City of Sin: Thirteen brothers

The time for the Deep Blue meeting is set three days later.

In the early morning of the third day, Blackgold and Fayr were waiting for the teleportation team. They had already foreseen what Richard was going to announce, and how much storm this meeting would cause.

All Archmage also put down their work and stood on the transmission platform with Blackgold, waiting quietly.

This may be a moment in history. Although they cannot participate in the decision, they can at least be a witness.

A flash of lightning suddenly appeared above the teleportation platform! The electric light cut through the space, Absolute Beginning walked out slowly from the inside, and then jumped gently, so it fell in front of Blackgold and other Archmage.

Absolute Beginning is still the extremely beautiful, but sly expression, wearing the most common robe. But with his temperament, he no longer needs any decoration.

After seeing Absolute Beginning, even the always calm master Fayr was surprised.

In a short time, the strength of Absolute Beginning has obviously improved significantly. Just looking at his precise transmission across the Plane, and the appearance of wearing a robe intact, we can see that he has a full level of manipulation of space. The current Absolute Beginning is probably already at level 25, which is quite close to level 27 as the threshold for super powers.

Although Sharon ’s proud disciples have always been known for their ability to surpass the level, but the level is not to say that it is not important. Under the same circumstances, the 25 level still has obvious advantages over the previous 23 levels. The two legendary attribute enhancements are not small.

Absolute Beginning looked around and smiled and said, “It seems that I am the first one to arrive! So I am really a small person, usually the small person is the first to appear, is not it?”

At this moment, a strong voice came out from behind Absolute Beginning: “You still like to talk back to me. The little person of level 25!”

In the air not far from the transmission platform, a huge Transfer Gate appeared. But this Transfer Gate is not the magnificent and magnificent dark blue, but mainly stone carving, obviously the ruggedness of the Klandor tribe.

An optical path emerges from Transfer Gate and extends to the transmission platform. Then a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes stepped out of Transfer Gate and walked towards the transmission platform step by step.

He is dressed as a military veteran, with tribal-style long, short and two scimitars around his waist, and a stone war hammer in back. Only a short bone stick in his left hand shows that he still has The identity of Spell Casters.

This is another student of Sharon, to leave. But he dressed up more than a shaman than a mage.

When Absolute Beginning saw the departure, his pupils shrank slightly, and then he smiled brightly, saying, “I did n’t expect you to succeed on this road!”

To leave laughed, take a steady and steady footstep on the platform and say: “The roads leading to the peak in the world are all the same. There is no difference in which way to choose. I am a stupid person. What to use, whatever Combat Skill magic he is. “

The Absolute Beginning is very clear. The current departure is already at the Legendary Mage level, but he was born in the Klandor tribe. He also has a powerful ancient beast bloodline, so he is also a Warrior of the 20th-level Saint Realm Level. Looking at these two separately, nothing is remarkable, but it is unusual to put it on a person.

Yao Li has already walked onto the platform, but the Transfer Gate behind him has not disappeared, and is glowing again, followed by several tribal warriors striding out from inside.

Because the first middle-aged warrior had braided hair, his hair was gray. But his eyes were extremely sharp, and when they swept over the Archmage, they were as if struck by lightning.

This middle-aged warrior is legendary, and the eight tribal warriors that follow him are all Saint Realm. Such a force can theoretically fight against Absolute Beginning. If you want to leave yourself, Absolute Beginning is in a worrying situation.

When all the tribal warriors came to the platform, the large Transfer Gate in the air slowly disappeared.

A sharp light flashed in Absolute Beginning ’s eyes, staring at Yaoli, saying, “I ’ve heard that you are prominent in Klandor status, and now it seems so!”

To leave laughed heartily, say without giving up: “It’s true! If you have an advantage, you need to use it. The power is also a part of the combat power. I came here to show off the force!”

In the face of such a straightforward declaration, the light in Absolute Beginning both eyes is getting brighter and brighter, and there is no concession in going away, and the momentum is also rising step by step.

The middle-aged tribal warrior suddenly hummed heavily, took a step forward, and stood away from him, while eight Saint Realm warriors copied from both wings, surrounded Absolute Beginning, and all of them rose murderous aura.

Absolute Beginning stands proudly, but is not afraid. After all, he broke through to level 25. He has a significant level advantage over Lili and has an extremely powerful racial talent. Even if he can’t beat him, no one can boast about leaving him.

The two have face-to-face since they first appeared.

Absolute Beginning demonstrates its own control over the space, and to leave it shows its huge financial power and power through the giant Transfer Gate. Transfer Gate of this size is expensive, and the cost of transferring ten people exceeds one million gold coins.

Before Richard took over, the operating expenses of Deep Blue in the past were only four or five million gold coins.

Just when Absolute Beginning is about to leave the confrontation, the super-long-range teleporter Magic Array next to it suddenly radiates light, and a figure comes out of the teleportation array. He was wearing an ordinary mage robe and couldn’t find a piece of magic equipment all over his body. It was Richard.

Blackgold first called: “Richard! How did you become like this?”

At the moment, Richard is completely thin, the eyes are black and black, the eyes are full of blood, the face is pale as if it is white paper, and there is a little blue. Obviously in the past three days, he has never slept at all.

Blackgold remembered seeing Richard just a few days ago, when he was fine. Seeing the appearance of Richard, Blackgold sinks in his heart, and the things he vaguely guessed in his heart are a bit more accurate.

Richard nodded to Blackgold, then looked at Absolute Beginning and Yaoli, and said, “I haven’t been in a good mood in the past few days. You guys are here without any rest? Very good.”

Richard glanced at the departing followers, and they did not look at them again, as if these sudden and powerful warriors were just insignificant background paintings. Behind Blackgold and Fayr, several Archmages are already secretly talking.

The content of this meeting convened by Richard is guessed by everyone.

The puppet puppets in the private space on the top floor of Sharon failed again, and it is no longer a secret among the upper-level figures of Dark Blue, so Absolute Beginning and Li Wei had thoughts of Li Wei from the beginning, as can be seen from their means of appearance in Dark Blue.

Neither of them chose the cheapest and most convenient teleportation circle. In this way, actually showing his strength to the Archmage present.

Richard honestly walked out of the teleportation circle, and it was such a haggard look. Does Richard intend to give up the dominance for the Deep Blue?

In the past few years, the connection between Deep Blue and Richard was the closest. Richard employed thousands of Masters through Deep Blue, and the research cost was more than 10 million/whatever happens gold coins. Of course, he also received enough generosity. s return.

It is the first time that Lili and Richard have met. Richard‘s eyes were only swept on him and Absolute Beginning, and then swept past, as if these two powerful Legendary Level brothers did not exist at all.

I ca n’t help but feel angry and sneer and say, “Richard, I heard that you have done a good job in the past few years. Why don’t you have any decent equipment on your body?”

Richard finally looked away, but still the kind of eyes that didn’t care, only regarded him as part of the background, and then said lightly: “I don’t need to rely on equipment to prove anything.”

I was so angry that my face swelled with redness, and I could hardly control it. But in front of a large number of Archmage and more and more Mages, he eventually scolded his identity and did not attack it directly. Instead, he sneered and asked: “What proof do you intend to rely on?”

Richard smiled faintly and said, “No need to rely on anything, no one will not know me.”

So arrogant!

Yu Li’s face has turned from red to purple, and Absolute Beginning is looking at Richard, his brows are gradually wrinkled.

The legendary warrior of the tribe took a step forward and shouted: “Bold! How dare you be rude to leave your Highness?!”

He did not drink, and suddenly looked awkward, turning his head to look at the teleportation circle next to him.

At this moment in the teleportation circle, there is a great ray of light, and a great man who looks out from the wolf is out of it. The soaring momentum clearly shows everyone his legendary identity! He is wearing a heavy shield of Legendary Level in back, and this heavy shield has already become his logo, so many people immediately called his name: “Iron Shield! It is an Iron Shield!”

Tie Dun strode in front of Richard, bowed, and stood behind Richard. He smiled and looked at the people on the platform, especially to leave and the legendary warrior of the tribe.

Juli and Absolute Beginning‘s complexion has become dignified. If Legendary Mage like Richard is added with iron shield, Warrior, which is famous for defense, is the most difficult combination.

Anyone who encounters such a combination will have a headache. Even if their strength obviously overwhelms them, it will take a lot of effort to win, and often they just run away, but they cannot stay.

Being away from the flashing eyes, there is already a chill. The legendary Warrior like Tie Dun is the dream partner of every Spell Casters. Even in his status, he can’t recruit such a person. This kind of defense Warrior does not lack partners at all, and more will choose only temporary cooperation.

To leave, suddenly said to Iron Shield: “I am going to leave, how are you following me? How much Richard pays you, I will double it all!”

The crowd around the audience has changed color, so openly solicited, it can be said to be hitting the face of Richard. But it is an irresistible temptation for anyone to be domineering and domineering, directly doubling the reward. Even if Iron Shield finally refused, Richard also lost face.

PS: Congratulations to the man who disregarded the goddess (every time he hits this name, he feels like a sensation) to promote the fairy.

Thanks to the new leader, Deep Blue Insight, 13708733108 (Deepblue Aria).

I am on a business trip!

Okay, you won. Since everyone’s voices are pit fathers, let’s follow the public opinion and let Richard pit fathers!

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