Dreadful Radio Game Chapter 1: Old housekeeper (rebuilt, free)

Su Bai sat on the sand and watched the old housekeeper squeeze Lucy, Montari, Diana, Xu Gang, and Chen Ming into the wall one by one. Not everyone can compete with Hills. They have always stood up very hard and didn’t say a word, and they don’t have to dress here to look like they are very “tragic” and “strong”,

After all, who can you show it to?

“Seeing him getting up from the Zhu Building, seeing him banqueting guests, seeing his building collapsed.”

Rational reasoning thinking and **** and brutal violent punishment constantly alternate in this scene. The former pave the way for the latter, and the latter renders the former. The emotional contrast is with the rhythm.

It seems to be in line with the story of broadcasting, or the aesthetics of broadcasting.

Stomping on carefully woven things with one foot, the act of violating the heavens and things, can often bring a kind of excitement in people’s hearts. The pursuit of beautiful things is human nature, but seeing the beautiful things in Burning and twisting in front of oneself is also the devil hidden in one’s heart.

Su Bai poured himself a cup of tea, and then also poured a cup to the old housekeeper who was finished.

I don’t know why, Su Bai feels that the current old housekeeper seems a bit too “easy-going”, even if the other party just squeezed the person into meat sauce and **** water into the wall, but Su Bai still feels that the other party seems to have changed a lot than before. At the first contact, Su Bai remembered whether he thought the other party was an NPC made by broadcasting.

Because according to the broadcast game habits, on the one hand, it controls the indigenous people who have reached a certain level of strength in the story world. At the same time, in order to reduce the risk, the broadcast will deliberately create some restrictions for these indigenous people.

For example, the pope in the previous “Cinderella” story world, the setting broadcast to him prevents the pope from embarking on the path of “hate the heaven and hate the earth” resistance.

The old butler picked up the tea, took a sip, and then smiled, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

It seems that from the time when he asked himself about the plan on the roof, he began to become completely “cold and indifferent” from before.

“Do I need to be squeezed in, too?” Su Bai pointed to himself and asked. Although this body is not himself, the senses are still the same. If you can choose, Su Bai thinks it is better not to go through Such a hit.

“No, didn’t you show that door?” The old butler said to Su Bai, “As the winner of the game, I deserve some special treatment.”

“Thank you.”

“You are polite.” The old butler sat down opposite Su Bai. He looked at Su Bai as if he was looking at an antique, because people who admire antiques are used to compare and compare an unfamiliar antique with Know the familiar antiquities to compare, find the differences, find the similarities, so that you can infer a lot of useful information.

Su Bai took a deep breath, drank the tea in the cup in his hand, and signaled that he was ready and could go.


The old butler put down the teacup and motioned for Su Bai to follow him upstairs.

Su Bai did not hesitate, and followed the old butler up to the second floor, and the two of them walked to the deepest room, which is the room where Hill’s current passage is.

The old housekeeper stretched out his hand to move the bed away, and walked down the corridor with Su Bai.

The metal door in front of me, with a sense of heavy depression inherent to this material, the old housekeeper stood in front of him, first verified the fingerprint and then the pupil,


A crisp sound,

The door was opened,

It’s pitch black inside.

The old butler turned sideways and motioned for Su Bai to enter.

Su Bai smiled and walked forward two steps. When he was about to enter the door, he stopped and looked at the old housekeeper.

“This scene is over, then, what will you do next?”

The old butler looked at Su Bai and replied: “I’ll clean the house, especially the kitchen, where you made a mess.”

This can be regarded as telling the old housekeeper, Su Bai turned around and walked in the door.

When the old butler standing behind Su Bai watched Su Bai enter, he looked like a flower in front of him. He seemed to see a blue flame, but the flame slowly disappeared as Su Bai disappeared. The ground disappeared.

The task of the old housekeeper was over. He covered the corridor and bed again, and then walked out of the room. Then, he picked up the broom and mop and was going to clean up the whole villa first.

He didn’t use a clone, because with a clone, no matter how much work he did, he could finish it quickly.

He likes this kind of work, he likes to slowly repair and restore the traces produced after a game, and hopes that this process can be as long as possible.


It’s too boring.


When the old housekeeper came to the stairs with a bucket and a mop, he suddenly frowned,

He looked at the living room below, at the dining room and kitchen, at the bedroom where people lived in like a small hotel,


He looked at the blood-red wall, he suddenly felt a sense of disgust,

As if a fire was burning in his chest.

He knows this feeling shouldn’t happen, but he can’t control it,

After a short while, the old housekeeper dropped the mop and put the bucket on the steps. He walked down the stairs slowly and sat down again on the sand in the living room.

In the teapot in front of me, the tea made by Su Bai was already cold, but the old butler still added another cup to himself. Once the tea was cold, it wouldn’t taste so much, but the old butler seemed to drink it with relish.

While sipping tea, he looked at the living room again, looked at the walls, and looked at every furnishing here, his face was puzzled and puzzled.

Of course he is familiar with this place, because he has been in this scene for a long time, but at this moment, it seems that a strange sense of familiarity is constantly coming to cover the original memory.

In a trance, the old housekeeper raised his head and looked at the stairs on the second floor. He seemed to have seen a man in a white research uniform come out and shouted at him:

“Uncle Zhou, is the meal ready? I have starved to death.”


The old butler’s turbid eyes regained focus. Of course, there is no one on the second floor, because he knows that his young master is no longer here, but he still guards this villa, but has fallen into the hands of others. Toys, or tools, are more accurate.

The old housekeeper seemed to be much older at this time, slowly getting up from the sand, and then walking to the kitchen.

There is an empty wing room next to the kitchen. This is the old housekeeper’s own room. The young master once asked him to live upstairs, but he insisted on living in the cramped room next to the kitchen.

Take out the key and open the door of the room. When the audience wanted to check in here, the old butler only said that this is my room, and there is no evidence or clues in it, so the audience just passed this room. Yes, because the role of the old housekeeper in the game is the host, and he is absolutely fair. He said that there is no problem then it must be no problem.

There is only one bed and a small closet in the room, which is a bigger place.

The old butler sat down by his bed and took out a box from under the bed. Inside the box was a stack of photos. The old butler moaned his lips and reached out to pick up the photos and unfolded them in front of him. But now the photo is gray, as if it was erased deliberately.

Of course, the old housekeeper knows who erased it. He couldn’t remember before, but now holding these photos, he looks at them one by one, as if in his mind these photos have been restored to their original appearance.

Looking at it, two lines of blood and tears dripped from the old housekeeper’s eye sockets.

The old butler took out the last photo, which was not erased.

This is a photo of a family portrait. The family is a friend of the young master. The old housekeeper remembers that time he and the young master visited that friend. The friend suddenly said to take a family portrait.

The scene in the photo is very strange. A teenager is kneeling in a corner, and there is a bronze box between the couple.

When this photo was taken, the old housekeeper felt a little uncomfortable. He was responsible for finding the angle and pressing the shutter, but he didn’t take it to heart, because he knew that his young master also had a laboratory, and every once in a while, something would be It was transported in and then transported out. The old butler knew that the ones transported out were corpses of various ages and sizes.

If you see a lot of weird things, it won’t take it seriously. The old housekeeper thinks that the young master’s friend may be doing this kind of experiment like the young master, and that friend often comes to the villa’s laboratory and The young master is communicating something.

The only clear picture was held in his hand and looked at it. The old housekeeper looked at the young man kneeling in the corner. The appearance between his eyebrows slowly overlapped with the person he had just met~IndoMTL .com~No wonder,

No wonder I see him familiar.

The old butler knew that something was wrong today, because he thought of too many things, because he had too much time in melancholy, but he did not do other things, just continued to sit on his bed and hold The photos continued to be read one by one.

The only photo that can be seen clearly was taken out by him alone and set aside. He continued to flip through the stack of completely white photos, looking very seriously and deeply, like an echo in his ears The last time I saw the young master’s dialogue:

“Uncle Zhou, I succeeded, hahahaha, I succeeded, I am really a genius.”

“Master of course is a genius.”

“Did you know, I managed to get this poison out, even the gods can poison you, don’t you believe it? I have done experiments, and I can really poison the gods, it’s true .”

“I believe it.”

“No, no, Uncle Zhou, you don’t understand, this is not used to poison dogs, nor is it used to poison people, even gods, they are not worthy of being treated with this poison, this poison, yes Used to poison an indescribable thing, bigger than the sky.”

“I don’t understand, but I know Master can do everything.”

“You still don’t believe me, forget it, eat first, I want to call Su Yuhang and ask him to bring the poisoned container…”


“Master, you really did it, it was poisoned by you, I, can’t move…”

The old housekeeper just sat on the side of the bed, turning the photos slowly,

In the end, the whole person was still there,

Keep this posture,

I didn’t move.

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