Coiling Dragon Chapter 14: Yale’s visit

Chapter 14: Yale’s Visit

In June of 10034, the magnolia calendar started to resurface.

The magnolia empire, O’Brien empire, and Baruch empire formed an alliance and began to launch the largest scale in thousands of years against the relatively weak Roo Empire, the Rhine Empire, the Holy Alliance, the Dark Alliance, and the Far East Prairie War.

The spiritual leader of the Far East Prairie, Wu Sheng ‘Tuli Lilei’, has long been warned by Wu Shen and the High Priest, knowing that this trend is irreversible.

Additionally, lei also has gratitude for him. And Tu Lilei did not want the soldiers of the Great Eastern Prairie to die in vain in front of the taboo destruction magic of the Holy Magus. Therefore, Tuli Lei had long sent his disciples in the Sanctuary to talk with the kings of the three great prairie kingdoms.

Although the Kings of the Three Great Prairie Kingdoms did not agree to submit to the Baruch Empire, they did not forcibly refuse for the time being.

The highest levels of the Holy Alliance and the Dark Alliance are already, the sanctuary is almost wiped out, and the two alliances have become the same.

O’Brien Empire Army, through the channel north of the Warcraft Mountains, entered the Holy Alliance. The well-informed kings and grand dukes in the Holy Alliance should know that the Holy Island was destroyed, and the high-level Holy See was almost dead and wounded. Some kings and grand dukes have chosen to secretly meet with the people of the O’Brien Empire.

In fact, the news of the destruction of the high-level Holy See was spread by the O’Brien Empire on its own initiative.

Plus, this is true. Some members of the Holy See who have survived in various places cannot hide it. Obviously … the Holy Alliance is about to become a historical term, completely conquered by the O’Brien Empire, it’s just a matter of time.

At least for now, it’s just a matter of time.

The situation of the Dark Alliance is not much better than that of the Holy Alliance.

Of course, many members of the Holy See and the Holy See were scattered outside. Although the headquarters was destroyed, there were still few masters in the Holy Land. But the people who manage things in the mundane world are mainly those in the mundane world.

Thousand years of rule, the influence of these two Holy Sees is still very strong.

The remnants of the Holy See and the Holy See, especially some fanatics, are unwilling to give up.

Religious beliefs are really strong.

Depending on various means, either mild or bloody, the two Holy Sees still rely on their accumulation over 10,000 years to stabilize the situation of the two alliances. They are about to fight the Magnolia and O’Brien empires, and they are not willing to give up until the last moment.

At the foot of the Mountain of Warcraft, on a desolate road in the southeastern province of O’Brien Empire.

A weird man covered in a green robe stands on this desolate road, looking around. Only his pair of skinny fingers like chicken claws exposed from the long sleeves can barely judge, this weird should Is a skinny old man.

Just …

His eyes are green, like the eyes of a wolf in the middle of the night.

Behind him, there are nine humanoid creatures shrouded in silver robes. The nine humanoid creatures shrouded in silver robes respectfully stood behind the skinny old man in the green robe, like a servant, with great respect.

“The magnolia continent, this is the magnolia continent …” The old and low voice came from the mouth of the green-skinned old man.

“Cough, cough …” The cough sounded, and the old man in the green robe looked weak and weak.

Suddenly there are two young men riding horses and running side by side on this desolate road. The two young men looked at the green robe skinny old man and the nine silver robe mysterious characters standing on the road ahead. They did not know why. There was a chill in my heart.

The two youths consciously control the horses and want to leave quickly from the edge of the road.

They don’t want to be associated with this seemingly mysterious figure in front of them.

“Human …” Seeing the two young people, the green eyes of the skinny old man in the green robe were lit up, and he saw that he was thin and had only a layer of skin, similar to the flat feet of a chicken paw. Reaching out, a strange and invisible force suddenly controlled the two young people.

“Ah!” “Ah!”

These two youths felt unable to move, and immediately flew out of their control. They shot at the skinny old man in the green robe as quickly as a sharp arrow, which both screamed in horror with horror. .

“噗哧!” “噗哧!”

Holding a young man’s head in each of his hands, the two young men suddenly cramped in pain, continually twitching, as if having seizures.

“Oh, Valkyrie, High Priest? And the legendary Dragon Blood Warrior?” The skinny old man murmured, and immediately those green eyes glanced at the two youths who were twitching with white eyes. , “Poor child, I give you, forever free.”

Then these two young men landed, but there was no trace of already in those two bodies, they were both dead.

“It’s a pity that these two souls are too weak, and it doesn’t help me that much if I consume them.” The skinny old man exhaled comfortably.

Suck the soul?

It’s appalling if it’s heard.

But the nine mysterious figures in the silver robes kept silent, respectfully behind.

“Now the magnolia already has set off a large-scale war covering the entire continent. This is your best chance. Go, children, don’t let me down.” The old voice of the green robe skinny old man sounded, the nine All mysterious figures in silver robes respectfully kneel on one knee: “Yes, great wizard!”

Then ‘嗖’ ‘嗖’ …

Nine silver robe mysterious characters, turned into nine silver lights instantly turned into light spots, disappeared in the sky. The speed is fast, if lei and desi they come over to see it will be horrified.

“Olaland, it has changed so much in 10,000 years.” The skinny old man in the green robe sighed, “Restore your strength, wait for the time to come, and then visit Lord Beirut.” As soon as the body moved, it turned into a phantom and disappeared instantly.

Baruch Empire, Dragon Blood Castle Hall.

“Yale Brother, you came by accident. A few months ago, my brother and his already retreat were repaired.” Wharton reluctantly told Yale this visit.

“He’s a hidden boy?” Yale frowned.

“How? Are there any troubles? You might as well talk to me, maybe I can help you solve it.” Wharton said with a smile, he also knows how well the relationship between Yale and lei is, Yale’s affairs He naturally wants to help.

Yale groaned for a moment and said, “Wharton, can’t he come out to see me? This matter is really important to me.”

Wharton apologized: “Yale Brother, I’m really sorry. My brother had a different retreat this time. This time is more important. My brother ordered already before the dive. If not, Very important thing, no one is allowed to disturb him. In fact, even if I agree with you to see my brother, you still need the consent of Mr. Sessler and others.

Dragon Blood Castle, attaches great importance to Lin Lei’s potential repairs. No matter how good the relationship is with lei, if it is not impossible, you will never be allowed to see lei.

“So …” Yale groaned for a moment.

“Wharton, I won’t disturb the third child. Well, I have other things, let’s go first.” Yale said.

Yale’s visit is a trifle to Dragon Blood Castle. Everyone didn’t care too much.

The next day.

Imperial Baruch Empire, in the imperial palace.

Sini strode into the back garden and said with a smile to Yale waiting in the back garden: “President Yale, I’m really sorry to have kept you waiting for a while, President Yale please sit down.” After receiving the news that Yale came to visit him, Sini immediately put down his affairs and met him.

After all, Sini also knows the relationship between Yale and lei.

“Her Majesty, I’m not in a hurry. Her Majesty matters more.” Yale was very humble.

Although when Sini was still young, Yale had played with Sini when he went to see lei. However, today’s Sini is an emperor of the empire. In the palace, Yale’s attitude is still very humble.

“President Yale, don’t be so polite. Why are you so polite with me?” Sini grinned. “Say, what’s the matter? If I can help, I will definitely help.”

Yale said, “I will speak directly to Her Majesty Sini. This time I came to ask His Majesty to help. His Majesty, aren’t you fighting the Roo Empire now? And it’s a triumphant victory. “

“Well, yes.” Sini nodded slightly.

He wondered what Yarti was doing.

“I have a request that may be excessive,” Yale said.

“Well?” Sini looked at him.

Yale smiled and said, “That ’s it. I know that this time the three Great Emperor nations joined forces to completely conquer each other. This war must be very tragic. And I believe that the Baruch Empire now has even enemy soldiers Captured a lot. “

“Yes, what’s wrong?” Sini looked at him.

It is normal to capture the other soldier during the war.

Moreover, the goal of this war is to completely conquer the Roman Empire. Could this Royal Roo imperial family agree? Naturally hysterically resisted.

“Sir, you captured these enemy soldiers, and in the end most of them made them slaves. I think, Sir, can you sell these captured soldiers to the Dawson Chamber of Commerce?” Yale It took a long time for him to say what he wanted.

Sini suddenly frowned.

Sold captured enemy soldiers to the Dawson Chamber of Commerce?

The enemy soldiers captured by the general empire will be used as cannon fodder in the war. Or let these enemy soldiers build bridges, pave roads, mine, groom rivers, etc. to do these hard work. A small number of captured soldiers may be sold.

But … sell all the captured soldiers to a chamber of commerce.

This is rare.

Because this is a large-scale war between the empire and the ‘either you die or I die’, there are usually two or three million soldiers in an empire. If you add reserve forces, there may be millions As many as possible, in the war of annihilation, there will usually be many captured soldiers. For example, it is not impossible to destroy a large army and capture 100,000 people.

When the Roo Empire was conquered, there were at least hundreds of thousands of captive soldiers, maybe even more.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, although captured, are soldiers who can fight well after all. Will so many people give a chamber of commerce?

“This …” Sini hesitated.

Although the other party is Yale and lei’s Brother, this Yale is too big to let the soldiers captured by the Baruch Empire sell to the Dawson Chamber of Commerce.

“Her Majesty Sini, what are you worried about? One of our Dawson Chambers of Commerce does not have a big place, and the second one does not have a sacred powerhouse like the third, just a captive slave.” Yale advised, “Sini Your Majesty, please help. “

Yale is honest.

“President Yale, your Dawson Chamber of Commerce did not involve the slave market very much in the past. Why are there so many captive soldiers now?” Sini asked.

Yale smiled: “This is just a consultation within the Chamber of Commerce, and a final development plan.”

Sini groaned for a moment, then looked at Yale again.

Captive soldiers are not very useful to the Baruch Empire. After all, their goal is to destroy the Roo Empire. They will never exchange captive soldiers for money after the war. Secondly … In Sini’s opinion, what about these slaves for the Dawson Chamber of Commerce?

Does the Chamber of Commerce want to dominate the king?


After all, a big empire, the real foundation, is the most powerful one!

“Okay, I promise,” Sini said.

“Your Majesty, I am really grateful.” Yale’s face suddenly smiled, “You are doing me a favor, thank you so much.”

Sini and Yale talked to each other for a long time. After having lunch together, Yale left.

When Yale leaves, Sini thinks about it and is confused: “What is this Sensational Chamber of Commerce involved in the slave trade for no reason? And, as far as I know, Yale and Uncle have a good relationship, and Yale is the same. A very bold person, but rarely asks for difficult things, but this time … “

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