Coiling Dragon Chapter 17: Disaster (below)

The black dragon belongs to the top power in Warcraft. The black dragons are generally Level 9 Warcraft, and they may even be sacred powers. Whether it is a level nine warcraft or a sacred warcraft. None of them can be compared with the raptors encountered yesterday.

At this moment, a group of children and three instructors in the eastern open space of Wushan Town are only a few hundred meters away from this black dragon. Looking at the black dragon with a length of 100 meters so close, this visual shock is more than any other The languages ​​are all valid.

The most shocking thing is-

On the head of the black dragon hovering in mid-air, at this moment is standing proudly a gray robe man, the wind roars in the sky, the gray robe man robe hunting, but he stands straight like a javelin, like a rock in the wind Stable. His gaze was staring at a middle-aged man in a green suit standing in front of him, who was carrying a sword.

At this moment, the gray robe man who pedals the black dragon is facing the middle-aged man in the green clothes with a sword.


In addition to the wind magician who can perform the seventh-level magic ‘flying’, only the strongest in the sanctuary can reach the sky. The middle-aged man in the green clothing is carrying a sword, which undoubtedly indicates his identity.

Warrior, Holy Warrior.

“The gray robe man who conquered the black dragon? And the strong man who can fly in the sanctuary?” Lin Lei, who was only eight years old, saw this scene. Even though I saw a big war yesterday, I was completely shocked at the moment. Not only him, but also the sixth-level soldier, Hillman, was stunned at the moment.

“Sacred Realm is a sacred realm,” Hillman murmured, his body trembling slightly.

It is indeed Hillman who has experienced many times between life and death. The first one is fully awake, but even when he wakes up, Hillman still feels like he has been dreaming in the past two days. A dual-line magician is even better today. I came directly to the two sacred powerhouses and a black dragon. My Hillman has never been so shocked in my life. “

Hillman felt a little dizzy.

Black Dragon, that’s the top Warcraft, at least it’s level nine. Of those who can conquer the Black Dragon, nine out of ten are the sacred powerhouses. And from another point of view, the only ones who dare to confront the strong in the sanctuary are the strong in the sanctuary.

This all shows that the Grey Robe is the Holy One.

Hillman and a group of people are hundreds of meters away from the Black Dragon. Even the hearing of Hillman and others is so good, and the dialogue between the two confrontational sacred strongmen cannot be heard.

I don’t know what the two sacred powerhouses are talking about,

“Roar ~~~”

Suddenly, the huge black dragon suddenly snarled, and the huge wings fluttered, and a terrifying coercion spread directly. Everyone, including Hillman, felt that they could not. Wheezing, legs softened.

“Is this Longwei?” lei also felt that his heart was crushed by a huge stone and couldn’t breathe, but lei was still excited, and the blood in his body was boiling.

This black dragon is too powerful.

“Rudy! Don’t go too far!” Only the middle-aged man in the green clothes suddenly heard a sudden drunk, and the drunk echoed like a thunder in the heavens and the earth. This sentence was not only heard by Hillman and others, it was also heard by everyone in Wushan Town.

The heavy drinking also relieved the black dragon’s Long Wei, and everyone was breathing normally.

Hillman froze, and murmured in his mouth: “Rudy? Rudy?”

But just a moment later, Hillman suddenly reacted, turned suddenly and looked at all the children, and shouted sternly: “Everyone, give me home, hurry, go home, give me a good hide away Yes, soon !!! “Hillman’s drink and the appearance of that cricket made all the children cyanotic.

Hillman knows himself.

Obviously, there is a contradiction between the two sacred powerhouses.

Sacred Realm fights. If a group of children are on the open space here, there is no building protection. It is estimated that a little impact of the power of the Holy Land might cause all children to lose their lives. Sanctuary strong, that is a strong one who has the level of “destroying the world”.

Although it is exaggerating to say “destroying the heavens and the earth”, it is normal to destroy cities and mountains.

“Come on, don’t be dazed, go back. Hurry !!!” Hillman yelled again while pushing some children.

All the teenagers are now fully awake, although they do n’t understand why Hillman asks them to go back, although they still want to watch the battle of the strong in the realm, but the majesty of Hillman still makes all the children fast Ran towards the house.

“Luo Rui, Roger, hurry up, you will send some six or seven-year-old children back, hurry up, the battle of the sacred domain strong, once it reaches here, the consequences …”

Hillman’s face was full of anxiety.

“Yes, Captain.” Rory and Roger fully understood what their captain was thinking.

Lorui and Roger were immediately busy picking up some slow-running children, holding two in their hands and carrying two on their backs. Hillman also joined in, and quickly began to pick up each child.

“LEI, come home soon.” Hillman yelled at the running lei while holding the child.

“I know, Uncle Hillman.” lei shouted loudly.

Although lei is only eight years old, he runs fast enough to catch up with a fourteen-year-old boy. When running, lei still turns his head to look at the eastern sky from time to time. Domain strong, this has deeply attracted lei.

“Captain, Lord Hogg asked us to come over.” I saw eleven soldiers running towards Baruch’s mansion, and seeing Hillman shouting immediately.

“Hurry up, send the kids back,” Hillman ordered immediately.

“Yes, Captain.” The soldiers rushed to meet, and saw the slow running children, six or seven years old, send them back quickly,

“Go home, go home! Hide and protect yourself!” Hillman shouted.

Hillman has a very high authority in Wushan Town. His words made many people who were scared to see the black dragon know what to do. At this moment, the whole Wushan Town is busy, all the children, All the workers came home, and at this time, only the sturdy, stone-built house could protect them.

LIN Lei rushed directly into his home.

“Hurry up, hide in the basement of the warehouse.” Hogg was standing in the courtyard at this moment, seeing lei drinking directly. The basement of the treasury is the largest and most sturdy basement in the Baruch family mansion, where it can definitely save lives.

“Yes, father.” lei nodded and ran to the treasury immediately.

lei is running fast, but still thinking about the gray robe man and the green man on the black dragon, lei can’t help looking up at the eastern sky, the buildings in the town are relatively low, hundreds of meters to the east It can be clearly seen at high altitude.

At that moment the black dragon roared continuously.

“Tyron, since you’re so stubborn, that’s no surprise to me.” I could only hear a cold voice echoing in the sky, and then I saw the black dragon roaring suddenly in anger, and the black ones spewed out of my mouth flame.

“Rudy, I’m going to see today, how powerful are you, the Holy Magician!” the middle-aged man in green clothing screamed angrily.

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