Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 211: It’s disgusting, right?

Killing seems to be an eternal theme, and it is also the daily life between listeners;

Just as people would invent “cockfighting”, “dogfighting” or even “underground boxing market” and the more ancient Roman duel field, they think that higher creatures will always have a kind of naturalness for what they think of as lower life. To control their desires, to control their life and fate, etc. to obtain a sense of self satisfaction.

This is like a food chain, the instinct of life rhythm;

This is human nature and the commonality of all things.

For the first time, Buddha felt that the hatchet in his hand was so heavy. He couldn’t remember how many times he had swung it, and how many times he fought back and forth with the sword of the opposite Qin Jun.




This emotion began to spread across the battlefield.

This is a boring killing with no actual benefit, a killing simulated for the sake of killing.

Finally, a long ge caught Lord Buddha’s hatchet, and then a long sword swept over. Lord Buddha was flew away. If it weren’t for his hard body, he might have been cut in the waist just now, but even But now, a deep bone wound appeared in his abdomen.

Take a deep breath and spit it out again. Facing the Qin army formation in front of him, Foye felt hesitated for a while, as if he was facing an uncrossable sky.

He is not Yugong. In fact, if Yugong hadn’t sent the so-called gods to descend to the earth, he could not move the mountain.

The fighting around was still going on. Foye didn’t take a long time to rest. He just glanced at the Fatty and others who were still setting up the formation behind him, and immediately raised his hatchet and rushed over.

Broadcasting selected suitable opponents, or simulated the strength of the opponents that these people can deal with, coupled with the conscious cooperation of themselves and others, will not be instantly collapsed, nor will they be crushed, but I want to To defeat the opponent, it is also a long stalemate.

Sills seems to be the most elegant person in this battle. This is a boring and cruel killing, but for him, he seems to be painting an oil painting against the Seine. He looks very light and elegant. , The two long swords from time to time dance out dazzling and splendid sword flowers, which outlines the beauty of a lotus pond after the rain.

But the Qin Jun’s long battle formation is like a hedgehog, making Hills unable to start with the last intensive finishing touch. All your attacks and efforts seem to have no effect, but Hills still stabilized his mind, and continued to wave his own chic.

The second round of formation was set up, and the monk and Fatty opened the formation together, welcoming the teammates who were fighting in front to return.

The two long swords of Hills released a high-pitched training, swept down, and after being responsible for the break, the others left the battle group directly and retreated into the formation.

This hand-to-hand encounter has also come to an end temporarily.

On the opposite side of the formation, Qin Jun began to consolidate his robe or heal his wounds, and on the other side of the formation, many listeners were also hurrying to recover.

No one speaks, and no one wants to speak.

The fat man didn’t know why this emotion spread. He couldn’t figure it out, but he, who has always called himself a socialite, now looks a little tired.

The monk sits cross-legged, restoring his mental power, and arranging the formations continuously is also a huge consumption for him, but he has to arrange it, otherwise the endurance of the Qin soldiers and the endurance of their army After a stalemate came down, the opposite must have persisted to the end.

Hills has a faint feeling of being a leader, but he just issued an order during the war. Normally, he didn’t regard himself as a leader. He didn’t bother to be this role. After all, generally speaking, a group of desperate people. The leader of the disciple is often the first to die.


Qin Jun’s bugle sounded again, which means that they are about to start the second round of offensive.

Looking at the wound in his abdomen, Lord Buddha recovered slowly because of the energy from Qin Bing’s sword remaining inside. He was surprised, why the opposite Qin Jun could organize the second round of offensive so quickly.


This is the sound of horseshoes,

A cavalry with about thirty men roared from above the canyon in the distance. The armor on them was very simple, and even the horses were not armored.

“There are cavalry?” The fat man scratched his head, “The Qin soldiers not only passed by themselves, but also brought the horses with them?”

“That’s not a war horse.” Buddha’s eyes narrowed slightly. “It is a monster soul refined with the blood sacrifice of a monster beast, injected into the body of the war horse, and mutated another creature. There is such a record in Tantra. In the legend, there is a high-ranking monk in Tantra who pointed out such a creature, but it is too harmful to the heavens and has great defects, because this kind of magic is already incomplete, and it is only in the hands of the pre-Qin Qi refiner…”

Speaking of this, Lord Buddha suddenly understood something, and said: “If those Qin soldiers used the resources of that world, it would not be impossible for them to train these war horses to increase their strength.”

“Xu Fu crosses the east, if Xu Fu is there, it is indeed very possible.” The monk also said at this time, “The legend says that Xu Fu took five hundred boys and girls overseas to establish a country of his own. Let’s not talk about the authenticity of this legend, but at least it can show that Xu Fu is not a pure alchemist, he has his own ideas.

It now appears that what we are about to face is a situation where we are going to ebb and flow.

The listeners of the past generations of broadcast have basically eliminated the pinnacle power of that world. The Qin army of that world can almost rule the king. They can use the resources of a whole world to develop and arm themselves, and they can even do whatever it takes, regardless of cost.

For broadcasting, because it is no longer possible to recruit new experiencers, the strength of the two sides is indeed reversed. “

In the previous battle between the two sides, there were less than forty people left in the Qin’s phalanx. Now a group of cavalry has been added as a new force. The audience’s morale, which was originally relatively low, has now slipped further.

If you don’t know that the purpose of broadcasting this story world is to simulate, some people may just choose to quit now. If you quit now, you will go to that world to die in the future. Everyone still understands this truth.

Sills walked to the monk’s side at this time and said: “Wait a moment, I will go with you to break through the opponent’s army, it will be too difficult if you don’t break the army.”

The monk didn’t ask why Hills chose him, but he nodded and said “OK”.

The charge of the cavalry came in an instant. These horses trampled in the void. Although there were only more than 30 horses, they created a feeling of galloping horses. Fortunately, these cavalry themselves are not strong, half of them are low-level. Half or even half the strength of advanced listeners.

“Get up.”

Sills shouted.

Everyone stood up again, the formation was being attacked by the cavalry, and the Qin army infantry regrouped and crushed it.

A new round of fighting is about to begin,

But no one knows,

This exercise,

When will it end?


“Is this the answer you want to give me?” Su Yuhang stood up, Su Bai couldn’t see his expression, nor could he figure out the expression of this man, because Su Bai knew that the other party came to him and used the so-called Friendship, family affection and other things trying to convince oneself is an impossible thing in itself.

Su Bai believes that Su Yuhang also knows this.

“Anyone has a purpose in doing things, even if it is aimless, this aimlessness is actually a kind of purpose.” Su Yuhang slowly said, “We are all quail of fate, without ourselves. The power of choice, at least there is no way to choose according to your own preferences.

I will inform those friends you know about the content of my chat with you today. At that time, you can be prepared to deal with their choices. “

“Really cheap.” Su Bai smiled and spit out these two words.

“The waves hit the beach, and the tide rises and falls. It is a phenomenon that manpower cannot stop. I know what you think in your heart, and I know your hatred towards me. I don’t care, I don’t care.

I took over a game of chess that was played to a dead end by others. I want to save this game. It is destined to spend more thoughts,


Change the rules of the board. “

“But in this case, this game of chess loses the meaning of winning or losing.” Su Bai looked at Su Yuhang~IndoMTL.com~This is why you have been showing up recently to change some things? Previous broadcasts would not do this. “

“It’s because it doesn’t do this, that’s why things become like this, and then they don’t want to do it, and the mess is thrown to me. In fact, even I don’t know how exactly Alexander was cold. The beautiful consciousness leads to the way it is now.

You are right, if you change the rules of the board without authorization, then winning or losing will be meaningless.

But at least I can guarantee that I will not lose. “

Su Yuhang turned around, looked at Su Bai, looked at his son, and smiled:

“You can go back and ask your son, I know that you love him very much. At this point, you are doing better than me. We can’t restore what happened to you, but at least we can create it for the next generation. Create a good environment.

When he grows up, he can be a strong man in another world, a scholar, and even start a sect. Even if he creates his own king, he can live a life of freedom.

He hasn’t grown up yet, he has a future,

As a father, I am dereliction of duty. You still have a chance. “

“Is it bad to be a human being?” Su Bai asked suddenly.


“Is it good to be a human being?” Su Bai glanced at Su Yuhang. He doesn’t even bother to say sarcasm now, “It’s easy and cool, with friends, relatives, someone cares about you, someone really considers you, Isn’t it good to be a human?

Look at what you are now,

People are not people,

A ghost is not a ghost,

Come to face my son with a shy face and pretend to be warm and reserved and use the term “father love” to convince me,

Also let yourself,

It’s disgusting, right? “

“It’s a bit.” Su Yuhang confessed generously, “But in my conversation with you this time, your answer is not important, is it?”

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