Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 280: The identity of the female corpse

The genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! “I don’t know, anyway, after the first big chaos, only three of us are left. I think we When you should have started to strengthen, absorb and enjoy the wonderful moments, the two of you suddenly started fighting.

And it’s not the kind of inexplicable fight between you during the second reincarnation. I know through the eyes of the dark demon that after me and McCarrie left, the two of you quickly and tacitly attacked Steven trying to get it. The fake Eye of the Dark Demon in his hand, it’s a pity that the Eye of the Dark Demon is in his eye socket, and what you snatched from it was just a fake.

But during the first reincarnation, you personally broke his neck and sucked his blood. “

George pointed to Su Bai and said.

“In fact, this story world looks like a game of reincarnation, but it’s actually different.” Su Bai, who had been silent before listening to George talking to Munan, said at this time.

“Well, what is your opinion?”

Munan looked at Su Bai interestingly.

“If time is a line, then reincarnation is a circle.” Su Bai began to say, “but our reincarnation, in fact, cannot be called reincarnation at all. It is similar to a very popular reincarnation horror movie called “Terror Cruise”, that kind, is obviously an incomprehensible reincarnation mode. It can calculate all the protagonist’s reactions and even the reverse reactions after recognizing that this is the reincarnation. The result is that the protagonist every time The struggle and even self-defeating and self-defeating, finally became a calculated plot in the reincarnation.

I have also experienced a similar reincarnation mode in the story world before, but the reincarnation is a reincarnation that completely erases everything and resets it. In terms of mode, it is a grade lower than “Terror Cruise”.

Now, all three of us have our own ability to see through the essence of this reincarnation, and to bring our memories into the next reincarnation, then, after all, we are too strong, so powerful that this reincarnation is gone The way we have played around is still the essence of this story world, and it is not actually reincarnation for the sake of reincarnation.

Just as we can’t help but want to rob others’ reinforcements, the reincarnation of this story world, if not unexpected, should have its subjective consciousness. “

“Do you mean that the black ball has self-awareness?” George asked. In fact, George himself had this guess, because if you want to find an entry point to complete the main task in this story world Then, first find the boss in this story world is the first priority. Just like most games, if you want to pass the level, you must solve the guarding boss.

However, in this story world, it is difficult for you to find other threats. The only target is the black ball.

“It is a coincidence that a stone can become refined over time, nuclear, why not?

Nuclear is the most mysterious and most powerful part of the various energy systems that mankind currently recognizes. Sometimes, when a nuclear leak or something goes wrong, the media and public perspectives will focus on the operation Mistakes and dereliction of duty, but what if nuclear has self-awareness? “

Su Bai expressed his opinion.

“So, according to your statement, why does the nucleus in this story world go through this kind of reincarnation?” George looked at Su Bai and asked. Obviously, he felt that Su Bai’s guess was still very possible. But for the subjective evaluation of nuclear, George felt that it was a bit too ridiculous.

“Learn, imitate, evolve.”

Munan’s eyes suddenly released a gleam of light,

“Yes, it should be like this. It has been observing us, learning us, and imitating us. This is a new ignorant creature that progresses from a lower level of wisdom to a higher level of wisdom. Performance.”

“Nuclear is so terrible, how can it still be a low level of intelligence?” George asked in a puzzled manner.

“Elephants can easily trample many people to death, but can elephants solve advanced mathematics and discover gravitation?” Munan asked, “At the same time, the so-called absorption, the so-called absorption, I think it should be nuclear grant Because of this sweet jujube, we can kill each other, we can fight each other, and we can show more of us. Just like tourists on the seaside deliberately go among the seagulls in order to watch seagulls grab food Sprinkle a handful of biscuits.”

Munan stood up very hard, staring at the nuclear power plant.

“Is there a way to crack it?” George asked.

“You ate meat, but I didn’t eat a bite of meat.” Munan sarcastically.

“Hehe, if you eat this meat, the more likely we are to be killed in the end,” George reminded.

“I have always believed in a truth, that is, every story world has its meaning and value. If you can’t get enough benefits and progress in a story world, even if you survive in the end, it’s quite Because of a failure, after several consecutive attempts, it completely opened the gap with the big army. In the end, it was still a dead word, but it was different in the morning and evening. However, there is one thing I agree with. This meat can no longer be eaten casually. I can only eat selectively.

I took my person to intercept at the gate of the nuclear power plant. You two can bring your own people to gather the rest of the audience scattered around. Choose the valuable one. If there is really no value, you can Kill it, then it can also be used as an appetizer. “

“This feels like great power politics.” George joked.

Indeed, the three of them,

Representing the three teams behind the three of them, set a tone here, and there are many other listeners scattered in the county or in the forest. They did not participate in this meeting, or even They don’t even have the right to know, but then they must accept this order and come to the gate of the nuclear power plant and wait together.

Because these three teams are almost the same, enough to sweep the rest of the rest of the audience, unless the rest of the audience is tightly united at once, but this is obviously impossible. This is how power dominates everything and keeps up with the country. Hegemonism makes no difference.

“Okay, I agree.” Su Bai stretched out his hand and patted Mu Nan’s shoulder. Seeing that George had nodded and turned and took his own people away to find other audiences, Su Bai lowered his voice and asked: ” Not bad.”

“Why do you see?” Mu Nan looked at Su Bai with some surprise, but there was a touch of recognition and a kind of joking in his eyes.

“I have often seen your strengthening in A, V, and V before. Those long disgusting tentacles have terrible regeneration and re-repair abilities. They don’t even need to be **** at all. I don’t believe you. Wisdom, has not been able to regain strength, and the weak performance just now is really too eye-catching.”

“Life is like a play, it all depends on acting.” Mu Nan stared at Su Bai’s eyes seriously, “Do you know why I asked you to look for other audiences?”

Su Bai paused in his heart, but there was still no wave in his face, and he seemed a little confused.

“Everyone knows it in their hearts.” Mu Nan in turn, stretched out his hand and patted Su Bai on the shoulder, “Everyone has their own secrets, and they want to keep their cards at all times, but in short, I am I hope you have a breakthrough here.”

“What about you?” Su Bai asked back, “If you don’t have a plan and eyebrows, you won’t gather the audience again.”

“There is indeed a way, but a stupid way, I hope you can bring me some hope, at least, reduce the pressure.” Mu Nan smiled softly, while smiling, it seems that every pore on his body Everyone had grown tiny red tentacles, and then his body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Su Bai turned around and walked to Fatty’s side.

“Have you heard everything?” Su Bai asked.

The fat man nodded. Although it was a meeting of three people before, no one set up any barriers and barriers. Although the distance is a bit far, the three parties can actually hear it. It is a tacit understanding.

“Dabai, where are we going now? Looking for the audience?” The fat man asked~IndoMTL.com~No, there is a place, I want to go first. “When I said this, Su Bai subconsciously touched the back of his head. The **** old woman did not appear this time.

In less than half a day, the three of Su Bai came to the county town again and stood in front of a residential building.

This residential building was where the Fatty and the others placed Su Bai at the beginning of Su Bai’s last reincarnation.

Opened the door and went directly to the second floor. Su Bai opened the door of the westernmost room. There was no change in the furnishings inside. Simple bed, simple bed, simple wardrobe.

“Fatty, monk, please pay attention.” Su Bai reminded.

The monk and the fat man both nodded.

Su Bai walked to the front of the closet, reached out and opened the closet.


A female corpse fell directly and fell into Su Bai’s arms.

No corpses,

There is indeed no corpse,

A female corpse who died because of her throat cut was treated with embalming. If Su Bai hadn’t turned her back to the female corpse and the old woman’s face was facing her last time, the female corpse might not have changed.

“Brothers, look for this family, go through it up and down, we need the identity of this family.”

Su Bai said while pushing the female body back to her original place. The bodies of the other people in the county are gone, but why is this the only one left?

The monk Fatty and Gyatso immediately started searching. At this time, they didn’t think there was anything wrong with Su Baifa’s command, because Su Bai had the advantage of information control after all.

Soon, the fat man walked out with a file bag and an identification badge in his hand. He showed it to the monk before. The monk understood some Korean and translated the words on it to the fat man.

“Da Bai, the owner of this family is Jin Zhongyou, the chief engineer of the nuclear power plant.”

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