Coiling Dragon Chapter 25: turbulent

Chapter 25 Rage

The misty light of the blood sun is like a layer of red gauze covering the entire Lot tribe.

The entire Lot tribe becomes silent and depressed!

After the battle of Brody, the middle God warrior of the Lot tribe died nearly 10%, which sounds very rare. But this achievement is actually hundreds of median **** lives. Fortunately, hell, everyone was accustomed to killing and death, and the Lotte tribe quickly resumed normal operation. The original tribal master, the captain of the clan ‘Berlin’ became the patriarch.

“I don’t understand. How did Brody get so strong? The last time he fled the tribe, he was just a median god. I have every confidence to kill him! His strength is average. But just ten years, only ten years, it ’s incredible, he has become so strong. When the patriarch fights with him, he also said that this Brody is just the refinement of the supernatural god. The patriarch, the six-star demon power, died in his hands! “

There are various discussions in many places in the Lot tribe.

“The dead brothers, some of them survive as gods. They all say that Brody has a special energy in his body that can devour the soul!”

“I also saw it. It was a green light that killed the patriarch! I also recorded it with a floating shadow.”

“Hey … tell you, I wasn’t far from Brody at that time, and I searched the green light source head with divine knowledge. It was a diamond-shaped red crystal diamond in his palm. I see, that Brody is so strong, it must be related to the strange crystal diamond that emits green light! “

Brodi took his wife away for a long time, because the tribe residents would dare to talk about it.

“I heard that the old man with curly brown hair, called” Baliman “, bought from you the shadows of the soldiers in the Brodie massacre before?” asked the thin, thin-haired young man.

“Yes, just yesterday, Lord Barryman came back again. I bought the previous floating image. A floating image, he bid a million inkstones. It is indeed a strong man that even the chief Arlott seriously received. , It ’s really generous. By the way, you say, Lord Barryman, what are you buying from us? ”

“Hm.” The tall, thin white-haired young man sneered, “What’s more? It must be to collect enough floating images, the more detailed the better. Then. Sell the news to the devil’s castle! That Brodie is a refined **** The upper god, holding the special crystal diamond, even killed the six-star demon. I have never heard of such a terrible treasure. The crystal diamond must be a great treasure. That treasure is so big in Brody’s hand. Power. If it is in the hands of the seven-star demon and the owners, how powerful is the crystal diamond? I think that Lord Barryman can definitely make a lot of money by relying on this information. “

A few fools who can become gods. Those members of the tribe guessed quite well. The six-star demon ‘Barryman’ was also a strong man in hell. Also know about the mission of the Supreme God. He also understands that the red crystal diamond may be the legendary supreme god’s token, the “red diamond crystal”!

Supremacy of the Supreme God! What a baby!

But Barryman also knows that the mission of the Supreme God is not necessarily true. Barryman held this detailed information, including dozens of floating shadows, and sold it to the Demon Castle for a sky-high price! And dare to guarantee that the red diamond he found in Barryman. Even if it is not the highest god’s token, it is not less precious than the main artifact.


One trillion ink stones!

This price is not worth mentioning to Demon Castle. But generally a seven-star demon who is good at accumulating wealth, only about one trillion ink stones. After all, the true mission of the Supreme God is not necessarily true. Plus if the bid is too high. Demon Castle can send its own troops to detect and collect news.

Buy and sell!

Demon Castle, spent a trillion ink stones, purchased this piece of information.

The staff of the Demon Castle have been verified and are absolutely certain that the red diamonds emitting green light in the floating shadow are definitely Qibao. In a flash, all the demonic castles in the whole **** had the news.

Bauhinia continent. The third floor of a demon castle in a certain city.

“What information is needed?”

The counter service staff said indifferently.

“Information about the mission of the Supreme God, ten million ink stones, yes.” A silver-eyed one-eyed young man indifferently took out ten million ink stones and also took out the demon medal.

The personnel at the counter of the intelligence department, after verifying the demon medal, immediately respected themselves and immediately took out the dossier and some floating images.

After viewing the dossier and the floating shadow. The silver-haired one-eyed young man turned his head and left. The counter staff suddenly said: “Mr. Sca. We demon castle, just got a message about the supreme god’s token” red diamond crystal “. The news is absolutely true. As for the crystal diamond in the information, if not The Supreme God’s token is also a level of spirituality with the main artifact. “

“Eh?” The silver-haired one-eyed young man turned his head sharply, “Not the Supreme God’s token, but also a level treasure of the master artifact?”

“Yes.” The staff at this counter was confident. “It’s true.”

“How much does this information cost?” the silver-haired one-eyed youth said indifferently.

“For you, Mr. Scia, it’s not a high price, 90 billion rubles!” The counter staff smiled.

This price also frowned the silver-eyed one-eyed youth.

Devil’s Castle is also very smartly priced at 90 billion yuan, which is still measured in tens of billions. If the price is 100 billion yuan, it is ‘100 billion yuan’. It feels completely different. At one time, one trillion pieces of inkstone purchased an information, but now each time it is sold, it is 90 billion yuan. It only needs to be sold eleven or two times to return the original.

“Okay.” The silver-haired one-eyed young man moved a hand, took out a space ring, and threw it in the past, “there is 90 billion ink stones stored in it.”

“Master, please wait. The important information is under the responsibility of Castle Lord and his personal waiter. I’ll ask for it. Please wait a moment.” The staff at this counter is very respectful. Seven Star Demon.

In general, if you encounter a six-star demon or a seven-star demon, the person in charge of this intelligence department will recommend this news. People who are too weak cannot afford such information at all.

A moment. The silver-haired one-eyed youth got the information.

Read the information carefully and watch dozens of floating images at the same time.

“Let a refinement **** become a **** and kill the six-star demon?” The silver-eyed one-eyed young man was also shocked. Without hesitation, the one-eyed young man quickly left the demon castle.

As a seven-star demon, this silver-haired one-eyed young man immediately rushed towards Muya continent at the fastest speed!

Devil’s Castles are all over Hell. There are many masters in hell, and there are many strong people who can afford this information. As long as you see the detailed information, almost all of them will rush to Muya mainland immediately. Why … **** is too big!

In other continents, it is too far to reach Muya.

Fortunately. Those who are going are all strong and the speed is very fast.

Bifu mainland, Fuya city.

Lin Lei and their group of people leisurely toured around, and then habitually came to the third floor of Demon Castle. Lei purchases the mission information of the supreme **** again.

When lei reads the information, she will leave.

“Master lei, we still have a valuable piece of intelligence here, which is about the red diamond.” The person in charge of the intelligence continued. After checking lei’s demon medal, he already knew that lei was a seven-star demon.

“Oh, precious information? About Hongling Crystal Diamond? How can it be separated from this collective information?” lei looked at the intelligence officer with a smile.

“Boss, this demon castle really makes money,” Babe sighed.

“No trespass is not business,” Yale said with a smile. This Yale manages the Dawson Chamber of Commerce and is also proficient in business.

The intelligence officer smiled bitterly: “Master Lei, that general intelligence is not qualified to look at it, and we have obtained this information. The price paid is also great. We can never lose money. We have checked the demon castle already This information, we dare to guarantee … that red diamond, even if it is not the supreme god’s token. It is also a level of spiritual objects comparable to the main artifact. “

Oh?” lei’s eyes brightened.

“Master Lei, would you like to buy it? The price is not high, only 90 billion ink stones are needed.” Intelligence personnel linked.

Ninety billion rubble stones, for today’s land mines, land is indeed a small sum.

You know. It was the ancient family of Salomon and Nisz. Property is calculated in trillions. With a drop of the power of the Lord God, the price is over one trillion billion.

The four gods and beasts that once had influence on all major planes. Even if the strength shrinks, the wealth that can be accumulated for countless years has not decreased. That wealth is already an astronomical figure. Lei is now the first strongest of the four gods beasts family, the four gods beasts family can not let lei shame, give lei a space ring directly.

As for the wealth, lei doesn’t count.

To today’s lei, wealth is of little significance.

“Okay, I bought this information.” lei nodded.

“Lord Lei waited a moment, I immediately went to ask for Master Castle Lord.” The intelligence officer was overjoyed, and even left.

Lin Lei and a large group of people are waiting here. Bebe sends a message to Lin Lei: “Boss, look at this demon castle asking so high and the intelligence collection is so secret. You said that the red diamond crystal they found will Is n’t that supreme god’s token? ”Beibei also knew that lei had two tokens.

“It’s possible.” lei nodded.

On the surface, lei is calm, but in my heart, I can’t help but be excited and look forward to it!

“I have two pieces in hand, only the last one. Three tokens and one thing can be dedicated to the supreme **** of life and make a request.” lei knows that he can ask for the highest artifact, and this request will definitely Reached. But lei didn’t want to, he just wanted grandpa delin to appear in front of him again!

At this time, footsteps sounded.

Several figures came quickly, as soon as the handsome young man in black robe headed saw lei, he stepped forward and said, “I have seen Mr. lei!”

Castle Lord …” His men, including the intelligence officer, were shocked.

The strength of Castle Lord varies from place to place in the Devil’s Castle, but they are generally six-star demons, and some are seven-star demons.

“I heard that Mr. Lin Lei wanted this information, and Master Lei could watch it as much as possible. As for this cost, there is no need to mention it.” The young man in the black robe was very humble. Seven Star Demon. But Castle Lords all over the world know the name of lei.

How dare you and the Great Perfection take the ninety billion ink stones?

“Thank you so much.” lei took the information with a smile, he understood that others were free of charge, if he was going to give it, it would embarrass the other.

“These are the ground shadows related to this intelligence.” The Castle Lord saw that the other party was not playing, and couldn’t help but get excited, even holding out crystal balls.

Lin Lei read this information carefully and watched the floating shadow.

With the deepening of understanding … lei was trembling with excitement in the bottom of my heart!

“It’s almost like it! And the size is exactly the same.” lei was extremely excited, because at that time, many people in the Lotte tribe, including that of Barryman, observed the red diamond crystal and knew it. The detailed size is naturally described, “This size just fits the groove. And this power …”

When Lei thought that he could get the third token, he was thrilled to complete the goal.

“Not good.” lei moved in his heart. “If I had three Supreme God tokens, then the Supreme God appeared. The gods certainly knew the truth, and maybe the Lord God was angry and came to me! Lei was worried.

“Babe,” lei whispered.

“Well, boss?” Babe froze.

“You quickly lead everyone and immediately pass through the Bifu Continent, returning to the Magnolia mainland first. Then, please ask Lord Beirut to help, and let some relatives and friends who are still living in the Tianji Mountain Range return to the Magnolia mainland immediately. “Lei solemnly asked.

“Boss, what are you?” Bebe was startled.

“I’m just in case, as the Lord God, I’m afraid I won’t be shameless enough to vent my relatives’ anger, but I can’t afford to lose, so I made a plan early.” Grandpa, I will return to the magnolia continent immediately! Big deal, I will stay in the material plane and stop going to the **** plane. “

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