City of Sin: The first magic war in 155th

If there is anything that makes Richard unpleasant in Battle of the Sunset Plains, it is that in the final stage of the battle, a golden beam of light rises in the center of the battlefield!

The milky white Divine Symbol is flying around, although there is no sound, but it is solemn and magnificent. That is the sign of Eio‘s promotion to Level 15.

Richard is just thinking with the buttocks, and you can know that Battle Priest must be intentional, even if the Level 19 strong breakthrough, it is impossible to have such a huge momentum.

However, Richard does n’t care about Eio now. Although this guy has some unspeakable thoughts about quicksand, but his role in combat is truly unique, and he never plays tricks during war. As for this limelight, let him go out. Richard thought, his mind was already on how to continue to develop Imaginary Star bloodline.

The cavalry of the coalition forces are the elite of the nobles. Although Richard has the advantage, it is easy to defeat the enemy and difficult to kill the enemy. In order to wipe out the seven thousand cavalry, he still paid more than 1,000 casualties.

However, the Allied Forces, which have lost all their cavalry, are like tigers with their teeth removed, and the rest are infantry, which is not enough to worry about. The only concern is that Mage Association has at least thirteen Archmage.

After Battle of the Sunset Plains, Richard did not rush to march, but announced to accept the nobility of the other party ’s nobles. Even the nobles who have just met on the battlefield, as long as they are willing to invest in the Richard, they can blame the past. Richard gave the nobles three days to consider, but if the three-day period passes, those nobles who are still on the same front as Mage Association, Richard will not guarantee their safety.

This declaration once again caused a stir in the Sequoia Kingdom nobility.

In this dispute, the nobles who joined the Mage Association side, apart from a few who have long been involved in the association ’s interests, the rest of course are not sincerely supporting the association ’s trade rules. A hand on his dilated throat, but nobles do not want to be Mage Association Punishment. The power of Mage Association has penetrated into the hearts of nobles in the past hundred years.

Magic Item and enchanted weapon are one of the most high-end equipment of Faro Plane. If the country ’s procurement channel is blocked, the comprehensive force will bluntly drop Level 1, unless that ability and financial resources make up for it from other channels. In the final analysis, those nobles who can maintain neutrality are strong enough not to be in trouble afterwards.

Privately, there are many nobles who agree with Richard to challenge the monopoly status of Mage Association. However, a family’s position is not influenced by personal likes and dislikes. Only the winner can make rules, and only the winner’s rules can be accepted by people. At least before the Battle of Sunset Plain, the Richard didn’t look like it had a chance. No one thought that the situation had evolved to this point in a blink of an eye.

So the nobles of the coalition forces were once again in turbulent disputes, some quarreling with each other, some blaming each other, and some quietly operating under the table. However, the latter is destined to be disappointed, because Richard does not accept any private surrender, except for the very few nobles who are prepared to be undercover.

Three days later, Richard once again waved forward.

This time, Richard only brought cavalry and highly powerful Barbarian Warrior and Throwers, rushing into one hundred and fifty kilometers a day, sweeping out four nobles loyal to Mage Association. A total of thousands of garrisons on the four territories collapsed in one blow, a Viscount, two Barons and a Jazz became captives of Richard. The women in their families were all demoted to slaves and distributed to the nobles who followed Richard.

For this decision, Richard only said one sentence: “Enemies with me, do not want to maintain dignity!”

This is a cruel decision and a very intimidating decision.

When Richard ’s decision came into the ears of Vice President Mage Association Ryan, the talented Archmage smashed everything that could be smashed in the office!

“This Richard! He is not worthy of being called a nobleman!” The roar of Ryan resounded throughout the building! He did not expect that as the initiator of the war, what he did to provoke the incident was much worse than Richard.

Unfortunately deterred by Richard, most nobles of Sequoia Kingdom chose neutrality overnight.

Three Grand Duke still keep silent, but everyone knows that Direwolf Duke is basically confer a Noble Title of Richard, Richard has such a tough attitude towards this war, such a cruel wrist, no one believes that there is no Direwolf Duke ’s acquiescence, even support . And another Duke Hamilton, who has been said to have a secret covenant with Direwolf Duke, the guy in the kingdom known as the fox, may fall to the side of Richard at any time.

As for the original enemy of Direwolf Duke, Ge Duke Glassbow, although his direct vassals remained neutral, some of the peripheral vassals had once joined the coalition forces, and the relationship between the royal family and the Duke could not be simply cleared up. But the Duke seemed very embarrassed at this moment. Zim, an extremely important member of his family sequence, somehow suddenly became a loyal loyalty to Richard. Psychologists have made various guesses about this, but it seems somewhat ridiculous. But anyway, the one hundred Eagle Flag knights in the Richard army sequence actually exist.

There are only six field nobles left in the Mage Association coalition camp, with less than 20,000 troops.

Ryan almost red eyes, and the royal family finally gave him a glimmer of hope, broke the long silence, and supported the three thousand kingdom knights. The royal family’s explicit position came a little late, and it almost did not affect the nobles who have stood well. The entire Sequoia Kingdom is waiting for the arrival of the last battle.

So Ryan personally entered the battle, leading 220,000 troops and 20,000 troops of Richard in a decisive battle at Red River Valley.

Salenville once said that he has no confidence in defeating Richard with the same military strength. Ryan is considered to be a genius in magic, but it can’t be compared with the Salenville that has proved itself in dozens of battles at all in leading operations. To be precise, the two are not at the same level. But Ryan himself never thought so. He believed that magic is above everything. The genius in magic has already learned the truth of the world, so there is nothing that can disturb him. So Ryan outrageously led the same military and Richard decisive battle.

In fact, because of the existence of Humanoid Knight in the Richard troops, the de facto military strength of Ryan is still at a disadvantage.

So in the battle of Red River Valley, Ryan was stunned to watch the Richard‘s Tieqi Zhongjun go straight in, and he penetrated his entire front in a single assault! The Knights of the Kingdom, which had high hopes, collapsed at the touch of a touch.

The ending of the whole battle was decided in the first assault.

However, what is unexpected is that the Countess Ikatarina shines in this campaign. Countess boarded War Chariot and played in person. She is tall and plump, her skin is white and delicate, and her appearance is a kind of flamboyant beauty. Although she is almost thirty, she looks only in her early twenties.

The Countess campaign led all its own troops, deployed on the left wing of Richard. Richard has just penetrated the Chinese army of Ryan, and Countess has already defeated the right wing of Ryan. Then in the Countess‘s high-pitched and clear cry, five thousand troops like a tiger came down the mountain and went deep all the way, directly cutting off the entire coalition’s back path!

The Ryan is incompetent again. As soon as I see the vanguard of Countess and the iron ride of Richard, I know that the trend is gone. He is also a fierce and decisive person, even pulling Transfer Gate directly and escaping from the battlefield with random teleportation!

The battle of Red River Valley ended in a total defeat of the coalition forces.

Two Saint Realm strongmen and Archmage each died on the coalition side of this campaign. Twenty-two thousand coalition forces died in battle more than 8,000 and were captured more than 10,000. And all the three thousand kingdom knights died in battle, there was no captive! So far the biggest pillar of Sequoia Kingdom, the power of the Kingdom Knights has been eliminated by two thirds. The status of the royal family is already precarious.

Although Richard devoted nearly four thousand Warrior lives, it defeated all its enemies in one fell swoop, and the biggest gain was the destruction of elite troops like Kingdom Knights that were difficult to reorganize in a short time. If it is not on this special occasion, if it is on the official battlefield, the Kingdom Knights and the Battle Mage Regiment cooperate with the Kingdom Knights, even if the Richard can still defeat them, but if you want to siege them all, the difficulty will not increase, and it will take Greater price.

At this point, Richard has become one of the largest real power figures in Sequoia Kingdom, which is comparable to the three Grand Duke. And after the Sequoia Kingdom royal family suffered heavy losses in a row, its strength is not much stronger than any of the three Grand Duke. The structure of Sequoia Kingdom has created a crisis.

After the decisive battle, Ryan has nowhere to go.

President Mage Association Theodore regained power. He immediately arrested two Archmages from Ryan and sought peace talks with Richard on this condition.

Hoover Archmage, although Level 18‘s Mana is prestigious, but wisely chose to remain silent. No matter how powerful he is, he can’t fight against the army of Richard by himself. Even if there is a Magic Tower that can be defended, but Richard is not necessary to fight him head-on, and the siege to cut off the supplies is enough to make him lose.

While Richard is holding Divine Artifact, the news that two Archmage, including Zaku, has been hit in the decisive battle has gradually spread. This makes Hoover, who has high self-esteem, also have to swallow his voice. Facts have proved that the pre-Ryan speculation was wrong. What can equip his disciples with Divine Artifact, not Legendary Mage?

Facing the olive branch from Theodore, Richard made two requirements. One is that Mage Association gives up the franchise of magical equipment. Richard can freely dump magical equipment in Sequoia Kingdom. The second is that Mage Association gives Richard Dark Gold Mage the status, Richard can hire Mage Association members arbitrarily, and the masters under Richard enjoy the same treatment as the association members.

Richard didn’t think that the Mage Association president would agree to such a request, but he didn’t expect Theodore to agree.

At this point, the war between Richard and Mage Association ended in a big victory. In the future history of Sequoia Kingdom, this war is called the first magic war. ~

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