Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 169: Give up!

Father looked calmer, he walked over, looked at Fatty carefully, then walked to Su Bai’s side, and looked at Su Bai, as if he was confirming something.

“I am not a clone.” Su Bai guessed what Buddha was thinking and said directly.

“Neither am I.” The fat man replied.

“But the clone may not even know that it is a clone.” Foye spread his hands and said, “So, in fact, we can’t tell if we are a clone.”

“But at least it is certain that one of us is real.” Su Bai smiled and said, “It is impossible for broadcasting to arrange three clones in a story world, which is meaningless to it. , Even this story world has lost its original meaning.”

“At least one of them is real.” The fat man murmured, “I think I am real, Dabai, will you let me kill?” Then the fat man shrugged again, “Damn, who cares Whoever fakes it, just do it. After all, there is still a time limit. Now I can only hope that Fusu’s humanoid missile will be launched soon, otherwise the three lucky three treasures of us will really have to explain here.”

From beginning to end, Fatty didn’t say that he regretted helping Su Bai. Although this was Fatty’s own choice, even if Fatty had weighed it before making this choice, it must be said that Fatty chose more or less Less affected by Su Bai.

The same goes for Buddha.

As for the monk, in fact, the monk cannot be said to have been completely influenced by Su Bai, because the monk inherited the inheritance of his previous life Master Huiguo, which is equivalent to adhering to the beliefs of the previous life, so he has to go this way, whether he has Su Bai or not. The reason for Bai is that the monk’s choice is actually constant. After all, Master Hui Guo wanted to suspend the broadcast at first, but he didn’t have this opportunity at that time.

“The incense will burn in about an hour.” Fatty added, “That means we still have an hour to play.”

“One day in the sky, one year on the ground, you can’t count it like that.” Foye shook his head, “Maybe we are in this story world for an hour, but we can spend a few months in the real world.

In short, if there is a real success, the broadcast will stop in time even if we are close to the final minute. There is no such thing as success over there. We are already divided into birth and death.

So, there is no need to worry. “

After finishing speaking, Lord Buddha took off his robes and stood shirtless, his eyes were like torches, staring at Su Bai. Su Bai could see the majestic warfare in his eyes, as if he could not wait. .

It seems that Lord Buddha has been staring at me for a long time…………

Su Bai measured his head slightly, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if his thoughts were a bit wrong.

The fat man did a warm-up next to him, and then he bent down and picked up the rune paper he had just thrown down like being cool, and blew the dust on it.

“Unfortunately, a monk is missing, otherwise we can fight against Lu Bu with the Three Great Britain.” The fat man said regretfully.

“I have no opinion on Shuang,,/. Fei.” Su Bai said indifferently.

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and then immediately shot back: “Damn, obviously I and Buddha are at 3.,, /P you!”

“Let’s go on together. In fact, you also know that now you, together, are not my opponents.” Su Bai said half-jokingly.

If you change to other audiences to this position as usual, it is impossible to have this relaxed atmosphere in a life-and-death situation, but at the moment these three people seem to have no self-consciousness.

“Fight as long as you hit it, you will die anyway, it doesn’t matter, the one who is alive will live for the dead.” Foye set a tone, and then began a series of magic patterns on his skin. Appeared, and at the same time the magic flame rose up.

The fat man didn’t hesitate to tweak anymore. Two talisman papers were thrown out to form an enchantment, and then he began to step on Yu Step, preparing to trigger thunder.

There is no need for too much politeness, and there is no need for too much falsehood. This arrangement of broadcasting seems very angry and has lost its former style, but broadcasting is after all broadcasting, and the story world is after all the story world, everyone No choice.

If there is no choice, just accept it.

“Come on, fat man, let me see if you can lead Lei down!”

Su Bai’s body shape disappeared in place and rushed directly to the fat man.

Faculty’s body was horizontal, and his fists swept out, but Su Bai’s speed was so fast that he bypassed the Buddha in an instant.


The hatchet flew out from the ground and directly slashed towards Su Bai. Su Bai pressed down with a single palm, and slapped the palm directly on the back of the hatchet and flew the hatchet directly, while still facing the fat man. Bian rushed over.


To Su Bai, the fat man’s enchantment was instantly shattered like paper, and it did not play a deterrent effect at all.

“I have a fuck, you are paralyzed, you have to give me a big deal to kill Laozi!”

The fat man was very bitter. With a slap on his chest, three flying swords flew out from behind him, and a faint Taoist phantom flashed on each flying sword.

It seems that the fat man did understand a lot when he was thrown into the wine jar by Chen Ru.

Three flying swords swept over with the will of Sanqing. Su Bai had to avoid the edge for a while. This time, he let go of the suppression of the fat man, and Foye also passed through again, with the hatchet in his hand, smashing Huashan. !

Su Bai leaned over and kicked the Buddha’s chest with his leg raised.

The hilt of the Buddha’s sword crossed, and Su Bai kicked the sword, but the magic flame on the Buddha’s body was also extradited.

A cyan brilliance appeared from Su Bai’s skin, isolating the demon flame from Foye’s body, and Su Bai punched it again and smashed it down at the Buddha.




Fighting against each other three times in a row, Foye stabbed Su Bai with a hatchet for a few times. Su Bai’s fist was not afraid of the hatchet in Buddha’s hand, and after the confrontation, Foye’s momentum began to be suppressed more and more. Go down.

“Thunder and five elements, the avenue has no boundaries!”

A sturdy lightning bolt fell vertically from the air, and directly hit Su Bai under the lead of the Fatty Qi.

Su Bai did not evade this time, but spread his arms and opened his mouth.


The power of thunder was directly instilled from Su Bai’s mouth. For a while, the silver snake dance appeared in the entire duel field with Su Bai as the center, and then a continuous explosion sounded.

If it weren’t for the dueling arena that was built by broadcasting, it was an “indestructible” item in the story world. It is estimated that even ten duel arenas would only disappear in the explosion just now.

When the smoke dissipated, Su Bai still stood there, not even the clothes on his body were damaged in the slightest, just lightly measuring the side of his head, there was a crisp sound from the neck.

The fat man is about to crash next to him, his face is full of tears,

Fuck, the thunder that I led was actually swallowed by you!

This is a fart, and the strength is seriously unmatched. This product can be steadily defeated even by high-level audiences. He is still a beginner, and Foye is only an intermediate. Two days of salted fish tied together. It just becomes a bunch of salted fish, what’s the difference?

“Broadcast, this is not fair, you can send another helper down, I think Chen Ru’s wife is good!”

The fat man shouted around.

The Buddha rubbed the position of his wrist. In the confrontation with Su Bai just now, he knew that Su Bai had left some leeway. Otherwise, in the fighting style shown by Su Bai before, he would not stop dying if he said it better. , It’s like a mad dog, biting you without letting go until it bites you completely.

At this point, Foye dropped the hatchet in his hand on the ground, and said calmly:

“I lost.”

Seeing that Lord Buddha had given up the treatment, the fat man stopped resisting. He simply sat down on the ground, took out a pack of cigarettes, bit one in his mouth, and lost one to Su Bai.

“I want too.” Buddha said.

Just like that, the three brothers sat in the middle of the duel with a cigarette in his hand.

The fat man squinted his eyes, took a cigarette, slowly spit it out with his mouth and inhaled it with his nose, and finally spit it out again. The old **** was in a mess of comfort. He shook his head, smiled, and said:

“Broadcasting arrangements let us kill each other~ IndoMTL.com~ put on such a scene, we are ready to watch a good show, so let’s make the broadcasting not good show, this is a kind of disguise. Supported the great cause of anti-broadcasting by the people of the world?”

“This is not its style.” Su Bai raised his head, still looking at the two thrones at the top of the center, “It’s not their style.”

“Yes, in the past, even if broadcasting lost its sense of measure, even the time when your parents merged with broadcasting, broadcasting simply announced that it would stop broadcasting for a period of time. Cope.

Even if it is to punish the story world, it is impossible to just throw the three of us in this duel and rely on a stick of incense to fend for themselves.

If it wants to, it actually has countless ways to kill us completely, instead of watching us sit here and smoke. “Father Buddha said.

“But I don’t see any hope of winning.” The fat man patted his belly, “Mother, I’m still confused.”

“Me too.” Su Bai echoed, “The last time the broadcast was stopped, I was involved in the incident as a poison, but this time, I can’t see clearly. Since you have been drawn The story world, then there are only monks in the real world, and monks are not free.

So, after all, no one can help Fusu.

Or to put it another way, if the broadcast consciousness, including Su Yuyang, Liu Mengyu, and the two of them are careless, it must be someone with enough weight who is fighting against them.

We are just a slogan who is waving the flag and shouting nearby, so people now disdain to deal with us. “

“Whether it is a dragon sleeve, it will be clear if the incense continues to burn.” Buddha pointed his finger at the incense. At this time, the incense had already burned more than half.

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