City of Sin: The Legend of One Four Ends

As soon as the channel came out, Richard immediately turned around, facing the channel mouth full of alertness, and the followers also put away a casual attitude, waiting for them, they all received the Richard message, knowing that the underground is now full of powerful Shadow Creature , What is waiting for them is likely to be a hard fight,

The Richard is alert, he has felt that the shadow Transfer Gate should be completely destroyed by himself, but before that, Transfer Gate turned on for a few seconds after all, a few seconds, enough to rush out thousands of powerful shadows Warrior , There may be warriors whose strength is terrifying,

If you know that there is an entire Shadow Regiment quietly lurking on the other side of Transfer Gate, Richard will say nothing will open Transfer Gate, and will choose other ways to deal with Rios and Hill, but now it is too late, even Richard does n’t know how many shadows Warrior has in the underground space,

The whole mountain is trembling slightly,

Richard gently pulls out the moonlight and stands in front of her,

The color of the moonlight has become a little darker, not as light and light as before, but has a more condensed taste. Moonlight has been placed with the iron gun of King of Iron these days, this Elven Long Blade is actually slowly absorbed Holding the essence of the iron gun, after a few days, the iron gun has been lightened by a half,

After absorbing some of the essence of the iron gun, the attributes of Elven Long Blade have finally changed. Among them, the extraordinary sharpness has entered another layer, becoming a legendary sharpness. Now the moonlight can almost take all two sections of all Epic Level weapons,

While another Loathes Evil and Slaughtering is still sleeping in a cocoon, I do n’t know what new power will be obtained after completely absorbing the silver sword,

Richard has a dignified look. The vibration of the mountains is enough to show the intensity of the fighting in the mountains. At this moment, even Zonghu has put away a cynical smile and became serious and solemn,

When the battle of the mountain inside stomach is still fierce, there are more than a dozen shadows Warrior rushing out of the channel, Richard do n’t want to think about it, the moonlight lightning lightly counted, and stopped most of the shadow Warrior, Only three were missed for followers,

Each of these shadows Warrior has the strength of sixteen Level 7, and there is no entity, it is not easy to deal with, but the moonlight is accompanied by the breath of nature and life, but it is the nemesis of Shadow Creature,

Richard once learned a lot of Life Class rules in Green Forest Plane, so a stroke of the knife, the moonlight blade looms a pale white light, once the moonlight crossed the body of the shadow Warrior, they will be cut like a cloth At the fracture, the milky flame is constantly burning, and the shadow Warrior is completely burned out in a moment,

Shuihua also greeted a shadow Warrior. Shepherd of Eternal Rest instantly cut it into more than ten segments, but this shadow Warrior wriggled a few times, and actually united again, but the strength fell by two levels. In the future, the sword was like electricity, and dozens of times were cut out instantly. The shadow Warrior was cut into irregular fragments and floated in vain for a while in the air. It could no longer be united, and it was completely killed after all,

The roar of Medium Rare sounded next to him. He waved ten tons and smashed the weapon of the shadow Warrior, but he could n’t help the body of the shadow Warrior,

There are not many magical attributes attached to ten tons. Its biggest feature is its solidity and heavyness. However, for the shadow Warrior, which has no entity, the power of ten tons is weakened by most. Finally, Tiramisu shot out An arcane arrow is the result of this shadow Warrior,

The first shadow Warrior has just been eliminated, and more shadows Warrior have emerged from the channel,

Although the shadow Warrior has no entity, it ca n’t walk through the material at will. When they enter the main material world, they can only penetrate very limited specific inorganic obstacles, and in the past few days, Richard let Drone secrete A special substance that penetrates into the cave wall. This substance can play a special blocking effect on the shadow creatures, so that most of the shadow Warrior cannot dive into the cave rock, which was originally one of the most important talents of Shadow Creature. ,

These measures were originally designed to make the cages of the underground altars stronger. Shadow Creatures have nowhere to go, they will attack Rios and Hill frantically, and now the Richard ’s caution in the layout has finally worked. Shadow Creatures have to act along the channel, they will face siege as soon as they rush out,

The mountain is constantly shaking, and Shadow Creature is also pouring out of the channel endlessly,

Richard was able to intercept most of it from the beginning, then intercepted half of it, and later became a shadow that only intercepted less than 30%. Warrior, Moonlight showed amazing lethality against Shadow Creature, but Shadow Creature is too much, Richard lethal The largest range of elf martial arts “Ring of Destiny” can only block more than ten shadows Warrior at a time,

However, although there are a large number of shadows Warrior, they can only come out from the entrance of the tunnel. Even if they exert their racial advantages, they almost charge outwards one after another, but they have limited scope after all, and they can only accommodate more than ten shadows Warrior. Combat,

They first suffered a heavy blow from Richard, and then hit the second line of defense formed by their followers. After paying a heavy price, there was a third line of defense formed by Rune Knight on the periphery,

The shadow Warrior poured out of the channel, and another shadow was destroyed, until the crowd was about to numb, the mountain suddenly stopped shaking,

Hundreds of shadows Warrior immediately flowed out of the hole like a black frenzy, but eventually fell under the fire of the followers. In this wave of attacks, more than half of the followers were injured and Rune Knights also appeared Casualties,

Richard waited another ten minutes before he was sure that all Shadow Creature had been cleaned up, but he still dared not carelessly, led his followers into the channel slowly, and began to inspect the battlefield,

The Richard exited the channel, but when Richard walked out of the other side and entered the altar hall, it was speechless for a while,

The entire altar hall has been completely ruined, and you ca n’t see what it was originally. There are traces of powerful attacks everywhere. The majestic altar has been completely ruined. On the ground of the hall, dozens of inverted The wreckage of a steel puppet, these summoned magical creatures are full of rolled scars, and they were actually besieged and killed by the shadow Warriors,

Richard walked to the corpse of a steel puppet and carefully looked at the wounds on the puppet. The steel puppets were covered with huge wounds up to a dozen centimeters deep. These are masterpieces left by the shadow Warrior, shadows Warrior itself has no entity, but the shadow weapons in their hands are very powerful. Those weapons themselves are made of one by one ’s Shadow Creature,

The fatal wound of this steel puppet is on the chest. There is a particularly deep wound there. It seems that it was caused by the superposition of dozens of attacks. The last blow went deep into the steel puppet and destroyed its core accurately.

Richard reached out and touched the floating soil on the ground to find a dark black prismatic crystal, Shadow Diamond,

This Shadow Diamond is quite High Level. Even Richard rarely sees this kind of Shadow Diamond. It seems that the shadow of Shadow Diamond is left after death. Warrior, I am afraid that he was a captain and the like during his lifetime,

Richard stood up and looked around the hall. These shadows Warrior are equivalent to High Rank. A lot of Shadow Diamond must be buried under the ruins, but they can make a fortune,

And Shadow Diamond is a key item for Star Chrysalis advanced. In the war, the role of Star Chrysalis is getting bigger and bigger. The Richard that attaches great importance to supply is now inseparable from Star Chrysalis. However, Star Chrysalis ’s demand for Shadow Diamond is also huge. To make it more Rank 1, at least more than 500 Shadow Diamonds are needed. Richard has only accumulated more than 200 pieces in the past period. This time it is hopeful that it will be able to make up,

At this moment, the voice of Zonghu sounded: “Master, there is a passage here.”

Channel, Richard was surprised, he ca n’t remember what other channel there is. In the coverage detection of thousands of Drone, any channel wanted to hide,

Richard flew directly to Zonghu and saw that he was hitting the hole with a strange weapon in his hand. A huge gap was broken in a few clicks, and a long passage appeared in the hole,

Richard looked closely and found that there were traces of fierce fighting everywhere in the channel, and the strength of Rios and Hill remained on the cave wall. Not too far into the channel, Richard picked up two High Level Shadow Diamond and looked at Looking around, at least seven or eight Shadow Diamonds are shining on the ground and walls, which shows the fierce fighting in the channel,

Zonghu said: “Master, it seems that Rios and Hill forcibly cut a passage to escape from this place in order to escape, but they wanted to escape from this dead place, but although they sealed the passage, they did not block these Shadow Creature , I do n’t think they can escape far. “

Richard nodded. When he first walked deep into the passage, he condensed a blue fire in palm. One was for lighting, and the other was in the narrow terrain. The power of blue fire was amazing. Rios and Greek It ’s Legendary Powerhouse, you ca n’t be too careful,

The deeper the passage, the more Shadow Diamonds are dropped on the ground, and the more intense the traces of battle. On the walls of the cave, Richard has seen a lot of splashing blood bead. , Obviously the two legends were not injured,

Into the depth of about a thousand kilometers, Richard looked abruptly, and suddenly did not leave, but transferred dozens of Drone, sent out to visit the depths of the channel, and then a few hundred meters, the channel came to an end , A hall with a radius of tens of meters appears,

In the middle of the hall, Rios stood quietly, while Hill was lying beside his feet, motionless,

The elite Drone immediately transmitted the sight to Richard, and Richard immediately strode forward into the hall until it was standing less than ten meters away from Rios,

“Your name is Richard.” Rios asked,

Richard Archeron.”

Archeron, I have heard of this name, it was the surname of an abyss Great Lord.” Rios said, he looked at Richard and shook his head: “But I don’t see the abyss breath in you. “

“Maybe a long time ago, the power of the bloodline is weak.” said Richard,

Rios smiled and said, “Your Highness Richard, although you are an intruder, your strength and wisdom deserve my respect. Now, I do n’t know if you are interested in making a deal with me.”

Richard said indifferently: “What deal, let’s hear it.”

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