Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 145: Proof, success!

To a certain extent, the war of proof and path is more dangerous than the confrontation of mental power, because the physical confrontation can recover after being injured. If you get some natural treasures, it can speed up the repair, but the mental power confrontation is slightly worse. It will have a great impact on the soul. The problem of the soul is more sensitive and acute, and it is more difficult to deal with and deal with the aftermath. The proving is more cruel. The winner can step on the other to reach the top, and the loser will Facing the permanent shadow, there is basically no chance to preach again.

Before, Aunt Angel’s momentum was like a rainbow, and she was almost a step away from succeeding in her proving. It seems that the West will once again have a big audience after the train left, but, as Chen Ru took out a tombstone and another tombstone , The form has changed again.

“I, Chen Ru, preach here today!”

A tombstone phantom was pressed in front of him by Chen Ru, and then, the tombstone collapsed, Chen Ru’s aura was improved, but he did not succeed in proving, but soon, Chen Ru transferred another tombstone phantom. In front of me, the tombstone collapsed again!

The tombstones collapsed again and again, but there are too many tombstones observed in Su Bai’s memory. This can actually be regarded as a hidden welfare of civil servants, but it is only because Chen Ru has the ability to realize it.

The tombstone of the flowing water proves the Dao time and time again. The monk originally compressed the advanced stage at the cost of the cultivation of the patriarchs of the Qinglong Temple. It can be said to be extremely luxurious, but compared with the pomp of Chen Ru’s proving the Dao, it seems Really pale in comparison.

Su Bai stood behind Chen Ru. At this time, he was a bit like the man standing behind the successful woman, but this woman was really alive and well, even though she rubbed out from her memory again and again It’s not uncomfortable for me to come from things. That little mental energy consumption is just a drizzle for me now, but looking at her way of wasting, it is really a bit… jealous.

Without the place to prove the way, without the tombstone, sometimes people always criticize the hateful of formalism, but at this time Su Bai misses that kind of formalism a bit. No matter what, it’s better than everyone is now. Luzi blind* messing around much better.

Chen Ru’s eyes are extremely deep at this time. The collapse of the tombstones is to some extent the failure of her preaching, but her breath and realm are rising again and again at this time. At the same time, the originally compressed into a very narrow space began to slowly open up, and the sky full of stars seemed to be somewhat overshadowed when meeting Chen Ru in this state.

Aunt Angel gave a roar in her throat, like a beast roaring. As the saying goes, smashing a person’s job is like killing a parent. The struggle for the truth is that the one who fails will be completely lost and survived. Opportunities will eventually become scraps that are destroyed and processed.

So, Aunt Angel is naturally doing everything at this time,


To fight,

Also must fight!

“Praise the stars, you are the beacon that the Creator bestows on living things, you are the clearest temple in the world, you are the faith that I have guarded and persisted in my life!

The stars live forever! “

Aunt Angel’s body began to slowly disintegrate. At this time, she has sacrificed everything she has to the stars, and she has not left herself the slightest escape route.

Rather than struggling with failure,

It’s better to make a last-ditch fight!

The top of the Parc des Princes in Paris began to burn, and the splendid scenery like fireworks gave the nearby residents a dreamlike vision, but the danger hidden in it was enough to make high-level audiences fear and retreat.

The seven high-level French listeners at the bottom stopped what they were doing, because at this moment, the battle was no longer influenced by them, and the two above were no longer fighting in a pure sense. .

Said Dao, for them, it is no longer far away, it is more like something in front of them, and it is also a thing they must do successfully in order to escape the audience destruction plan. Now, this time the duel In fact, it was also a good observation.

Damis took a deep breath and exhaled it heavily. At this moment, he felt the greatness and magnificence of the proclaimer for the first time. Perhaps the senior audience symbolized the peak of human strength, and the proclaimer , Is more like another interpretation of “man will conquer the sky”, transcending the ordinary meaning, similar to the founding of the school, landing and becoming holy.

No wonder the difficulty of proving the way is so difficult. Damis shook his head, a little sigh, but more, he was envious, because he knew that it would not take long before he would take this step, and he would definitely take it. This step.

In the suburbs of Paris, Shils, carrying a silver box, stood in place, looking at the brilliance above the sky, with a little disdain in his eyes:

“It’s just the last struggle intertwined in two pathetic pitiful ones.”

Hills firmly believes that he will never be so difficult when preaching, nor will he encounter such a situation.

“Su, if the woman next to you loses, you will be dead, and I can’t save you.”


The stars are burning,

The tombstone is collapsing,

At this moment, two women who have accumulated a lot of money began to compete for detachment from all materials.

But the splendid stalemate is destined to be impossible to last, because according to the laws of nature, the more beautiful things are, the shorter the time. From another perspective, people will always be accustomed to the commonplace.

The aura of the two women has reached a critical point,

Actually, they are quite sad.

At least, in Su Bai’s view, it is so.

Whether it is Chen Ru or Aunt Angel, how are they worse than other people who have preached?

The more this time, the more Su Bai is grateful for the boss Liang, who is almost at the point of persuasion, who is more angry than others.

Of course, the p-share decides his head. Su Bai still hopes that Chen Ru can win, otherwise, he will have to be buried with Chen Ru, but just as the seven high-ranking powerhouses below are already doing nothing in the theater, Su Bai is now It can’t help much, and there is no place to blend in.

But the result,

It really didn’t make people wait too long.

The stars in the sky are the faith of this French aunt, and it is also the pillar of her indomitable courage. In comparison, Chen Ru is quite different. The tombstones are broken to look like vigorously, but they are a bit like two. The two kicks and “bangs” disappeared. Compared with the French aunt who was opposite, Chen Ru was almost so interesting.

But she, in fact, really has the chance to win. Everything she did before is nothing more than a kind of mutual encouragement. If she doesn’t insist on playing with the other party, the other party cannot be stimulated into this state. .

Chen Ru, who wanted to kill and prove the truth, is best at imitating, or in other words, copycats.

At this moment,

Chen Ru’s eyes flashed with stars, and her hand was raised gently, like a beautiful dancer under the stars, with a grace that belongs to her.





All of this, before today, was actually so unfamiliar to Chen Ru. At least Su Bai knew that this woman had absolutely no hobbies in astronomy and no religious beliefs. She was just a stubborn pair except for promotion. She has no desires and desires other than strength, but now, she has started to imitate herself again.


Love it, love it,


Change it.

In an instant, Aunt Angel saw a scene that made her extremely horrified, her own star power actually penetrated the opponent’s body at this time, and the other party, not only did not suffer the slightest harm, but seemed like a mermaid returning When you are in the water, you become happier, free, and comfortable.

All these changes caught Aunt Angel by surprise, and even more incredible.

For Chen Ru, it’s just the steps that she has always designed. Everything has definite numbers, and all have rationality. People who are good at imitating naturally know how to arrange each step.

Just like now,

Xingchen began to revolve around Chen Ru, seeming to be surrounded by its loyal followers, blessing her.

And Chen Ru kept manipulating the power of the majestic stars around him, slowly flowing into his body.


Chen Ru raised her head. In her eyes, there is no longer only Aunt Angel, only Aunt Angel.

This sky!

Immediately, her voice began to echo throughout Paris:

“Today~IndoMTL.com~ I prove here,

Bury the stars,

Build my heart! “


It’s boiling,

It is surprising, helpless, and unprepared. It seems that the script has been taken wrong, like the sun rising from the west.

Aunt Angel has already turned into a star and is desperate, but everything she has is beginning to gather desperately at Chen Ru’s feet,

“You thief, you thief, you shameless liar!”

Angry accusations echoed in the air,

The bloated French aunt was completely furious at this time,

A more terrifying ending than death,

It’s a wedding dress for others,

And this ending,

She met.

Below, the seven high-level powerhouses at the Parc des Princes in Paris all showed horror at this time. They never expected that a victory they thought was inevitable before would be distorted to such a degree. At the moment, they have no power to stop them, and they can only passively bear the result when the drama above ends.

Damis’s body began to tremble,

He knows,

Aunt Angel, I lost. I lost terribly and thoroughly.

A huge tombstone phantom condenses in front of Chen Ru,

On the tombstone, the stars are embellished, what is buried, what is gained, what is lost, what is gained, what is lost and what is gained, is the essence of the operation of this world.

But for Chen Ru, what she buried was someone else’s stuff,

Perhaps at this moment, her own path that she firmly believes in, her imitation, her habits, and her behavior have given her the most generous reward.

The phantom of the star tombstone was smashed to the ground by Chen Ru,

At the same time,

Her breath is like a river flowing east to the sea,

In an instant it changed a majestic atmosphere!



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