City of Sin: Twenty-nine plots

Late night, Richard has been asleep for a long time.

This is a dreamless night. The deepest sleep allowed his body that was on the verge of overdraft to recover slowly. The powerful Mana and energy recovery Potion have concentrated this process several times.

An old saying is popular among the gray dwarf tribe: time is gold coins. But that refers to the time of ordinary people or secondary Plane, such as the time of Richard or even Sharon, which can no longer be measured solely by gold coins, especially their Main Plane time.

Richard knows that he has taken the most important step, so he sleeps deeply and peacefully. The accumulation of depression for many days seems to have been vented in the wolf rush of the iron armor. However, he still did not fully realize the impact of his Magic Rune on other people, and even the whole dark blue.

The residential area area of Stevenson is larger than Richard, and the floor is also three floors high. From the outsider’s point of view, this not only shows the love and attention of His Highness, but also a sign of his distinguished identity as a child of the Great Noble family. Only Stevenson knows how much it costs to maintain this decent.

Richard ’s residential area is completely free, while Stevenson needs to pay full rent for the larger and more fully functional residential area.

Even for Stevenson, which nominally has full support from Solam Family, the monthly rent of nearly 300,000 imperial coins is a very heavy burden. And he still needs to pay twice the tuition fees. Although Duke Solam has paid his tuition fees in the next few years, the cost of his coming to Deep Blue is not calculated in this way, even if he does not follow the professional method. Amortization, the interest that this huge sum should have incurred is also an expensive figure.

The resources of Solam, a huge family, certainly cannot be invested in Stevenson alone. And a large part of the reason why he was able to impress the family council is that the family’s desire for an Grand Runemaster with its own blood, which is also the unanimous desire of any slightly ambitious family on the mainland. Randolph was originally the candidate, but his stupidity made him fail before he even started. Stevenson seized the opportunity to persuade the family council. He is not only Dragon Warlock, but also has the potential of Runemaster. His own resources also exceed Randolph. In recent years, he has begun to participate in family affairs and has shown extraordinary talents.

However, family investment needs to see returns. Especially after the Randolph incident, the family’s patience became more limited. The Duke of Solam has entered the legend, and after spending at most two or three years to consolidate the realm, it is time for large-scale expansion.

In addition, Stevenson also bears the tuition fee of Minnie. Because after the marriage contract was established, the Niall Marquis could not wait to stop paying all the expenses of his daughter.

The battle on the frontline is indeed tight. The financial status of the Marquis Niall is on the verge of collapse, and because the war is mainly burning in the Marquisate homeland, whether the Marquis can support it by the end of next year is still a big question mark. In the final analysis, it was because the marquis were too incompetent. Of course, in the mind of Stevenson, the uncle who led the Solam reinforcements should also be added to the sequence of the incompetent.

The Niall and Solam coalition forces already have an absolute superiority in strength, and they are fighting on familiar terrain, but they have been protracted for the battle of Alice for a long time. There has never been a head-to-head defeat.

This woman has a keen sense of smell on the battlefield, and her troops are erratic. Once she finds the opponent ’s weak link and launches an attack, she is thunderous and very ruthless is unmatched. With less than a third of her opponent’s strength, she fought on a terrain that was not vast and complicated, but dragged the Niall and Solam coalition forces to exhaustion. And she destroyed the fields, mines, forests and towns in Niall in a big way. All resources were looted, and those that could not be moved were destroyed on the spot. So wherever she went, she made the marquis so heartbroken that she couldn’t sleep.

The one-sided weakness of Niall has also caused several Great Nobles around it to be on the move, and the strong intervention of Solam has paid a corresponding price. With the war situation stuck, Solam‘s gains from the Niall marquis have mostly disappeared, and then let Alice go on like this, it will soon turn into a loss.

The latest news received by Stevenson is that Solam Family has decided that if the woman cannot be resolved within a week, then talk to her. As for the issue of war compensation, Niall has a headache.

For more than half a year, Stevenson had already decorated its residential area to be quite tasteful. But now, from his bedroom area, the sound of broken utensils is constantly heard. one by one‘s exquisite and elegant artworks were smashed **** the walls and the ground by Stevenson, and the fragments spattered everywhere, and several pieces even passed Stevenson‘s face. Leave a few faint bloodstains. The heavy burden of tangible or intangible pressure made him almost breathless, smashing things can vent a little, but it is only a temporary measure. But now he just asks to vent, otherwise he will be crazy.

“It’s Archeron again! It’s Archeron again! They are a group of lunatics! Devil! Hell guys! Why do they all come to block my way!” Stevenson growled wildly, cursing, but so It’s not enough to vent his heart‘s depressed anger.

However, there is nothing left to break in the bedroom, leaving only an ancient vase made of fine gold inlaid crystals intact. This is one of the most treasured collections of a Foreign Plane emperor, aside from the inestimable value of art and time, the pure gold and Top Grade Mana amethyst were cut into retails, not just one million gold coins. Stevenson can’t afford this Top Level art treasure at all. In fact, it is one of the private collections of the Duke of Solam. It is placed here to support the facade of Stevenson.

The anger of Stevenson is also restrained. Thousands of ornaments are smashed when they are smashed. This thing is Richard stepping on his face in public, he does not dare to move it with one finger.

Minnie stands quietly in the corner, alone and beautiful. She is exactly the age when the flowers were first released, and the increasingly good figure and cold and proud temperament add to the fresh youth. It’s just that there are also a few thin red lines on her face and arms, and the rage of Stevenson has also affected her. Splashing debris is unrecognizable.

Seeing Minnie, Stevenson suddenly became angry again. At the moment in his eyes, Minnie is not a beautiful girl, a genius mage, but a huge black hole of gold coins. Minnie‘s tuition is only one-fifth of his, but the absolute amount is not too much. Although her residential area domain is not as big as Stevenson and Richard, it is not smaller than an ordinary Archmage, so the rent paid for her residential area even exceeds her tuition. And these two items have not yet included the cost of her practicing magic.

For Solam Family, it is not difficult to support one more Minnie. But when Stevenson‘s own expenses have reached an astonishing number, plus the part of Minnie, it is particularly breathless.

In the sinking ship, even adding a small weight of stone will make people on the ship feel suffocated.

Stevenson is very clear that after using such a huge investment of Duke Solam, he has no room for failure at all. The lives of legends will be greatly extended. In the long life of the Solam Duke, there will never be a lack of sons and daughters, and there will be no less talented people.

The enlightenment teacher of Stevenson told him long ago that before becoming a real powerhouse, genius is nothing. The geniuses born on the mainland every year do not know how many, only those who are supported by sufficient resources can grow. And those who do not have the resources, can only bear a seemingly splendid title, and before adulthood. Because when they grow up, it is really nothing, even worse than ordinary people, the aura of the past will become the shadow of their future lives.

Randolph is a recent example.

Stevenson is desperate for success, and he fears failure to the same extent, because the road he has walked into has been reduced to the abyss of hell, and even a small step back is all broken bones.

A Dragon Warlock is not worthy of such a huge amount of funding, and the reputation of long-sleeved dance in the social world is not worth so many gold coins. As for the management skills of family affairs, as an ancient family that lasts for more than a hundred generations, it has countless managerial talents. In fact, in order to get this opportunity to become Sharon to inherit Runemaster, in addition to the family and the personal resources of the Duke Solam, he also invested a lot of manpower and material resources from the matriarch. Once the family decides to give up, his fate will not be much better than the busy Mages outside the inner circle of the dark blue.

However, on the one-way bridge leading to Runemaster, the newly-grown figure of Richard, like the Augustine Mountains of God ’s Heaven, lay in front of Stevenson and stood still.

And his self-proclaimed marriage contract with Minnie made the Duke of Solam pay an extra bill. In fact, Stevenson should not be blamed. He just acted according to the rules of aristocratic society. Under the circumstances, he made a decision that was most beneficial to his future development, because in addition to the paternal family, the matriarch and wife are also extremely important resources. But who would have thought that Niall Marquis would be so shameless and unsympathetic, and directly dump the best daughter to Solam Family?

So Stevenson is almost roaring against the face of Minnie: “You! You said, what is the use of you now? In addition to paying you a large tuition fee every month, what else can you do to help? My place! Is it to help me progress in learning Rune, or to help me get the favor of the teacher ?! You say! Now that Richard has already thrown me away, what do you ask me to do? “

Seeing the silence of Minnie, Stevenson is more difficult to suppress his emotions. He sneered and said, “I almost forgot that you are still a woman and can at least be used to go to bed. Now, you give me strip naked, roll to bed! “

Minnie did not argue, did not resist, but silently took off all clothes, lying on the bed, and spread his legs. When doing all this, her expression was calm. But after lying down, he turned his face to the side, so that no one could see the tears that could not stop.

Minnie closed his eyes tightly, not waiting for the expected berserk collision. After a while, there was still no movement. She couldn’t help opening her eyes, seeing Stevenson standing by the bed, clutching the bottleneck of a bottle of spirits, and pouring a bite from time to time. His eyes crossed the body of Minnie and stared at Floating Ice Bay outside the window. The harbor at night is not completely dark. The ubiquitous icicles reflect the strange light and no signs of biological activity. It seems to be extremely cold.

He took a look at Minnie and said coldly: “You are a smart woman, now is not the time for you to be capricious or playful. If I can’t be Runemaster, then everything is over. Status, honor, money , Power, nothing will happen. You should be very clear about this. The Marquis of Niall has already abandoned you, and your destiny has been completely **** with me. You should be lucky, because the historical Great Noble family like us The formal marriage contract is still very respectful, so I do n’t have the idea of ​​abandoning the marriage contract for the time being. So, you need to fight for your future now, prove that you are useful to me, useful to Solam Family, and prove that you are worth the monthly expenditure of 500,000 gold coins. If you ca n’t do it, or you do n’t want to do it, then I wo n’t force you, you will get out of the dark blue next month! I believe that no one will be willing to pay five for a woman who has run down the marquis ’daughter One hundred thousand gold coins is every month! “The last few words, Stevenson came out with a little drunkenness.

Minnie stared blankly at the ceiling without moving.

Stevenson is telling the truth, and she must not lose Solam Family‘s funding. If there is no money, then she is not only in a state of collapse, the situation is even worse than Erin. Because of her once noble identity, there will be many more men who want to leave something in her body. And her magical talent is simply an insignificant factor at this time.

The famous saying of Sharon is: “Gold coins are limited, and there are many geniuses.”

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