City of Sin: Twenty-one watering

Richard does n’t know how he got up, anyway, he finally got rid of the girl ’s entanglement and straightened his body. After all, the girl ’s physical strength is limited. The Richard ’s unexpectedly strong body is really heavy for her. After finishing a few movements, she is already sweaty and has hands and feet. Seeing Richard standing up successfully, the girl almost bite her lips with hatred. Does n’t it mean that the boys in the aristocratic family began to learn the difference between men and women when they were six years old? The ten-year-old noble boy knows everything he should know. Many boys of the Great Noble family may have experienced more than double digits by the age of fifteen. But how does this Richard seem to understand nothing? Legendary Mage students, which family is not the nobility among the nobility?

“Impossible! He is a student of His Royal Highness. He must think I am not good enough!” The girl was too entangled, and she accidentally said her thoughts.

“What’s wrong with you?” Richard asked in a daze. Until now, he still felt that what had just happened was in a dream.

As soon as the girl gritted her teeth, her body became soft, leaning on the arms of Richard. Seeing her look too weak to be planted directly on the hard stone ground, Richard had to support her. The girl twisted her soft waist and pressed her most high part tightly.

However, just supporting the girl, Richard could not help sucked in a breath of cold air!

The girl quietly held Richard‘s lower body with one hand, then rubbed it vigorously.

After a few clicks, the feeling from the hand let the girl know that it is a fruit that is about to ripen. It’s about to mature, it’s just a little bit closer. Maybe it will be cooked in a year, or maybe only a few months, if the watering is abundant, it should be shorter. But now, the fruit is still a bit jerky after all. However, the fruit is the fruit, and like all fruits that are about to ripen, as long as they are rubbed hard, most of them can be ripened by hand.

The girl bit her lower lip again, apparently seriously thinking about something.

She finally failed to move. Not because of conscience discovery, but manual ripening may damage the fruit. Even if this probability is extremely low, it will leave unpredictable sequelae. Girls do n’t want to take that big risk.

So Richard was finally able to successfully put on a dark casual soft robe, and sat at the dining table, then looked at the barbecue filled with silver basins on the table in a daze. This is his lunch, and dinner will provide the same amount.

Barbecue weighs two kilograms, excluding four side dishes of the same size and a large glass of alcoholic beverages that ca n’t be named and have a weird taste. In the past, this was the amount of meals for Little Richard all day, but now it has become a meal, and it must be finished. In addition to delivering meals, the girl ’s other task is to watch Richard finish eating.

Although he picked up the knife and fork, Richard did not let go. He was indeed hungry, especially after entangled with the girl for a long time, the annoying mysterious blood quietly disappeared. But dealing with such a large plate of things made him feel very embarrassed, especially the roasted meat also had a disgusting smell. After a long time, Richard felt that the blood flow in the body was accelerating. He was afraid that after eating it, the unknown hot blood would be inspired again.

The girl saw the Richard‘s hesitation, so she smiled and said, “Eat hard! One of His Highness’s famous sayings is,” If you want the power of Giant Dragon, you must have the amount of Giant Dragon. “So the High Rank Master in the dark blue can eat it . “

Although I am a student of Sharon, I am also in awe of Sharon, but Richard is still puzzled by the famous quote of his teacher. Moreover, not only the barbecue, but also the flavors of side dishes and wine started to trigger the reaction of his body. In the end, every time a more flavor came into his nose, he felt a blood line on his body was stirred. As for the girl who brought the meal, she was sitting at the table with her elbows on the table and her hand on her chin, just looking at Richard. But Richard found that her eyes would become fierce immediately when she glanced over the food occasionally. Then it resumed as if nothing had happened. So Richard knew that this lunch might not be easy.

“What meat is this?”

“The ribs of Komodo Land Dragon.” the girl said without thinking.

“What about wine?”

“Fighter Wine for the Ash Canyon Dwarf Elite Warrior in Flame Canyon.”

“Ah, what about these dishes?”

“Cowberry, Blood Parrot, Cappuccino and Spicy Bluegrass. These are the main ingredients of the strong Potion, which are cooked in a special way. If eaten, it can strengthen the strength and physical fitness.” All kinds of food are well-known, and this does not seem to be her specialty. Richard can see that she already has a Mana close to Level 3. Level 3 Mage at this age is not uncommon, but it has never reached the point of flooding, even in dark blue.

Richard nodded and greeted the girl and said, “Come and have some food together! I can’t deal with that much by myself.”

The girl exclaimed and shook her head quickly, saying, “No, no! They are so expensive, I can’t afford it …”

“Just help me cheat.” Richard said with a smile. When the mysterious boiling blood does not come out and make trouble, Richard is still very smart. There have been too many accidents in the past year. And suffering will accelerate men’s maturity.

When I heard Richard, the girl felt inexplicable, but she shook her head and said, “No. I know you are kind, but they are all special formulas and can only be given to men.”

The word the girl did n’t say is that these foods will also accelerate men ’s maturity, but in another way. And this knowledge is indeed not what she should know.

Richard looked at the girl again, so he no longer hesitated and began to work hard to eliminate the food on the plate. He eats very quickly and attentively, and his limited time allows him to concentrate on everything. Finally, when the Richard picked up the glass and drank the pungent wine inside, the girl’s eyes flickered slightly. At this time, in her vision, it seemed to see a slightly green fruit being ferociously watered.

In ten minutes, Richard has cleaned all the food, and the cleanliness of the one by one silver plate is not much different from the freshness. Because Richard speculates from the girl’s reaction, there will be an extra line of eye-catching numbers on the bill sent at the end of the month.

The girl started to pack up the tableware, but her movements were slightly slow. After entanglement in the bathroom, Richard also had a different feeling for her. In retrospect, those intertwined limbs and touch movements have special meanings. Under the gaze of Richard, the girl’s face was slightly reddened, and Richard felt that her body seemed to be hot again. The soft body under the magic robe seemed to have a mysterious appeal to him.

“Your name has not been asked yet.” Richard said suddenly.

The girl ’s body suddenly shook slightly, her head unnatural lowered, and said, “My name is Erin, Erin. Fila.”

“So, what can I do for you … oh, no, I mean, you did a lot of things for me, and I hope to be rewarded.” Richard used the word carefully to avoid offending or harming the girl Self-esteem. His exquisite inheritance from his mother, but the grasp of the relationship between people is gradually becoming more proficient due to the increased knowledge gained in the dark blue.

Erin finally raised his head, smiled and said, “Dark blue’s tradition is that there are only gold coins when you pay. But I know a lot. You can ask me whatever you want to know in the dark blue. Of course, I A small fee will be charged based on the rarity of the information. “

After tidying up the cutlery, the girl suddenly leaned over to Richard, pecked quickly on his lips, and quickly said: “Thank you!” Then she flew away.

Looking at the girl’s obvious brisk pace, Richard‘s mood suddenly became more beautiful.

Magic Array is shining, pushing the heavy metal door to close slowly, isolating residential area from the outside world. All the hustle and bustle was rejected, and the whole area was peaceful. Richard has returned to calm and started a day of study. But today’s firebird feather pen nib seems to be particularly slippery, and the newly unsealed Luoersga **** blood is also dry, so that the lines drawn on the expensive nightmare star cloth often have deviations, and the errors are several times so large The point of making Magic Array partially invalid. The practice material used by Richard now exceeds 50,000 gold coins in terms of value. If Magic Array is partially drawn successfully, 30,000 gold coins will be charged back to Richard. This is Richard‘s tuition subsidy for the first month.

However, the pen in my hand today is just disobedient. If I want to stop it, I will probably overshoot it. Richard soon realized that there was something wrong with it. For example, the heartbeat was much faster than usual. For example, it was particularly looking forward to the arrival of dinner time. Although this local Magic Array is expensive, the consumables are not particularly complicated, but only have a high accuracy requirement. But this time Richard took much more time than drawing the most complicated Magic Array.

“Well, the efficiency this afternoon seems a bit low, but it is not necessarily …” Richard thought about it.

Efficiency is one-quarter under normal circumstances, and Precision (accurate) gives the answer again. I have to admit that sometimes this talent is not very flattering.

Dinner time finally arrived. The girl walked on time and watched quietly as Richard quickly and Precision (accurate) resolved the food in the pot. Before leaving, she kissed the lips of Richard as usual, then grabbed his hand and put it on her chest, smiled cunningly and said, “I owe me a gold coin!” Then she quickly came out of residential area .

The girl was in a particularly good mood, trotting happily all the way, but did not notice that a group of people was coming from the small square not far away. In the middle of the crowd was a brave young aristocrat, who looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with a simple and well-fitted dress, winning by hand tailoring, and a small pale gold badge on his left chest. Clutching a large snake in the middle. People who know a little bit about mainland politics will recognize this badge. The eagle snake is the mark of the Duke of Sacred Tree Empire Solam. The Solam Family is able to wear family badges on clothing is rare.

Behind the teenager, there are more than a dozen people, half of the martial arts, half of the mage, and the scene of the group of mage in dark blue is very different. The old mage who once explained the dark blue history for Richard is now attentively following the teenager, telling with frustration and emotion. In addition to the family background, the elements that can make the old mage so hard to exert are still the power of gold coins. The youth listened absent-mindedly. They watched the deep blue internal structure and the crowds. The sharp eyes did not miss every detail, and even the magic lamp that provided the illumination stayed for a moment.

In the eyes of young people, the back of Erin is going all the way, as happy as a beautiful swallow. Thoughtfully, he stopped and looked at where Erin came out. It was a piece of residential area, and there was only a heavy metal door driven by Magic Array on the long wall, indicating that the surprisingly large area behind the door belonged to only one owner.

“You just said that this belongs to that … well, Mr. Richard‘s residential area, isn’t it?” The young man asked the old mage.

“Yes! Richard is the latest student included in His Royal Highness. Do n’t look at his young age, but he is a real genius! Just look at this residential area, you can know that only two talents can get it Such a big space! There is also a big secret … “Speaking of which, the old Master pretended to lower the voice mysteriously.

oh, what’s the secret?” The youth approached the old mage with interest.

The old mage looked around and then said in a voice that only two people could hear: “Mr. Richard, is a future Runemaster!”

The young man looked surprised, hoarsely said: “What? Did n’t you just say that he just turned eleven?”

The old mage jumped anxiously: “whisper, whisper! This is a secret, as I said earlier, it is the future Runemaster, the future!”

The young man suddenly realized: “It’s incredible! Who determined that he has the talent of Runemaster? Does His Royal Highness Sharon?”

“Who else can there be besides Your Highness?”

The young man smiled, took out a small bag of gold coins and put them in the hands of the old mage, and said, “Thank you for telling me such a big secret.”

When he weighed the amount of money in his hand, the old mage suddenly smiled. This matter is only a secret for Richard in dark blue. However, the old mage has already done a very good job of exchanging money with the new “dark” person from the new to the dark blue.

The young man took a deep look at the door of residential area before he said to the old mage: “The time agreed with the teacher is coming. Let’s go now. Let the teacher wait for me is a very impolite thing.”

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