City of Sin: Twenty-three devours

In Forest Goddess‘s Great Temple, Richard is using a golden bowl to hold a bowl of spring water and pouring it on the eggs of the insectivorous insects in the backpack.

As soon as the spring water is drenched with insect egg, it will be absorbed without leaving a drop, and then insect egg will swell significantly, and the increased volume will be even more than the spring water it drew.

Through the translucent egg wall, you can see that there has been a blur of black shadow inside, the abdomen begins to undulate, and a pulsating sound like heartbeat.

Several dozens of insect egg began to pulsate at the same time, and the sound was intertwined, striking people’s souls one by one.

Richard seems to be completely unaware. His perception swept through, confirming that all insect eggs are in the state of hatching, and the one by one worm-eating consciousness began to appear, linked to the will of Richard.

Although these insectivores are small and have little combat power, each is an elite unit. In the sequence of Broodmother, they are equivalent to the super elite of Level 17.

And if these batches of insectivores are completely intact, their true level is not limited to this. They originally belonged to special units that can be created by Level 13 Broodmother, but Broodmother of Richard had awakened True Name as early as Level 10 in order to create these incomplete ones in a special way. Insectivorous.

According to the information provided by Broodmother, after getting enough Divine Power, these batches of insectivorous insects will undergo a secondary evolution. At that time, the true insectivorous insects will appear, and the level will be increased by two levels accordingly.

Up to Level 19, but a special unit with little combat power, Richard would like to see how the full version of the worm eaters looks like.

Richard simply immersed the backpack full of insect egg into the spring pond, and ordered in his consciousness: “little brat, please absorb it as much as possible, but you can only break the shell after getting my permission.”

All the insectivorous insects gave a clear response, and their wisdom seemed to be disproportionate to their shape, but then, a scene of Richard somewhat surprised happened, and a huge pool of spring water was sucked in an instant, The volume of insect egg did not increase significantly.

But the pool is not ordinary spring water. It is a magical spring that can fill up all Mana with a single sip. Even Richard only needs three sips, and you ca n’t drink any more.

“It’s really edible little brat, left.” Richard carried his backpack on his body, his figure flashed, and in a few moments before the God Kingdom channel appeared, he glanced at the huge three goddesses and walked into God Kingdom aisle.

When passing by the three goddesses, the food-eating insects made a small commotion, but they were all suppressed by Richard.

Until Richard disappeared in the God Kingdom channel, the voice of the three goddesses did not appear again in in the Void.

Forest Goddess‘s voice seems to be sobbing and moaning again: “This is a huge evil.” She was almost out of state, because here is her God Kingdom, every inch of God Kingdom is equivalent to a part of her body.

“Indescribable.” The belligerent Goddess of the Hunt sounded like a frightened rabbit at the moment.

Spring Water Goddess was the last one to speak. Her voice was pale and weak, as if she was seriously ill: “fulfill the agreement with Richard, and then wait for his mercy.”

Forest and Goddess of the Hunt no longer have any objections. They never thought that such a terrible thing would appear in Richard. That is the terrifying existence that can threaten the core of the **** body, which makes them instinctively shudder.

Another reason for trembling is that they have no way to deal with this, just like giant monsters, sometimes they fear some tiny but deadly parasites.

The three goddesses are not sure what that is, but as gods, they can know what a fatal danger is.

Fortunately, Richard stayed in God Kingdom shortly.

The three goddesses are silent, as if waiting for something.

For a moment, the God Kingdom channel suddenly shook violently, and waves of volatility came from Cenai God Kingdom on the other side, as if there was a landslide tsunami over there.

The three goddesses were relieved, but the next thing to worry about is Cenai. It is best to have those things and Cenai.

Richard stepped out of the God Kingdom channel and walked to the front line as usual. Unexpectedly, Cenai would welcome himself in such a violent way.

“What is that, you dare to bring this kind of thing into my God Kingdom, you blasphemer, Gods‘s public enemy! Kill him, my Warriors, kill him, my heroes.”

With a bang, a tens of meters of rock was thrown over by Cenai and smashed hard to Richard.

Richard was taken aback, and the figure flashed immediately, and it was teleported 100 meters away.

Such an attack is of course impossible to hit Richard.

In the earth-shattering roar, the giant rock fell to the ground and rolled out hundreds of meters before stopping. The giant rock passed by, leaving deep ravines, hundreds of God Kingdom Warrior were crushed and began to return The journey of God Kingdom.

There are God Kingdom Warrior of the three goddesses and Warrior of Cenai. Because the fronts of the two sides are tightly entangled, the number of losses is roughly half.

The place where Richard appears like a ghost rolls over again, ruling to draw a beautiful trajectory in the air, picking out and killing the souls belonging to Cenai.

After absorbing countless souls, the power of adjudication has risen to the point of horror. The blade is overflowing with the power of the soul, and it will almost swell to the point of exploding the blade. As long as Richard stimulates, then all souls The force will be issued in one blow, Richard believes that it will be a powerful blow.

And the more soul power stored in the blade, the more powerful it is. Although Richard has controlled it so much, but the ruling is swept away, the soul within 10 meters will be torn into pieces.

Inevitably, the God Kingdom Warrior belonging to the side of the Three Goddesses was also accidentally injured a lot, and now the power of the judgment is above the moonlight, but the indescribable sharpness of the moonlight seems to be able to cut off any obstacles.

Richard suddenly sounded a terrible breaking sound, a God Kingdom Warrior jumped high into the air, holding battle-axe in both hands, and chopped down to Richard. This axe used all its strength, but it was cut on the ground. The name God Kingdom Warrior clasped the battle-axe in both hands and could no longer pull it up.

Richard pulled the verdict from God Kingdom Warrior‘s chest and slammed an eater insect egg into his wound.

In the distance, a tall hero holding a giant sword is rushing towards Richard, but the speed of Richard is faster, and the hero has been passing by in a flash, ruling the shiny blade in the air to draw a ray of light trajectory .

The trajectory happened to cut through Ying Ling ’s neck, and Ying Ling ’s head was flying high into the sky, and the blood in his neck was splashing, but he could see an insect egg floating in the blood.

More heroes rushed towards Richard, and Richard also ran towards them, and the speed was faster. In an instant, the speed of Richard has reached an incredible point, flashing tens of meters in an instant, appearing at the first In front of one of the most powerful heroes, the ruling squinted above and stood still.

The hero was still staring at the place where Richard had just started, and sprinted with all his strength. When he was surprised that Richard appeared in front of him, the verdict was deeply buried in his abdomen, and the hero ’s huge impulse took Richard forward. A hundred meters swept away, and then fell suddenly.

No soul escaped from the **** body, and now the power of the ruling is greatly increased. As long as it is hurt by it, the soul in the **** body will be immediately annihilated.

The figure of Richard flickered, circled around several heroes, and then the heroes suddenly rushed in all directions, and then fell down, Richard leaned over and inserted a insect egg on these heroes, and then towards one Team Cenai‘s God Kingdom Warrior walked away, and those God Kingdom Warrior found Richard and immediately thundered a roar of war and rushed up.

Richard showed a faint smile. He deliberately let these God Kingdom Warrior find out, so they would rush over, save Richard and have to catch up, can save a little physical strength, you need to save a little.

The figure of Richard suddenly became erratic, passing through the middle of the team like God Kingdom Warrior like a ghost, with a flash of lightning flashing in between.

Several dozens of God Kingdom Warrior rushed forward dozens of meters, and suddenly fell down. They only had a wound on their body at this time, and a insect egg was buried in the wound.

At this time, the initial insect egg finally hatched. A fist-sized hornet leaped out of the egg shell, eight tentacles immediately grabbed the body of God Kingdom Warrior, and the mouthparts in the center of the tentacles opened to the limit, which was more The abdomen is bigger.

The kacha made a soft sound, and the insectivorous insect bit off a larger body than his body and swallowed it.

The body of God Kingdom Warrior is all condensed from Divine Power. Once the soul is lost, the **** body will also disintegrate and change back to Divine Power.

The divine body swallowed by the insect eater entered the abdomen, and immediately turned into the original Divine Power. Then the maze-like organs in the abdomen were filtered layer by layer. All the brand marks belonging to Cenai were erased in this process. In the end, only pure Divine Power is left, and then it is purified, compressed and condensed by several organs, and finally turned into a crystal that is almost invisible and precipitated in a special cavity in the abdomen.

The whole process was unusually fast. When the second holy body was bitten by an appetite insect, the first holy body had become a Divine Power crystal.

The speed at which the food-eating insects nibble is so amazing that the God Kingdom Warrior‘s chest in a blink of an eye is missing a large piece, and continues to disappear piece by piece.

However, at the same time, the body of God Kingdom Warrior is also disintegrating and becoming the original Divine Power, and I want to return to God Kingdom.

At this moment, the compound eyes of the insectivorous insect suddenly emitted a dim yellow light, covering an area of ​​about one meter in diameter. In the range of yellow light, the **** Warrior‘s **** body actually stopped collapsing. The solution process can only wait for the food-eater to swallow.

Only a small part of the god’s body is covered by the yellow condensed light. When the eclipse devours this part of the god’s body, the body has expanded to several times its original size, about the size of a human head.

It began to turn to find the next target to devour. The battle situation around the battlefield was still fierce, countless Warrior died, and countless Warrior rushed in.

PS: Thank you for your support. The physical book “City of Sin.2 Seeds of Destiny” has been published. I have prepared 10 signature books and commissioned a tobacco box to draw a lottery. Here is the address of the event: http: // weibo. com / u / 3556814410.

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