Congratulations on Your Successful Escape Chapter 2: Cold Wind Farm



   There is a thick layer of dust in the sky, which looks like a large area of ​​hay has been burned before.

  The faint yellow sky makes people feel unclear, and the surroundings are drifting with the cold wind, full of corn stalks more than one meter high.

   In the rice field, there are several red harvesters that seem to have been parked for a long time, covered with dark brown rust.

   Qin Lu walked through the large corn field, and saw a house with a red roof again.

  The house is made of wood. I don’t know how long it has been cleaned. The feces and blood of livestock are stained on the dark yellow wood.

   There is a big tree next to the house, and there are plucked cattle and sheep hanging on the tree.

   appeared to hang up, and soon, a strong smell and blood rushed over his face.

   Qin Lu felt nauseous for a while.

   But he hasn’t eaten for a long time, and his throat is hot and sore from the stomach acid.

   “There should be someone here.” Qin Lu thought this way, and then walked towards the house.


   The pounding heartbeat became louder and louder, and Qin Lu quickly pressed his chest.

   He frowned.

   This is not his heartbeat.

   The sound is like something is constantly colliding.

   The popping sound made him feel uneasy.

   This place is weird to death, Qin Lu first wanted to ask someone to ask.

  The man in black who brought him here said that this is a game, a game to please those who are at the top of the world.

   The bang was too noisy, Qin Lu couldn’t concentrate at all, his mood became extremely irritable, and he walked quickly towards the red house.

   He opened the door in a hurry.

   just heard a pop.

   The huge machete slashed on the decaying wooden floor.

   A miserable young man rushed out.

   Qin Lu felt cold on his face, he looked up at the tall man.

   He wore a dark blue slaughter suit stained with blood, with a mask made from the skin of an unknown animal on his face. His arms were thick to death. It seemed that he was quite weaker than Qin Lu’s arms. It’s going to be two rounds thicker, with at least ten rusty nails stuck on it.

   He pulled the machete from the floor hard, and then looked at Qin Lu who was stuck outside the door.

   Qin Lu felt that his throat was smashed by a hot hammer, unable to open his mouth, and unable to breathe.

   His feet seemed to be welded to the ground, and the hairs all over his body stood upright as if they were frozen.

   The popping sound is getting louder and louder.

   Qin Lu closed his eyes.


  The fragile wooden door was closed by the butcher in the house.

   The bang-bang sound faded away.

   Qin Lu collapsed instantly.

   is like a pool of clay sculptures washed away by heavy rain.

   The dim yellow dust hovered in the sky, forming a whirlpool, on the top of the red house.

   Qin Lu panted loudly, his chest undulating violently, and there were two tears in the corners of his eyes.

   A rush of footsteps rushed towards Qin Lu from a rice field not far away.

   The big warm hand lifted him up.

   “Follow me.”

   Qin Lu’s body has softened, and he can’t even stand up.

  The man took Qin Lu away.

   Qin Lu didn’t know how long he had been walking, and came to a small building.

   There is a square haystack under the floor. Above it is a stairway. There is no door or window, like a pavilion.

   In this small pavilion, there are 7 people, 5 men and 2 women, and Qin Lu is eight.

   “There is no one else, right?” said a guy in a yellow cap, “We have 8 people now, but Lille is injured and can only be regarded as half a person.”

   Qin Lu looked at the weak-breathed person who had shrunk in the corner.

   He was naked, with a bandage wrapped around him.

   The appearance of being half asleep is very miserable.

  He is the one chased by the butcher before!

   “There is a guy in a slaughter suit over the red house.” The yellow hat said, “We must not go near there.”

   “We have checked the entire farm before, and there are two exit gates.” Yellow Hat said, “However, the gate is not powered, but I found many generators distributed in various locations on the farm.”

   said, he squatted on the ground and bit his finger.

   “Here, it’s considered a red house.” said the yellow hat, and drew a square on the center of the pavilion floor with his own blood.

  ”Then, here is the pavilion, here are three harvesters, and on the harvester side, there is a generator…”

  The yellow hat painted the location of the generator he found on the ground of the pavilion, using the red house as the coordinates, radiating towards the surroundings. Some iconic things were also specially marked by him. It’s easy to understand.

   “Lille, just stay here and rest.” Yellow hat said, “Let’s repair the generator. I looked at it at the time. It’s very easy. It only requires a few wires from the generator to connect. Those generators You can start working. The power required to open the gate probably requires four generators to work at the same time.”

  ”So, I suggest that we act separately and form a team in twos. I am alone.” Yellow hat said, “The guy in the butcher’s suit is not terrible, but his heartbeat is a bit scary. So, when When you hear a strong heartbeat, you must find a place to hide immediately!”

   “Understand?” Yellow Cap asked.

  ”So, this is a killing game?” A black man asked, “Why should we run? Kill the butcher, isn’t it all right? It only has one person, and we…”

   said, his eyes fell on Jack.

  ”And we have 7 people.”

   The yellow hat was silent for a long time, and then he said: “The butcher is dead, and there will be new butchers coming over. There will be no end to the killing.”

   “How do you know? Why should I trust you?” The black man said again.

   “You ask, is there anyone willing to go with you.” The yellow hat said, walking out of the pavilion.

  The others ignored the black man and left with the yellow hat, leaving only the injured Jack, the black man, and Qin Lu.

   The black chest is constantly rising and falling.

   “Cowards! All cowards!” He slammed a fist on the pole of the pavilion, and he punched a deep hole.

   After calming down for a while, the black man looked at Qin Lu.

   “Do you look like a Korean?”

   Qin Lu shook his head.

   “Yes, Koreans are not so brave.” With that, he walked out of the pavilion, “Come on, let’s kill that bastard!”

   Qin Lu didn’t speak, but he followed the black man.

   He was scared. The fear seemed to have planted a seed deep in his heart and was taking root.

   At the same time, he also needs the one million to save his sister.

   Through the rice fields and corn fields, Qin Lu came to the outside of the Red House again.

   There was a loud noise.

   A generator in the distance suddenly started operating, and the rattling sound disturbed the heartstrings.

   On the top of the generator, there is a big light like a light used to fill light in a studio.

   Qin Lu was shocked by the sound of the generator.

   Clearly far away from me, but it seems to be beside me.

   The door of the red house was pushed open.

  The butcher came out.

   The black man shouted and rushed towards the butcher.

  The butcher stopped suddenly, and turned to look at the **** mouse that sprang from the side.

   slammed a straight fist against the butcher’s soft mask.

  The butcher staggered backward, then shook his head.

   “Come on! Come on! Attack me!” The black man seemed to have learned boxing, and he kept jumping on the spot, protecting him with his fists.

  The butcher ignored him, just looked at Qin Lu who was hiding on the are you afraid of! “The black man provoked and blasted the butcher’s face with another punch. The punch was so fast that it was comparable to Tyson!

  The butcher punches again.

   Finally, the butcher became angry.

   raised his hand at the black man and cut it off with a knife.

   Black people have very strong fighting ability, so the butcher has no room to fight back.

   seems to be able to beat this butcher, who is nearly two meters tall, to death by himself.




   Three consecutive bells rang.

   is followed by a lurking sound that is close to people’s hearts.

   Something seems to be hiding suddenly.

   The icy wind blows on his face, like countless small knives cut Qin Lu’s face with pain.

   The corn stalks not far away fell to one side, and Qin Lu looked over there, but found nothing.

   The biting icy rain suddenly fell, and Qin Lu suddenly saw a transparent shadow.

   It moved quickly, and in just a few seconds, it came from the cornfield to the door of the Red House.

   The pounding heartbeat is getting louder and louder.

   The black man also reacted abruptly!

   He kicked the fainted butcher away, then turned his head.

   There was a bang, and the blood exploded like a smashed tomato.

   The red blood fell on the transparent figure, the ice rain dilutes the blood, and the figure of the transparent figure slowly appeared.

   The black man is dead.

   was headshot with a hammer.

  The butcher is also dead.

   was beaten to death by a black man.

   The bell-ringer twisted his stiff neck, and his sharp eyes fell on Qin Lu who was aside.

   A pair of invisible hands strangled Qin Lu’s neck.

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