Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao Chapter 844: Spirit


When Li Huowang said this, Yi Donglai almost laughed angrily. He even thought of giving up. Even from the point of view of a psychiatrist, this guy is too crazy.

“Really? You finally know the truth of this world? Really?”

Yi Donglai directly loosened the two layers of restraint clothing on Li Huowang’s body, forced his mobile phone into his hand, and quickly swiped it with his fingers a few times. ,

“This is your mother’s wechat! If you have the guts to video her, look at her with your remaining eye and explain to her that you are not crazy! You just realized the truth of the world! You have If you have the courage, follow her and say it again!”

Li Huowang’s face trembled slightly, and he grabbed Yi Donglai’s cell phone and slammed it to the ground. ‘”You don’t know anything at all! It’s over!”

“All troubles are over! Yi Donglai, I know! I was mentally ill before, but I have been cured by you!”

Li Huowang’s ferocious expression did not scare Yi Donglai back half a step, he took a step forward and looked at Li Huowang firmly.

“Tell me! Tell me what you mean! Only tell me! I can help you!”

Li Huowang’s expression gradually calmed down, and finally shook his head slightly, walked to the inside of the containment ward, and sat cross-legged facing the wall. “Doctor Yi, I’m not sick. I can take various tests now. Believe it or not, I’m really a normal person now.”

Now that everything is over, what he said to Yi Dong will have no effect except to make him think that he is more sick.

What’s more, he didn’t know what kind of projection Yi Donglai was. The only thing he was sure of was that these guys should not be on his side.

Otherwise, when he fights Yu Ershen, Yi Donglai should come out to help him instead of sending someone to arrest him.

Since the crisis has been resolved, I just have to wait. Even if Qingwang comes to this guy to turn his face and deny anyone, I just need to follow the rules of this dry projection and pass various tests, and I will definitely be released again.

Maybe this process will be longer, but he is not in a hurry now, as long as the life of the person he cares about is not in danger, then it doesn’t matter what his situation is.

Sitting there, Li Huowang waited for a long time, but he didn’t wait for the sound of closing the door. He turned his head slightly, and saw that the iron door of the suppression room that should have been closed was actually open.

Come out, the doctor said you don’t need to keep locked in there. “9 The nurse guarding the door said to Li Huowang.”

Li Huowang felt puzzled in his heart. He had killed so many people not long ago, and they were so relieved to let him go out to contact other patients?

No matter how he thinks about it, Li Huowang feels that Yi Donglai is cheating on him, and this matter must not be that simple.

Li Huowang pondered for a while, then stood up and walked outside.

It doesn’t matter what kind of name Yi Donglai wants to make. He is not afraid of his shadow being crooked. test.

“Wait a minute.” As soon as Li Huowang went out, he was stopped by four care workers who were tall and rough. “Necessary measures still need to be prepared, please calm down and stop causing trouble for us.”

Soon, he put on the heavy handcuffs and shackles again, and put a special helmet on his head to prevent him from closing the remaining eye again.

Li Huowang didn’t care about this at all, he just took these things and walked into the square where he was released like a felon.

The sun is good today, Li Huowang looked up at the top of his head, sat down on the bench beside him, and basked in the sun comfortably.

He could feel strange sights coming from all directions, Li Huowang didn’t care, he was already used to it.

He sat there, casually greeted some familiar faces, and even waved at the man with the gun on the sentry tower.

Among these people, he didn’t see the people who talked to him before. Li Huowang could understand them.

Li Huowang stretched comfortably. Compared to before, when he was trapped in a restraining room covered in restraint clothes, the current situation is undoubtedly much better.

At least if there is an itchy place on the body, you can reach out and scratch it, and if you have numbness on your body, you can shake it.

Not to mention that I can go to the lounge to watch TV and relax here.

The breeze blowing from outside the barbed wire gently blew up Li Huowang’s bangs, revealing his hollow blood-red eyes, “The weather is really nice today.”

Speaking these words, Li Huowang relaxed and closed his eyes slowly.

His whole body lay motionless on the bench, and gradually his head drooped, his whole body gradually slid to the left, and finally he lay sideways on the bench.

The suppression room is not a suitable place to sleep. In order to avoid accidents, the lights are never turned off there. During the previous period, Li Huowang basically didn’t sleep at night.

After his body was completely relaxed, Li Huowang fell into a deep sleep.

Li Huowang’s body gradually curled up on the bench, his posture was like a baby in a mother’s belly, very peaceful.

However, this tranquility was short-lived, and Li Huowang’s expression began to become solemn, and gradually changed to a ferocious direction.

“No! Wait!” Li Huowang, who was sweating on his forehead, opened his eyes suddenly, and his shout immediately startled the other people who had just surrounded him.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Li Huowang took a deep breath, only to realize that the horrible thing he thought just now was just a dream.

“Are you okay?” Zhao Ting stretched out her hand with several scars on her wrist to help Li Huowang up, and asked him in a low voice.

“It’s okay, I just had a nightmare.” Li Huowang pulled back his hand, and then said in a very low voice: “You go first, don’t contact me for now, Yi Donglai must be staring at me .”

Zhao Ting nodded and left Li Huowang’s side and walked out of the Baita prison area.

Li Huowang sighed softly, recalling the nightmare just now, a trace of fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

Fortunately, it was just a nightmare, it was just a dream, nothing happened.

Li Huowang stretched out his hands and scratched his scalp vigorously. “It’s okay, it’s just a dream, everything is over.”

“Now that everything is over, I can live a normal life in the future.”

“Think about Qingwang Lai. He is obviously in the same situation. Why is he a graduate student and I am a mentally ill prisoner?”

“6 As long as I can go out, I will definitely enjoy my life and cherish everything I have! I can’t let them worry anymore, I want them to be proud of me!”

“I don’t care what projections are, at least they are definitely not hallucinations! Definitely not!”

After Li Huowang made up his mind, he stood up and walked towards the prison area.


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