City of Sin: The experience of the Twenty Popes

Martin opened the box, and said, “The little things you say are generally measured with the vision of Saint Runemaster. For these little people, heavens!”

Martin exclaimed, and Richard was shocked, and it was a little bit strange. Prayers of Light is his work, and what kind of function is naturally clear. Richard doesn’t think this Rune‘s ability is worth the Martin‘s such gaffe.

In fact, Prayers of Light is completely tasteless in the eyes of Richard. Besides its function of converting various energies into light, there are no outstanding features.

Richard took this, and what actually fancy is its ability to increase the optical system Divine Spell. Such a single function, not to mention the unique Rune, in the eyes of Richard really has little value. However, it also has a magic soul, so the requirements for carrying capacity are indeed Rank 5 Rune level. This instead lowered the score of Prayers of Light.

Martin tried to input a ray of Divine Power into Rune, and when he saw an extremely pure light floating on the surface, his complexion immediately became extremely complicated. He glanced at Richard and said, “How did you discover this secret?”

“Secret?” Richard does not understand what Martin is saying.

Martin sighed, shook his head, and said, “All destiny, all destiny”

Martin suddenly relaxed and said, “It ’s okay, you will know it one day in the future. But this little thing is very very useful. I never know how to deal with the old pope, there is a way now.”

“Is this related to the Pope?” Richard frowned. Anything related to the mysterious and unpredictable pope is guaranteed to be no simple matter.

Martin laughed, said: “It’s okay! Whatever you want, what you want to say after a while. What is it called with this?”

“I call it Prayers of Light. You can also change the name.”

Prayers of Light! Yes, this name is very good, no need to change it!”

The two walked while talking, and soon walked into holy splendor Great Temple. Martin walked to the apse with the Richard trail.

holy splendor Great Temple is magnificent and simple. As soon as you walk into the hall, Richard feels a gloomy depression, and instinctively lowers the sound.

In this Great Temple, I do not know how many major events and conspiracies have happened. If the precipitation of history is strong enough, it will have a kind of power to shock the soul.

After walking through the hall, Martin took Richard through a long corridor. There is no decoration in the corridor, low and dim, and every very far away, there will be a magic lamp swaying, releasing a faint light. From the appearance, Richard can’t think of such a channel in the glorious and solemn Great Temple.

At the end of the passage, Martin pushed open a wooden door and walked in with Richard.

This is a windowless temple, area is not big, except for the altar and the Radiance Main God idol, there is no extra decoration inside. In front of the altar are two rows of wooden benches. The chair surface and armrests have been polished very smooth. It seems that after a long time, they are often used.

On either side of the altar, there is a wooden door. One of the doors was open, and through the door you could see that it seemed to be a small library. Similarly, area is not big. The wooden bookshelf is old in style, and rows of old books are placed on it. I am afraid that any book has a history of hundreds of years.

Saint Martin pointed to the wooden bench and pulled Richard to sit down and wait quietly.

Richard is somewhat unknown.

A moment later, another small closed wooden door opened, and the pope came out from inside.

When the door opened, Richard saw a Meditation room behind the door and connected to the bedroom. Each room is not large, and the furnishings are extremely simple.

The Pope walked to the Lord of Radiance statue and prayed silently for a while before turning around, looking at Richard and saying, “You are here.”

“Yes.” Richard stood up, suddenly didn’t know what to say, and simply said straightforwardly: “I originally wanted to fight you.”

The pope seriously shook his head to Richard looked for a while and said, “This is not the time. You must have heard Martin said that your fighting style is restrained by me. Although you defeated the Indefiniteness empress, it does not mean that the world Invincible. “

Richard frowned and said slowly: “I seriously thought that you can really restrain my place, that is, soul and will. If I pay enough attention to this, you may not be able to succeed.”

The pope suddenly smiled a little secretly and said, “Are n’t I already successful?”

Richard suddenly raised a very strong warning sign, and even smelled a strong smell of death! He was shocked and activated multiple shields in an instant to protect himself firmly.

However, when the shield was formed, Richard suddenly felt something was wrong. At this moment, Richard‘s vision suddenly reversed at a rapid speed, as if time had flowed back at this moment!

Richard was shocked. He suddenly discovered that the pope had just opened the wooden door and walked out of the Meditation room!

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Saint Martin, only to see Saint Martin still sitting on the bench, looking at himself helplessly.

Richard suddenly understood that the scene he just saw and the conversation with the pope did not happen at all, it was just an illusion! And when did you hit the trick, Richard was totally unaware!

Martin said: “Look, I said you would be restrained by this old guy, didn’t lie to you!”

Richard was awe-inspiring, looking at the pope who walked to the Lord of Radiance statue.

The Pope stood in front of the idol and prayed silently for a while, then turned to Richard and said, “You are here.”

The Richard was surprised, and immediately took two steps back, looking at the Pope horrified. For a while, he could not tell the difference between illusion and reality, and he wondered whether everything would go back to the time when the pope just came out after the dialogue with the pope.

The world seems to be suddenly in an infinite loop.

But the surprise of Richard was only a moment, he suddenly activated the power of Destruction True Name, and the blue fire that appeared indefinitely appeared on his body!

At this moment, the pope ’s calm face suddenly changed, his hands waved continuously, and the light shields appeared one by one. But instead of protecting himself, he threw it at the idol, altar, library, or even the wooden bench where Richard sat.

It seems that the Pope wants to protect everything in the room.

Martin also hurriedly shouted: “Richard, stop!”

Richard smiled slightly, Lan Huo did not emit it, but did not put it away, but slowly walked around and flowed slowly, and then calmly said: “It seems that I am not so easily restrained, is it?”

Martin looked with a lingering fear, glanced at the blue fire flowing on Richard, and said, “Who knows that you pervert can actually control the flame of the Destruction Star! Hurry up and put away your **** flame, even if The heat of this flame is radiated and will cause permanent damage to the things in this room! “

Richard‘s heart moved, and the blue fire like a stream of water slowly returned to the body. He embraced his arms and looked into the room and said, “What’s in this house is precious?”

Martin smiled bitterly and said, “It is very precious, but it can also be said to be of little value. In the eyes of our believers, everything here is Sacred Relic. Before Lord of Radiance ignited Divine Fire, I lived here for a long time. All here Things are all used by the Lord in those days. But they are not as big as Divine Power like Radiance Scepter. “

Richard looked relaxed, and the pope chose to meet here, it seemed that at least there was no idea of ​​a battle.

Martin also said to the Pope: “You see I am right? Richard is not so good to deal with.”

Martin took the scripture from the altar, flipped it over in his hand, the holy power surged between his hands, and then glanced at the page, suddenly said to Richard: “Do you still not know Why fight this old guy? “

Richard just nodded.

Martin said: “That’s right. The oldest guy’s most proud experience is to have been to Dark Region once and then come back alive. Maybe you need to know this.”

“Maybe. I need to know how to survive and how to return if I arrive at Dark Region.”

The Pope said slowly: “I do n’t think it ’s necessary to tell you. Since we ’ve seen it, then you can go.”

Richard sneered, and blue fire beating on his fingertips.

Martin coughed, took out the box containing Bright Prayers, and said to the pope: “Maybe you should look at this before making a decision.”

Martin opened the lid to reveal the Rune inside.

The pope just glanced into the box, and suddenly his face changed dramatically, and he suddenly reached out and grabbed the box!

With a snap, Martin suddenly covered the box, while the pope ’s hand froze in the air, trembling constantly. He was not in, but he was obviously unwilling to let go.

“This thing, don’t you?” The pope’s voice is a bit distorted, and you can imagine his excitement.

“Yes! This Bright Prayers can turn any power into light! Pure light!”

The pope murmured, “No, this is impossible! Why is there such a thing? This kind of thing should not appear at all.”

Martin shrugged: “How do I know this? If you are interested, you can ask Richard. He made this thing.”

The Pope looked at Richard, breathing heavily, and asked, “What do you want?”

“What can you give me?” Richard asked back.

The Pope ’s eyebrows were locked, saying, “I can pay twice the price.”

“What else?” Richard said nothing.

The sound of pa pa keeps ringing in the room, Martin keeps opening the lid, and then snaps it on again.

The voice obviously disturbed the pope. He paced back and forth in the room and finally gritted his teeth: “I can still give you the experience of Dark Region!”

Richard suddenly stunned. After the Pope explained, he realized that the Pope could let Richard briefly experience the world of Dark Region. What the Pope saw and experienced, Richard can be experienced once, and even Richard can parse out the rules from it!

PS: Time flies so fast, there are only 3 days left in the free month, and 2013 is about to pass.

There are still four shifts today, the time is uncertain, I try not to send it too late, it is cold, everyone rest early.

Both tomorrow and tomorrow.

The plan for January is to guarantee a change every day, and the change will be more and more uncertain. The total Moon Force contention can reach 120,000 words.

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