Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 275: God helps me too, and God helps me too!

The genius remembers the site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! A white light flashed, revealing the three figures of Fatty, Gyatso and the monk.

“His, I feel so uncomfortable, I am going to die, I am going to die…”

As soon as the fat man came out, he hugged his chest and exaggeratedly called for help.

Gyatso smiled, and the monk shook his head a little speechlessly.

“Amitabha Buddha, fat man, even if ordinary people enter the periphery of the radiation area, they will not die instantaneously. They will only leave the root of the disease. Irreversible diseases that are difficult to cure soon appear. You are still a senior listener, even though the body of Taoism Fighting is not an advantage, but your Taoist physique is not paperless, so it should not be so unbearable.

Moreover, the story world time should not be very long. The radiation will cause some damage to our body, but it will not affect too much. After all, we are leaving this story world, and broadcasting will repair our bodies;

Of course, if you can’t leave, let alone the damage to your body caused by radiation. “

If you can’t leave, naturally you don’t need to care, because that means your mission has failed and you have died in the story world.

At this time, the position of the three of them is similar to the **** of a mountain road, and the front is a county town, or it is similar to a more developed town in China, all in Korean architectural style. In the woods farther away, there are several very iconic buildings, which are nuclear power plants.

If nothing else, it is the goal in this story world.

“Broadcast, the main mission has not been released yet.” Gyatso said to the monk.

The monk nodded, “Generally speaking, this is to stimulate the main mission by exploring the story world, but the poor monk did not expect that this time we will be able to be with you in a story world.

Fat man, how long did I sleep? “

“I don’t know, it’s two months. It’s been almost this long. You both have been sleeping beauties for two months.” The fat man scratched his head. Here, he didn’t even dare to breathe. Taoists were very particular about vomiting. It is very sensitive to the surrounding environment. At this time, the fat man naturally dislikes this nuclear-contaminated environment as much as he dislikes it.

“Where is Su Bai?” the monk asked, “Is he okay?”

The memory of the monk only stayed when the three of them were trapped in the front line of life and death by eight thousand grievances, and then fell into a deep coma, but now that I can enter this story world, I am in the real world, It must be protected by safety, and Gyatso is the same.

“Dabai, it’s good, I can eat and sleep, play with his son during the day, and sleep with the smell of the monk’s body at night. It’s a nice little day.”

The fat man joked.

When I heard “Smell my body scent and go to sleep”, even if he was calm as a monk, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

“There seems to be a checkpoint at the back.” Gyatso pointed to the back, “I saw the soldiers patrolling, they seem to be wearing radiation protection suits.”


Although the impact of these radiation on the audience is not great, but in the style of being cautious and cautious, the monk, Gyatso and Fatty went to the checkpoint there and forcibly grabbed three sets of radiation protection The suit was worn on himself.

In the story world, even if you keep a little bit of yourself, it may become the key to decide whether you are alive or not at a special moment.

As for leaving here after grabbing the radiation protection suit and escaping from this radiation area, the three of them are not so stupid. There are some rules;

Even if the broadcast does not go into details, the audience still understands that since the broadcast defines the theme of the story world as “nuclear”, then if you dare to think that you are smart and go outside, leave this environment and go to Korea Other places even ran to the San Fat site, let’s not say whether the story world is so big, if it is so big, then you dare to play like this. The broadcast will certainly not stingy and tell you why the flower is so popular.

For example, the theme of a story world is a zombie, and the scene you are in at the beginning is a Yizhuang, then you must stay in the Yizhuang before the main story line is expanded, even if there is no iron cage outside the Yizhuang Trapped you, even if you know that the coffin in Yizhuang will be dishonest tonight, you still have to pretend that you don’t know anything and stay here and wait for the danger to appear. At most, let you prepare more coins for burning. burn.

“Let’s go, look inside. Since this is the area of ​​nuclear leakage, the county town should be uninhabited if you want to come.”

The monk said, and walked forward first. Gyatso and Fatty naturally followed the monk.

After passing the turning intersection in front, I entered the county seat. At this time, the monk’s brow suddenly frowned, and Jiacuo and the fat man also noticed the abnormality.

“The energy fluctuations on the highway are very strong, and it should be a fight.” The monk said.

“It seems that there are a lot of listeners who have entered this story world, and they can run into chaos so early.” Gyatso smiled, “The first story world after lying down for a few months is A highlight.”

“Let’s leave them alone, and continue to walk in. Before we can figure out some of the context of the story world, we will keep a low profile. Moreover, the poor monk always feels that since the three of us are already here, then , Dabai also has a high probability of entering this story world.”

“But why doesn’t Da Bai show up with us?” The fat man asked puzzled.

“It may be somewhere else.”

The three of them walked into the county town while communicating in a low voice.

It’s a county town, but it’s actually not very large. The mountain road runs directly through the county town. One side is the sea, then the road, the other side is the storefront, and inside, there are Korean houses. It is also orderly.

The three monks walked side by side on the empty street. Here, no one can be seen for the time being, and it can be seen from the storefronts and some details on the street that the age of nuclear radiation should be long ago.

When the three passed by a prop shop, the monk suddenly frowned, his eyes drifting towards the prop shop. This is a prop shop featuring comic characters and many simulation props and people. Occasionally, basically the more popular comic elements can be found here, but it is obviously in disrepair.

The owner of this shop, even if he is still alive, can’t come and take care of it again.

I don’t know why, the monk suddenly felt a little uneasy. Perhaps this was the monk’s induction, but the monk didn’t really stop to look inside, but continued to move forward.

It’s just that what the monk didn’t find was that not only was he alone, but when Gyatso and Fatty passed by here, a feeling of something wrong suddenly appeared in their hearts, but Gyatso was similar to Fatty and thought it was this story world. Because of the surrounding atmosphere, I didn’t really think that there might be something tricky in the prop store.

If the monk knew that the three of them felt in their hearts just now, they probably wouldn’t move on.

This time, the three of them just walked past.

When they reached the end of the street and was about to leave the county seat, the three stopped.

“What should I do, go ahead? Go directly to the nuclear power plant to trigger the mission?” The fat man asked. Generally, when he is with the monk, the fat man still prefers to listen to the monk’s opinions, because the monk is good at general layout and Planning, the fat man knew that he was only good at small aspects of response and reaction, and both sides had their own strengths.

The monk took a deep breath, turned his head, looked at the county again, looked back, looked in front of him, and then walked along the road through the forest in front to reach the nuclear power plant.

“It’s better to be safe. Don’t be so aggressive.” Gyatso looked around for a while. “There are a lot of people coming in this time. Let others find the way for us first.”

“Okay, let’s swing around first and walk slowly.” The fat man naturally agreed.


Item shop,

The vampire coffin,

According to the plot in the previous reincarnation, Su Bai was supposed to have woken up from the coffin when the monk “entered” into the story world and just entered this county town, and then staggered out of the prop shop. Planted in the sea, was found by Fatty and them.

But it seems that because Su Bai forcibly condensed his last memory into a drop of his own blood, it made him feel even weaker than when he lay here last time, until the monks and they all passed through the county town. ~IndoMTL.com~ Su Bai hasn’t naturally woke up yet.

The plot, also at this time, has a deviation, and this deviation is actually a certainty. Although this story world or the black ball has always hoped to straighten everything out and start again in the original way, It is impossible to follow the script completely.

Just, at this moment,

On the street outside the prop shop, two people walked by, a man and a woman. The man was very short, of the kind that can be called a dwarf if he is shorter, and the woman is tall and has a face. It is also very delicate, but it is as delicate as if it was artificially carved, somewhat similar to the standard model face of a Korean actress.

“Yingai, you met me as soon as you entered the story world, don’t you feel lucky?” Pan Wenji said with a flattering, obscene smile on his face.

Kim Young-ae responded with only a nasal sound.

After eating a soft nail, Pan Wenji is not annoyed. For him, it is indeed a very happy thing to find a companion with an enhanced melee system in the story world so quickly.

It’s just that when Pan Wenji walked past the item store, the bell on his waist suddenly rang slightly. Pan Wenji immediately raised his hand and signaled to stop. Then, he cast his eyes on the convenience store beside him. .

“Inside, there is a living person. Although the vital signs are very weak and weak, they are indeed alive.”

Pan Wenji and Jin Yingai walked into the item shop slowly, and Jin Yingai approached the vampire coffin at Pan Wenji’s sign and opened it.

There was a man who was almost half-decayed with ulcers all over lying inside.

The moment Pan Wenji saw the man, his face immediately showed an uncontrollably excited smile:

“Haha, if you get rich, you will get rich, and God will help me too!”

The little man was almost dancing with excitement.

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