Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 17: The murderer!

   If the identity of the murderer cannot be found this time, then I don’t know when it will be next time. Moreover, this time it is actually because of the paper man or the behind-the-scenes murderer who is still following the predetermined trajectory and development. , Is walking the known plot, so for Su Bai and Gong Zihai, there are still traces to follow, at least know when and where, this paper man will appear,

   But, what about next time?

   Next time, who is the goal of the paper man?

   Where will it hide and suddenly appear to give you a fatal blow?

   No one knows this, and no one can guess it. Even if the blood bag is always ready by the time, it is probably impossible to prevent it. In addition, Gongzihai himself was injured. Except for the fact that Gongzihai was able to stand up against the paper man a little bit, the man in sunglasses was directly frightened and fled, Guo Gang was directly tortured and killed, and Su Bai himself was unable to deal with this. Level attack, so, this time, it is really the last chance. If you can’t follow the paper man to find the real culprit this time, then things will be completely out of control.

   This is also the reason why Su Bai did not directly take revenge on Gongzihai when he confronted the paper man, because he wanted to live and killed Gongzihai. He alone could not carry the paper man and the backstage. Black hand.

   The paper man should have been soaked in blood, and he felt a sense of vitality. The speed was not very fast, so when Su Bai chased it down, the paper man did not fly far, even now it is flying. , Still seemed very reluctant, not flying very high, unable to look like a paper kite.

   That’s it.

   Su Bai covered his cheek with one hand, but still couldn’t stop the blood from flowing out continuously. This was nothing, because Su Bai had no time to deal with the wound now, and he was almost right. The whole piece of meat on the cheek was directly cut off. The injury was very serious. The only good thing was that it was not fatal for the time being. Moreover, I did not lose the ability to move because of this. That is to say, the whole person should now look like a million. It’s horrible.

   After Su Bai chased for a long time, the son Hai fell off the stairs one by one. He climbed to the entrance of the corridor, and simply gave up his intention to chase down, and sat down directly against the wall of the corridor entrance. , Muttering:

   “Damn, if this newcomer is really caught up, most of the reward distribution for this task will be him, it is too cheap for him.”

   Gongzi Hai knows that although he is a bit unwilling now, he can only hope that Yu Subai can follow the paper man to find the murderer behind the scenes and help everyone complete the main task.


  Wait until the paper man recovers well, or the beneficiary makes a new one again,

  , let’s wait for the end one after another. This paper man exists in reality. This case was originally a supernatural incident. After being incorporated into the story by the “horror broadcast”, it became more powerful and terrifying. , Otherwise, if it is in the real real world, Gong Zihai is confident that he can suppress this paper man, or even tear it up, but here, he can’t do it.

   Here, Su Bai felt shocked that the paper man actually drifted through the school gate all the way.

  ”The murderer really was from the school.”

   Su Bai didn’t feel the slightest surprise at this point. The deceased were two students. Chen Chu’s girlfriend was also thrown away on the campus, so it’s very likely that the murderer was someone from the school. If you are outside the school, you don’t really need to be so serious.

Who is   ?

   school worker? teacher? Or is it a student?

   Fortunately, the omission of the storyline really helped Su Bai at this time. When he chased the paper man from the community to the school gate, no one came across. There was no car on the road. There are no security guards in the security room at the entrance of the school, and no students or people can be seen on the campus.

   Otherwise, if there are pedestrians or students around or there are security guards in the security room at this time, then with the image of Su Bai now covered in blood, it is impossible to continue chasing the paper people in the school. .

   However, let’s think about it from another angle. If in a story, several characters have worked so hard and died or injured, and finally found a glimmer of light. At this time, they were suddenly intercepted by a group of passersby or security guards. Coming down, the ray of light was extinguished in this way, and it was too much for the audience to vomit blood. Maybe the “horror broadcast” is also for the continuity of the story, so it is convenient here, and it does not follow the realistic style completely.

   The paper man seems to have chosen to enter the forest deliberately to get rid of Su Bai, but Su Bai is also a student of this school after all, and because of the establishment of the murder club, even Su Bai is not as good as the real killer missions. A professional killer, but it can also be regarded as a habit of carefully observing the surrounding environment.

  This forest, Su Bai is very familiar with, so that paper man wants to get rid of him here, it’s difficult!

  The paper man kept running around in the woods, his body flickering and flickering, but Su Bai observed it calmly every time, and it was still difficult for the paper man to continuously get rid of Su Bai’s perspective and achieve the goal of getting rid of it completely.

   Just as Su Bai got closer and closer to the paper man, the paper man’s body actually started a kind of molting, yes, molting;

  The paper man shed his skin, and two identical paper men appeared.

   This is a very strange phenomenon, and it also dazzled Su Bai. For a while, the three paper men flew in three different directions in the forest. Su Bai didn’t know which one to follow, and if not Plan early, and after the paper man flies away completely, then everything is too late!


   Su Bai gritted his teeth. He is now unwilling to choose one of the three bets, but time is running out. It seems that no bet or a bet seems to be impossible, but if the bet loses, the result is really unimaginable .

   However, at this moment, a ray of light came from the walkway outside the forest. Su Bai was very familiar with this light.

   light shone on the three paper men in turn, and finally, the paper man in the middle also responded with a faint light.

   is that!

   That’s right!

   Su Bai stopped hesitating, and chased the reflective paper man.

   Located in the aisle next to the forest, a man took off his sunglasses and rubbed his eyes. There was blood dripping from the eye sockets. Obviously, it was a burden for him to see through the face of the opponent from such a distance.

   For Su Bai, the chase is still going on. A paper man and a man seem to be engaged in a fierce battle of endurance, and both sides are doing their best.

   However, the paper man’s condition seems to be worse, because Su Bai saw that its flying height is constantly getting lower, and even in the end, it has only become a body dragged to the ground and flies, and it can’t be lifted at all. .

   It’s almost dead!

   It must hurry back to its owner;

   and where it is going,

   is the location of the murderer!

  Finally, the paper man couldn’t hold it anymore and flew out of the woods, as if he didn’t intend to continue entanglement;

   However, afterwards, something unexpected happened to Su Bai. After the paper man passed through the forest, he flew directly to the dormitory.

   Su Bai chased all the way, until the end,

   actually came to the door of the dormitory where I lived!


   has been living in the same dormitory with myself?

  What a joke!

   Su Bai suddenly felt a very ridiculous feeling in his heart~IndoMTL.com~ but he still chased in, because he saw the paper man go in, he would not be dazzled.

   entered the dormitory building, and followed the paper man above that was almost unable to fly. The paper man really couldn’t fly. It was almost lying on the ground and began to slide, and the speed started to slow down. , Now if Su Bai gritted his teeth, he could still go straight up and grab it, but Su Bai didn’t do that. What he wanted was not the paper man, but the black hand behind the paper man.

  If the paper man is gone, the murderer can continue to make a new one and destroy a paper man. It is meaningless to Su Bai. As for why the paper man must return to his master in this state, Is it an instinctive reaction, or is it a story line that was originally broadcast to the next terror?

   If Su Bai is the murderer himself, and the paper man loses his hand, he will probably cut off the contact between himself and the paper man directly, letting the paper man fend for himself, instead of letting it lead him to find him.

   Of course, maybe the murderer also has an unspeakable concealment, or after the murderer released the paper man, he lost the ability to continue remote control, so he could only let the paper man act according to his prior instructions.

   Finally, on the third floor, the paper man just stuck to the ground and got in from under the door crack in the dormitory. First his feet went in, and finally his head. Before he went in, he looked at Su Bai who followed. After the blush on the face of the paper man was soaked with blood, it became even more weird.

   Su Bai stood at the door, his face full of disbelief:

   “It’s him!”

  At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Su Bai’s mind:

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