Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 189: A devout pilgrim

“Did you really intend to kill him before?” The fat man asked as he drove the car. The man had a cigarette in his mouth but did not light it.

Su Bai put his hands behind his head, put the seat down, and lay halfway in the car. Hearing this question the fat man asked himself, he said, “What do you mean?”

“Half true and half false, if someone else does it, it will really feel fake, but if you do it, the fake will make people feel real.” The fat man replied.

“Whatever.” Su Bai took out the bottle from his arms. There were a few drops of blood in it. At this time, the blood in the bottle showed a brilliance and restrained feeling.

“If I don’t bring that body back, are you going to drink it to regain strength?” the fat man asked.

“Perhaps, but the side effects of drinking it are more obvious.” Su Bai sighed, “Especially my condition was really bad at the time. It is difficult to suppress its side effects.”

Su Bai remembers that after absorbing the drop of Ansister’s blood last time, he was intermittently muddled for a long time. At that time, he was still in his peak state, and if it was a serious injury, he swallowed these drops. Blood, it is very likely that you will get lost in the memory of blood.

It’s like Zhuang Zhou’s Mengdie. If you don’t know what is external memory and what is your own memory, the degree of danger is terrible. If a person’s memory is tampered with, his past is forgotten, and his own is blurred Identity, this is not much different from death.

Su Bai had read a philosophical novel before, which means that human life actually has many ways of expression, not just limited to whether the body is still active; if a person’s memory is tampered with, Or let one person’s memory be replaced by another’s memory, regardless of whether the theory holds true or not, but this feeling is like a person is still alive, and the person who was alive is actually considered dead.

“Let’s wait for the monk and Gyatso to wake up and we will help you protect the Dharma and bless you before devouring it. Last time the three of us helped you bless you into the memory of that vampire. We all felt a lot of pressure. If you go in alone, it’s really easy to lose yourself. Moreover, the guy who you inferred to survive that period must be very dangerous. Although we refined him that time, who knows Will this be his suspicion.”

Su Bai nodded, if this risk can’t be taken, it’s better not to take it, especially if there are more moths on the way to work now, it will cause confusion.

“Can you be sure that the address given by Birdman is correct?” Su Bai looked at the fat man.

“It should be right. I personally set up a confession table and asked the old man to testify, and then he swore in the name of God that he did not lie. I think there should be no problem.”

“Belief or something is actually worthless.” Su Bai said calmly.

“This kind of thing is usually put on the mouth to shout slogans, but if it is in a formal setting, then it must be taken seriously, otherwise it will bring great disasters to yourself, his inheritance and strengthening It’s more straightforward and direct than my Taoist school. Most of them actually cultivate a kind of “celestial and human induction”, and get blessings from God or the power of heaven. I’m just worried that he might give them over there. People whispered.”

“Even if he wants to vent the news, he won’t report it now. I guess he will have to wait for the two of us to report the news after they arrive, forcing the lamas to follow us to kill the net, instead of coming to stun the snake first. Those lamas had a chance to escape from our tracking.

If he wants to retaliate against us, it should be this pattern and rhythm. “

“Is the fish dead and the net broken?” The fat man pursed his lips, “They didn’t kill me, and they never made any gestures or thoughts to kill me, so if I retaliate, I can only beat them half to death. But I can’t kill them, otherwise I will be punished by broadcasting;

But you can, they almost killed you, and you and them were never before. That’s why I didn’t chase them directly, but went back to Shanghai from Nanjing to find you. “

Su Bai looked at the fat man, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Maybe Su Bai didn’t know what this smile meant, either.

“I believe it.”

Su Bai said calmly.


That night, after boarding the plane to Lhasa, the fat man went to sleep, and Su Bai could see that he was really tired.

From the first self-breaking soul to atone for his sins, to being attacked later, and then counterattacking those lamas, to finally setting up an array to forcefully suppress the angel, the fat man actually never rested.

It’s not like Fatty’s style. The reason may be that Fatty has guilt in his heart. He previously concealed that he was comprehending cause and effect, which has caused cracks in his relationship with other people. Later, because of his mistake, the three of Su Bai and Gyatso were almost killed. If the fat guy wants to restore a little relationship, the only way is to take revenge, before the monk and Gyatso wake up. , Otherwise, he and Su Bai will be completely strangers in the future.

The plane landed first, and the shock when it landed awakened Fatty. He rubbed his eyes and asked, “Is it there?”

“It stopped in Kunming, but didn’t arrive.” Su Bai flipped through the newspaper in his hand.

“Oh, it’s not there.” The fat man fell asleep again.

When I arrived at Lhasa Airport, it was already late at night. In the plane, most of them were tourists, and the entire cabin took half of the space. This resulted in two servings for one person when the food was distributed. After the fat guy ate two servings Seeing that Su Bai only ate a little casually, he took another portion of Su Bai and ate it.

After exiting the cabin door, you can see a warning sign reminding tourists to walk slowly and be careful of altitude sickness. For people living on the plains, suddenly going up to the plateau, even if the steps are hurried, it is uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Su Bai and Fatty’s physique are beyond ordinary people. The two of them went to a car rental shop in the front building of the airport almost non-stop. Fatty ordered the car before, and at the same time gave people a tip to make people wait for themselves The flight does not close until it arrives.

The fat man drove first, and Su Bai was sitting in the co-pilot position, a bit bored.

Because of the better weather, the starry sky at night is quite beautiful. Fatty drove the car intently, while Su Bai stared at the night sky in a daze.

Unfortunately, this is not a walk-and-go trip. Whether it’s a plane or a galloping car, it’s actually in a hurry. Some things are not destined to be kept for long. Before the news leaked, Su Bai hopes to find the hiding place of those lamas.

First, they were scared to go to Shanghai with eight thousand grievances with them. They were so scared that they would spend their origins and destroy all the magic circle at a very fast speed. Then they were attacked by the fat man with thunder robbery. Now those three people should be in a very state In a very poor state, only the guy named Amuri still has a body, and the other two lamas only have the soul.

It was when he was sick and killing him.

The fat man drove the car all night, and waited until the morning of the next day before stopping in a service area to refuel and eat something.

Perhaps, because they are not used to the decoration style and atmosphere of the service station, Su Bai and Fatty both bought food and ate them in the car.

“Dabai, we are already separated from traditional tourist attractions. I didn’t expect that there are so many tourists who are basically traveling by car.” The fat man said while biting on the bread.

“For the literary and artistic young people, they came to purify their hearts and pursue a higher level of B. Traditional scenic spots have been developed too well, so there is no way to satisfy their style, so they can run. Farther, I hope to see something more primitive.”

Su Bai took a sip of orange juice. The orange juice tasted obviously not very good. The water was a bit serious, and it looked like a bit of sour plain water.

“It’s really leisurely.” The fat man opened the door of the car and looked forward while chewing on the food.

There is a group of pilgrims, marching towards the holy place in their minds. There are many well-dressed tourists next to them to take pictures and take pictures.

Every October, there will be a large number of people from various regions and Yunnan, Gansu, Qinghai, and Sichuan who have visited the Buddha in the past. They are the places where they go to Potala and the Jokhang Temple to worship the Buddha after harvesting the crops at home. The believers of Tibetan Buddhism have always had a point of view~IndoMTL.com~ They must visit the Buddha once in their lives.

There is a Buddha statue in the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa that was consecrated by the Buddha himself during his lifetime. There are only three in the whole world. The one in the Jokhang Temple became “jue lying”. Sakyamuni said, “Seeing my Buddha is like seeing “The deity”, pilgrims usually go to a village or a family, and there is also a person. They take food with them and kowtow three steps all the way to their heads. They believe that kowtow will eliminate bad karma for themselves. To Elysium.

The fat man stretched out and took out some change from the car. It seemed that he was going to give alms like those tourists.

“Dabai, I think they are truly pious like this.” The fat man exclaimed.

“The spiritual and material conditions of human beings are often in a state of ebb and flow.”

The fat man clearly understood Su Bai’s implication.

“Da Bai, you are really a little fresh destroyer.”

Su Bai smiled slightly, put the food down, took out a paper towel and wiped his hands.

The fat man walked over and gave a hundred yuan of change to a female pilgrim.

Su Bai sat in the car and watched this scene. In Su Bai’s view, perhaps the fat man’s personality has really changed a lot since he realized the cause and effect. The fat man in the past was more materialistic than anyone else. And egoistic.

Perhaps, the old fat man feels more kind.

The fat man turned around and motioned to Su Bai to take a picture of him. He finally came here once, so he had to keep a memorial or something.

Su Bai had no choice but to pick up the phone that the fat man had put in the car, turned on the camera and pointed it at the fat man,


In the camera lens of the mobile phone,

Su Bai saw the female pilgrim who had just taken his money behind Fatty suddenly turned into a cloud of black mist, and then a sharp dagger pierced Fatty’s back directly! ()

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