City of Sin: Twenty-four if in winter

Due to the sudden change of Erin, the sky of Richard has been covered with a haze all summer. Whenever there was a little free time, the girl ’s smiling but crying face came to her mind, no matter how deliberately it could not be dispelled. His heart was completely filled with Erin figure. With the help of excellent wisdom and Precision Blessing, her words, smiles, and actions would be completely restored in her mind, even every detail of her body, together with that failed The most mysterious area to explore, all bits and pieces will be clearly remembered.

The mood will change.

Not long ago, each segment of the memory brought sunshine, joy, anxiety, and more expectations for the next day. And now, these memories are stacked again and again day by day, and the warmth is finally burned into a burning blaze, like a red hot iron, burning on his immature heart, beside the deep scar , And then leave a thin trace.

Richard knows that Erin has changed a lot in these days, and she knows that she has something to worry about, but she does n’t know the reason. Every time you ask, there is no result. It was not until this time that Richard found out that apart from Erin, he had no one to talk to. Yes, in Deep Blue, he has no friends, none. Although he is a close disciple of Sharon, but after a year in Deep Blue, Richard has only seen the teacher three times. Speaking of which, apart from the Archmage who taught, he spent the most time with Erin.

Whenever I’m alone, the pain in Richard‘s heart is particularly clear, and occasionally the pain is similar to the raging fire that only appears deep in the dream. Only when hiding in the vast world of magic and knowledge can he return to calm, focusing on complex formulas, curves, Mana and Foreign Plane creatures.

It’s summer and winter.

This summer’s Richard is amazing. In every field of study, he broke out completely, and the results he handed over many times made the well-informed Archmage also speechless. There is nothing more than to praise the great and always correct sire Sharon of wisdom. In a very limited time, the growth of Richard Mana has once again accelerated, seeing that the end of summer will reach the standard of Level 2 Mage. Outside of the magical realm, the performance of Richard is equally shocking. Philosophy, history, politics, and economy, little teenagers like dry deserts, absorb every drop of knowledge crazy. Even the most discerning big painter remained silent for a long time after seeing a painting handed in by Richard.

It was the back of a young girl, carrying a large constant-temperature food container, and hurried to the dim passage in the distance. The silhouette of the moment outlined her depression, sadness, a little panic and fear. Even the corner of the flying magic robe made people think that they would continue to move with the wind. I do n’t know why, the food box seems to be the center of the picture, and the use of brushstrokes is also different from the portrait. If the movement of the portrait is perfectly shaped, the food box seems to be still there, heavy like a boulder, pulling and watching The painted human heart falls straight down. The whole picture is plain, and the second kind of painting tool is not used. It is all outlined by magic feather pen. Numerous fine and dense lines make up this suffocating painting.

This painting has been seen by the big painter for an hour, but it is still difficult to comment. In the end, he suddenly sighed and said to the assistants around him: “As long as the reality is exceeded, it will become an art as long as it breaks through the critical point. And this picture, just the moment he caught, is enough to become eternal!”

The assistant was dumbfounded. He did not expect that a simple plain sketch would be so appreciated by the master. However, as a few people who almost stood on the pinnacle of Sacred Alliance art, the master’s evaluation is absolutely correct. Now that he has been praised by the master himself, this painting can be sold at a high price for tens of thousands of coins in the outside world. The only thing that restricts its further appreciation is that Richard is still alive, and seems to be able to live for a long time. However, such works may not be created in Richard for a long time in the future.

After a long time of emotion, the master shook his head heavily, waved his assistant away, and sat in front of the easel, staring at the portrait of the girl. The sky darkened unconsciously, and the studio became dim, but a group of glowing lights lit by Mana appeared beside the master, adding a little dim light to the studio. In the dim light, the appeal of this plain sketch is truly unreservedly displayed, so that people who look at it seem to be in the dark, cold, and empty, as if they do not know the end of the corridor.

“I haven’t seen such a work for many years? This kid … when painting her, it must be very painful!” The master muttered to himself. He also had a young age and created the most brilliant works in the most painful times. However, after success, it is difficult to find the passion and impulse at that time. Seeing this picture, it seems to see Richard, the beautiful, silent big boy with a wild spirit in his bones.

The master suddenly became so anxious that he couldn’t even sit on the chair in peace. He stood up and paced back and forth in front of the painting, as if there was something difficult to make in his heart. After wandering for an hour, the master’s eyes fell on the corner of the studio. There is an exquisite magic table there, which is a bit out of step with the overall casual style of the studio. The magic table is a special device for activating monthly bills. It should have found a suitable space and installed it securely, but the master is a bit discreet, so this expensive and important equipment is randomly thrown in the corner of the studio When it is used, it will be pulled out from the pile of scraps in the corner. Seeing the Magic Table, the master naturally thought of monthly bills and Sharon’s Delight.

Master has not seen the joy of Legendary Mage for several months.

And this painting … This painting is so expressive that the master has no way to pretend not to see its expressiveness. It means a special case, and it is one of several special cases that Legendary Mage specifically lists that needs to be reported. If not reported, the master can think of it with his toes, and the berserk of Legendary Mage must follow. The choice between art, conscience and Sharon’s Delight, the master can still struggle, but between conscience and Sharon’s Rage, there is no room for him to choose.

With a painful expression on his face, the master reached out and took off the portrait of the girl, carefully wrapped it, and hurriedly left the studio.

ps: First part comes up, there is another one at night.

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