Coiling Dragon: Tomato’s new book, Jiudingji, has been uploaded ~~~~~

Pan Long has been written for almost 11 months now, and the word count has exceeded 2.8 million. For 11 months, Tomato is grateful that everyone has been with Tomato and supported Tomato, so that Tomato can be immersed in the world of Panlong, conceived plot after plot, telling story after story.

In the days of writing novels, every day in Tomato’s mind is a fantasy story of the Panlong world. Imagine the journey of lei, thinking constantly.

Fantastic days, passionate days!

Tomato likes to write novels. Because each novel is passionate and passionate, it writes happily and immersed in it. Maybe tomato can’t spend time with friends, so it’s rare to entertain, but tomato hasn’t regretted it. Because I really like to write, I like the days of imagining a huge world and conceiving plots.

Everyone ’s clicks, recommendations, subscriptions, monthly passes, etc. are all affirmations of tomatoes.

A book review, the tomato will also look carefully.

Tomato enjoys such a life full of spirit. It is a dream thing to wander in the imaginary fantasy world.

I think this kind of day will continue, so that I can continue to imagine and continue to dream fantasy.

Recently, the tomato update has been criticized by some people, and many people have said that I take a leave of absence from the tomato. The update is late, and the character is not good.

Tomato admits that the tomato update is indeed not good enough. Tomato apologizes!

There are tens of thousands of authors at the starting point and thousands of authors. Some of these authors have spare time. In their minds, they have ‘dreams’ like tomatoes. They are passionate and write hundreds of thousands of words, hundreds of thousands of words, but many of them soon stop writing. Because they also have their own jobs and their own lives, writing novels is a hobby and entertainment for them. Not a means of life.

Of course, there are many signing authors at the starting point. already regards this novel as the main occupation and an important source of life.

Among them, those who are pursuing excellence and typing are slower. They update three thousand words or four or five thousand words a day.

Among them, there are also those who spend most of their time in fiction, updating eight or nine thousand words a day.

It ’s even very desperate. It ’s updated more than 4D every day.

It does n’t matter how many words are updated a day or two, but it ’s difficult to stick to it for a long time. And the authors who will write novels as professions and sources of life, which one does not want to make more money? The same subscription, of course, the more words, the more money. Deep in their hearts, the authors hope that they can write 10,000 words a day, 20,000 words … the more, the better.

An author who earns 5,000 words a day and earns 50,000 yuan a year. If he writes 50,000 words a day, it might be 500,000.

Does he not want to?


But people have limits, and the speed of each author is different. There are 3,000 words updated a day, and 10,000 words updated a day.

The update speed of tomatoes reaches an average of 8,000 words per day.

Tomato knows that readers do n’t think much about it. If the speed of writing is faster than the speed of reading, it is too scary! Readers let tomatoes speed up in the book review area. Tomatoes understand that this is normal.

But tomato is a human, a normal person.

Tomato is not a machine that never knows tiredness. In fact, many authors who do not rest and update so many every day may have a manuscript, but they fight like that, but they are actually very tired and tired. But they are all insisting. Tomato admires them, and they really deserve admiration.

But Tomato can’t do it non-stop every day, and writing novels requires state. As long as people are in life, they will encounter such things.

So Tomato said, give Tomato three days of vacation a month. A month is assumed to be 30 days. The tomato is rested for three days, and the other 27 days are kept updated, and occasionally it will be updated more. Make tomatoes average over the whole month, reaching 8,000 words per day. Actually … for a reason, the total amount of tomato updates every month is similar. Just took three days off.

Combination of work and rest can last longer.

People, living in the world is unique, and everyone is different.

Many people in the book review area compare ‘Three Littles’ with Tomato. San Shao and Tomato also fart and chat with each other. Tomato admires him very much. He keeps nine thousand words a day and keeps it for a long time. Staying in front of the computer for a long time, San Xiao also had health problems, but he still insisted. Tomato admires him. Khan, say this, tomato is not good, the cervical spine has some problems. However, among the authors that Tomato knows, most of the cervical spine has problems, there is no way, occupational disease.

But everyone is unique, San Shao is unique.

Tomato can’t do what he does, sorry.

Actually, don’t compare people to others, really, you don’t need to compare! Everyone has his own writing method. The update speed of the starting point is fast or slow, even beacon. Beacon is also a good brother of tomato. He, he, writes a novel, writes hundreds of thousands of words and then eunuch. After another period of time, I will write another one, so that people can’t take him. But the book of beacon is indeed good, many people are also supporters of beacon. The eunuch, the book was written by others after all. Maybe some people aren’t supervised, but you can’t write the kind of book that is deflated, and you can’t write the taste. If you love reading his books, you may have to bear the price of his eunuch.

Everyone is different.

There is no need to compare.

Tomato doesn’t want to be compared with others. Tomato just wants to dream about its own dreams, and writes one after another in the imaginary world.

Tomato understands that you want to see chapters every day, and you want to see more chapters every day. Tomato will also try his best to write and narrate what he imagined. But Tomato really hopes that everyone will not do the same. Tomato can’t keep updating.

Tomatoes take three days off every month, but they also work hard to get two chapters per day on average.

This is tomato!

Tomato hopes that he can combine work and rest, achieve a balance, and make his writer life longer. There are stories after stories in Tomato’s mind, and I hope to continue to write them for everyone to watch.

Everyone is unique!

Tomato hopes that everyone can understand tomato. Really, take leave. Tomato is unwilling. Tomato wants to reduce its popularity? Want to make less money? No. Regardless of the ideal angle or the actual angle, Tomato wants to write. But Tomato has to keep herself well, make her writer life longer, and write more novels.

Life is alive and everyone is unique.

Fictions written by others are certainly different from Tomato’s novels. Everyone is different, and each person writes a different novel. No one can copy anyone. Everyone is unique.

Fictions written by others have their own characteristics.

A tomato-written novel has its own characteristics.

None can copy each other.

The tomato update time cannot be 100% determined, but it is usually updated every night. I believe that the tomato update time every day, everyone can also predict. Tomatoes will be as early as possible. But it’s all in the evening … If you can’t wait, you can watch it the next morning.

Tomato just wants to say that it doesn’t make sense to compare with anyone.

Six billion people on earth, who is at its peak?

The so-called inadequate, more than inferior. If it lasts forever, life will be too tiring. The so-called contentment, let yourself relax. Life doesn’t need to be too tired, we just need to know-we are unique! No one can copy themselves! And all I need to do is-

Be yourself!

Trust yourself, stick to yourself! Tomato will continue to move forward on the road of life, and write out the story he wants. On this road, there may be bumps, but there will also be joy and passion! Tomato also hopes that everyone can support tomato on this road!

Maybe ten years later, Tomato already wrote more than ten novels. At that time, looking back, Tomato believes that he will be very satisfied, and time will not be wasted.

Now what Tomato has to do is to be down-to-earth and move on this dream road …

Everyone is the same whether writing a novel or doing something else. Don’t force yourself too much, all you need to do is do yourself!

Tomato suddenly remembered a sentence-he forced him to be strong, the breeze blows the hills; he crosses by him, and the moon shines on the river. This sentence is a very high level in Mr. Jin Yong’s “Jiu Yang Divine Work” cheats, but it is also a level of life.

Do yourself well!

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