Coiling Dragon Chapter 46: Order

Chapter 46 Orders

The one-eyed man in the red robe left the slave ship with a group of thugs, and two bald men, such as Peel, stood on the foredeck, chatting casually with each other, and occasionally glancing in the direction of Renault.

“Peer, I’m finally going to arrive in the provincial capital tomorrow. When the ordinary slaves are delivered, we can go out for a refresh. This ghost day is on the boat every day.” The bald man next to him cursed in a low voice.

Peer also laughed.

But at this moment, Peer suddenly heard a terrible roar of Warcraft-

“Hoo ~~” It was a sudden a terrible flame-sized giant fire snake with a water tank and suddenly rushed out of the cabin, directly dissolving a large hole in the side of the cabin.

The giant fire snake with a thick water tank and a length of nearly 100 meters growled around the slave ship. The slave ship was completely on fire all at once, and the giant fire snake rushed directly into the bottom of the cabin. The entire slave ship was pierced through. The hundreds of slaves in the bottom of the slave ship, except for a dozen or so were burned to death, rushed madly towards the hole where the fire snake melted out.

“Fuck, that little white face!” Peel’s face changed dramatically.

“Quick! Catch him!”

The two bald men rushed towards Renault’s room immediately. They no longer care about ordinary slaves at this time, but at this time the giant fire snake rushed towards them both.

“Damn, Blazing Fire Snake, be careful.” Both Pierce were nervous.

Seven levels of fire magic-Blazing Fire Snake!

This is the most powerful Blazing Fire Snake that Renault can emit. If this Blazing Fire Snake goes any further, it will be the eighth level of magic ‘Dance of Fire Snakes’. Dance of the Fire Snake is attacked by seven giant Fire Snakes and is hotter. And this ‘flaming fire snake’, the power of already is terrible.

General level 7 fighters, dare not resist.

The bald man ‘Peer’ made a leaping dive, and the whole man escaped the attack of the fiery fire snake, and also arrived at the place where Renault was originally. Peel looked at the room. There was only one ash in the room. It was the ashes of two thugs. There are also two large melting holes in the wall.

Obviously, Renault escaped from one of these two big holes.

“Ah, ah ~~” A sudden scream came from not far away. The other bald man didn’t escape this fiery fire snake, but was only touched a little, then the fiery fire snake curled up quickly Suddenly, the bald-headed man was wrapped up, and the bucket Qi Layer on the bald-headed man was soon broken, and a scorched meat sounded.

Peer’s face changed greatly when he saw the scene.

“Darrow !!!” Peel was going crazy, “Damn, asshole!”

At this time, many ordinary slaves who escaped from the bottom of the ship were furiously escaping in all directions and were arrested as slaves. They all felt already desperate. And now, one by one, they are full of expectations, one by one fleeing wildly.

Peer also rushed out of the hole in the cabin wall, and his terrible bouncing force made him jump straight to the shore.

“That abominable little white face.” Peel looked at the slave ship in the middle of the Poney River. The damaged slave ship was sinking continuously. The flame was still burning, the smoke was rolling, and the ship already was finished.

“Peer, Darrow!” roar came from a distance.

The one-eyed man in the red robe quickly ran over. His one-eyed eye was filled with endless anger. When he saw Pierre, he yelled, “Peer, man? What about that magician?”

“Sir, the magician cast a fiery fire snake, and he doesn’t know where he escaped. Darrow is also dead.” Peer was also resentful in his heart.

The one-eyed man gasped in anger.

The Blazing Fire Snake is okay to deal with seventh-level soldiers. If you meet a one-eyed man, with the strength of a one-eyed male eighth-level soldier, you can definitely break through the Blazing fire snake and catch Renault.

This is also the reason why the trafficking organization specially sent eight fighters.

But the one-eyed man didn’t expect that the magician who had just learned his lesson would dare to work hard at this time.

“Catch me, get me that magician back.” The one-eyed man immediately shouted to the thugs around him, “Ten of you, go to the upstream and downstream to search for me carefully. Dozens of you , All searched around. Be sure to get me back that magician, hurry up !!! “

“Yes, sir!”

The angry thugs all ran towards each other. Their main strength is still concentrated in the surrounding land. As for the upstream and downstream, there are only five beaters.

Reynolds, like other slaves, was wearing tattered clothes and was covered with scars. Because other slaves also fled, which made many thugs see some slaves, they thought it was Renault, and rushed to catch them immediately. It’s a pity that they are just in vain.

After an hour.

The one-eyed man stood at the mouth of the river bank, full of anger in his heart, glaring around.

“Sir, we found a dozen slaves downstream, but there was no magician.” A thug ran over to report that they were running faster on the shore than they were swimming in the water.

“Sir, no magician was found upstream.”

“Sir, I didn’t find that magician around, all ordinary slaves.”

The one-eyed man listened to the reports from his men and looked at the boundless surroundings. He was really terrified. The estuary is based on a small town, and there is no manpower organized by them.

This makes the one-eyed man only send dozens of thugs to find Renault.

Dozens of people haven’t found Renault for an hour. Then … nothing could be found. Because one hour is enough to make a person go far. Within dozens of miles, how can dozens of people find it?

“Asshole!” The one-eyed man yelled, “Go, report to the organization quickly. I hope that little white face will not be caught by me, otherwise … we must let him die.”

It’s getting dark, the one-eyed man and a group of people already left helplessly. On the bank of the river about a few kilometers upstream of the river bank mouth, a person emerged from the bottom of the water.

“Alas.” Renault vomited the snorkel from his mouth.

Looking around, Renault was relieved. Renault did not dare to relax in the slightest this time. After he performed the magic, he immediately went into the water, and at the same time picked the straw tube of the aquatic plants, breathing on this snorkel, and he dared to come up every kilometer after diving.

“It’s so far away. Dozens of people can’t find me.” Renault was on the case.

I saw the white heat rising from Renault’s body surface. In a moment, Renault’s ragged clothes were completely dry. Renault looked around and discerned the direction according to the Bonai River.

“The trafficking organization has people in some big cities, or it is still in a remote city. It ca n’t go back from the border between the two countries. This slave trafficking organization has a lot of staff in the border city.” Although Renault believes that the other party will not work for him Too much effort. However, with caution, Renault decided to enter the chaos leader from the Roo Empire, and then return to the O’Brien Empire through the chaos leader.

At this moment, already is dark between heaven and earth, and there is only sporadic fire light on the ground. A black phantom flew from the sky at high speed, and the sky was broken in an instant.

“Woohoo!” Flying so fast that the old White couldn’t help narrowing his eyes. From above, he could clearly see some roads. It’s easy to tell the path.

“Master Lei, just below.” Old White pointed to a rural town in the distance.

Oh?, the rural town is your organization’s headquarters?” lei took a look at old white, this rural town looks no different from ordinary towns, and in the dark, some people occasionally have some lights exposed.

Old White nodded his head: “Yes, this is just organizing some cover-ups.”


Lei immediately dived down, leaving a beautiful afterimage in the sky, and then fell to the headquarters of a slave-trafficking organization, this rural town.

Lin Lei, wearing a teal robe, stood directly in the air and let loose. The old White fell to the ground: “Let the leader of your organization come out.”

Old White didn’t dare to disobey.

At this time, some people around were very fast, all came around, especially when they saw that lei was standing in the sky, they were shocked. Those who can fly are generally sacred powerhouses. Of course, a powerful wind magician is also possible. Lei is actually flying ‘wind shadow’ at this moment.

“Old White, why are you here?” A woman glanced at lei before whispering to Old White.

Old White said loudly: “Quick, let the leader come, this is Master lei, the great dragon blood warrior‘ master lei ‘! ”

Master lei?

This sentence is more useful than anything. A slave-trafficking organization is far less powerful than the three major chambers of commerce and far less powerful than the four major killer organizations. Naturally dare not offend a sanctuary. Many people immediately began to invite the leaders and senior figures of their organization.

LIN Lei stood up in the sky, waiting indifferently, Beibei was standing on the shoulders of lei.

“Boss, this town is very ordinary on the surface, but these buildings are not ordinary inside! Most of them have underground buildings.” Beibei communicated with lei’s soul.

LIN Lei nodded slightly.

Only a moment, a large group of people ran over from a distance, headed by a tall man in a gorgeous robe, but at this moment this man was walking with a trot and sweat beads on his forehead.

“Master Lei, my name is Dennis, the leader of the organization, I don’t know what Master Lei has to do for us. The master said.” The tall man said in horror and humility.

Although he hasn’t seen lei, the strong man in the sanctuary who can float, no matter who they are, they dare not offend.

Lin Le glanced at him and said directly: “Dennis! You bought a magician from the border city where Old White was located a month ago. already should be shipped to you.”

This Dennis froze.

A slightly fatter old man next to Dennis quickly said, “Master Lei, I’m in charge of this business. That magician was halfway along the Poney River, and already burned down our slave ship and escaped.”

“Escape?” lei was surprised, and his heart was loose.

The fourth child is really good enough, he even escaped from the slave organization.

Dennis also reacted at this time and nodded: “I also know this. After the magician escaped, we already hunted in some of the cities where our soldiers were located, but we never found it. A few days. “

“Boss, that magician is Master Lei’s brother!” Old White quickly said.

Dennis’ face was immediately hard to look, and he was frightened.

Lin Lei glanced at them: “From today on, you will not be allowed to hunt down my brother.” Dennis quickly said: “That is natural, if we find him, we will be treated as honored guests.”

Lin Lei nodded indifferently, and immediately stopped talking nonsense, and flew away with Beibei volley directly.

At this point, already has nothing to do with slave trafficking organizations. And the fourth child fled ten days ago. It should be far away now.

In the air.

“Bebe, you go back first and immediately let a group of people such as Sessler go to the chaos leader. I am going to follow the line from the Ponet River to the empire border in the Roo Empire, and search carefully to see if I can find Fourth child. When my search is finished, I will meet with you. “Lin Lei already made this plan in his heart.

Fine Divine Strength search is a very painful thing for the Holy Land Warrior.

General holy warriors, just occasionally search. Because their fine Divine Strength is not really too strong. The strength of the magician is the fine Divine Strength. On Divine Strength alone, Hedson, who has cultivated for hundreds of years, is only comparable to today’s LEI.

The flight distance is only one hour. But to search carefully, it was impossible at all for a few days.

“I see.” Bebe nodded her head slightly, and then flew back directly and quickly towards the O’Brien Empire.

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