Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 167: God

Broadcasting has its own period of weakness. It is the strongest and most desperate existence for most of the time. When everything is ready, it starts to borrow the resources of a world to continuously cultivate its own When the audience went to attack another world, it was the most invincible state. It was stronger than the Macedonian Empire and the Qin Dynasty at that time.

At the moment, it is in the stage of broadcasting the moving node. It was a period when all the threats before and after the body were completely wiped out. However, because of a cooperation between Alexander and the First Emperor two thousand years ago, it was a hidden danger for success.

But it’s like a remote-controlled bomb. If it fails to send the signal, then the bomb is no different from a rock.

Once you wait for the broadcast to resolve this world and move into the next world, even if the Five Hundred Fiends wake up again by accident, it will be difficult to shake the existence of the broadcast, because the broadcast can be carried out in that world using the natives of that world. Cultivation, when the time comes, its cannon fodder will appear in batches to solve any problems for it.

But even now, as the operator of the game, the audience, as the player in the game, wants to beat the broadcast in the game,

As Chen Ru just lamented: It seems that there is really no hope of winning.


It has been a month since the last group war. The last line of defense organized by this world has been completely defeated. Of course, it is not so much the last line of defense, it is better to say that the world has some strength. The last carnival of the strong, the **** carnival.

Litchi stood alone by the stream, her hair wet, apparently, she had just bathed.

This world no longer has any power to reconstitute itself. It is estimated that it will only take another half a year to clean up the remaining junk fish.

This feeling is like the U.S. invasion of Iraq back then. Iraq’s formed army basically fell apart under the swift and violent offensive of the U.S. Army. It either surrendered quickly or was destroyed directly. In fact, the U.S. military spent money on the post-war clearance The energy and time are far greater than what is consumed when fighting against regular Iraqi forces.

Litchi remembers that in the last war, the opponent did not even have an adult dragon, only three lizard dragons appeared, and there were only seven gangster-level natives left, and they all fell during that war. Most of the remaining batch were also strangled.

The listeners are invaders. They enter here with the will of the broadcast, and the local aboriginals actually do not exist whether they can become a pseudo-army or lead the way. The broadcast needs to clean up all possible threats in the world. , At least, the existence of high-level listeners cannot be kept. As for other creatures, if they choose to hide by themselves, then the broadcast may also turn one eye and close one eye, just as there are many secrets and some in the original world. Like hidden monsters.

They may be the little fishes that the radio finally hides when they conquer the world. The little fishes without the spirit of resistance and fighting spirit are left by the radio as a spice of life.

The posture and rules of broadcasting have allowed the conquered world to lose options other than resistance at least from the existence of top combat power. Broadcasting has no mercy or appeasement. What it loses is just a batch. Nothing but cannon fodder, the cost is really small.

Litchi sat down next to the big tree. In the distance, there was a group of walking merchants. On the hillside further away, you could see the woodcutter. Yes, there are humans in this world, but they are taller than their original world. Human beings should be taller. Adult males should be more than two meters tall. A child who is just ten years old is 1.8 meters tall.

However, Litchi feels that when they exterminate a series of powerful ethnic groups such as giants and dragons in this world, the population of humans in this world will expand rapidly, and their height may also be reduced because of this. They no longer have natural enemies in the true sense.

This world is very big, much larger than the earth, and unlike the earth, the land area of ​​this world is larger than that of the earth, which means that the number of species in this world will be many times that of the earth. .

Originally, this world is civilized. The civilization built from the top down by its peak strength is intricate, and it can be called a special one. But because of the invasion of generations, the upper structure of the world collapsed. It directly affected the original trajectory of the middle and lower layers of this world.

Wars, plagues, mutations, etc. began to happen non-stop. This is a mess of scattered sand.

Some civilizations are annihilated, while others remain. Lychee has seen gregarious tribes resembling savages, has seen an empire structure resembling a feudal dynasty, and has also seen the existence of a political system like the Roman Empire in the past.

A great man once said that what changes the world pattern is actually the change of productivity, but in Litchi’s view, it is nothing more than a sign of the transition of civilization to technological civilization. One hand is constantly stirring this change in hopes of slowing down Slowly change the civilized attributes of this world.

Of course, Lychee wouldn’t study this kind of thing. She didn’t have that interest. After taking a bath, she wandered around.

The death of Jaime Mei is equivalent to losing her contact with that world. This makes Lichee feel uncomfortable. She is a strong woman who likes to control everything in her own hands. At the same time, She is also a vengeful woman.

It’s a pity that the “brother” who was pitiful and sick with him originally didn’t recognize the hatred in his heart, but Lychee believed that at this time, he had a chance.

Now, it’s nothing more than waiting for the radio to move here.

And the opportunity she wants will appear at that time.

Litchi doesn’t want to control whether she can succeed or not. She just wants to take revenge. Perhaps, from this point of view, she is very similar to Su Bai.

In front, a village appeared. The population of this village is much larger than the ordinary village entrance. It is about 10,000 people. In fact, it can be regarded as a small city, but the people here are relatively stupid. Their predecessors were originally slaves of a certain big country. Later that country collapsed. They were equivalent to having freedom in disguise, but they were still accustomed to the life of former slaves. They didn’t get any manifestation.

They are not savage, but at the same time they are not in touch with civilization. They are the abandoned sons of this era. They don’t have the courage to master their lives, they can’t build or create, and they don’t know what it is. Enterprising, they are waiting for another army to pass here and take over their lives. They seem to be more accustomed to being slaves.

Some people, you let them think, you let them learn to be their own masters, for them, it may be a torture.

The bizarre social structure and the unbelievable chaotic order are constantly evolving and developing;

The listeners are gods, especially after the world’s top power is destroyed. To most ordinary people in this world, they are gods, out-and-out gods.

So, they will look at these ordinary people with the eyes of God.

Litchi walks among them. They have numb expressions, walking dead, or chaos, and whoever is whose child is whose father is here has lost all the meaning of existence.

They are dull, they are ignorant, they are dirty, and at the same time, they are also lazy and lazy.

Litchi feels that they are like a group of donkeys in human skin. If no one beats them with a whip, they don’t know what to do.

Fortunately, food in this world is not difficult to find, but anyone with hands and feet will not starve to death.

Walking along, Litchi suddenly felt that these people seemed to be a bit similar to himself and very similar to the audience.

Everyone has flesh and no soul. It is difficult for you to find the meaning of your own life~IndoMTL.com~ and you can’t tell what the road ahead is.

Perhaps, the audience is broadcasting one after another paving stones under the road ahead, one stone, you only need to lie where you should lie,



Need it?

Litchi was walking. She saw a crowded place in front of her. There were about a thousand people gathered together to kneel and shout. Although Lychee could not understand their language, she could feel that it was going. A sacrificial ceremony.

Most of the origin of human civilization comes from the worship of totems and gods. This is the most original form. Litchi has seen a lot of this.

And now these people who are worshiping, their eyes have a look that those outside people don’t have, the kind of fanaticism, the kind of belief, the kind of passion,


Let them gradually begin to break away from the essence of slavery. Although it sounds the same as a slave to a man and a slave to a god, the latter is obviously better than the former.

When Lizhi looked at the center of her eyes, she was slightly lost.

There is a stone sculpture in the center, and the stone sculpture depicts a woman stepping on a dragon.

This is a statue of a god, but it was made a little rough, but it can still be clearly distinguished. It is this woman who slays the dragon that these people worship.

The reason for Lychee’s loss of consciousness is also because of this woman, who is herself.

Ten days ago, she killed a lizard demon dragon that had escaped the battlefield near this mountain range. Not surprisingly, this scene should have been witnessed by many people here, and then they sculpted this stone statue.

In other words,

I am the **** in their eyes,

They are worshipping,

It’s actually me.

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