Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 178: Lan Keer

The door was pushed open, and Gyatso came in with two big pockets. One pocket contained food and the other pocket contained clothes. This bit of food is easy to buy. If it’s clothes, I guess I just opened the shop and went in to choose. Of course, Gyatso should have left enough money. Although the Buddha seems to be miserable, the money on Gyatso is really not small.

Su Bai walked over, chose a set of clothes and changed it on, looked in the mirror, and smiled:

“Father, I feel like you have a good taste.”

The clothes that Gyatso chose for Su Bai are indeed okay.

The fat man hurriedly took out the food from the bag and began to distribute it. He was extremely hungry.

The monk didn’t eat the cooked food, but he boiled water and soaked a bucket of noodles. The monk was not a kind of stiff form. In the story world, let’s not say it’s meat. He would have nothing to keep him alive. Eat it without hesitation, but in the real world, just pay attention to it.

Gyatso was eating bread silently, and Fatty and Su Bai were eating the cooked food and barbecue.

For a while, only the chewing sound of the food left in the room. “Fatty, I don’t speak much anymore.

“What’s wrong, the atmosphere is a bit wrong.” Jiacuo asked.

Fatty talked about what was discussed earlier.

After listening to the fat man, Jiacuo took a sip of water and simply said, “Interesting.”

Then, he picked up a chicken claw in the cooked dish and took a bite. Obviously, even if he was as calm as Gyatso, after listening to these, he was still a little nervous.

This night, the monk sat cross-legged with Gyatso. Su Bai and the fat man had a bed. When the next morning, the fat man stayed and prepared to do the dojo for the institute. Su Bai, the monk and Gyatso first Planning to go back.

When I entered the high-speed rail station, there was a lot of people inside. Because several high-speed rails were delayed due to special reasons, more passengers were stranded in the train station.

While waiting for the bus, Su Bai was leaning on the wall and playing with his mobile phone. He was a little bored. The monk was strolling around with Gyatso casually. It is estimated that these two monks had more things to discuss about last night. Buddhism itself has its own perfect worldview. If the real purpose of broadcasting is to promote the return of modern human beings, then monks and Gyatso can also find some real-life fragments from the myths of Buddhism.

This is a very important thing. If it can be confirmed that a certain mythical story actually exists, then focus on searching and digging, and maybe you can find the relics in that mythical story.

Su Bai shrugged. Even though there are a lot of people in the train station and the air conditioner is turned on, the temperature in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is really not so friendly these days.

There is a large LCD TV above my head, and a movie is playing, “Myth” starring Jackie Chan. Su Bai actually watched it so seriously and put his mobile phone in his pocket.

Without him, after personally experiencing the prosperity of the Qin Army in that memory screen, Su Baiqing couldn’t help but become more interested in that dynasty.

It’s just that the main theme of the story of “Mythology” is still based on emotional lines. For Su Bai, who watched the movie with a purpose, it was indeed a little unhappy.

Su Bai remembers a Jackie Chan movie that I went to the cinema to watch a few years ago, called “The Hero of the Sky”. That movie simply shot a political propaganda film from the beginning to the end. The role of Jackie Chan from the first sentence to the end A line can be directly translated into: national harmony is good.

“Excuse me, sir, no smoking here.”

An aunt cleaning lady walked up to Su Bai and reminded.

“I didn’t smoke.” Su Bai said.

“The cigarette **** under this foot.” Auntie Cleaning sighed and swept away the cigarette butts below. Obviously, she thought that Su Bai was the kind of person who would never admit it.

Su Bai smiled. Who told him to stand just below a few cigarette butts?

Looking at the time, it was almost time to check the ticket. In the distance, Gyatso and the monk came back from a walk all the way, and nodded to the two people, and the three went to the ticket gate together.

After the ticket gate, there is still some distance to walk. At this time, there are a lot of people and the stairs are a bit crowded.

In front of Su Bai, there was a girl wearing sky blue jeans and a white down jacket. The girl was tall and had very long legs, dragging a purple suitcase.

Xu was because the surrounding was too crowded. When the girl was walking, a book that had been caught under her arm fell accidentally.

Su Bai squatted down and picked up the book. This is an original English book with the title “Count of Monte Cristo”.

“Thank you.” The girl took the book from Su Bai, turned around, carried the suitcase and started walking down the steps, a very straightforward female image.

Su Bai didn’t even go up and strike while the iron was hot and said I’ll help you carry the suitcase, but stopped at the same place, and the three of them walked down together after the monk and Gyatso walked over.

Entering the car, the three of them have tickets for consecutive rides, but Gyatso is sitting with the monk on the left side, and Su Bai is on the other side across the aisle. When Su Bai sits down, his next seat suddenly issues Voice:

“What a coincidence.”

It turns out that the girl sitting next to me is actually the girl who just helped pick up the book.

The girl’s smile is very sweet, with two charming dimples, especially the kind of refreshing energy revealed on her body, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Su Bai nodded, did not say anything, closed his eyes after sitting down, ready to take a nap.

Sitting over there, the monk and Gyatso were still talking in a low voice. It seems that they are talking about **** more and more. On weekdays, these two monks are masters who cherish words like gold.

The girl sitting next to Su Bai continued to look at her book. Su Bai found out that she was not using this book to pretend to be x, but she was really reading it as a novel and reading Have relish.

The conductor walked over and asked the passengers if they needed drinks and other things, Su Bai opened his eyes,

“A bottle of mineral water, thank you.”

“I also want a bottle of mineral water.” The girl also said.

“Okay.” The conductor offered two bottles of mineral water.

Subconsciously, Su Bai reached for his wallet, only to remember that he didn’t bring a wallet when he came out this time. It was the fat guy who was paying the bill, and when he was about to borrow money from the monk sitting across the aisle, the girl was Take out the money,

“Give the two bottles together.”

The conductor glanced at Su Bai meaningfully. Perhaps, in her mind, she thought that Su Bai was just doing something so that the girl would treat her guests. A man who is reluctant to ask for a bottle of water, even if he looks good. , It’s meaningless.

“Thank you.” Su Bai twisted the bottle cap and took a sip of water. To tell the truth, Su Bai felt a little embarrassed, especially when he just took out his wallet but did not take it out, as if he was afraid that he would have to give money. Give the same to the girl next to you.

As for whether the girl thinks that way, Su Bai doesn’t know. It seems that the other party doesn’t care about such trivial matters very much.

“What language are they talking in? I thought it was Tibetan at first, but now it shouldn’t be.” The girl seemed to be talking to herself and she was asking Su Bai.

What the girl said, naturally the monk sitting across the aisle and Gyatso, Su Bai knows what these two goods are discussing now, if you use Chinese, it is estimated that other passengers in the vicinity think these two people are crazy .

“It’s Sanskrit.” Su Bai said.

“Sanskrit?” The girl was a little surprised, “It’s so amazing, that monk and the people around the monk can speak Sanskrit?”

Sanskrit is one of the 22 official languages ​​statutory in India today, but it is no longer a daily communication language. In 2001, only 40,000 people mastered the language. It is the least spoken language among the official languages ​​of India. In a sense, Sanskrit, like Latin and ancient Chinese, has become a living fossil in linguistic research.

That’s why the girl was surprised that the monk and Gyatso knew Sanskrit.

It seems that he noticed Su Bai’s gaze. The monk turned his head and smiled at Su Bai, and then went back to discuss with Gyatso. The two of them even took out a map they didn’t know where they bought it from. Analyzing something on the phone map.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai couldn’t help being a little big head. If the two monks really infer that a certain Buddhist legend is true, they must be pulling themselves to find and dig together. After all, he owes them. Two people have such great personal affection, they have to be repaid.

“Are you with them?” The girl looked at Su Bai and said.

“Well, we are together.”

“Do you know Sanskrit?”

“I won’t.” Su Bai told the truth.

The girl looked a little disappointed, “Then can you give me the WeChat of those two people, I want to ask them some things about Sanskrit in the future, sorry, I was abrupt, because I am a language major .”

“That’s okay.” Su Bai didn’t feel that his horse was abducted. After all, Young Master Su had already passed the “age” he wanted to own when he saw a beautiful girl.

Take out the phone, Su Bai clicked on the WeChat account between the monk and Gyatso, and asked the girl to take it. Su Bai didn’t say “Let’s add WeChat first” from beginning to end.

“Thank you so much. When you get to the station, tell your friends and I will add them.”

“OK~IndoMTL.com~no problem.”

About ten minutes later, the high-speed rail arrived at the station, and the passengers took off their salutes from the luggage racks to get off the train. This time, Su Bai was a gentleman and helped the girl remove the luggage.

The girl took the suitcase and smiled at Su Bai, “By the way, I haven’t asked your name yet. My name is Lan Keer, how about you?”

“Su Bai.”

“Goodbye, Su Bai.”


The girl got out of the car with the suitcase, and Su Bai stood there waiting for Jiacuo and the monk to pack the map and walk over.

“Blue Kerr?”

Su Bai looked at the monk and Gyatso next to him, and said to himself:

“How do I think this name seems to have been heard before?” (To be continued.)

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