Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 196: Old monk

“What song is this? It sounds very cheerful.” The fat man asked Su Bai while drinking a drink.

Actually, everyone did not go to the bar, but Hills held an open-air ktv conference on the Erhai Sea, and set off a bonfire unlawfully, which attracted many nearby tourists to stop here. Drinks are free here. , And three groups of managers who came to question have already fallen asleep directly in the background.

A high-end listener who does not kill, destroy, or engage in religion, but just wants to open a small open-air party. This is a small request that even the broadcast cannot bear to refuse.

“”Oneofus” is a classic from singer joanosborne’s first album “relish”.” Su Bai took a sip of wine, “Sills had a lot of money at home before he became a listener. I have also organized a band.”

“Oh, it looks really tall.”

At the end of the song, the fat man clapped his hands,

“But it doesn’t feel so grounded.”

Looking around, the fat man saw the men and women eating and drinking gathered around him, and he thought about the environment here. It seems that the people here don’t need such things as local qi.

“Dabai, do you know, in my eyes, what is the most beautiful music.” The fat man suddenly asked melancholy.

“The music team in the rural funeral.” Su Bai gave the answer without hesitation.

“Huh?” The fat man looked at Su Bai unexpectedly, holding Su Bai’s hand with one hand, and sighed dimly, “Bai, you know me.”

Su Bai pulled out his hand, wiped it with the paper towel on the table, that kind of dislike was beyond words.

“It’s a pity, even in the rural areas now, there are fewer and fewer funeral bands, the kind of bad sound and inferior microphones, and the feeling of singing “Go home often” at other people’s funerals. Slowly it will become a memory of the past.”

Fatty loses the more he talks about it. Perhaps this is Fatty’s own dream and his true obsession. Before he became an audience member, he was a Mr. Funeral in the countryside below Sichuan, even before advanced audiences. In the process of refining his mind, the fat man deliberately went back to his old profession and started a new team.

“I have a dream!” The fat man suddenly roared out, and Su Bai knew that he was pretending to be drunk because alcohol would not numb them at all.

“Martin Luther King is a black man.” Su Bai interjected suddenly.

“Ahem…” The fat man gave Su Bai a grieved look, and the lyrical atmosphere disappeared immediately.

Hills quickly entered the second song. He is like a wheat tyrant. He is not democratic at all, but he sings really well, especially the authentic English songs in English accent, at least for the people present. For the audience, it is no less than an audio-visual feast.

The little guy sat on Su Bai’s lap, looked around from time to time, and yelled “babble” from time to time. It was obvious that he was very excited.

“You think I am mentally ill, you think I am already seriously ill;

Go tell the psychologist that I am abnormal;

Exhausted, give me a fatal blow;

But you like it best when I lose my mind;

To tell you a secret, I am not afraid of anything;

What about my insanity, all outstanding people are a bit crazy;

Those who have the ability will be a bit crazy, and all those who have the ability are like this……”

“This song is a bit interesting, very interesting.” The fat man shook his head and moved to the rhythm, then took out his phone and asked, “What is this song?”

“”Madhatter”.” Su Bai handed the little guy to the fat man and then got up and walked out a distance. He suddenly felt a little upset. It was not caused by Hills’s singing, but from the deep soul. The restlessness.

It would be fine if Ying Ying’er was here at this time, a man might be like this, even if Xun’er is very close to him, but the two sides have already maintained a tacit understanding of that distance, there is no longer the slightest possibility of involvement, and Ying Ying’er’s caring and irresponsible freedom seems to be what is really scarce in life.

Su Bai suddenly thought that broadcasting would no longer recruit experiencers, so if he brought Ying Ying’er by his side, he would not have the same worries as before.

It’s just that it seems a bit too selfish to get people back from the United States simply to meet their own needs,


Who cares?

“Donor, I see desire in your eyes.”

After the sound came to him, Su Bai turned around and saw a little novice in clean clothes standing there, chanting the Buddha’s name to himself with his hands together.

This little novice monk is quite familiar.

Su Bai remembered that when he first came to Dali, he met this little novice at a guesthouse. The little novice once told himself that there is no saint in this world.

“Coincidentally.” Su Bai passed the beer in his hand, “A bite?”

The little novice monk licked his lips, but still shook his head, saying: “The master said, drinking is a mistake.”

“Drink it, I will find you a beautiful young lady.”

Su Bai bends down at the little novice monk so that he can look straight at the other party,

The eyes of the blood race carry a strange evil charm, as if the world is the simplest and direct temptation.

In fact, the blood race can always survive and multiply, and it is against the background of the dark being defeated by the light camp. It is also a major reason to be good at tempting humans.

Of course, this reconciliation is different from the ultimate illusion, but Su Bai felt that it was enough to tease the little novice in front of him.

The little novice monk seemed to become “vulnerable” under Su Bai’s gaze, his eyes became muddy, and the original clarity disappeared, and he could only be brought into the ditch by Su Bai, the “bad uncle” , Drink half a bottle of wine directly.

“Miss Sister…Miss Sister…” The little novice monk who can’t drink enough is already shaking.

Su Bai smiled and patted this guy on the head. This guy has a relationship with him. Last time I saw him, I saw him this time. Of course, he is different from Su Yuxuan. Su Yuxuan is a soul boy, and this little novice monk is just a Ordinary little monk.

Su Bai is not old and wealthy. You can’t see people’s history, but sometimes it seems boring if you are omniscient and omnipotent. To a certain extent, the old wealth and wealth are actually related to those who want to seek death and deliberately give their position to Su Yuhang and his wife. The broadcast consciousness is very similar, and they all feel that they are having a very boring life.

Taking some money out of his pocket and stuffing it into the little novice monk’s bag, Su Bai smiled and signaled that the little novice monk could leave. He should have come for alms.

It’s just that Su Bai doesn’t know which temple he came from, or who his master is.

“Miss Sister…Miss Sister…”

The little novice went back happily, but then stopped at the Erhai Sea. Su Bai looked at him. After all, he teased him with the wine, in case this guy accidentally fell into the river and drowned. It’s not that interesting anymore.

“Miss Sister…”

The little novice kept coughing, talking to himself, and then he suddenly became silent. His silence seemed a little weird to Su Bai, because at this moment, the little novice’s whole personality All seem to have changed.

Su Bai walked over, and the little novice monk turned his head slightly and looked at Su Bai. From his eyes, Su Bai saw an old Chen, as if he had seen through the vicissitudes of reality.

“Boy, it’s not a good practice to teach children to break the vows, it’s too detrimental.” The little novice monk’s voice still sounded immature, but the tone and style of speaking was like an elderly man.

“I really didn’t see that you are still growing up in someone else’s family. They have a life of their own. Isn’t it hurting you to live with someone else?” Su Bai asked back.

“Joke, I am his ancestor. Of course, I have to stay and protect his line. This child has roots of wisdom and can’t let him die.” The voice sounds a little serious, yes, this kind of people generally treat themselves Inheritance cares very much, even more than paying attention to his children.

Because the descendants inherit their own blood, and their disciples inherit their own spirit and ideas.

Some people think that the preservation of blood is very important, while others think that the light of their thoughts is the key to their eternal existence.

“Are you also a listener?” Su Bai asked, “A listener who died long ago.”

“Hey, boy, old monk, can’t I be an eminent monk?”

“You didn’t even ask the audience what it was.” Su Bai smiled.

The old monk was stunned for a moment, and said: “You actually **** me.”

The little novice monk carefully looked at Su Bai again from top to bottom, then slammed his mouth and said: “It’s a pity, old monk, I died on the battlefield of another world, and now there is nothing left. The next ray of remnant thoughts survived every day while this child was asleep and told him the scriptures, but it did not catch up with the scene of wealth and honor.”

Su Bai is noncommittal.

“You and your father are really alike.” The old monk suddenly said again, “Wealth he planted on your father and son.”

This is an outrage from a friend’s point of view~IndoMTL.com~ Indeed, the old monk is right. The old rich and wealthy was first pitted by Su Yuhang, and then gave up the chance of rebirth for his so-called godson. Was pitted by father and son.

“You are not asking for help.” Su Bai said calmly.

The little novice monk was choked up. Yes, Su Bai was right. On weekdays, the old monk can only recite the scriptures to the little novice monk about Buddha in his dreams, but this time, he came out, which means that he The wisp of soul cannot continue to exist.

“Help me take care of him, old monk, I know, now there is no cause and effect to make him a listener.”

“I can find him a master monk, a master who is no lower than you, but, the conditions.”

“Conditions?” The little novice was angry. “I am your uncle. When I was with your father and your godfather, they all had to call my brother!”


“You kid, do you have to be like your father!”



“Then I’ll kill him in a while, so that you will never be the last.”

“…” Little novice monk, “I had Nirvana before going to that world, and I have relics left. I can tell you that position as a condition for you.”

“Deal.” Su Bai took another sip of wine and said with a smile, “The master I found for your disciple is the reincarnation of Monk Huiguo, how about it, isn’t it worse than you?”

“You father and son, carved out of a mold.” The little novice monk angrily said, “The old monk is just that little thing, and you have to knock the bones out.”

“Okay, you can talk to your disciple and grandson again, you are almost gone.”

Su Bai turned around and walked towards the distance,

Standing at Erhai Lake,

Under the dark night,

The front is vacant,

As in the past,

As your own future…………

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