City of Sin: Twenty-three strong trusts

After finishing speaking, Richard walked out of the living room, but Lina was standing at the door, which just happened to block his way, but it didn’t seem to give way.

Lina?” Richard looked at Master Dragon with doubt.

Long Master’s face is very complicated, just looking at Richard, but still not moving.

Richard soon realized the meaning of Master Dragon, so he said helplessly: “Lina, do you want me to give up this territory? That is at least the territory of Viscounty and Norland.”

Lina‘s face was blank, asking: “Territory? Ah, what territory?”

Richard stared at her fiercely looked for a while, then sighed helplessly and said, “You … ok! I get it.”

Richard immediately turned around and shouted: “Sisleyer!”

The dark-haired girl bounced off the ground immediately, rushed to stand in front of Richard, her face was full of excitement, and her chest was undulating violently. There was anticipation in her eyes.

Richard looked at her seriously, and a moment later gave up the idea of ​​distinguishing whether her expression was true or false. Richard couldn’t find the slightest vulnerability in Sisleyer, even using parsing. But as long as she thinks of what Sisleyer has done to her twin sister, Richard always feels that she will not be so simple and cowardly.

Maybe she is really impulsive, but more likely she is a very great actor.

Richard patted her head and said, “Go to my Private Plane, I will give you a small force as your team, you can use it to get your own value out!”

Sisleyer immediately jumped up, full of excitement and joy on her small face: “Are you rushing me back?”

Richard said: “I know you are mostly acting, but since I ca n’t see it, even if you win. So I will give you a chance and give you a trust. But you have to remember, I The trust is not for you, but for Lina. This opportunity is for her. In addition, there is only one opportunity, and I never forgive the betrayal. “

Sisleyer stood with her head down and raised her head a moment later. At this time, she had picked up all the pitiful expressions and restored the curious beauty at the first sight, saying: “I will not let you down. “

Richard nodded and said, “Then I look forward to it.”

After people took Sisleyer down, Richard looked at Lina, shrugged, and was about to leave.

wait a minute, Richard!” Lina stopped him, very disturbed, said for a long time: “Am I doing something wrong? After all, it may be a piece of Earldom …”

Richard smiled and said, “It’s just an Earldom.”

Lina understands the meaning of Richard. Schumpeter Family will definitely exchange a piece of Earldom for Sisleyer, not because she has so much true value, but because Richard will use this as the price of a truce.

A piece of Norland Earldom, the exact value, look at Goliath and Alice. Even with the power of Gordon, the moment of the final battle is nothing more than a marquis.

“I …” Lina didn’t know what to say.

“Okay, it’s okay. If you give up a piece of Earldom, it will make you feel like there will be a home here, it is worth it to me!” Richard said.

“But! …”

Richard stopped Master Long ’s argument, saying: “Lina, your value is much greater than you think. At least I am willing to exchange a piece of Earldom for your trust.”

Finally, Richard waved to Master Long and left the living room.

Long Master only felt that the breathing was not smooth enough, and the body was a bit weak, so he found a sofa and put himself in.

Lying on the back of the sofa, the smiles of the two men kept appearing in front of her eyes, which were very different smiles. Gordon is always fiery and heavy, like rolling lava. The Richard is much softer and more delicate. Originally, there was always a childish and green shadow on Richard, but recently, his hands and feet have more charm than Gordon.

This time Richard came back temporarily, it is not a public return day, so there are not many visitors to the floating island. But the name stickers looking forward to the Richard arrangement meeting still piled up a tall stack.

As always, the old housekeeper has carefully sorted out and put the letters of important people together. Richard gave himself half an hour to unpack and browse all the letters. There was a letter in it that aroused his interest, and he read it twice repeatedly.

The letter was written by Vonster.

In the letter, he firstly expressed his admiration for Richard, and then humbly expressed his original remorse for Richard, and then told about his ardent love for Rune and his extraordinary talent. At the end of the letter, Vonster expressed willingness to visit Richard and learn Rune from Richard. He even expressed his willingness to worship Richard as the godfather on the grounds of Richard‘s amazing achievements on Rune, and baptism can be carried out in Dragon Temple.

This is a letter that makes Richard extremely speechless. He really can’t imagine that there are such shameless people in the world, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that there are not many such people.

What makes it difficult for Richard to understand is that the talent of Vonster is okay, and it has entered the gate of Rune, and has the resources that ordinary people do not have. Over time, it can always make Rank 3 Rune. By that time, he was destined to live a richer and more powerful life than most people. Why did he have to play Richard? No matter which Plane is in this situation, it is not a commendable act to change the teacher.

Maybe this kind of person in a semi-upper position will desire status and wealth more than ordinary people!

Richard crumpled the letter and threw it into the paper.

Another day later, Richard saw five heads belonging to the Schumpeter Family Presbyterian Council before leaving Norland and heading to Faro.

At this moment, the followers of Richard are all in Faro, and the situation here is very good.

It has been nearly a year since the end of the Sixth War of the Gods. In this year, Richard spent most of its time in the world of Rune and magic, exhausting its methods to suppress its own Mana, while slowly hone his bloodline power.

However, he didn’t stay in the magic lab all the time, and he personally ordered soldiers and had a battle with Iron Triangle Empire.

In a period of more than a month, Richard defeated three Iron Triangle Empire legionaries in succession, completely destroying the two Priest groups of God of Time Cenai, and Temple Knight killed more than 300 people in battle. Three of the ten most prosperous cities in the southern region of Iron Triangle Empire were attacked by Richard.

This war shook the entire Iron Triangle Empire. Just as the empire was preparing to mobilize the whole nation, Richard had withdrawn massive amounts of wealth and slowly withdrew from the empire.

Finally, after a long quarrel, the Iron Triangle Empire parliament finally paid an astronomical ransom for the captive 20,000 Warrior, and promised not to carry out any provocative actions against Richard Crimson Grand Duchy in the future.

At this point, in addition to Rislant, the remaining famous general in Iron Triangle Empire has been completely lost to Richard. The empire did not talk about letting Rislant play, but just let him entangle with the Giant Dragon believers, or go to the eastern front to change the taste. Rislant is already the last War God of the empire. Once he also loses to Richard, the blow to Iron Triangle Empire will be unprecedented.

Richard had no intention or ability to destroy the entire Iron Triangle Empire. After reaching an agreement with the empire, Richard transferred its main force to Ancestral Highlands and continued to march deep into the highlands. And he himself continues to explore in the world of Rune.

But this time when I came back from Norland, Richard did not continue to live in such a secluded life. He became a little irritable. When he walked in Oasis City and met the beautiful Priestess for the seventh time, Richard returned to his small courtyard to summon Star Chrysalis, then mounted it, and flew directly to the turbulent land where Broodmother was .

It has been a long time since I saw Broodmother.

Star Chrysalis flew fast and steady, and it did n’t take long to get to the turbulent land. Richard made it slow down and looked down, but was surprised to see that the turbulent land had completely changed its appearance.

The turbulent land at this moment is like a desert. The original forest has long disappeared, exposing the lifeless rocky soil below.

Richard cannot sense any breath of life under the soil, even insects. In his memory, the Turbulent Land was not like this.

This place was originally a land with lush vitality, which is full of all kinds of life, and even includes some intelligent life such as Goblin and Trogg.

For humans, the time streamers that haunt the turbulent land are too dangerous, but it does not matter for these lives. They have a short growth period and have a strong ability to reproduce. Even if the entire tribe is swept away by the time stream, it will not be able to make up for the loss in two or three years. Non-intelligent life is even more diverse.

But now, there is only a piece of debris left.

Richard looked forward and saw a new forest on the horizon at the end of the line of sight.

The forest is all made up of a kind of trees, each growing extremely tall, and the fat leaves swaying in the wind. Not only do these trees grow exactly the same, they are even tall and short, and the spacing between them is exactly the same! The whole forest looks like the most accurate alchemy machine, which makes people look cold.

When Star Chrysalis passed silently over the forest, all the trees were swaying slightly, as if to salute Star Chrysalis and Richard. This is a very strange forest, in addition to those trees, can no longer feel any other life.

In the middle of the forest stands a huge Hive. In the distance, there are two more Hives.

There is an open space in the forest, Broodmother is lying on the open space, and the surrounding mist is spreading with the wind.

“Master, you are finally here.” The voice of Broodmother sounded in the Richard consciousness.

“If I don’t come, I won’t find that this place has been transformed by you.” Richard said as he jumped from Star Chrysalis and looked up at Broodmother.

At this moment, in front of Broodmother whose body length has exceeded 100 meters, Richard is as small as a ants. He walked to a big tree, patted the trunk hard, and asked, “Are these all created by you?”

PS: This is the legendary Gauguin. In addition, I am going to adjust the time of adding more, no longer to change every day before the end of the month. It is possible to add two more changes or not. But the total increase and the amount will fulfill the promise.

It is more than two times later than today.

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