Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 133: Curse!

Su Bai’s current feeling is like watching an adult movie with vr glasses. In fact, vr glasses are still very tasteless now, and many people buy them not for the pursuit of gameplay but just want to experience it. The first point of view when special production. . Fastest update


It is the same as Su Bai at this time, except that this first perspective has been reversed. Su Bai now has a female perspective. A man has already taken off his clothes and went to bed.

Now there are two choices before Su Bai. One is to forcibly give up this opportunity to read the memory, and the other is to endure the nausea and continue watching. Fortunately, Su Bai’s mental quality has always been excellent. In addition, I just swallowed that rice field eel. What happened at this time was disgusting and nauseating, but Su Bai was able to stand it. The most important thing is that for a female corpse, the most important memory is that he was taken * At this moment, Su Bai also admits it.

But Su Bai still feels that things should turn around.

Sure enough, when the man’s head came down and his hands were ready to walk on the woman, a dagger suddenly appeared. The woman should have hidden the dagger under her body before, but at this time she shot directly and pierced the man’s chest.


The man grasped the handle of the dagger pierced into his chest with both hands, and staggered down. For a while, the blood was dripping. This should have been stabbing an important organ, not bleeding, but spurting blood. For a time, the sheets were also dyed red.


The man stretched out a hand, pointed at the woman, wanted to say something, but didn’t say it. He tilted his head and fell completely against the side of the bed. He couldn’t die anymore.

From beginning to end, what a man says is not Chinese at all, but another language. Su Bai is not a language expert, so he can’t tell the difference. But as a woman’s first perspective, he can perceive women’s emotions and Thinking, therefore, although Su Bai did not understand what the man said, he could understand the meaning.

The woman got up. She seemed a little bit unable to believe everything in front of her. She actually… actually killed him.

Because Su Bai saw the woman’s hands trembling through the woman’s perspective, a nervous and fearful mood was spreading.

If this matter is placed in modern times, it may be a serious manifestation of domestic violence. In fact, in the real world, it is really common for a wife to kill a husband or a husband to kill a wife. Of course, according to the previous situation, this It seems that the man and the woman are not husband and wife, but it is a bit like Yin Zhiping’s feeling that he ate Xiaolongnv in the first place.

Because when the woman got out of bed, the whole person rolled straight off, her limbs were sore and weak, it was obvious that she was poisoned.

But what’s the matter with the knife that stabbed so fast and brutally?

Is it true that the small universe broke out when my innocence was about to be defiled?

Su Bai is just an audience. He can only analyze it through the limited perspective given by the “lens”. You can’t say that you stand next to a woman and ask her, hello, are you poisoned?

The woman stumblingly crawled and ran, and fell a few steps after running. This room is quite big, not like the Huren’s bedroom in the traditional sense, but a bit like a palace in a palace.

However, when the woman was about to come to the bedroom door, the bedroom door was pushed open at this time,

A group of maids in white clothes came in, surrounded by a woman in a black robe. The rest of the women were covered with veils and could not see the true face. The only one who did not cover her face was the woman in black. But the black-robed woman’s face is full of potholes, like a beehive, and she will slowly squirm and open and close by herself. Ordinary people may be scared and sick at the first glance.

The woman knelt down and bowed to the black robe woman.

The black robe woman just stared at the woman and smiled, but this expression didn’t have the effect of a half smile on her face.

“I asked you to be his woman so that I can take over his country. Now that you kill him, I wasted a lot of effort to get this country, you know?”

The woman remained on her knees, shivering.

People are dead and killed by her, she has nothing to say.

This made Su Bai, who was an audience member, very dissatisfied. Fuck, you are begging for mercy, but you are just a defense. You don’t even put a word to let Lao Tzu get information. How can I know which era and which country this is?

But this woman seemed to admit her fate and was willing to be punished, so she didn’t say a word and just waited for her punishment.

“Since you don’t want men to touch you, then I will fulfill you.”

An earthworm appeared in a crease on the black robe woman’s face. The earthworm crawled out of her face, then crawled from her to the ground, and finally climbed in front of the woman.

The woman looked at the earthworm in front of her, her body shaking more severely.

And Su Bai can see clearly, shit, isn’t this the eel, is this woman planted with the eel now?

As an audience, you have to learn how to make up your brain, because some directors play well and pretend to be suspenseful. That’s called blanking. Some directors are poor, and the audience has to make up a lot of things. Besides, this woman doesn’t speak, Su Bai Can only work hard to make up for it.

In the previous few times, Su Bai absorbed the blood of ancient vampires and received valuable information.

The earthworm crawled all the way up from the woman’s knees, and finally, got in through the woman’s nostrils. Su Bai seemed to feel the feeling of a foreign body digging into her nostrils. It was greasy and greasy. I can feel something squirming.

“Well, I can build a grave for you. This is my punishment for you. You refuse to accept it.”

The woman lowered her head more respectfully, showing her surrender.

“Unless a man is willing to have a relationship with you, this curse will continue to torture you.” After the black-robed woman finished speaking, she smiled gloomily, “but I’m looking forward to it, I don’t know for decades Even a hundred years later, is there any man who is willing to do that with you.”

Su Bai suddenly came across, no wonder the female corpse inexplicably said “mating” to herself. This is the female corpse’s heart disease and the curse that has always accompanied her. She needs a man to mate with herself to end the curse.

But I don’t know what happened. The female corpse was discovered by a monk in the temple more than 800 years ago and was taken back by the living Buddha of that generation to suppress it.

Imagine a picture. When each generation of living Buddhas imposed a consolidating seal, would they ever encounter a female corpse and suddenly say: Ask for mating.

But it is clear that the aesthetics of living Buddhas in the past is still there.

In the end, the female corpse was sent to Su Bai as a gift by Gyatso, it was a complete tragedy. Compared with the living Buddhas who suppressed her in the past, Su Bai is simply a bug. The living Buddhas in the past can only suppress the suppression and then the suppression. She, however, can’t help her. In this generation, Gyatso has become an audience first. He has already broken the limit of strength that the living Buddhas of the past generations can reach, so she is less concerned about her, and when facing Su Bai Su Bai simply and rudely beat her up and finally forced the eel, who had not known how many years in her body, to crawl out and was swallowed by Su Bai wrapped in leaves.

To be honest, Su Bai was a bit pitiful for this woman. When he was punished, he was silent and willing. The situation afterwards can also be described as “tragic”.

Then, the picture became completely dark. The woman should be dead. Su Bai could feel the feeling of loneliness. This is the feeling of death. The woman died and went into the grave.

That country should be gone, but the female body is still there, because the curse is still there.

Su Bai doesn’t know who the black-robed woman is, but the other party’s evil tastes and torture methods really make people admire. This is not letting you die even hundreds of years after death. humiliation.

The memory is not over yet, even if it’s dark now, but Su Bai can feel the passage of time. It’s like watching a two-hour movie, with a plot in the first 5 minutes, and a shady 110 minutes in the middle, but It’s already pressing fast forward.


There was a violent rubbing sound around, and Su Bai could feel that all kinds of touch were recovering. Time, returned to normal. This memory should be divided into two parts, at least from the time span. It’s like this, the first period is 5 minutes, the latter period may be about the same length, the middle is the fast-forward time of the female body in her grave.


The lid of the coffin was lifted, and there was a starry sky outside. The female corpse slowly opened her eyes. I don’t know how many years of sleep, even if it’s a pig, you let it stay in a specific environment and Feng Shui position for more than a thousand years. I can conjure a pig for you.

The coffin board was lifted, and the female corpse opened her eyes. This is the rhythm of scamming the corpse. This is like watching a Hollywood blockbuster. A large part of the front is full of paving and disgusting blood to save the world. In the end, it will finally come. When it came time to perform special effects at the high and high tide, as the only audience, Su Bai was really excited, and he didn’t know who was so unlucky to open this coffin.

But soon,

Su Bai lost the thought of watching movies,

Because of a conversation from above the coffin:

“Amitabha~IndoMTL.com~This coffin is not old enough.” This is clearly a monk, and he should be quite old to hear the voice.

“Hey, there is still something in this woman’s belly. It’s a pity. The year is really not enough. If we didn’t meet it in this place, we can really add a supper when we meet in normal conditions.”

When Su Bai heard this sound, his heart suffocated suddenly. This sound is very familiar to Su Bai. This is the voice of the person in the coffin in the land of proving Tao. Su Bai once lay beside the coffin. For a month, Su Bai would never remember this voice wrong, it was the middle-aged man with a fat body.

“Quiet!” This was the third man’s voice, “Forget it, it’s too late…”

He is… he is!

An old photo immediately appeared in Su Bai’s mind. This is a photo that the monk found for himself at Chongsheng Temple in Dali. There are three people in the photo.

One is an old monk, the other is a middle-aged man with a blessed body,

One more…………

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