City of Sin: Thirty-seven revenge

Just when the big guys were looking for various sounding reasons to shrink, Richard had appeared in front of a manor. The same Fireball Spell sent the main guard force in the manor: several young and strong Hucon and the militia sent to heaven. Then Richard sat down and pointed his hand forward. A group of Warriors holding only round shields and steel knives rushed into the manor. They are all captives just captured tonight, so they only issue weapons but not armor. However, after the main guard force of the manor was swept away, the number of these troops was enough to suppress the resistance of the rest.

The owner of the manor, a Sealed Knight, finally appeared neatly, and wearing the whole body plate armor took him too much time. And he just appeared majestic on the battlefield, and was stared at by Gangdor and Shuihua. One minute later, Sealed Knight became a captive.

After half an hour, Richard led a large team to start again, passing the other two Sealed Knight manor, so there were two more Sealed Knight captives. Finally, at Dawn, he arrived at the final destination of Wood Town, which was also the original fief of Sir Min Thai. This time, Mrs. Gaoyue will soon have several more companions with similar status.

After capturing Wood Town, Richard dropped the exhausted soldiers and captives, let two Infantry Knight lead two swift beasts to **** them back to the camp first, they led the team from Norland, all the way to the Earl Territory, Sequoia Town. In Sequoia Town, erupted was a real battle. More than thirty guards and the guards of the Jazz family fought in a desperate battle. They bleed. They Immolate (sacrifice), but they have not changed the battle. Because of the existence of quicksand, they failed to even cause serious damage to an enemy.

Sequoia Town was captured, and the family members left by Hu Earl also became hostages. A total of 28 guards died in battle, smearing a strong tragic color in Sequoia Town, and won the respect of Richard.

But that’s all.

Richard left Sequoia Town at the scheduled time without delay for even a minute. The guard’s death resistance only made the time for searching for wealth a little cramped.

Within a day, Richard swept through almost half of Barony, captured three Sealed Knights, killed a Sealed Knight who would never die, and also captured the main relatives of two war dead Jazz. A family member of a dead jazz was robbed, Baron can also pretend to be invisible. The family members of the three jazz were robbed. If Fossa still turned a blind eye, his Baron title would almost be over.

So after roaring all afternoon, Baron finally ordered the standing army to hunt down the Foreign Plane invaders. At dusk, 500 Warriors, led by five Sealed Knights, rushed to the town of Jovan to attack the intruders who were no longer there. Fossa may not be smart enough, but he is not stupid, knowing that the number of troops and fighting power are not proportionally related.

The strength of the invaders is already clear. They have at least fifteen strong men equal to or above Sealed Knight, and they also have an Mage close to Level 10!

Damn Mage!

In this fertile Qihui continent, Mage is a rarer profession than Priest and Shaman. Every Mage close to Level 10 is respected, at least respected than his Baron. The status of Mage is not only due to their powerful lethality on the battlefield, but also that many equipment and items can only be achieved through their hands. For example, Magic Array for various purposes, and the refining of magic equipment, etc.

Because of Mage‘s noble status, strong power and massive wealth, there are naturally many people who want to become Mage. However, this tradition of Plane places great importance on the inheritance of Mage and is extremely demanding. The time of the magic Mages is extremely valuable. Most of the time is spent on the exploration and research of the magic world. Generally, the Mage that reaches Level 10 will only accept up to a dozen apprentices in its lifetime, and to what extent those apprentices can eventually grow up, whoever It ’s not clear. Therefore, all capable Great Nobles, including the royal family, will squeeze the children of their own magical talents into High Level Mage, occupying the few precious places. Most of the civilians are more talented, and most of their lives will not enter the magic world.

Over time, under this tradition, Mage is precious because of scarcity, and even more scarce because of preciousness.

There is a powerful Mage among intruders! In the eyes of Fossa Baron, the threat of this Mage has exceeded the sum of other intruders. This Plane has a famous saying, only Mage can deal with Mage.

Of course, it is a Mage who said this famous quote. Because of his identity as Archmage, this sentence becomes unquestionable.

Although in theory Priest and the powerful Combatant can also deal with Mage, because of the lack of a large number of battles to make deductions, effective general tactics have never been formed. The accepted practice is to find a way to exhaust Mage‘s Mana and then kill it.

The Buddha Baron can build a temple, a **** of courage, but ca n’t afford a Mage of Level 10. He asked Galleon Earl for help, also because Earl supported three Level 10 Mage. Using Mage to deal with Mage is the most orthodox tactic.

In the luxurious and luxurious study, the Buddha Baron is counting the days. Five days later, the Earl reinforcements should arrive. Optimistically, the forward army will be able to reach the territory of Baron two days later. At that time, Fossa was considered safe. Just thinking about the cost of asking for help, Fossa couldn’t help but feel sad. The famous greed of Galleon Earl, such a good opportunity will definitely extort a lot of money. The loss of Baron, which is close to all high-end combat power, is at its lowest point, and there is no room for bargaining. It is estimated that this time, Baron has to lose at least five Knight’s Fief.

That ’s not just land, taxes, and citizen, but also the five strong and loyal Sealed Knights.

If I knew the result today, Fossa would say nothing to provoke these insignificant intruders. In Divine Decree, “insignificant” actually has a precise definition, which means that the level of intruders will generally not exceed Level 10. But the losses caused by these ‘trivial’ guys are already large enough to threaten the Baron title. Fossa has long regretted it. The more sensible approach is not to encircle and suppress, but to provide some benefits and a road map to send these guys to Direwolf Duke. Taking a step back, at least those guys with temple should be the main force.

For a few days, Fossa has hardly slept a day, and his two teal bags have long hung on his fleshy face. Through the study window, you can overlook the port city not far away. At night, the lighthouse at the port and temple, the **** of courage, are the most striking buildings. The God of Courage temple built a torch tower more magnificent than the port lighthouse. It will be ignited when it receives Divine Decree or a major celebration. The brilliant fire is clearly visible from dozens of kilometers away. Now because of receiving Divine Decree, the torch tower of temple has been ignited, and it will be extinguished for ten consecutive nights.

For some reason, looking at the magnificent temple, Baron suddenly felt that the jumping fire was very dazzling. He snorted heavily and closed the curtains, blocking all light from the window. Now Fossa ’s only prayer is that those five hundred Warrior 10 million/whatever happens do not encounter intruders. He is well aware of the results encountered by both parties. The fierce Foreign Plane invaders may be able to defeat these ordinary Warrior morale with a wave of blows. The reason for sending troops at night is that there is another reason that cannot be announced, that is, once it breaks up, more Warrior can escape through the cover of night.

This is the last mobile force in the hands of Fossa Baron.

Baron ’s prayer only played a half role. His army had just set off from the barracks, and had not walked for five kilometers, was discovered by a roaming swift beast, and immediately transmitted a wave of consciousness to the distant Richard.

An Sealed Knight found this monster hidden in the long grass, but regarded it as an unknown Demon Beast running out of the mountain. He is not interested in hunting now, just want to take his troops to Jovan town as soon as possible, and then keep there. Before leaving, Fossa Baron secretly confessed that his only task was to ensure that he and his men spent the last few days safely and intact, insisting on the arrival of Earl reinforcements.

The velociraptor seems a little unwilling, following the team in the distance, and has been following for nearly two kilometers before disappearing in the night.

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