City of Sin: Twenty-nine fate of fate

He saw Green Wind, and he stood up from the seat and asked with anticipation: “Green Wind, you are back! Did you bring back the good news?”

“A big man has been caught!”

“Big man?” The elderly Jing Ling Great Elder moved his face, but he calmed down immediately and asked seriously: “How do you judge him as a big man?”

Green Wind was already prepared, handed a magical sword, and said, “This is the weapon used by the knight, you can try its power,”

Jing sword, pick up a bone knife commonly used by Jing spirits in the left hand, but this bone knife bone It is more dense and smooth, and the huā patterns carved on it are more delicate and beautiful, Great Elder Swinging the magical sword, he chopped off the bone knife, only listening to Ding’s crisp sound, Jing Jing Great Elder The jing bone blade in his hand has been broken into two sections, and the fracture is very smooth,

Jing Ling Great Elder exhaled with a long breath, and said horror: “What a great sword! Even the bone knife blessed by Tree of Life can’t block sword edge, this person’s identity is definitely not low!”

Green Wind said with satisfaction: “In this way, we have the opportunity to save Zhubu Spirit Wind back,”

Great Elder nodded slowly and said, “The spirit wind is the only thing in the whole tribe except me. He is the foundation and hope of our tribe’s existence. We must find ways to let the invaders look for hope,”

Green Wind nodded and said, “The important person in this intruder has been captured. The grasp of jiāo changing spirits has become much greater. The question is, what should we do in the future? The intruder is still in the mén from Demon There is a steady stream of them, and their numbers are endless! “

Jing Ling Great Elder has a deeper wrinkle on his face, solemnly asked: “How much Warrior have we lost now?”

“Since the arrival of the new invader from Devil‘s mén, the adult Warrior in the tribe has killed 106 people. The war Treant has also destroyed 20 trees, and the spirit wind was captured by the invaders.”

“That is to say, half of the Warrior in our tribe have died under the Devil‘s minions?” Jing Ling Great Elder said bitterly,

Green Wind‘s voice is also bitter: “Yes,”

Jingling Great Elder walked to the window, watching the young jinglings who were jumping and cheering among the leaves of the giant branches, and sighed: “Maybe … we should have tried to negotiate with them instead of directly initiating war, The invaders before and after clearly belong to different tribes, “

Green Wind was stunned and shouted: “Great Elder! They are invaders from the mén of Devil! No matter how many tribes they belong to, they are all invaders. We must not compromise with the invaders, we must treat them all Go back to the mén of Devil and destroy the mén of Devil! This is war! “

Jing Ling Great Elder sighed and asked: “Does this mean all Druid?”

Green Wind said, “Six Druids support me,”

Jing Ling Great Elder nodded, silently for a moment, there were a total of ten Druid in the tribe, one of them was injured and one captured, that is to say, only one Druid did not agree with Green Wind, and the rest were supporters of Green Wind, namely To fight against the intruder to the end,

Jing Ling Great Elder said slowly: “Only the three tribes around the mén of Devil are not opponents of the invaders at all, maybe we should be ready to migrate Tree of Life,”

“How can this be! Tree of Life has been growing here for thousands of years!” Green Wind shouted loudly,

“What should I do? If the intruder finds this place, the elder will be angry too,

“Impossible! We will never give intruders a chance to get involved in Tree of Life,”

“Really? How many of you Druid are sure to defeat the invaders?” Jing Lingda,

Green Wind‘s face glowed with green, and he said angrily: “We will defend Tree of Life with life!”

“What if you all die in battle?”

Green Wind was stunned. He never thought that such words would be spoken from the mouth of Jing Ling Great Elder, and he had never thought that according to his eyes, death was just a return to fear,

Jing Ling Great Elder questioned again: “If all Druid are killed in battle and entered, will these tribes who have not yet grown up be spared? If the army of invaders appears here, you may have one-tenth Overcome them with confidence? “

The face of Green Wind is getting more and more ugly, and his fighting spirit is like fire, but since the new invaders crossed the Devil mén to Green Forest, their situation has worsened,

The long-term existence of Devil‘s mén has been weakening the power of their tribes in the past years. Although other tribes in the surroundings have not stopped providing various assistance, their tribes are weakening during long-term consumption,

The new invaders are more cunning like foxes and more aggressive. Recently, there are many more formidable powerhouses. Their weapons and armor suddenly have incredible power. Green Wind has never seen it. Weapons that cut off the war Treant,

No matter how deceptive Green Wind is, it can only be said that it is desperate to fight with the intruder at the expense of the individual. Those wars Treant knew from the beginning that they would never come back, and if they act slowly, they can never escape the invaders. Pursuing killing, if it is not that the spirit wind is too important, then this kind of jiāo change is a complete defeat,

Green Wind, you think about it, is it because of the honor and conviction of you Druid, you need to destroy the entire tribe and Tree of Life for this, can you seven Druid really bear such responsibility? Remember, This is a few hundred lives, and so far, we have given more than one hundred lives, “Jing Ling Great Elder said heavily,

Green Wind opened his mouth, and finally said, “I do n’t believe that those intruders can penetrate the protection of Forest Will,”

“I hope you are right,” Jing Ling Great Elder said with full exhaustion,

Green Wind did n’t say anything. After a few salutes, he left the tree house, he jumped directly from the sky, turned into a falcon, flew hundreds of meters, landed at the root of Tree of Life, and changed back to Jingling Form, in front of Green Wind, is a deep tree dong, two jingling warriors are guarding dongkou,

“Open the dong mouth,” Green Wind ordered, a jingling warrior immediately shot on the dongdong wall of the tree, and the vines that blocked the dong mouth fell immediately, leaving the passage open,

Green Wind strode into the tree dong and circled deep all the way until it was more than a dozen meters deep underground before setting foot on the ground.This is a natural dongxue, the roots of countless Tree of Life hang down, and the wide space is divided into ten Several cells, each cell holds one or several human Warrior, which are captured prisoners a month ago, and since Richard arrived at Green Forest Plane, there are only new prisoners in this prison A jingying Humanoid Knight,

Jingying Humanoid Knight is sitting on the floor at the moment, his eyes are slightly closed, his face is expressionless, and he does not care about the dilemma,

Green Wind‘s resentful eyes shone on Jingying Humanoid Knight, and finally turned to other prison cells helplessly, this Humanoid Knight never spoke, no matter what the situation, how torture, he was a plain expression, but only occasionally looked at Jing In the eyes of the spirits, there will be murders that are not easy to detect,

This is not a language barrier. Druids have found that many of the leaders of the invaders can use their language. During the interrogation, although the expression of Humanoid Knight is very small, it is obviously not at all incomprehensible, even if it is not at all Understand, the meaning of the knife rest on the neck is straightforward enough?

Green Wind feels restlessness, this knight ’s reaction is too calm, so calm that he ca n’t believe it, he instinctively feels that there is a yin scheme, but he ca n’t find tangible evidence. Say to the two Warrior in the cell next to Humanoid Knight: “Now you are useless!”

Said, Green Wind popped two seeds at an incredible speed and spread wildly, and after ten seconds, they were covered with two Warrior bodies, binding them firmly,

These vines are covered with thorns of a few centimeters, and deeply penetrated into the body of Warriors.Then the vines began to swell together one after another, and the hollow thorns produced a huge suction force, which sucked the blood of Warriors. Forcibly torn, sucked into the cane!

Two Warrior screams screamed throughout the prison, and the rest of the Warriors felt the same, some of them were afraid, some yelled, and some were sitting desperately, and occasionally blood sucking The Warrior that the vines sucked took a look, and his face was still calm like water,

The screams of the two Warriors quickly weakened and even disappeared. There are many blood veins in the stems and leaves of the blood sucking vines. It slowly wriggled and actually began to bloom a large beautiful white huā, huā The ball-shaped stem buds at the root bulge at the speed visible to Rou’s eyes, and inside are new blood sucking vine seeds,

The Green Wind face sèyin sinks, and she shouts out four seeds again, killing four human Warriors alive, but Humanoid Knight is still calm, and finally, Green Wind really feels like this again, and his face left the prison in a stern manner.

In the tree house at the top of Tree of Life, Great Elder is walking around uncomfortably. Green Wind cannot be said to be wrong, and he is not wrong. This is just a dispute between the two roads. The road is only to see, or to the intruder irreconcilable until death. The end of the war is the destruction of the entire tribe and Tree of Life. Either compromise with the invaders, the tribe and Tree of Life can continue,

The long-term consumption has made the tribe ’s future vitality in jeopardy. This is a choice between dignity and survival. No matter what you choose, it will be so painful,

Great Elder ’s heart suddenly throbbed, and there was a strong unease in Xiong ’s mouth. This is what Tree of Life was afraid of and warned him, but this is deep in the forest, protected by Forest Will,


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