City of Sin: Thirty-nine attacks

Richard first mobilized the warhorse. The speedy warhorse raised its hoof and trot all the way to temple thousands of kilometers away. The fine and dense sound of horseshoes gathered together, and gradually became louder, with more cowardly pressure. The blinds of a residential house by the road opened a line, and a man leaned over the window and looked out, almost screaming. He immediately covered his mouth, closed the window tightly, and then fell to the ground, unable to stand up again.

There was another dull vibration on the road, and the two Ogres strode forward, following the riding team. The buildings on both sides of the road are also traces of heavily, and the nine-headed swift beasts are scattered in a line, running forward on both wings of the team. They show the amazing Agility, which always jumps to the roof, and running jumps into a dark alley after a while. They are different from ordinary beasts, but have certain wisdom. Richard can now give them some simple instructions, including close, free movement, staying in a place to observe, and attacking a specific enemy.

When the distance from temple is less than 500 meters, Richard kicked the horse again and started to speed up again. So the hoof sound became denser, like the dull thunder before the rainstorm. A brightly lit tavern by the road suddenly opened, and two drunken men walked out. They were wearing military uniforms for the guards. They seemed to be on duty tonight, but they were all drunk in the tavern. They looked into the street with their probes, trying to see what disturbed them just now.

When seeing the riding team from Mercedes, a drunk man immediately opened his mouth and muttered, “My heavens, what is that!?”

Another garrison should be awake, seeing the horrible figure of Ogre from afar, and screamed on the spot: “Devil of Foreign Plane! heavens, they actually entered the city, go to ring the alarm! Quick …”

He had n’t had time to continue shouting. An arrow suddenly flew from the darkness, piercing his throat with incomparable accuracy, and the rest of the shouts were sealed back. The other drunk man was shaking, not yet able to understand what was happening. A Infantry Knight had suddenly swept over the horse, as if a gust of wind swept by, and one-handed battle-axe flew by electricity, this drunk guard The head immediately flew high!

The cavalry team thundered past the tavern door, and then the two Ogre also ran past, so that the people in the tavern dispelled any thoughts of going out the door, and closed the door tightly, even the lights Go out together.

The main entrance of temple is already in sight. Two knights in golden ornate body armor stand on a long ladder straight, standing like two statues. In fact, they are only obedient, and only when they are on guard in rotation, they are eligible to wear full body armor that can only be distributed by real Temple Knight.

Richard hung his long knife on the saddle side, and kept rushing towards the temple ladder!

The temple guard has found the attacking enemy, one person raised his two-handed sword, and the other shouted for warning.

The strong wind roared, and two sharp arrows chased over from behind Richard and shot two guards. The guard who shouted the policeman hit an arrow in his face and fell to the sky. Another guard who guarded the whole world with a sword blocked the arrow. After all, Olar is not a full-time shooter, and the sight and strength of the second arrow will drop sharply when shooting quickly.

However, the Infantry Knight on both sides rushed faster than Richard. They rushed all the way up the temple door and slashed the axe with the charge of the war horse. The temple guard suddenly flew back and the breastplate was cut After two cracks, blood spewed out. With a loud bang, he knocked against the temple gate, then bounced off and fell to the ground.

It was n’t until this time that the alarm bell started ringing, and the majestic but hurried bell sound echoed over the port city, not only waking up all the people who fell asleep, but also let the Buddha who had just laid on the bed suddenly sit up! Baron‘s face was pale, and his frightened heart almost jumped out of his chest. He rushed to the window and pulled open the curtains, just to see the flash of fire in the direction of temple.

“This is … intruders are attacking temple?” Fossar could hardly believe his eyes!

The door of temple is gorgeous and elegant, but it is not good at defense. The two ends of Ogre hit hard, and the door fell down in a few clicks. In the loud noise and flying dust, Richard stepped on the first few steps and began to chant the mantra. In less than three seconds, two fireballs flew into the temple one after the other, and a chaos of exclamation suddenly sounded inside! At this time, there is no guard in temple to run to the door.

Richard ’s line of sight was also blocked by flying dust, and he could n’t see exactly what was happening in temple, but regardless of what was happening in him, the spell was sent out. According to the information obtained, his two shots of Fireball Spell are not untargeted. If they are not blocked, the landing position is thrown in front of the altar, and the entire second half of temple can be covered within the power range. In a semi-enclosed space, the power of superimposed Fireball Spell will also increase accordingly.

Tiramisu, Medium Rare! And you guys, go over there!” Richard shouted and pointed at the right side of temple. Two Infantry Knight, elves Olar and two ends Ogre immediately bypassed temple from the right channel and rushed to the Temple Knight station a few tens of meters away. Behind them, the velociraptors flooded like a black tide.

While the chaos took advantage of the chaos, it silently slipped on the wall and slipped the temple, Gangdor held a giant axe, strode in from the front, and shouted: “trembling, reptiles!” A Infantry Knight holds The big shield, following Gangdor, is ready to help him at any time. This is also a habit formed after many battles. After all, the Gangdor is too striking and likes to roar, and it is always the most noticeable guy on the battlefield.

Richard and Quicksand also walked into temple. They were seeing six fully-armed Temple Knight rushing out from the side columns! The pupil of Richard shrank slightly and said, “How come there are so many Temple Knight!”

So late at night, normally most Temple Knight should go to rest, there are at most three or four knights waiting for the vigil. However, the appearance of six knights wearing a full set of heavy armor appeared very unusual. But when Richard saw the scene in front of the altar, he understood what was going on.

Although I did n’t see any visible damage to the temple building when I was outside, the scene in front of me clearly showed that the Fireball Spell was perfectly destructive, better than expected. There was already a mess in front of the altar, with seven or eight corpses scattered, the idol of the courageous **** leaning backwards, and the entire altar and the surrounding were full of unextinguished magic flame.

It seems that temple is secretly holding a ceremony, but was interrupted by the sudden attack of Richard. And hit the gate of temple, two fireballs to Richard opened the way, just a few breath intervals. The first fireball was added with a delay effect. The two fireballs that exploded almost at the same time suddenly made the Cleric in the ceremony nowhere to escape, and even the protection did not have time to form.

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