City of Sin: Under Twenty-two Legends

Seeing Minnie‘s somewhat annoyed look, Stevenson added: “After I became a student of Your Highness, there are still many things I need to ask you. At least, I don’t know much about Deep Blue.”

paused, he also said: “In addition, I feel that our relationship can be further deepened and connected more closely with another situation, such as marriage contract.”

Minnie was shocked all over, raised his head to stare at Stevenson, and wanted to say something, but he could hardly go back. Her chest undulated sharply, and it took a few deep breaths to calm down. Minnie put his legs down from the sofa, sat upright, and then said in a serious tone: “We are only meeting for the first time, we can’t talk about understanding at all, and we can’t even like it. You don’t think that now Is it too early to say this sentence? “

Stevenson smiled and said: “The beautiful Miss Minnie, as a direct bloodline of a prominent family, you should know that our marriage does not need to like, as long as we do not hate each other, it is a good result. Connect us together It is the family and interests, not to mention that we still have a common hobby.

As for understanding, at least I already know enough about you. Because Randolph has succeeded in proposing to you, it has collected all the intelligence that can be found about you. Of course, after this incident, someone has sent me the same information. As for me, you must have heard about it, and I will have enough time to learn more in the future.

The last point, and perhaps the most important one, is that the Niall Marquis family and Solam Family need to form a alliance, and this alliance must be maintained by a marriage. In the Niall family, there is no better marriage partner than you, so if you do n’t choose me, would you like to marry my brothers? “

“I can’t marry anyone!” Minnie replied coldly.

Stevenson smiled calmly and said: “This is dishonest. If you do this, you can only leave the Niall family. And without the support of the Niall Marquis, I do n’t think you can pay for your tuition, Although the tuition you need to pay is only one-fifth of mine. In addition, I have heard that His Highness hates the money someone owes her the least. “

After seeing Minnie in deep contemplation, Stevenson shrugged and said, “And, you see, I am not annoying. As for you, Miss Minnie, if I need a wife, it is difficult to find Your better target. I suggest you consider my proposal carefully, but do not need to rush to make a decision. The biggest advantage of our Mage is reason and calmness. “

At this moment, the voice of Sharon suddenly came outside the meeting room: “That is indeed the advantage of Mage. But Mage is not a warlock, and the warlock’s bones are all crazy.”

Sharon floated into the parlor, threw his body directly into the sofa of the main seat, and then pulled the bright red silk tape hanging next to it. With a pleasant ring of bells, the side door on the other side of the parlor opened, and six black slave fish entered, carrying a special red coffee table, incense burner, and of course, a gorgeous gold pot, which was filled with snacks from Legendary Mage .

After Sharon put himself comfortably, he said, “Go and call Blackgold!”

An apprentice flew away immediately, and the grey dwarf Archmage arrived in a hurry. Blackgold, the full name is Blackgold. Safyeke. Storm Hammer. The Storm Hammer is a large tribe among the gray dwarves, so big that it has established its own kingdom. The Blackgold is a very special gray dwarf who does not like spirits but has the same profound insight into ore and jewelry. And because of his unique magic talent, his passion for collecting gold coins, and his unique ability in identification, he finally occupied the position of Legendary Mage financial officer.

After a few glances at a piece of paper handed over by the Grey Dwarf, Sharon remained tight until the small face now gradually stretched out. Only then did I remember that there was Stevenson standing there in the living room, so I asked him Nodded and said, “Are you the Stevenson? Not bad, no need to stand, sit down!”

Stevenson chose the edge of the sofa and sat down properly. His face was rare and serious, and even pale.

Sharon carefully read the information in his hand, and said casually: “Dragon Warlock, yes, very rare. What is the blood of the dragon?”

Red Dragon.” Stevenson replied respectfully, and then his face became paler.

Sharon‘s gaze glanced over a line of small characters, and this line was underlined by Blackgold with a pen to show importance. After reading it, Legendary Mage had stretched a little but still gloomy little face suddenly with a few more rays of sunshine, exerting a little patience to explain a few words: “I have been bullied by Giant Dragon a lot, and killed a lot, After a long time, there is more breath of deterrence on Giant Dragon. And you have the blood of the dragon family, it will definitely be uncomfortable to stay with me. “

“You are really admirable!” Stevenson said. This is really his heartfelt words. The effect of Sharon similar to the reverse dragon is not naturally formed, but the effect of the cumulative curse of Giant Dragon before death. Of course, the curse cannot really hurt Sharon, but the reverse dragon is not used to help Legendary Mage fight, but to remind Giant Dragon to be vigilant. A hundred kilometers away, Giant Dragon will feel the arrival of Sharon. Just how many heads of Giant Dragon must fall to form a reverse dragon power on this woman?

The last few paragraphs of the page were outlined by Blackgold with a pen, and the balance in addition was highlighted, and there were even a few lines of detailed comments. This is a list of materials and the tuition paid by the Duke of Solam for Stevenson. When she moved her gaze to the last few lines, the small face of Legendary Mage bloomed in the spring and was full of sunshine. She wanted to laugh, but she held back in front of the new student. In any case, Legendary Mage‘s manner is still very important.

“That … Stevenson right! Come on, come sit down, these fruits are not bad, you can try it!” Legendary Mage in a good mood feels ready to share his snacks. After all, from the list, Duke Solam paid the full sponsorship fee, not the agreed half.

Stevenson was closer to Sharon by words, but she did n’t consciously touch her snacks, although there were a few things in it that really made him feel the urge to bite.

After reading the list several times, Sharon reluctantly gave the paper to Blackgold. It was only then that she finally looked up and looked at Stevenson seriously, and asked: “How has Solam been mixed recently, has the promotion been legendary? But should he already be a legend?”

The body of Stevenson was straightened immediately. He had long been waiting for this question: “Father has successfully advanced into the legendary field at the end of last year and became Shadow Antimage.”

Shadow Antimage is a warrior with powerful physical and shadow powers. It is very resistant to all kinds of magic, and many low-level magics are even completely immune. Perhaps their absolute attack power is not strong, but high-speed attacks and rapid movements are not lost to High Rank thieves. They can rely on skilled skills to use the shortest time to close the attack distance and stay close to their opponents, thus becoming a spell-casting profession. The nemesis of the professional title was magic breaking.

In the consideration of Stevenson, he is also a legendary identity. Although Solam has just advanced, he still has a huge professional advantage to make him a dangerous opponent for Sharon. Under this premise, Solam still paid the sponsorship fee of double the agreed price. Strong strength and humility should make Sharon regard itself as the core training object. Although Stevenson didn’t understand until now, it was clearly agreed on the price, but why did his father willingly pay such a huge price.

After hearing that Solam became a legend, Sharon really stunned and asked: “Whose he advanced is Shadow Antimage?”

“Yes, I can be sure of this.”

The expression on Sharon‘s face froze for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing: “I actually chose Shadow Antimage instead of Paladin, which is the most suitable for him! This Solam! It seems that the painful beat really left him with a psychological shadow, and Very serious! Hehe, this guy thought he could retaliate me by becoming Shadow Antimage? It seems that I have to give him a more profound lesson, so that he knows that even if he becomes Legendary Powerhouse, he must always remain humble in front of me! oh Hahaha! No, I ca n’t wait! “

Legendary Mage‘s style has always been resolute, and he has stood up in the speaking room, instructing people to prepare a suit, and then walks to the terrace of the parlor. It seemed that she didn’t plan to delay for a minute, and planned to fly directly to the south to find the duel of Duke Solam.

It wasn’t until I stepped on the large crimson floor tiles on the terrace that Sharon remembered something. I turned back to Stevenson and said, “You are already my student! But I am busy now and I have no time to teach you. Come back in ten days. Time to familiarize yourself with the dark blue first, if you have any need, you can directly tell Minnie, I’m gone! “

Sharon turned into a huge burning meteor and flew into the sky. The Stevenson was dumbfounded, maintaining a half-sitting and standing posture, like a funny statue. He tried to call back Sharon several times, his mouth was open and confusing, but he finally dared not make any sound.

Now he finally understands why the Duke of Solam would be willing to pay a full tuition fee, and told him that 10 million/whatever happens should not reveal that he has become a legend.

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