Coiling Dragon Chapter 36: Secret

Chapter 36. Secrets

City Lord?

Lin Lei was shocked at the same time, and also recalled what Muba told him at the same time-

“Lin Lei, the master of Qinghuo City, is also one of the five kings of the” Green Fire “! The Green Fire Lord is very mysterious. Needless to say, he hardly shows up, is he in Qinghuo? There is no way to be sure in the city. The most famous in Qinghuo City, second only to Qinghuo adults, is Adkins. “

Lei Lei looked at Lei Lin next to him.

“He is the green fire of Gobada One of the Five Kings of the Prison?”

The years of Gobada Prison existence are so long that it is difficult to determine. Among them, there are countless god-level strong men, but five of them stand at the peak and are known as ‘King of the King’. Being able to be called a “King of Kings” in the Prison of the Plane is powerful, and you will understand it with a little common sense.

“Adkins, get up, we all left Gobada with already, and I am no longer the Lord of the Greenfire City, you do n’t have to call me the Lord of the City anymore.” Railen said with a smile.

Adkins stood up respectfully and said, “Yes, but Adkins’ respect for Master Qinghuo will not change.” Berners was also standing respectfully. The name of ‘Qing Huo’ is too great.

The five kings are simply a symbol of invincibility!

“You, are you green fire?” Beibei looked at Lei Lin in surprise.

“Why, doesn’t it look like that?” Lei Lin raised a frown and looked at Beibei with a smile.

Bebenana said: “No, it’s just that I heard the boss said that Qinghuo is one of the five kings of Gobada Prison. Since it is so powerful, it should be a superior god. And … I think Qinghuo is the name. “

“Haha …”

Lei Lin laughed openly, “Do I have a blue fire, I must let the higher gods be under my command in order to show my status?”

Adkins smiled and respected side by side: “Master Qinghuo, what else do you need, just a group of superior gods, nothing in front of Qing Qinghuo.” Joking, Gobada Prison Which of the five kings did not prove their strength from the killing?

Of the five kings, the adult Qinghuo is the one with the shortest years of cultivation.

But also the most dazzling one!

The Qinghuo ‘Zaklias & Ralin’ rises from the desert desert land of the plane, and every battle will be won. Even the powerful superior **** needs surrender before the Qinghuo adults. So far, no one has been able to resist the attack of adults.

“Green fire, just a title.” Lei Lin smiled lightly.

But Adkins said: “This name,” Green Fire, “is an adult who has experienced countless killings, convinced the entire Gobada strong man, and then recognized the name. Liulihe World War I , Who doesn’t know the whole Gobada? “

Raylin just smiled.

Even if Adkins is more proud, he must flatter and flatter before Raelin. Actually this is also true! Adkins didn’t even dare to think of a ‘fight’ in front of Raylin. Because Adkins knew that he was not an enemy of Qinghuo!

The Battle of Liu Lanhe achieved the name of Qinghuo.

It also frightens countless people, and even many people think that Qinghuo is the strongest of the five kings. Of course, this point did not get Correct. After all, Gobada’s scope is too large. The five kings are also divided in the north and the south, and they also consciously do not oppose each other. After all, there are no treasures worth letting them fight each other.

“This is the true peerless powerhouse!” Lin Lei’s heart raised an admiration for ‘Ray Lin’, and at the same time there was a fever in his heart.

Even Adkins, in front of Raelin, must be respectful and able to reach the highest existence in Goba.

“Adkins, don’t stand there, sit down quickly. Just sit next to lei.” Ralin pointed.

Lei Lin had a life, then Adkins did not dare to disobey, and immediately bowed respectfully: “Master Xie Qinghuo.” Then he sat beside lei and smiled at lei.

LEI can only smile back.

“Huh.” Beibei beside lei hummed.

Atkinston raised his eyebrows, glanced at Beibei, and immediately laughed: “This is Beibei.” Beibei just answered, but Adkins was not upset and laughed. , “Babe, I know you are a little upset. The original thing was also wrong with me.”

Lin Lei and Beibe both looked at Adkins in surprise.

“What’s wrong, Adkins?” Raelin began.

Adkins smiled and said, “Master Greenfire, in fact, this is just a trivial matter. It is a median **** named Ogavin under my hand, and has some hatred with friends of lei. Later, Ogavin It also invited some of my median gods to go to lei’s place to take revenge. However, in the end, my people suffered. “

Oh?” Lei Lin listened, and also a little interest.

Lin Lei and Bebe could not help but glance at each other.

“Boss, this Adkins seems to be apologizing?” Beibei and lei’s soul exchange.

“I don’t know.” lei was also a little confused.

Adkins, after all, it ’s a higher god. Would you like to apologize to you today?

“Bernath, come here,” Adkins said. “Although you lost a **** avatar in that battle. But after all, you started this battle first, and it was your fault. .You apologize to lei and bebe first. “

Lin Lei and Beibei froze.

That Berners really walked over and said apologetically: “Mr. Lin Lei, Mr. Beibei, I’m really sorry for what happened then.”

“Mr. Bernards doesn’t need to do this. When it comes to it, it’s mainly because of the Owen.” lei said, “Mr. Bernards, it must be just being deceived.” People gave themselves face, Lei naturally gave the opposite.

Adkins nodded: “LEI, although you can rest assured, I assure you here today, that Ogavin will never mess with you in the future.”

LIN Lei couldn’t help laughing.

It seems that Olivia doesn’t have to hide in that miniature plane room.

While Adkins and Bernards met Greenfire ‘Raylin’ on Causeway Hill, as far back as O’Gavin, Hambrit and Gattenby in the O’Brien Empire, It is to gather together to drink and chat. In the past two decades, the relationship between Ogavan, Gattenby and Hambritt has also become better.

Bernath has a special status, but he is not close to the three of them.

“The West, the amazing energy fluctuations, I’m afraid the higher gods can get it out.” Gattenby hummed.

“Well, but it has nothing to do with us.” Ogavin laughed. “Since it involves the higher god, we are still drinking here with peace of mind. How comfortable it is.”

Hambritt shook his head and said, “The higher gods? They are great. If we get the higher gods one day, will they not become the same gods? Unfortunately, I don’t know when we will get a higher god. “

“The higher godhead, I dream about it.” Ogavin also sighed.

Hambrett suddenly put down his glass, slightly drunk, and smiled at Ogavin: “Ogavin, I tell you a secret!”

“I know what you are going to say!” said Gettenbihaha with a smile. “The **** secret, both Benners and I know.”

Hambritt rolled his eyes and said, “You know, I know, but … Ogavin doesn’t know.” This, on the contrary, made Ogavin feel a little curious, even looking forward. By Hambritt.

Hanbritt smiled and said, “Ogavin, let me tell you, there is a higher godhead in Lord Adkins’ space ring!”

“What?” Ogavin trembled.

The higher godhead?

Ogavin dreams of getting a higher godhead, but he only has the light **** avatar now.

I do n’t know if the higher godhead is of bright nature.

Gattenby also nodded: “There is a superior godhead, but it is not a too clear Chu attribute, but I’m sure it is not a mine attribute, not a land attribute.”

“Why so sure?” Ogavinian asked.

Gattenby laughed: “Master Adkins definitely doesn’t need it himself. You also know the relationship between Adkins and Bernards. If Bernards can use it, Lord Adkins will definitely give Bernards. Bernards originally had two bodies. In Dragon Blood Castle, the destroyed body was the Earth God clone. The current body is the Thunder clone. Since Bernath cannot be used, it is definitely not a land attribute. Not a thunder attribute. “

“Yes.” Ogavin nodded slightly.

“Is that the higher godhead, you two brothers can’t use it?” Ogavin continued to ask.

Hanbritt sneered: “In the heart of an adult, the three of us are far less than that of Bernards. We are only his minions. How can the adult be willing to waste a higher godhead on us?”

“I feel uncomfortable when I think about it. Come and drink,” said Gattenby.

“Drink, drink.” Ogavin toasted, but Ogavin was thinking about it …

Howling wind, a silver-haired old man respectfully followed behind a handsome young man, flying through the air together.

At Gongluo Mountain, Adkins also smiled, he was extremely respectful in front of the green fire ‘Lei Lin’, and he was also warm and friendly to Lei Lei and Beibei. But now flying away from Causeway Mountain, Adkins frowned, and his heart was full of worries.

“Master Qinghuo also lurks in the magnolia continent, in all likelihood, also for the treasure in the graveyard of the gods.”

Adkins was upset at the thought.

He also wanted to get the treasure in the graveyard of the gods: “I’m fighting with adults Qinghuo?”

At the thought of this, Adkins felt helpless for a while. He knew that in front of Qinghuo, he had no ability to resist.

The prestige of the king, ‘Green Fire’, was not flattered by everyone, but was formed by the blood of Lei Lin himself after repeated killings. There is no need to doubt the strength of Qinghuo ‘Lei Lin’!

“Sir? Are you ready to give up?” Berners preached.

Atkins took a deep breath, and the Sense of Sound replied, “Give up? It’s impossible!”

Bernath was startled.

Adkins secretly said: “It’s a big deal. If I succeed, then I have hope to push Qinghuo. I can’t fight Qinghuo. Now, I have only one way to go …” Spencer made up his mind and looked firmer.

“It’s the emperor.”

Bernath and Adkins dived immediately and flew directly into the palace.

Back to the palace, the first thing Adkins did was to call Ogavin into the palace, and at this moment Ogavin was still drinking with Gattenby and Hambritt. Sri Lanka’s order, regardless of others, entered the palace as quickly as possible.

“Sir.” Ogavin knelt respectfully on one knee.

Adkins turned and looked at him coldly: “Ogavin, I have to remind you of one thing. I know that your son was killed. But you remember … from today on, don’t you Want to get revenge. Don’t mess with anyone in Dragon Blood Castle again! “

Ogavin for a moment?

Abandon revenge?

Although these twenty years, Ogavin has been silent. But it does not mean that he has given up revenge. Ogavin was engraved on the bottom of his heart.

“Hum!” Adkins snorted, “Why, didn’t you hear me clearly?”

Bernath next to him is solemn: “Ogavin, this is related to the adult’s affairs. If it is because of your trivial matter, it will destroy the adult’s affairs. Then … you are not enough to atone for sin.”

Ogavin immediately knelt down, and even said, “Master Adkins, rest assured, from today on, Ogawen will not go to the Dragon Blood Castle alone, and I must not revenge. Would think again! “Just Ogavin was roaring in his heart:” Revenge? No, I won’t give up if I die, just hold back temporarily. Wait for me, wait for me to get the higher **** … “

Ogavin desperately wants to get a supernatural personality!

“Stay back,” Adkins said indifferently.

“Yes.” Ogavin bowed back.

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