Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 15: The show!

This is a feeling in the dark, and it seems that Wang Xue’s own extravagant action finally stimulated the dark shadow. Here, Su Bai can be sure that it was Wang Xue’s message after the note that the murderer It was completely angered and laid the groundwork for the Shanghai drug poisoning case that later sensationalized the whole country;

Perhaps, if Wang Xue just treats it as an ordinary prank note that day and throws it away, or if he is in a better mood, he can write something and participate in it as a game, maybe, her ending and The future is completely different. 〈〔?(〈[

Of course, these things do not exist. If, Su Bai just relied on the records in Chu Jianguo’s notebook to simulate the scene in his mind. Everything is doomed and has been born, Su Bai is more like the senseless feeling in his heart when sitting in a movie theater watching a movie.

Getting up and leaving this study room, Su Bai walked into another study room, and then it was dawn.

The study rooms in universities are sometimes used as classrooms, but there are generally not many courses in universities. It is actually easy and simple to find a vacant classroom. When Su Bai was in university, he didn’t like to go Libraries, but like to find a vacant classroom alone with a cup of tea and some books to do his own thing.

However, the most people come from Xi in the evening;

Su Bai leaned back slightly and sat on a chair. The wind and clouds were constantly changing outside the window. The sky soon became grey and the sun set.

Students walk into this study room by appointment. Most of them will have their own preferences when choosing the study room, such as the specific location of the classroom. In this lecture room that can accommodate 100 people, there are more than a dozen at this time. The students are doing problems at the desk. No one is noisy and noisy in the classroom, and it seems very quiet.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai saw a dark figure and walked in from the door of the classroom. He paused for a while in front of the classroom, seeming to be distinguishing some people, and then voluntarily walked over and took a piece of paper. So blatantly placed on the table of a specific person.

Many students are not very surprised. Even Su Bai can feel that these students are very familiar with the person on this note, and even vaguely awe.


The word “awe” is a word that often appears in Chu Jianguo’s notebook, which means that the person on this note has a great influence among the students. It may be the teacher or the student union. cadre.

It is a pity that the investigation cannot be continued in depth because of the above call stop, because once it goes deeper, it will inevitably lead to great involvement and a chain reaction, even if it is not arrested, it is not The above-mentioned murder cases involving hundreds of key university students that Yiliwei hopes to see above sounded sensational, so Chu Jianguo didn’t know his true identity.

The male student in front of Su Bai also received this note, and seemed a little flattered. He even got up to express his gratitude to the person on the note, and then sat down and began to read the note.

Standing up, walking to the male student’s side, Su Bai looked at this note with him. The content of this note is also recorded in Chu Jianguo’s notebook. A very simple paragraph:

“Now, I have found a goal,

A crude and dirty woman,

A woman who thinks she is above the top,

A selfish and mean woman,

A woman who is disgusting and hard to look straight at,

What should I do?

What should I do?


What should we do!

Write the reply on the back. Throw it in the trash can before leaving. The cleaning lady usually cleans during the day the next day, so don’t worry that I won’t receive the note you left. Everyone’s reply , I saw it all, and I remember it all in my mind. “

The male student was very excited, turned over the note, and immediately wrote on the back:

“Kill her, kill this cheap woman!”

Su Bai frowned slightly. He felt that he understood the process and gameplay a little bit. In 1994, smart phones were still a long way from popularization. Even mobile phones were a luxury for most people. This method of conveying information and re-distributing it with paper strips can give the audience a sense of stability and excitement. The words written stroke by stroke will give the audience an immersive sense of sensory substitution.

This is a killing game;

Su Bai has been able to foresee how the exhibition will be done later, and at the end of the exhibition, a tragic ending belonging to Wang Xue will be brewed;

It is obviously unrealistic to let these college students who are the proud of heaven take the initiative to participate in a murder case, but it is undoubtedly unrealistic to use the inherent curiosity of young people in this way to get them involved step by step. It was a very avant-garde method in that era. After all, the time of the case was in 1994. It had not yet reached the era of the explosion of information technology. Human thinking still has great limitations, but there are people who can operate such a system. This kind of game, even as a bystander, Su Bai is very curious about what the real behind-the-scenes instigator has become today, more than 20 years later.

The lights in the teaching building were about to turn off. The students left the study room one by one and returned to the dormitory. The administrator also pulled down the switch from floor to floor. This study room quickly went dark, but, soon, A dark figure walked into the study room where Su Bai was, went to flip through the waste paper basket, and then put all these papers away, then left this study room and went to another one to continue collecting.

Su Bai followed out, and saw the shadow coming in and out of one study room after another. Chu Jianguo’s notebook recorded that there were nearly a hundred students who were actually involved in the murder, but these students were all alone. Or it is operated by a team of several people.

Otherwise, it is difficult for one person to perform such a large amount of work perfectly, and once there is a mistake in one day, the delivery of the note on a certain day is too late or the wrong person is delivered, then it will be let this The appeal of the game just collapsed.

After that, in Su Bai’s line of sight, two black shadows and three black shadows appeared, and finally four black shadows appeared.

Four shadows, it’s almost the same. No matter how many people there are, there is no need to continue this game. They can form a small killing game by themselves. There is no need to pull players outside, and there will be no such thing. Kind of fun for players to play games.

It’s bright again;

When Su Bai saw Wang Xue, he came to the study room in the morning, took out a book and sorted out his notes, very serious and focused.

Su Bai is leaning against the door of Wang Xue’s classroom, looking at the people inside, um, there is only Wang Xue inside.

In a short while, slowly, this self-study classroom slowly entered more students, almost thirty.

If you want to go to class, thirty or so people are not too many, but for self-study, thirty or so people are already quite crowded. Normally, a student who wants to learn by himself will subconsciously find fewer people In an empty classroom, it is best if there is no one on the left or right. This is more suitable for self-study.

Wang Xue was also a little stunned. There were a lot of people in this study room, but fortunately everyone was quiet, so she continued to keep her head down and do her own thing.

Su Bai walked in, reached out and flipped through a student book, and found a small note:

“This girl, is now studying in the second-to-last row from the left of the aj2o3 classroom. Do you want to see the target we are about to hunt?

Remember, keep quiet,

Remember, keep calm,

Remember, keep calm,

Yesterday, all of you replied that they wanted to kill her, ha ha; of course, there are still many people who can’t come because of the morning class, but it’s okay, there are opportunities, we just secretly observe Look at one’s own prey;

The reply is written behind a small note and thrown into the wastebasket of this lecture hall, the old rules, as usual. “

Putting the small note back on the table, Su Bai walked to the podium and looked at the 30 or so students sitting around. They all secretly looked at Wang Xue, the scene seemed very strange;

Wang Xue seems to be too forgetful about reading and taking notes, and shows nothing.

Su Bai suddenly felt like a joke, really jokes,

More than thirty students,

No one reminded Wang Xue,

Everyone really treats it as a game. After entering the rhythm of this game, they begin to examine their prey. The Arabian Nights is really the Arabian Nights, compared to the discussions on the Internet over the past two decades. The murderer’s background is too deep, that reasonable guess, the scene that Su Bai sees now is really hard to understand;

Time passed quickly, and all the students who came to observe threw their papers into the waste basket when they left the classroom.

Su Bai didn’t know what they wrote~IndoMTL.com~Because Chu Jianguo’s notes weren’t recorded here, and the contents of the notes he saw before were actually recorded by Chu Jianguo.

Later, because the investigation was interrupted and the case was sealed in dust, Chu Jianguo actually did not have detailed information in his hands.

However, at least we can let Su Bai look at this case in general.

Shadow came to pick up the note again at night, and then left.

Su Bai continued to sit on the podium, and the next day came soon.

Wang Xue did not come to this study room today, but there are still other students in this study room. Sombra came to the note again. There are a dozen students sitting here, and only three are given. Obviously, he Whoever gives a note also has its own purpose.

Maybe the first note was given to hundreds of people, and then layer by layer, in the end, it is estimated that there will be about a hundred left.

A killing game was done so exaggerated and obvious, but in the end it succeeded, and forced the police to suppress the case because the law was not responsible for maintaining stability. Judging from the result, they succeeded.

Su Bai walked to a girl. The content of today’s note is:

“Come on, let’s discuss how we should kill that woman. Do you have any suggestions?

Old rules, put the reply note into the wastebasket. “

This woman grew up a little fat and looks good, but Su Bai stood beside her, watching her start to write a note reply:

“There are ta substances in the laboratory, which are actually better than poisons for killing people, and now they are not detected at all in China. I think that this woman who uses this kind of thing to deal with her is truly dead.”

Su Bai pursed his lips,

True play,

Is it finally started. (To be continued.) 8 More exciting novels, welcome to visit Everyone’s Reading Academy

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