of them die, the rest complete the task and return to the real world.

Broadcasts have indeed designed such a story world before. While the listeners have to fight each other and stab each other, they also have to deal with the dangers in the story world.

But for the four people here, facing such a game, it really feels aggrieved.

As if everything is arranged, the previous struggle and exploration have become a kind of useless effort, leaving only the most humble and lowest-profile pursuit, or begging is more appropriate.

That is to be alive.

Being busy, life and death, struggling for so long, to this day, they are still able to face the story world in such a passive way and passive mode. The four of them still cannot accept it.


People who are more realistic,

In my heart, there is still a hypocritical side.

“Just like the train station, the layout of the radio only appeared after thirty senior listeners died.” The fat man shook his head and gritted his teeth.

“It’s not the same, one thing, you should all know that this world is not real, I am not talking about this story world, I mean, we are actually in a fictitious environment.

This environment is different from the illusion and the spiritual world. It is a virtual world with the main axis as the core. It should be separated from the story world.

It’s like online games and the real world.

Here, it is not surprising that the boy can possess this ability, and it is not surprising that the dead soul of the old lady can possess the ability to possess her back of her head. “

“Da Bai, you mean, since this is a virtual nuclear power world, then if the little boy can take advantage of the home court here, we can actually turn it into our home court?” Gyatso asked.

“I think we have entered a misunderstanding. This is what the fat guy reminded me before, why do we think the nuclear is too high, too high, we can’t see it clearly, the difference between looking up and looking up, It’s still huge.

If we lower its style, then many things will become simpler.

Whether it is a nuclear power world or a fantasy world or a spiritual world, in short, it is not a real world or a pure story world. There must be details that we have overlooked. “Su Bai continued.

The monk nodded and looked at the fat man, “Fat man, the poor monk suddenly thought of a question.”

“You said.” The fat man cleared up his emotions and turned around.

“The old lady, since she can display the methods that high-level ghosts are not qualified or capable to use at the level of ordinary ghosts, what if she is not a special case?”

The monk frowned and seemed to be thinking about showing his inner thoughts with appropriate words,

“It’s like, maybe this illusion has a special bonus to some ghosts’ abilities?”

When the fat man heard the words, his eyes suddenly burst into light, and he said immediately:

“Yes, it is very possible, really very possible. If the old woman really wears a pair of trousers with her grandson, why would she still fear my formation when she has a white body?”

The fat man seemed to regain his spirit again and began to pace in this office.

“Monk, maybe we can really try and use the simplest method to try to solve this complicated problem. For example, the old woman’s ability to possess her own face directly from the back of the person’s head. This overbearing method may be replicated, and its principle, on the other hand, may be equivalent to our spiritual call.

This nuclear-powered virtual world may really have natural convenience and bonuses for calling and entering the soul!

Yes, the soul-calling, the old woman possessed Su Bai, yes, it was like this, why did that old woman return to the old house with all her heart?

Is it because of her nostalgia?

Definitely not, absolutely not, there must be other mysteries in it. “

The fat man fell into a state of talking to himself. Obviously, his mind was thinking fast.

“Perhaps, the old woman is actually the same as us.” Gyatso suddenly said.

As soon as this sentence came out, Su Bai, Fatty and the monk all looked at Gyatso.

Gyatso saw that everyone’s eyes were on him, and he pursed his lips. This is when everyone contributes their wisdom. Three heads surpassed Zhuge Liang. Even if Munan is smarter, there are four of them here. Excellent senior listeners, if they are really deduced based on clues together, they are no worse than Munan.

“You have always said that you start with small details, but if you really start with small details, this is a problem of contradictions within the family.

For example,

The boy was very young, and there were conflicts in his family. His father was inseparable from the nuclear leak. The county people were all buried as a result. This would also include the boy’s kindergarten teacher and friends. His mother obviously died of murder, and It should be the killing of family members, but I don’t know whether it was his father or his grandmother.

But if you are a little boy, what is your attitude toward the rest of the family who caused the tragic death of your mother?

I think it should be hate,

He hates his family, his grandmother, his father, and maybe even his mother.

So ~IndoMTL.com~His grandmother, that old woman, she was possessed by Dabai last time, she actually wanted to go to that house and do something, she didn’t want to borrow a corpse to bring it back to life, she was There is a strong pertinence and purpose. “Gyatso analyzed.

Su Bai seemed to suddenly remember something, and said: “By the way, if you want to do a ritual like soul calling, what is needed?”

“Will you not know this?” The fat man looked at Su Bai somewhat unexpectedly, “The clothes in front of the deceased or the things that are important to the deceased, things that often accompany him.”

“So…” Su Bai raised his hand, motioned to the fat man to stop talking, and said, “So, when did we know that this is a family of four, and there is a five or six-year-old child?”

“From the family portrait…” The fat man just said this, he was stunned, and immediately realized Su Bai’s meaning and the key to the problem, “Fuck, the problem is here. When we searched the entire house, we only found it. If it weren’t for Gyatso to find a family portrait in the mezzanine of the wall, Jin Zhongyou’s work identity card, we would never have known that there was a child in this family, because we hadn’t seen anything about children in this family. .”

“But that old woman possessed Su Bai, it was something in the last reincarnation.” Gyatso reminded, “Even if she took something in the last reincarnation, but in this reincarnation, things will definitely return. Set.”

“Then there is one possibility left.” The monk put the Buddhist beads in his hands back into his sleeves, “In this reincarnation, someone took away all the things related to the little boy in that house first!

Someone thought of the method of calling souls earlier than us. As long as the little boy was summoned from the nuclear power plant in a way of calling souls, the black ball would naturally not explode again. This main task was also completed. “

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