City of Sin: The use of forty-four weapons

However, the vast majority of Slave Hunting Groups chose not to pay taxes, even when they encountered tax-checked cavalry patrols, they would openly fight. !. In just one month, there were six cavalry patrols, and a total of 100 cavalry were killed by Slave Hunting Group. Slave Hunting Group is extremely ruthless, and once it is done, it often does not keep alive. Even a large Slave Hunting Group blatantly attacked a tax collection base of Richard, killing all the people from the tax officer to the guards, leaving none of them. The corpse was stripped and inserted into the stake, standing around the tax point.

For the time being, Richard is located in the northwest region, and the remaining five tax points are self-defeating.

The Slave Hunter team are all tough guys. They have always been the source of instability, and all are extremely brutal and bloodthirsty. The years of desperate life have made these Slave Hunter masters recalcitrant, making it difficult for them to obey.

However, Gangdor and Battle Priest are not the main ones. The former comes from the death training camp and regards murder as a common occurrence. The latter is from the standpoint of God, and believes that the destruction of disobedient pagans is responsible for God, so it is even more fanatical than Gangdor. Although the starting points of the two are very different, but the attitude towards the enemy is highly consistent, that is to say, severe blows, never tolerate.

Eio even shouted that it would rather kill a thousand by mistake, and never let go of a slogan.

So Gangdor and Eio brought five hundred Humanoid Knight and started to tour the northwest Slave Hunting Group activity area. Gangdor released the news early, all the people who saw him in Slave Hunting Group must immediately disarm, and all of them underwent a thorough body search. All Slave Hunting Groups that do not lay down their weapons, or even the late ones, will kill them all!

The theory of Eio is that as long as there are slaves to catch, then there will be no shortage of Slave Hunting Group. After killing this batch, there will be another batch. This is his carrion theory: if there is carrion, there will always be flies.

This domineering and brutal command immediately stirred up a stir in Iron Triangle Empire and even Sequoia Kingdom, and the voice of opposition to Richard continued. Most of the Slave Hunting Group are supported by nobles from various countries. The resistance to Richard tax collection is actually the advice of the nobles behind the scenes. In fact, the taxes collected by Richard are not heavy, but when the whole Bloodstained Lands is added together, the benefit reaches an astronomical figure, enough to make anyone jealous. So many aristocrats secretly wished Richard was unlucky, and a little better thought that Richard had already collected enough money, and it would be nothing if the tax was less. Even darker hope that Richard will collapse in Bloodstained Lands, or at least not stable enough, so that they can also get involved in it.

The fat piece of Bloodstained Lands is too big, so large that almost no one wants to see Richard alone. It’s just that these nobles have forgotten that Richard came to Faro just over two years ago. Before Richard, Bloodstained Lands existed for unknown years. At that time, Bloodstained Lands was not fat at all, but a terrifying zone that only the desperate and adventurers dared to dig into. It is already the limit that nobles can achieve, as the marquis of strength, Anrique, can get a foot in the blue water and oasis.

However, the nobleman ignored Bloodstained Lands which no one could eat for many years, but was successfully swept by Richard within two years, and successively defeated the Iron Triangle Empire and Mage Association joint forces. The nobles were more afraid of the aliens that had previously entrenched in Bloodstained Lands, but they were not very afraid of Richard, although the former was almost uprooted by the latter. This is also in line with the general psychology of human beings, that is, to awe more about unfamiliar things.

No matter what mentality the nobles are at the moment, Gangdor with Eio The two war madmen began to act according to their own plans. On the first day, they met three Slave Hunting Group , Of which three Slave Hunting Group The export was not inferior, and it revolted recklessly. after all Gangdor There are not enough knights. Five hundred knights are just bigger horsemen. No matter how fierce the horse bandit meets Slave Hunting Group If you have to, detour. But the difference between the five hundred cavalry and the five hundred knights is essential.

So on the first day, Gangdor fought three battles, killed more than 700 people of Slave Hunting Group Warrior, and killed more than forty rides, and robbed thousands of alien slaves. The next day, there were more than 700 wooden stakes around the tax collection point that was pulled out, all of which were nailed with Slave Hunting Group Warrior, to accompany those who died at the tax collection point.

The battle situation is like inserting wings, and instantly spread to the kingdom around Bloodstained Lands. One of the three Slave Hunting Groups behind the scenes was the Marquis of Sequoia Kingdom. He sent an envoy to the Bluewater Oasis City to protest in anger, but the envoy was put on hold in the hotel. No matter whether Gangdor or Eio is out for battle, how can there be time to return to Oasis City, just to see the Marquis of the Marquis? The messenger was naturally very angry, but he had no choice but to wait every day.

In the next few days, Gangdor intercepted two small-scale Slave Hunting Groups. They are all behind-the-scenes supporters, and they have been honestly registered to pay taxes, so they can pass safely.

However, it took less than a week for the calm days, Gangdor encountered the biggest challenge, a Warrior nearly 400, and there is a Saint Realm strong Slave Hunting Group, Killer Whale!

When the two meet, the fierce battle erupted without suspense. The battle was terribly fierce. Gangdor was injured as many as a dozen, and the most important thing was that his abdomen was stabbed deeply. The Slave Hunting Group Warrior that died under the Gangdor giant axe is more than forty, and this is the result of Gangdor most of the time in the battle with the opponent Saint Realm strong. Battle Priest used up his Divine Power for the first time before the battle was over. Then he waved his scepter that could be used as chain flail and smashed the heads of at least a dozen enemy Warrior. Battle Priest is not afraid of close combat, he also suffered two big losses under Richard.

In the second half of the battle, Broodmother finally sent orders from the turbulent land and directly took over the control of Humanoid Knight. So a shocking scene happened.

A team of Humanoid Knight rushed towards each other’s Saint Realm strongmen, and they didn’t care about their injuries, and they did not evade the attack at all. They just wanted to insert the giant sword in their hands into the body of the strong Saint Realm! It wasn’t until this moment that the Humanoid Knights really showed their horror. These are killing machines that are unaware of fear or pain. The whole meaning of their existence is to send the weapon in their hands into the body of the enemy. Even a strong-willed person will instinctively have reaction when suffering from pain, but at this moment, Broodmother has directly cut off the pain of Humanoid Knight! No matter how scary the Humanoid Knight is cut, it is like cutting in wood, which does not affect their charge and slash action.

Even when some Humanoid Knight are chopping with axe, large internal organs are ejected from the wound under the rib! However, the movement of their axe was not deformed, and their strength was not weakened.

In the face of such enemies, even the most determined strong will sooner or later collapse and go crazy. The Saint Realm strongman only persisted for a while, his spirit collapsed, and he roared into the final madness!

When the Saint Realm strongman finally fell, he had at least more than thirty wounds in his body, and dozens of axe, gun, and giant swords were inserted in his body, almost nailing him into a hedgehog. Around him, there were more than thirty Humanoid Knight bodies, almost piled up into a hill.

The tragic scene made Gangdor and Eio silent.

From the moment when Broodmother started to intervene, even Gangdor could not be inserted into the battle here. Humanoid Knight succeeded and filled in every available space around the strong Saint Realm.

Looking at the body of the powerful Saint Realm, Gangdor felt strange and awkward in his heart, and finally he only sighed. He was in force and placed in Faro as a strong man. Seeing that this respectable opponent was eventually killed by the Humanoid Knight in a living quantity, any strong man would feel at a glance.

For a while, Gangdor and Eio couldn’t help thinking, what should they do if they encountered such an enemy? They are all people with extraordinary fighting wisdom. In a blink of an eye, they thought of the only way to deal with it, that is, before Humanoid Knight had gathered, they would escape as soon as they could. Once surrounded by a sufficient number of Humanoid Knight, there is no possibility of survival.

After manipulating Humanoid Knight and besieging the strong Saint Realm, the will of Broodmother quietly faded from the battlefield. However, Slave Hunting Group Warriors‘s hand movements were obviously slow, many people couldn’t help watching the scene of the Saint Realm strongman’s death, the tragic flesh and blood in the past few minutes, and finally the strong and unwilling roar of the strongman still hovered in their ear Right now!

The fighting will of Killer Whale Warriors was captured, but the Humanoid Knights were consistent. Not only in the eyes of opponents, but also in the eyes of Gangdor and Eio, these Humanoid Knight are indescribable Demon. As their opponent is a tragedy, fighting alongside them is also unpleasant. Although the Humanoid Knight resumed receiving commands from Gangdor and Eio, they were momentarily distracted and forgot what kind of combat command should be given.

However, Killer Whale Warrior has completely lost its fighting spirit, and the battle situation has become one-sided. Killer Whale Warrior screamed and began to run away. Gangdor and Eio only came reaction, led the team to chase, and finally let dozens of Warrior escape, and they did not intend to chase.

The fighting power of the two sides of the battle is basically the same. The Gangdor side only has a slight advantage, but the final result is that Humanoid Knight paid the price of a hundred rides, almost wiped out Killer Whale Slave Hunting Group. The turning point of the battle was the sudden intervention of Broodmother.

After this battle, Gangdor and Eio only realized how to use Humanoid Knight. But they accidentally buried this matter deeply in heart, no longer mention it.

At this time, in the middle of Bloodstained Lands, an unusually large bug is flying in the sky a few hundred meters above the ground. It has a huge chest, a narrow head and a contracted abdomen. The three pairs of wings quickly vibrate, allowing it to fly at a speed of about 100 kilometers in the air. Around it, there were dozens of fighting bats flying, just like a small-scale air legion, passing by in the air of Bloodstained Lands.

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