City of Sin: The end of the 1981 era

“This should have been the boss’s position.”

Mordred performed a patriarchal salute under kneeling on one knee in front of the armor and said calmly: “The blood of Archeron flows from the head, although in the last ten thousand years, the surname Archeron is not the most powerful race in the abyss. , And even being among the first-class is a little difficult, but the abyss is still the most fundamental source of the life stamp of the leader. Here, the Abyss abyss is the end of all abyss and the origin of all abyss. The master of the abyss is The supreme of all abyss. “

Richard pressed his lips tightly and listened.

“So I came here with the head, only in the land of eternal jihad, the realm of the will of Abis, the favored blood of the abyss inextinguishable, the next thing is simple, the head is resurrected, and then the head and the I came here and killed the last Lord of the Abyss, the boss became the Lord of the Abyss. “Mordred‘s tone is very relaxed, but Richard feels that every word is heavy like a mountain.

Mordred continued: “Become the master of the Abyss abyss, then the bloodline of Archeron will regain the favor of the abyss. In the years to come, there will be Great Lord of Archeron, and his bloodline in the world will also change. To be more powerful. “

Richard suddenly clenched his fist, released it, and exhaled, “Why did he intercept me, let me pass, or just explain, isn’t it better.”

Mordred shrugged and said, “That’s the leader, but it’s the will of the Abyss abyss, guarding the passage, and maintaining the stability of the eternal blood battle battlefield. These are the two major responsibilities of the Lord of the Abyss and the overriding instinct , If you want to cross the passage, the leader must stop you. You are fighting the will of the abyss, not fighting the leader. At that time, the leader will not recognize you at all. “

Richard glanced at Senran chill, said: “Since you are very clear, why not tell me.”

Mordred smiled a few times, turned his head to look at him, both eyes is a star-like deep night, “Tell you what to do, let the boss kill, I said, then the boss did not have his own Consciousness, he is just the incarnation of the abyssal will, but if you know the identity of the boss, you will fight with all your strength. With a little hesitation, you will die in the hands of the abyss will, and now, this ending is actually very good, head I wanted to get rid of it long ago. “

Richard remained silent for a long time before saying: “If that is the case, why would he sit in this position.”

“I said that just for Archeron, you know, the boss is such a person.”

Richard feels faintly that he might know where the huge and terrifying will that he occasionally feels in the depths of his soul comes from. Even at the deepest part of the world, this man is always watching him.

Richard sighed and looked up at the huge vortex in the sky. Now the invisible barrier in front of the vortex has been greatly weakened. Through the vortex, you can see that there are countless strange shapes crowded at the other end of the channel. Things, they crowded and swallowed each other, desperately gushing out of the vortex.

Seeing this scene, Richard finally understands why the Abyss Abyss will will use the guardian channel as its instinct. The abyss will not only prevent the creatures on the light side of the world from passing through, but also do not let those on the dark side. Horrible things rushed out.

“Now, am I going to be the master of the abyss.” Richard asked.

Looking over the world barrier, he feels very calm in accident/surprise, but he has to feel a little regret. Once he is the Lord of the Abyss, he will be assimilated by the will of the abyss like Gordon, and then sit on the cold throne forever. Perhaps thousands of years later, it was defeated by another Devil or Demon, which is the natural responsibility of the light creature, but Richard still has too much to do.

Mordred smiled and said, “I ’m really sorry, His Royal Highness Richard, this position is temporarily out of your turn. According to established rules, the position of the Lord of the Abyss should be assumed by Demon and Devil in turns, so the next abyss The lord is me, not you. The surname Mordred in **** is equivalent to the position of Archeron in the abyss today. “

Richard looked deeply at Mordred and solemnly said: “Thank you.”

Mordred laughed lowly and said, “Do n’t thank me, the boss has finished his responsibilities, and he is finally relieved. You can do your business, and I can stay here, quietly remember and head The time I spent together was a great result, was n’t it. “

Mordred raised his hand and pointed at the channel leading to the dark side of the world, saying: “Go and go back quickly, you have run out of time, and I can hold on for a while before I am assimilated by the will of the abyss. For a long time, when you come back, maybe you have to fight with me again. At that time, whether it is killing me or being killed by me, I am afraid it is not a good thing. “

Richard nodded, picked up the armor left by Gordon, and a flash came back to Faust. He looked at the countless ugly pole monsters at the other end of the channel and pondered for a while, his face flashed resolutely. And shouted: “The power is on, we hit it.”

The Faust slowly moved, and the 7 months rainbow began to shine dazzlingly, almost illuminating the entire Abyss abyss. When a huge city began to accelerate, that kind of majestic power was completely unstoppable.

Looking at the Faust that turned into a burning star and hit the abyss channel, Mordred is also a face of stunned, until Faust rushed into the abyss channel, after completely crushing countless ugly creatures on the dark side with its unparalleled strength , Mordred said silently, “This is also possible.”

At the moment of crossing the world channel, everyone ’s field of vision immediately dimmed, and in a blink of an eye it became completely black. The countless ugly creatures that had just been crushed all disappeared, there was no light or sound around, what Nothing is a world of nothingness, death, darkness and cold.

The 7 months rainbow is still radiating light, forming a thin film of light that wraps the entire Faust. This behemoth city is now like a boat in a soap bubble, helpless in the dark sea Floating on the ground.

This is the dark side of the world.

Richard feels that many followers are in fear and shaken. Most of them have never had such an experience. There is light on Faust, nothing can be seen outside, they ca n’t perceive, so dark In a silent world, the strong-willed will soon be mad.

However, Richard has been to Dark Region, but has an understanding of the current situation. The dark side of the world is not empty, it also has its own rules, but the rules on the light side cannot be used here, only adaptation Only by controlling the rules of the dark side can you perceive the world here, just like in the Dark Region. Only by controlling the twisting rules can you see the true nature of that world.

The dark side and the light side are two sides of the world. It is actually much easier to control the rules here than the twisted rules of Dark Region, and under Truth Vision, Richard has seen the flow of energy, and the rule line is also Appeared in the dark, I believe that it won’t take long before Richard can control the rules of the dark side, at least not being blind and deaf.

Richard will soon pass on his thoughts to the followers and let them gradually settle down.

At this moment, the sound of Faceless sounded in the consciousness of Richard: “The energy of Faust has been depleted and cannot be supplemented. If we can’t think of a way, we will have to drift here permanently. “

“Analyze the rules of the dark side, and then adjust the energy extraction mode of Faust, no.”

Faceless said lazily: “It’s so easy to say, okay, then the trivial matter of parsing rules will be left to you. After you have resolved the dark side rules, I will adjust the energy extraction mode of Faust . “

Richard smiled slightly and said, “It is not difficult to parse this.”

After a while, Richard established the first analytical model, but instead of calculating it by himself, he linked Mountainsea and passed all the models and data to her.

The girl is actually Broodmother now. She is sitting on the top of a temple in Faust. She looks at this black and dead world blankly. The model and data passed by Richard are handed to one of her soul node.

In the corner of Faust, there is a fairly large lake. This green surface like the jade ring was originally part of the city scenery, but now the lake is boiling, and a strange giant creature is floating in the lake. It looks like dozens of giant brains are connected together, each with a diameter of ten meters.

This is a newly created thinking unit of Broodmother. It does not have any combat capabilities, but it has huge computing power. This is also one of the Richard ’s preparations for this trip.

Mountainsea directly transferred the model and data to this specially created giant thinking center, and he continued to stare at the darkness.

Under Truth Vision, Richard continuously parsed the one after another model and passed it to Mountainsea until the thinking center was running at full speed before he began to analyze the new model himself.

In front of Richard, there is an old experimental platform of Star Race. This Divine Artifact was moved out by Richard and put on Faust. With the help of the Star Race experimental platform and the Broodmother thinking center, Richard‘s analysis progress on the dark side of the world Speeded up several times.

Time is passing, and the surrounding darkness is gradually weakening. Richard is beginning to be able to see faint images and hear voices that belong only to the dark side. Those voices are still unable to distinguish the meaning at this time, twitter. Yes, it ’s like there are countless bugs whispering, which makes people creepy.

Richard constantly sends the rules that have been parsed to followers, allowing them to gradually adapt to the dark side of the world.

The only exception is Faceless. She seems to be able to live well anywhere.

Fortunately, Richard is here, so you do n’t have to worry about the concept of losing time. This is particularly important in this silent and dim environment. In addition, Faust is also bathed in light, which will not make you crazy.

After a few more days, with the help of the Star Race ancient experiment platform and the Broodmother giant thinking center, Richard finally cracked the surface rules of the dark world, and was able to see and perceive the unique scene here and be free to move.

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