City of Sin: Twenty-two

Richard sighed and commanded: “Burn those trees. Just use them as the coffins of the warriors!”

A moment later, a dozen torches burned. The trees in the fire screamed painfully. They twisted the branches and tried to escape. But without the impetus of the elves’ wood drive, they simply cannot leave the land. It was only the pain of burning that fire was too strong that forced them to make reaction.

The humid environment of Green Forest Plane is not easy to catch fire, but it cannot completely block the magic fire. Several angry howls came from the depths of the forest. Apparently the elves hidden in the dark could not control their anger.

Richard stood silently for a while before waving: “Okay, let’s go back. Continue to cut trees today.”

Today Warriors is extremely powerful, and nearly 20,000 Rock Wood felled in a full felling, which is considered a break. Warriors spontaneously piled up Rock Wood into one by one wood piles, slowly ignited, and then a dozen huge fires appeared around the city. From the evening to the night, the flames never stopped.

In the middle of the night, Richard knocked on the door of Lina and said to Master Long: “Come on, let me go to see Walking Forest.”

The two went to the city wall one after the other. Richard blessed himself directly with a Falling Feather Spell and jumped out of the city. This was an extremely dangerous action, and Master Dragon was taken aback and immediately followed.

The two walked side by side until they stopped at the edge of the forest, waiting silently. At night and the forest are the world of elves, the forest under the night is even more dangerous. However, Richard and Lina are not afraid at all, and the elves are not a deadly threat to them.

Sounds of strange sounds came from deep in the forest. It was a strange rubbing sound. The sound became louder and louder, and the ground began to vibrate slightly. A huge dark shadow moved out of the depths of the forest. It was a big tree. Its root system has been pulled out of the ground, moving forward like a multi-legged beast. But it is not Treant, because there is no human face of Treant.

The old tree walked in front of Richard and Lina, walked out of the forest, chose a place that he thought was suitable, and began to dig deep into the soil.

After this ancient tree, there are countless giant trees removed from the forest and walked to the open space outside the forest, and then one by one took root. After about a few hundred trees were removed from the forest, the forest fell silent again.

The Druid hidden deep in the forest seems to have run out of Mana. The number of trees removed in these two days is far less than the number of felled trees. Druid is also driving the forest in several other directions, but together they can drive up to a few thousand trees out of the forest.

“Go kill that Druid?” Richard proposed.

Lina is quite emotional, but when he thinks about it, he shakes his head and says: “The night and the forest are their world. At this time, we ca n’t find him. Do n’t bother.”

“There is no harm in trying.” Richard laughed, and then plunged into the forest. Dragon Master quickly followed, she was not afraid of the elves and Druid in the forest, but worried about the danger of Richard. Even at the peak of strength, Spell Casters has a repressive advantage over Combatant, but it is not the same on the battlefield, where the white blades meet is still the burial place of Mage.

But gradually, Master Mage found it difficult to keep up with Richard. Richard‘s movements are coordinated and stretched, and it will slide far away slightly on the ground. He seems to be integrated with the environment, any movement is just right, without spending any extra effort. The more I look at Lina, the more shocked I am.

This is the footwork that Richard learned from White Night in Extinction Area Battlefield, and it is gradually blending with itself Dark World Combat Skill and Priest Grappling Technique. He can’t do anything extra like White Night, every move is simple and effective. But in the eyes of Lina, it was shocked enough.

However, the two of them spent more than an hour in the forest in the middle of the night, but they found nothing. Finally, they had to bear the dew, and they got out of the forest. The wizard Druid is Son of the Forest, and it is extremely difficult to find their whereabouts. Since Gordon occupied Green Forest Plane so far, it has not been able to kill an elf Druid.

Richard and Lina looked at each other and saw that they were like wet chickens with a few leaves on their heads. If there were as many embarrassments as there were embarrassments, they were relatively greedy and then became uncontrollable. laughing out loud. After laughing, Lina felt a lot lighter, and the shadows of the day had subsided.

She suddenly turned to Richard and said, “Thank you!”

Richard shrugged and said, “I’m just helping myself!”

The two of them walked towards the city, which was a long and short distance.

On the way, Richard: “Lina, ask you a question. If you are … well, Gordon is here, how will he deal with this situation?”

“Should cut the tree like you did! If he thinks this forest is the elves’ nest, then he will cut the forest directly.” Lina said.

Richard looked back at the dark forest and said, “This forest is so big that it can never be cut.”

“No matter how big the forest, as long as you continue to cut down, there will always be a day to see the end. This is what he said to us when he decided to cut down the tree.” Lina finished, looked at Richard, his mind was complicated Say: “Actually, you are very similar to him and look anxious. In fact, when necessary, you are more patient than anyone else.”

“Is it?” Richard is not sure. Under the cover of night, Master Long could not see his expression clearly.

The tree-cutting is going on every day, day after day, never ending.

Richard has become very patient, smiling at all times, even walking slowed down a bit, it seems that he intends to be a lumberjack for a lifetime.

Olar has returned, he brought back ten elite Humanoid Knight. In addition to Humanoid Knight also encountering the Transfer Gate pass delay of the unknown situation, making Olar false alarm for more than ten minutes, and high channel costs, there is no other trouble. At the same time, he also brought a lot of supplies back according to the list of Richard.

Everyone thought that when Olar came back, Richard was about to go to war. But everything is as usual, Elven Bard is a week away, Richard still has no major moves.

Richard actually has a lot of things to do. Even if you hide and draw Rune, Lucy will accompany you.

As soon as the laboratory door is closed, who knows what they are doing inside. Quicksand wanted to smash the laboratory door, but of course she wouldn’t do it herself, but was prepared to encourage others to do it.

But there are no fools in the team, and even Niris refuses to step into this trap. Suddenly, Liusha found herself in an unprecedented predicament. As Oracle, did she eat the vinegar of a maid and slave? Of course not. But is Lucy the same as a normal maid? Quick sand suddenly found that Lucy has a subtle positioning effect for himself.

Since the fight is not clear, then secretly giving Richard some punishment becomes the only option. As for punishment, the idea of ​​not letting Richard go to bed at night came out instinctively. However, Quicksand immediately rejected this idiot’s idea, really want to do so, only cheaper Lucy. Did you drag Richard to bed? Is this a penalty or a reward?

Liusha holding her little face, tangled in pain.

Others are not as laid back as Richard, especially the Niris who is eager to make contributions. It has been a month since Green Forest Plane. He only really fought a battle, which is not in line with his expectations. In the past, he participated in Planar War, which time was not immediately involved in the endless war as soon as he entered Plane? The cry and blood on the battlefield always make him blood boiling.

In a flash, a month has passed. Richard won the spirit of calmness and hastily completed two sets of wild barriers. Due to the peace of mind during production, the Runeset bonus has been slightly improved. In his spare time, Richard is studying Magic Powered Armament, and there will be a breakthrough.

On the first day of the second month, Richard took a leisurely pace and walked around the city to see what Warriors was doing.

On the small square in front of the armory, dozens of Warrior are spreading out pieces of armor, smearing grease on the nail surface. In ** wet climates, this is an important means of preventing armor corrosion. Although magic is easy to use, the price is still too expensive. Whenever artificial is a good choice, it is cheap.

Richard specially asked Olar to purchase several tons of special grade oil from Norland for maintenance of armor. There are many similar military supplies, and the overall cost is still huge. In the era of the Dragon Mage alone, this kind of scene can not be seen. Gordon didn’t leave her much military expenses at all, and even the funds for weapons conventional update were not enough. Where could she be so extravagant that she paid so much attention to logistics supplies. In the concept of Dragon Master, the so-called logistics, in addition to the crossbow arrows, is dry food.

Richard is looking at the Warriors maintenance armor with interest, Niris walks in a hurry, and sees Richard as soon as it shines, saying aloud: “Hi! Richard! I can find you! It ’s not okay to go on like this, we have to do Order something. “

Richard turned to look at Niris and smiled: “Why are you so impatient?”

“Look, we spent a lot of money, but we always stayed in a daze in the city.” Niris knew that Richard‘s mathematics and economy were very good, so he tried to persuade him from this aspect.

“Do n’t you ship back a batch of rare wood last week? At least 100,000 can be sold in Norland! You see, our income is good. It is not common to receive 100,000 in the first month.” Richard said with a smile.

Niris was speechless for a while, and finally said frantically: “Straight, Richard, I want to fight! This humid weather makes every bone in my body feel sore.”

“Yes!” Richard readily agreed, and then asked with a smile: “The question is where is the enemy?”

“Ah, this …” The Niris was again speechless and had to bite the bullet and said: “We can go to the forest to find it, anyway, those green-skinned elves pose no threat to us.”

“Did you not find it?”

“That … is not deep enough into the forest.” Niris argued.

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