Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 26: Chu Zhao’s phone call

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Ying Ying’er drove a white car. When she entered this road, she reduced her speed, and then quickly found Su Bai who was standing on the side of the road and looking around like a little Afei.

The car stopped and put down the window. Ying Ying’er put her left hand on the window and looked at Su Bai outside with interest.

“What’s the matter?” Su Bai walked around, opened the door and sat down in the passenger seat.

“It feels like you were so cute just now.” Ying Ying’er smiled, “It turned out that the man who had been very serious and cold, suddenly relaxed, his charm was so great.”


Su Bai looked at Ying Ying’er’s clothes, a white professional suit. Although she still couldn’t hide her beautiful figure in her clothes, it was still far from the feeling that Su Bai wanted before. .

So, it is inevitable to be disappointed.

For Ying Ying’er, it’s not difficult to understand people’s hearts. This is her main specialty. She is even a lecturer in a major psychology elective course in Shanghai, and she understands men’s in this state. The mentality seems to be even simpler. The majority of women who are more normal minded can become a “controller” at this time.

Men’s pursuit of **** and women’s own holding of **** have created this tacit relationship between the sexes for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Of course, there are also some unique episodes, such as men and men. For example, lesbians, or women’s needs exceed men’s, but the main theme has always been the demands of men and the selective giving of women.

“You are in such a hurry, I can’t have time to change my clothes.” Ying Yinger shrugged her shoulders helplessly, then pointed her red lips with her finger, “Look, I didn’t even apply lipstick.”

“Then go find a store for breakfast and take me back…”

Before the vernacular of Su finished, she saw Ying Ying’er take out a white convenient bag from under the seat, black stockings, leather boots and some delicate underwear from it.

Close the car windows, Ying Yinger looked at Su Bai and said:

“Fortunately, my car window film can completely block the sight of outsiders. I will change it here.”

“Do I need to get off?” Su Bai asked while looking at them.

“If you can’t hold it anymore, you can put my car seat down. In my heart, whether in school or in my studio, I often have to deal with some opposite sexes who are interested in my body. It upsets me and sometimes gets angry. How to reject them reasonably and not embarrassingly has become the first lesson of my psychological practice.

But facing you,

I really have an urge to take my own initiative to you. I don’t need you to be responsible, and I don’t need you to have any psychological burden. I won’t cry and shout to be your son’s stepmother. “

Su Bai took a deep breath, then spit it out slowly, turned sideways, watching the intellectual woman in front of her slowly take off her clothes, and then watched her slowly put on her stockings and leather boots, the whole process In, reveals an extremely elegant beauty.

She can actually shoot underwear ads, no matter the action or the form, she is just right.

After changing her clothes, a Ying Ying’er with wild and ecstatic gesture appeared in front of Su Bai.

Su Bai stretched out his hand and hooked her gently, “It’s so beautiful that I can’t bear to destroy it.”

Ying Ying’er stretched out her tongue, and took the initiative to put Su Bai’s finger into her mouth and sucked. When she found out that Su Bai’s eyes really didn’t mean any evil thoughts, she reluctantly moved Su Bai’s finger came out,

“I’m obviously still timid, why should I make excuses for myself?” Ying Ying’er stared at Su Bai cleverly, “Actually, you are also a mental illness, do you know?”

“Come and listen.”

“Excessively stingy with feelings, coupled with extremely high mental cleanliness, you are unwilling to do that with women you look down on, but the kind of women you look up on you are afraid of physical What concerns will appear after the relationship, it should be only in recent years, you should have no less women before.”

“It seems that I have to have one more mental issue.” Su Bai sighed.

“What do you want to eat?” Ying Yinger asked, putting her hands on the steering wheel.

“Eat noodles.”

“Bah.” Ying Ying’er gave Su Bai a light sip.


In the ramen shop, Su Bai and Ying Ying’er are sitting face to face. With Ying Ying’er’s attire at this time, it is really difficult to prevent other male diners from taking a peek, but everyone knows that this woman It’s not the object of casual chatting. Her clothes and the temperament of her whole person really make people have a daunting self-knowledge.

Ying Ying’er wanted a small bowl of ramen, while Su Bai had a big bowl and added a portion of beef. Ying Ying’er didn’t have a very good appetite, so she was watching Su Bai gulping. Eating.

After eating the noodles and drinking the soup in the bowl, Su Bai touched his pocket very contentedly and took out a cigarette.

Ying Yinger took the initiative to pick up the lighter Su Bai put on the table to help Su Bai light a cigarette.

Su Bai nodded to Ying Ying’er.

“When will I go to my place for another treatment?” Ying Ying’er asked expectantly.

“In a while, I guess I really can’t hold it now.” Su Bai replied honestly. In his mind, the queen that Ying Yinger wore when she treated herself for the first time naturally appeared in her mind. Installed.

“It’s really a pity, by the way, is your detective office still open?”

“Why do you suddenly ask this?”

“Some problems occurred in the building on my side. A part-time job company wanted to cover the floor where I was located. It planned to buy out our lease and compensate. The price is very good. I have already agreed to change the studio. .”

“Go to my place. The key can be directly with the management there. I shouldn’t go back to work during this time.” Su Bai said.

“Oh, it’s different for all ages. Even if you don’t even have the money to eat a bowl of ramen, you still don’t pay attention to these cheesy dummies.”

“The prodigal is used to it.” Su Bai laughed at himself, got up, “Send me back.”


The two walked out of the ramen shop, outside, the sun was just right.

“After I relocate the studio, I plan to go out and relax.”

“Yes, where are you going?” Su Bai asked casually.

“Dali, one of my best friends opened a homestay in Dali. I plan to stay there for a month.”

“Cangshan and Erhai a month, in fact, I will be bored.”

“It depends on the mood.”

As soon as the two got into the car, Su Bai’s cell phone rang,


Su Bai’s hand trembled slightly, as if he was afraid to take the phone.

Ying Ying’er noticed this detail, but she didn’t see anything. She didn’t see it and didn’t rush to start the car.

After a while, when the phone continued to ring, Su Bai still picked it up and pressed to answer:


“Su Bai, it’s me.” Chu Zhao’s voice came over the phone.

Su Bai pursed his lips and continued: “What’s the matter?” In fact, Su Bai knew in his heart what would happen, but couldn’t help but roar in his heart.

Why, why,

I have entered the story world and done so many things, is there still no way to change the ending?

A sense of powerlessness spread all over Su Bai.

“Xun’er, something happened to Xun’er.” Chu Zhao eagerly said, “I remember he entered the story world two days after me. I called her today, but her mother answered the phone. I asked Where is Xun’er, her mother cried immediately,

After her mother finished crying, a man next to me took the phone and scolded me. His daughter has been in a car accident and died for more than half a year. Why did I call to irritate his wife on purpose.

That’s Xun’er’s parents. They kept Xun’er’s mobile phone after Xun’er passed away. They charge it every day and take them with them as thoughts.

I just checked the alumni circle of the Moments of Friends and some social circles of the government departments related to Xun’er~IndoMTL.com~ Judging from the feedback there, in their opinion, Xun’er really She passed away half a year ago, and many colleagues and colleagues have posted articles and circles of friends mourning her. “

“Where are you now.” Su Bai asked, his voice a bit cold, because Chu Zhao lied to himself.

“I’m on the road, I don’t know where you live.”

“I’m next to the school on Heping Road. I’ll go to the school gate and wait for you later.”

“Okay, I will come right now.”

Hang up the phone,

The smoke in Su Bai’s hand burned a lot, and the ashes fell into Ying Ying’er’s car.

Su Bai reached out and gently brushed off the soot, apologizing a little:

“Sorry, it soiled your car.”

“It’s okay.” Ying Yinger unlocked the car door.

Su Bai pushed the car door and got out of the car.

“Then, I’ll go first.” Ying Ying’er said to Su Bai who was standing outside the car, “Next time if you want to be sentimental, you can continue to ask me.”

Su Bai waved to Ying Ying’er, who also started the car and left.

When Ying Ying’er’s car drove away from here, Su Bai held the cigarette **** in his palm, then spread his hand, and the cigarette **** fell.

“I, you young man, why don’t you talk about quality so much? I cleaned twice in the morning, and new cigarette butts appeared every time.” An aunt cleaner with a broom and dustpan told Su very rudely Bai shouted.

“Sorry, there will be no next time.” Su Bai said.

“I want to have another time.” Just as the cleaning lady swept the cigarette **** in, she wanted to raise her head to teach the young man a few more times, but found that the young man who was standing in front of her had suddenly disappeared and she looked around. There was no one, the cleaning lady took off her hand and rubbed her eyes, a little afraid:

“My birthday, these days, staying up late to watch dramas makes people hallucinate during the day.”

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