Coiling Dragon Chapter 5: departure

Chapter 5 Departure

In the middle of the night, in a quiet study, a candle placed on the desk exudes dim light.

At the desk, a slender man with a hooked nose and long purple hair was sitting. The man was leafing through a thick book. The dim candlelight made the hawk-nosed man look dim. . And just then, “Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!” The knock on the door rang.

“Come in.” The hawk-nosed man looked up at the books in his hand without raising his head.

“Squeak ~~” The door opened, and a seemingly savvy middle-aged middle-aged man entered. The middle-aged man immediately closed the upper door as soon as he entered, and bowed respectfully, “Master Referee , Lin Lei’s side already conquered Mott County. “

A man with an acrobatic nose and a majestic ‘Ussano’ of Correct ’s “Holy Tribunal”.

The Holy See, the leader on the bright side is the Bright Pope. In order to whiten its light, the Bright Holy See dealt with some of the masters to let the people of the Inquisition go. This means of the Inquisition is extremely cruel. The leader of the Supreme Court is no less deterrent in the Holy See than the Bright Pope.

“Oh.” Uzzeno continued to look down at the books in his hand.

The middle-aged blond continued to respectfully said: “The capture of Mott County is only a trivial matter. The most important thing is … The LEI side used that mysterious leopard sanctuary in this siege campaign!”

“Used the Holy World of Warcraft?” Ussano raised his head sharply.

Wu Sennuo ’s eyes are so deep that he is staring at him. The middle-aged blond man feels trembling in his heart, but he still holds back his fear and says, “Master Referee, this lei party is in war It was a clear provocation to let the sanctuary participate in the war. “

Sacred realms are not involved in general war.

Once the sanctuary intervenes, it means that the two parties have no room to turn around and are desperate for each other.

Although Mott County is not the site of the Holy See, this is not a challenge for the Holy See. But he let Sanctuary Warcraft enter the battle … but it was a signal, a signal to challenge the Holy See. Lei’s meaning is clear-

My World of Warcraft has appeared in already, and this side is my lei. How does your Bright Holy See respond?

This is also a kind of deterrence-‘You dare to send even the Holy World of Warcraft, if you want the Holy See to fight with me, just bring the Holy Masters, and those soldiers do n’t come. ’

“Master Referee?” The blond middle-aged man looked at Uzno.

Ussano’s deep eyes make him unable to see his mood at the moment, and suddenly Ussano spoke up: “Remember, from today, don’t fight against lei, we endure!” The middle-aged blond was surprised. Get up and look at Uzeno incredibly.

Ussano, that’s an absolutely terrible superpower.

As one of the two giants of the Holy See, its strength is higher than Hedson. And the Holy See has a lot of masters in the sanctuary on the side of chaos. There is no need to be afraid of lei.

“Master referee, lei is only himself and the two Warcraft side.” The middle-aged blond man said puzzledly.

Ussano calmly said: “No, there are not so many sacred masters on their side. If the five Buck brothers are expected to be good, they should be the descendants of Amanda. Now five of them are all nine-level fighters. Once they change They are all juniors in the sanctuary, at least the masters in the sanctuary can defeat them. “

“Undead Warrior?” The middle-aged blond was surprised.

Ussano glanced at him.

At the time, Hise saved the five Buck brothers and threatened Steller. At that time, Pope Hartins suspected that the five Buck brothers belonged to the Amanda family. After all, it is possible to make Heze do so, and the flesh is so strong … There is only one way to explain it.

“They’re not much worse than us.” Ucino looked down at the book again, indifferently, “remember, forbearance.”

“What about lei’s party establishing a Principality and attacking the territory under our control?” The middle-aged blond asked again, although he was the chief of the Holy See’s chaos in chaos. Uzno is the general manager.

Ussano said indifferently: “Attack our site, we will retreat, and give him the site.”

“Ah.” The middle-aged blond man looked at Uzno in surprise.

Ussano indifferently said: “He provoked us, we just endured them, they attacked our territory, we let him go! Let this LEI think that we are afraid of him and not as good as him … But you have to understand that he occupied Our site naturally wants to reorganize the troops of those cities, but it is the people who use those cities. “

“Ah.” The middle-aged blond man’s eyes brightened, and he understood the meaning of Uzzeno.

“The referee is wise,” the middle-aged blond man said excitedly.

Ussano smiled indifferently: “War, time and place are second, and talent is the most important thing! To make people truly loyal, what can keep up with faith? lei … let me know the influence of” faith ” How terrible it is. “

The middle-aged blond was shocked.

Ussano, it’s too vicious.

The strength is obviously so powerful, the masters are so many, and they use such a vicious trick. Middle-aged blonds can imagine … Lei Lei, who is so proud of himself, will surely be beaten back to his original shape.

“You can leave.” Uzno looked down at the books, indifferently.

“Yes, Master Referee.”

The middle-aged blond man departs respectfully. Only Uzzeno is left reading the book quietly in this dim study, and there is a file on the desk next to it. There are just a few words on that dossier-‘lei & baruch’.

In the northern part of the chaos, a force occupying a county town and nine small towns has quietly formed a force of nearly nine million people. Although the city of Mott was occupied, the political center of the LEI side was still Black Earth City.

Today’s Black Earth City is extremely prosperous.

Zero tax has made many people try to immigrate to Heicheng, but now Heicheng is overcrowded. Heitu City’s population management department has also raised the threshold for immigration. As the political center of this power, Black Earth City also attracts many people here.

“Boss, this black earth city has changed a lot.” Beibei stood on the shoulder of lei, walking on a main road in black earth city.

Lin Lei also looked around the various pubs, clothing stores, weapon shops, etc. on both sides of the road. When Lei Lei first came to Heitu City, the residents of Heitu City were torn and mostly malnourished. However, a few months later, Black Earth City is completely new.

Some dilapidated stores are now also decorated.

The streets have also been reworked. Many saplings were also planted on both sides of the road … In some taverns, lei saw many civilians drinking wine and talking about everything. What they talk about the most is their ‘Five Gods of War’.

Under the leadership of these five invincible gods of war, their lives are stable, and their zero living tax has improved their living standards several times.

“If the five gods of war were defeated that day …” Someone in the tavern just spoke, and suddenly-

“Damn, what are you talking about!”

“God of War is invincible, how could he be defeated, your kid is talking here.”

Many people immediately scolded, these ordinary people enjoyed this quiet and stable life. Nature does not want to be destroyed.

“In the O’Brien Empire, in the Holy Alliance, a stable life can be easily obtained. But in this chaotic collar, it seems so precious.” lei suddenly felt in his heart, “this is the result of long-term war . “

Lin Lei’s heart suddenly had an expectation.

“If one day the chaos is unified and the war disappears …”

When Lin Lei saw the smiles of the civilians, he suddenly found that he had a happy and contented feeling in his heart.

“Unification?” lei shook his head and smiled.

He is not here, he can make his loved ones happy, and he can continuously climb to a higher level of cultivation. He already is satisfied.

“Let’s leave it to Cessler and Buck to deal with the war.” lei’s figure suddenly changed, and a breeze appeared on the entire street, and lei’s entire person disappeared into the crowd.

In the main city of Black Earth City, a group of people such as Jenny, Rebecca, and Lina ate lunch in the living room, when lei suddenly appeared at the door-

“Master.” Buck stood up immediately, and everyone else stood up. lei even said: “all sit down, I just come to see you guys and say something by the way.” lei walked to the table with a smile Came down.

Sethler said immediately: “LEI, we were going to go to you and tell you all the developments today. Now you are here, Jenny … report to LEI.” Today’s Jenny, but the number one in management.

Jenny just about to say, lei smiled and reached out to stop: “Jenny, sit down, don’t worry.”

Jenny nodded and sat down.

“You can just take your mind about the war. I think now … It is estimated that there will be a period of time before we battle with the Holy See. I want to take a trip to the south during this period and go with some masters in the holy realm. Learn from each other. “

LEI still remembers Miller’s invitation.

Experiencing with experts, especially those who understand the same elemental rules, will give you a lot of inspiration. Now, after a period of time on his own, he will begin to engage in battle with the Holy See. After the real battle, I dare not leave at will.

I can only take this time.

“Master, don’t worry,” Buck said with a smile. “However, in about seven or eight days, we will launch an attack on the Principality that the Holy See is secretly in charge. According to the discussion with the adults, if the Holy See talks with us, We resisted, and we did not hide it. The name of the principality was set to be ‘Baruch’ after a month. If they were afraid, we would pretend to continue attacking them. We would choose a name of the principality.

lei nodded.

“Well, Heilu will continue to be here with you, to prevent any danger, I and Bebe set off first.” lei immediately stood up.

“Ray Brother, don’t you eat together?” Jenny said suddenly.

Lin Lei smiled at Jenny, shook his head and said, “No.” Lin Lei fluttered and disappeared in front of the living room door. Jenny sighed in disappointment.

South of the Chaos Leader, in the quiet mysterious hill village.

Since the news of Renault’s settlement in this small village was made public, Renault has been excluded from the small village! The reason is-Monica! Monica is the most dazzling and beautiful girl in Mysterious Hill Village. She likes her youth too much.

At first, many young people thought that Renault would definitely leave, and did not feel threatened.

But now Renault doesn’t leave.

In the pub in Shancun Village, Renault is sitting here drinking.

“Hi, boy, go to the side.” The three youths came over and slammed the table, yelling at Renault.

Renault glanced up at them.

“Why, disagree?” The three young people’s physical ambitions fainted. The strength of the seventh-level magician is really nothing in this mysterious mountain village. The village’s practice for decades has reached the seventh and eighth There are quite a few. The three youngest men in front of us are the seventh-level fighters. The strongest one is the eighth fighter.

The three want to beat him, he can’t help it.

Renault took a deep breath, and was about to leave the position. No way … he didn’t have any support in this mysterious mountain village. And other young people in the village, uncle, uncle, grandpa, are some masters. How can he compete with others? In addition, many young people in the village grew up together and joined forces. How can he fight with others when he is an alien?

“What are you doing!”

Monica walked over with her maid, and Monica yelled angrily.

“His Royal Highness Monica.” The three young men saluted immediately. In the mysterious mountain village, Monica’s father had the highest status. According to legend … thousands of years ago, this mysterious mountain village was existence, and at that time Monica’s father looked like it is now.

Monica glared angrily at the three, then took Renault’s hand: “Brother Renault, let’s go.”

Renault stood up, took a deep breath, and left with Monica.

“Only women, useless things.” The three youths cursed in a low voice, and Renault, who had left with Monica, heard this voice naturally, he just trembled and finally followed Monica is gone.

In the mysterious mountain village, he can stand it without any help!

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