City of Sin: Thirty-eight volts

Richard ended Meditation, opened his eyes, and felt that his body was still tired and his spirits were a bit weak. The process of absorbing the original power of Plane is more difficult than the most difficult situation he envisioned. Fortunately, Imaginary Star World Tree of Rank 4 finally successfully absorbed the source, but also paid a huge price. Before the restoration of Imaginary Star World Tree, the Meditation effect of Richard will be greatly reduced. In this way, Richard will not dare to use Immolate (sacrifice) anymore.

I just do n’t know what will happen when Imaginary Star World Tree recovers. Will it become Rank 5?

Richard swallowed the last piece of meat, and then took a deep breath. He finally finished eating all the monster meat. inside stomach was as uncomfortable as the fire. His stomach seemed to be unable to bear such a weird taste. However, Richard forcibly suppressed the discomfort in the abdomen, resting quietly, waiting for the recovery of physical strength. It didn’t take long for a stream of heat to be generated in the abdomen, supplementing the body everywhere. Richard eyes slightly narrowed, while resting, repeatedly thinking about what to do next.

First of all, Richard needs to find a safe place to fill up the magic in Book of Holding. The four-page Book of Holding does not increase the magic that can be stored, but increases the upper limit of magic that can be stored from Level 7 to Level 8. This happens to fit the current Richard, a Book of Holding, which is equivalent to five more Level 8 magic, which plays a huge role in the battle. Only after fighting with the fish-shaped tentacle monster, Richard was hesitant about what kind of magic to add to Book of Holding.

Any Daxodas people who have seen Richard before, from Bear Head Warlord to Black Mage, Devilman, have high magic resistance, but they are not as high as monsters. Moreover, the monster’s defense, concealment, and speed are not weak. The only drawback may be the lack of attack power and a single attack method.

In Land of Dusk, Daxodas people have natural resistance to the power of darkness, chaos, and fire, so the fire magic effects that Richard is best at have been greatly weakened. In addition, in the battlefield of the strong man alone, the range-killing magic is almost useless, even if it is Level 8 range-killing magic, the lethality of the single strongman is also extremely limited. Therefore, Richard would rather store enhanced magic effect-improved lightning in Book of Holding, and could not find suitable Level 8 magic.

And what kind of Level 9 magic should be studied is also a problem that Richard needs to think about now. He originally chose Banshee Scream. With the help of his powerful Soul Power and Spell Penetration Rune, the power of Banshee Scream was greatly improved, and the slightly weaker creatures had little chance of resistance. Richard originally intended to clear a large number of ordinary enemies, and then concentrate on dealing with the powerful enemies that survived under Banshee Scream. But in Land of Dusk, the role of Banshee Scream is also greatly limited, and the real strongman is obviously impossible to be killed by Banshee Scream.

Richard thought about the choice of magic, while using his hand as a knife, chopping forward one by one, repeatedly practicing the knife.

Just as Richard was immersed in the world of power, the earth suddenly shook again. Richard calculates the time, it should be the second battle of Where the Sun Rises. This level of battle is far from what he can participate in, so Richard closed his eyes again and continued to immerse himself in his world. Only the improvement of one’s own strength is truly one’s own strength.

However, the earth is shaking continuously, this time without stopping! A moment later, Richard opened his eyes in surprise again. The tremor of the earth made him shake his heart. What kind of strong person can he always extract the power of Plane? !

Richard thought about it, risked it, and cast another battlefield compass. He was shocked to see that the pointer to Where the Sun Rises had turned into gold! Although the color of the pointer is constantly beating, the golden background is firmly nailed there, and the trend of gradually deepening is not changed at all!

Richard knows exactly what this means.

One or a few super powers entered the Land of Dusk. They not only captured the Sacred Alliance‘s humiliation symbol, the birthplace of the rising sun, but also braved the crazy counterattack of the Daxodas people!

For a time, Richard couldn’t help but boil blood!

This is the battlefield, this is the war. Even those who are calm and sensible will sometimes become generous and agitated at the moment of war and forget their lives. Life and death are sometimes not so important.

Richard immediately forced himself to calm down. Excited fighting spirit is the key to the legion ’s combat, but in the Land of Dusk alone, calmness is a more important quality. However, Richard‘s double eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and then took Book of Holding into his hand in a very natural motion, reading it as if reading an ordinary book.

The earth is still trembling occasionally, the pain of Plane is calming down, and the war in the distance has come to an end. But around Richard, it became very quiet.

The surroundings are too quiet, and even the wind that has been studying constantly stops. No wind means no smell. Land of Dusk is always windy. Richard‘s eye corner peripheral vision swept through the rugged ground, but did not find any abnormalities.

Richard stretched his lazy waist, took Destiny Gemini in his hand, and suddenly waved hard in one direction! A dense yellow-green mist formed at tens of meters away, and quickly expanded to a 30-meter square. Acid Fog Spell is not a powerful spell, and its lethality is very limited. It is that ordinary human Warrior is trapped in Acid Mist, and it takes some time to die. But Richard cast this spell, but not to kill the enemy. As soon as Acid Fog Spell came out, Richard rushed out like an arrow, and ran into his own Acid Mist!

The sudden action immediately alarmed the lurking enemy. I saw nearly ten Mouse Demons jumping from the hiding place and rushing at full speed! Several of them rushed directly to Acid Mist, and the majority of Mouse Demon intercepted in front of Acid Mist, waiting for Richard to rush out of the mist and kill them in one fell swoop.

A tall, thin, strange figure floating in the distance, it was a Black Mage, with its thin and thin arms, chanting incantations with indistinguishable sounds, I did n’t know what magic was preparing .

However, at this moment, Richard has rushed out of Acid Mist!

He didn’t pass through Acid Mist, but appeared again from the place where he burst into the mist! This made all the Mouse Demons stunned. They flew in the wrong direction. The one by one was desperately stopped, and the sharp claws drew deep grooves on the ground, which sparked sparks. But they ran too fast at first, and the huge inertia pushed them to continue to slide forward, and they were farther and farther away from Richard.

Black Mage is stunned open mouth, even the half-prepared spell stopped. Because Richard is rushing towards it! The distance of a few hundred meters can be very long or close. It quickly changed the spell, and the magic of one by one‘s powerful attack in a blink of an eye blasted to Richard!

Richard The whole body is shining, and the speed has been raised to the fastest. Correct Black Mage Booming magic, if there is no tracking effect, dodge by pre-judgment and speed. Clone Spell It ca n’t be cancelled, Richard Just rushed over! And he was turning when he was rushing at full speed Book of Holding , A light red lightning fell on it Black Mage On his head, it smelt all over his body, screaming, and interrupted the magic that had been prepared halfway. although Black Mage The magic resistance is very high, but Level 8 How easy is the power of magic to resist? Got a heavy blow, Black Mage No longer dare to arbitrarily entrust, blame for adding countless magic protection to himself.

The second **** lightning fell again, bombarding the defense magic of Black Mage for the most part. Black Mage panicked and added defensive magic to himself again. However, at this time, Richard has rushed in front of it, Elven Long Blade waved in hand!

Elven Long Blade made a beautiful blade of light in the air, and passed the slender body of Black Mage silently, and then cast off, and took Richard to slide out of the several meters in the air, and then it slowly fell and concentrated Light.

The rich breath of life at that moment was as striking as the candlelight in the night in the dead Extinction Area Battlefield.

Richard stumbled under his feet when he landed, but he didn’t stand still. The five-meter-long body of Black Mage behind him suddenly disconnected from the waist, and the incision was continuously sprayed with ink-like blood ** plasma, and ping ping pang pang continued to explode. Black Mage‘s lower half is still standing, blindly and aimlessly floating, the upper half of the body falls on the ground, constantly twitching and struggling, Hehe screams in his mouth, using his arms to support the body crawling forward. But its wounds are still bursting, and the effect of flesh and blood burst still exists, so its upper body becomes shorter and shorter.

Such injuries, even Daxodas people who are known for their stubborn vitality, will never survive. Richard is more confident in the lethality of the four superimposed Absolute Execution. Instead of looking back at the results, he chose a direction and rushed at full speed.

In this direction, there are two Mouse Demon.

Richard blessed himself with freedom of movement and Acceleration Spell, and the speed was so fast that the afterimage had been pulled out, passing by with both ends Mouse Demon!

Elven Long Blade once again spurred a large blade of light, two long screams on both ends of Mouse Demon, a huge wound suddenly appeared on the side of the body, almost cut in half! Inside their bodies, a large amount of dwarf gunpowder was buried, and flesh and pieces of internal organs spewed out of the wounds!

Richard has already rushed out of the encirclement of Mouse Demon and has grown away.

The remaining six heads Mouse Demon were frightened and angry, screaming, chasing behind Richard, and also going away with Richard, even the dead body of the dead companion was put down.

Richard was flying like electricity, running and running but suddenly groaned and covered his ribs with his hands. There were several deep cuts that were broken by the claws of Mouse Demon at the moment of confrontation. Richard‘s body is extremely weak at this moment, and both physical strength and Mana are close to the edge of exhaustion, but there are six Mouse Demon behind him. Not to mention the six-headed Mouse Demon, that is, the two-headed Richard will not win!

PS: This is the first addition today. Later, there was a second change.

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