Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 27: Friendly exchanges between brother units

Things did not develop in the way they took it for granted. Even in the past more than a week, the progress of the exchange between the two sides has remained at the other side’s sentence:

“Fuck, I really got through…”

After that, both of them did what they were supposed to do.

Su Bai lay back in the coffin to sleep, and when he came out one day later, he looked up at the bronze mirror. There was no figure on the opposite side, and he didn’t know if he lay in the coffin or strolled.

Of course, I can imagine that there are not many areas where the other party walks.

Because although he has not communicated with him, Su Bai can roughly guess that the opposite of the bronze mirror should be the place of proving the Tao in the West.

The two, which are regarded as the two subsidiaries of Broadcasting, are developing and advancing under the wise leadership of Broadcasting, and they can even send a pennant that says “Brother Unit”.

It’s just that the two parties really didn’t have much interest in saying hello to friends from the opposite brother’s unit. Su Bai felt that the opposite was probably too panicked, so he played a little bit, and finally got through.

Well, to be precise, it doesn’t work, but this is equivalent to the effect of a video call. People can’t shuttle back and forth normally, but the sound and video can be synchronized.

Being left in this place, I couldn’t restrain myself from digging holes. It’s really not weird. Isn’t Su Bai planning to play up those funerary instruments now?

Now, Su Bai first walked by the side of Huangquan. For the lonely ghosts in Huangquan, it really means a leader to inspect. The former leader has been in power for 20 years, and he has long been lazy to get a coffin. However, the current leadership and new officials took office with three fires, and everyone was cautiously serving them. The two elegiac couplets that Su Bai had dropped before caused thousands of dead souls to cry, which is the best example. In the real world, there are many examples where the leader’s relatives died, and the subordinates knelt at the grave and cried more sadly than their own father died.

Looking up at the altar, the guzheng is still on it, and Su Bai did not take it back. Anyway, there are no guests here except for the prosecutor. Even the prosecutor is not the cabbage on the roadside. It is estimated that there will be no more than ten in a year. This is still calculated on the larger one. The real number may have to be discounted. After all, Xu Fugui did not leave a duty schedule to tell Su Bai how many years. On what day of the month XX came here to preach.

Looking at Guzheng, and thinking about his blood shadow clone, Su Bai couldn’t help but diverge his thoughts to the band again, alas, there is no way, here, there is no fun, you have to take the initiative to create it yourself Have some fun.

At this time, the picture in Su Bai’s mind is that of his own avatars playing musical instruments, and his own deity is holding a baton to direct against Huangquan, and the thousands of dead souls in Huangquan sing neatly:

“The wind is roaring, horses are roaring, the Yellow River is roaring, the Yellow River is roaring, the mountains of Hexi are ten thousand meters high, and the sorghum of Hedong and Hebei is ripe. There are so many anti-Japanese heroes in the mountains…”

I am entertaining myself for a while, and Su Bai returned to the coffin from Huangquan. At this moment, it happened that the other party was sitting next to the coffin like Su Bai, and both of them were almost at the same time subconsciously. Looking up at the bronze mirror above his head, he naturally saw the other party.

There was a brief exchange of eyes, and there was still no communication. Although life here is very boring, neither of them is so lonely that they need to talk to each other.

The opponent held the long sword in his hand and began to practice the sword, completely disregarding Su Bai’s gaze.

Su Bai just looked at the opponent practicing sword. After watching for a while, there was a playful smile on Su Bai’s face, because he found that the opponent’s swordsmanship had a very clear eastern shadow.

What kind of swordsmanship in the East looks like, even ordinary people know it. After all, martial arts movies were a common memory of all people in an era, while Western swordsmanship is more concise and efficient, although the essence of eastern and western swords is the same. The weapon itself is nothing more than a bridge between defense and counterattack, but undoubtedly, from the perspective of appreciation, Eastern swordsmanship is better.

Of course, this is also the reason why martial arts has gradually become a new cultural industry. Naturally, it is more necessary to please the audience.

The opponent’s swordsmanship, flowing clouds and flowing water, with a special rhythm, his speed is not fast, his pace is even slightly slow, but the rhythm of swordsmanship is perfectly presented, the combination of human and sword, can not describe this The feeling of time is more like the human sword has an extremely obvious fit with the surrounding environment.

Although the swordsmanship is slow and the movements are slow, if you dare to approach, you may be instantly shattered by the surrounding space. This is the power of a high-level audience, and the opponent has obviously integrated the swordsmanship with the surrounding environment. .

Even the current Su Bai can’t do this. After being promoted to a high-level audience, Su Bai can indeed enjoy the pleasure of abusing food, and he has defeated Xie Zi.

But Jiezi was promoted less than half a year earlier than Su Bai. He hasn’t figured it out yet. Coupled with the enhanced attributes and Su Bai’s squeeze, being defeated by Su Bai is actually a special case. Speaking of being compatible with the surrounding space, Su Bai can only improve his speed and strength, plus some principles of spatial resonance. With this, it is natural to abuse seniors with no disadvantages, and to fight against senior audiences who are also newcomers. It’s not a big problem, but if you try to fight for this kind of advanced audience who has perfectly integrated your own reinforcement with the surrounding space, then you really can only wait for the answer to why the flower is so popular.

This is the reason why senior listeners are divided into new, beginner, intermediate and high-level audiences. Although they are collectively called senior listeners, the gap is really big.

Su Bai took a deep breath, and stopped admiring the sword dance. He stood up straight, concentrated carefully, spreading his hands, and a blood bead appeared on each palm.

Actually, Su Bai knew in his heart that compared to finding some new things in this tomb to relieve fatigue, the really interesting thing is to improve his strength, and the pleasure of improving his strength is other things. Unmatched and replaceable.

The blood beads on the palm of the palm began to float and lined up on both sides of Su Bai.

After that, Su Bai opened his eyes and gave a low drink in his heart.

“Om! Om!”

Two shocking sounds came,

Beside Su Bai, two identical selves appeared.

This time, it was really with the naked eye that it was impossible to tell the difference. As for the breath, they were all clones condensed from Su Bai’s essence and blood, and the breath was naturally the same.

Su Bai still remembers that when he first experimented with this, he was in front of the blood prince. As a result, he made a clone like something copied out of ink by a printer.

But now, on the one hand, it’s because I have learned and absorbed these blood magic for a long time, and on the other hand, it’s because after advanced listeners, I see the world differently. It’s like Even if a junior high school student solves a junior high school student’s problem and a graduate student solves a junior high school student’s problem, even if they can get the correct answer, the idea and effect of solving the problem are completely different.


Su Bai smiled, and Su Bai, who was exactly the same on both sides, also made such a sound.

Then, the two avatars sat cross-legged, and Su Bai himself was leaning on the coffin lid, doing nothing. Now for him, what he wants to do is to maintain this state while maintaining the existence of this avatar. On the basis of, let the two clones bear as much power as possible.

This is not the power of blood inheritance. After all, the appearance of the two clones is just a drop of essence and blood. Unless Su Bai is willing to release most of his blood to cultivate the clones, it would be too stupid and completely lost. The advantage of the clone is almost equivalent to creating a clone of yourself.

At this moment, Su Bai raised his head and looked at the bronze mirror above his head. The other party was still dancing the sword, but he was no longer dancing the sword alone, but two people dancing the sword, the other Looks exactly the same as the other party.

Excluding the low probability of forming a pair of CPs as caretakers in the non-mainstream of the Western preaching place, then it means that the other person is the other person’s clone.

The deity and the clone were dancing swords together at first, but slowly, the two sides changed from dancing swords to practicing swords by feeding each other. He and the clones played together, and Su Bai could see the surrounding environment. The turbulent ripples proved that the sword practice of the opponent and his clone was definitely not a show, but a genuine duel exercise.

Su Bai stretched out his hand and rubbed his chin. He didn’t know if the other party saw that he was cultivating the clone, so he deliberately showed off or it was really the opponent’s sword training process~ IndoMTL.com~ Of course, Su Bai was not bored. To entangle this question, he hadn’t been so careful yet, he just watched the other side practicing sword silently. Slowly, Su Bai figured out some taste for himself, he lit a cigarette and continued to look carefully.

The opponent continued to practice the sword seriously.

About two hours later, the other party retracted the sword, and at the same time the avatar in front of him disappeared.

The other party raised his head and looked at Su Bai in the bronze mirror, with a scornful smile at the corner of his mouth, saying in English:

“Hey, Oriental, are you stealing a lesson?”

Su Bai nodded very honestly. He was indeed stealing learning. Of course, the other party knew that he was doing the sword training for himself when he was observing. In fact, it was like knowing that someone in his bedroom was short of money but deliberately. Throwing all your money in a prominent place on the desk is the same.

“So, how much have you learned.” the other party asked.

“It’s seven or eight.” Su Bai is not humble, in fact, he only has one touch or touch, and the other party gave him the best interpretation, that is, the other party’s clone is drawn from the surrounding environment Instead of relying on the deity to conduct power transmission, even if the clone’s power is weak, but if it can have the same ability to connect with the surrounding environment as the deity, then the very weak power will definitely not be related to the weak after the huge increase Up.

When I heard Su Bai said that I basically learned it, the other party was not surprised at all. They are all high-level listeners, and naturally they are smart people. If you can’t call them like this, how can such a fool get through the beginning? Experiencers, ordinary listeners, low-level listeners, and senior listeners all the way to the present?

The other party continued to look at Su Bai with a smile, and made a request, saying,

“So, do you have anything worthy of my interest?”

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