City of Sin: The 1949 war!

Three Fireball Burst and two Nature Summoning are stored in Book of Holding. And for a month, Richard fully increased Mana through Meditation and added a full 400 units of Mana. Now even if he uses Immolate (sacrifice) to release a Level 7 magic, as long as there is no additional increase in Immolate (sacrifice) power, it will not drop the Mana level.

In this month, Richard completed two sets of Runeset in addition to Cryptic Mood on the quicksand. The seven Demon Mounts created by Broodmother have arrived in Oasis City. With mount, there will be Rune Knight. Richard selected five Level 12 Archeron Warrior and formed their first Rune Knight team. These five Runeset Rune Knight all have the fighting power equivalent to Level 15. Moreover, Richard armed them with full Superior Level equipment to their teeth, and then stopped.

At this moment everything is ready, only one cause of war.

When Chuckert Baron rushed into Oasis City, he did not know that he was about to become the fuse of a war.

When Chuckert saw Richard, Richard‘s mood looked very good, which was in stark contrast to Baron.

Richard certainly has reason to be in a good mood. In the past month, his effect on Meditation was particularly good, and Mana promoting speed was almost double that of the past. That is to say, Richard Mana promoting speed was eight to ten times that of the ordinary mage in the past month. The main reason for the rapid improvement of Mana is that the occurrence probability of High Rank star light is higher than in the past. This made Richard decide to continue to cultivate Imaginary Star blood vessels in the next period of time, be sure to see what happens when Rank 4. In addition, for capturing star light, Wisdom and Truth talent also plays an important role. Richard at least found a way to improve Wisdom Blessing.

The Chuckert Baron sitting opposite the Richard is a servant with dirty hair and messy hair, and the both eyes is covered with bloodshot eyes. Compared with the last time he left, he was thinner and more haggard. He was gone for a few months, just like ten years old.

Chuckert rubbed his hands subconsciously and said in a nervous voice: “Master Richard, you must help me! Otherwise my father, my family will be over!”

Richard first ordered someone to bring a cup of black tea, with a little spirits in it, to make Chuckert a little quieter, and then said, “Do n’t worry, Chuckert. If you say something slowly, you are here and it ’s safe.” “

Chuckert really relaxed, and said with a bitter smile: “Master Richard, this family disaster is actually caused by the magic equipment you gave me …”

Chuckert talked a bit messy, but after a while, Richard still understood what happened.

After the magical equipment that Chuckert gave to Burr Earl was discovered by Mage Association, Mage Association had secretly contacted Burr Earl several times. They privately promised that if Burr Earl admits that it is illegal to purchase magic equipment from Richard, then Mage Association will no longer pursue Earl ’s responsibility in this incident and will point the finger at Richard. If Burr Earl is willing to cooperate with Mage Association to accuse Richard, then Mage Association promises not only to return the magic equipment worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins, but also to give a certain discount when supplying equipment to Earl.

Under the double temptation and silent threat, Burr Earl finally couldn’t resist, admitted that he violated the regulations of Mage Association, purchased a large amount of magic equipment from Richard, and wrote the written materials.

After a while, Mage Association became completely motionless, but the confiscated magic equipment was not returned. Burr Earl was uneasy, and he didn’t dare to ask Mage Association for thought.

However, just a week ago, a dozen black robe law enforcement mages from Mage Association, with the assistance of hundreds of elite knights, raided the castle of Burr Earl, captured Earl, and occupied the castle. Subsequently, Burr Earl was taken to Lausanne, where Mage Association headquarters is located, and put into secret prison. The confession statement compromised by Earl and Mage Association has now become the most powerful weapon for trial. It is worth pondering that the Mage Association‘s sentence concealed the name of the supplier of the illegal transaction, and did not mention Richard positively.

The news came out, and the whole Sequoia Kingdom was in an uproar!

The tough action of Mage Association made all the nobles on the ground uneasy and angry, and the condemnation continued. If you want to try and punish a nobleman on the ground, it is still such a real Great Noble of the Earl rank, even the king cannot do so at will. Mage Association has made it. Although they have a good excuse, the nobles still have to ask who understands who gave them such rights.

However, Burr Earl is a neutral nobility and does not belong to any lineage of the royal family and the three Grand Duke. At ordinary times, this allowed him to avoid the conflict between the giants, but now, it also makes him find that there are no strong and powerful allies around him at the critical moment. And in this matter, for some reason, the royal family and the three Grand Duke surprisingly kept silent. The other nobles just kept exerting pressure on the Mage Association to protest, but the attitude of Mage Association was surprisingly tough and would never respond.

Since there is no organizer, although the nobles ’protests are fierce, no one really wants to jump out and fight a war with the behemoth Mage Association. Therefore, public opinion is no longer so powerful, in fact, it will eventually be lost, and Burr Earl is allowed to stand trial.

Hearing here, Richard asked: “What will be the result of the trial?”

“The best result is to confiscate the magic equipment and fine a large sum of money.” Chuckert smiled bitterly and hesitated for a while before saying: “The worst result … is imprisonment, or even hanged. “

Richard immediately frowned and said, “Hanged? Does Mage Association have such a right? Even Royal Capital has no right to execute a Earl at will!”

“Theoretically this is the case, but in fact there are many alternative treatments. For example, secretly executed in a secret prison, and then said that it was due to physical discomfort or old age, or even suicide. . There are many ways to do this. “

Richard thinks about it, and understands that Mage Association will probably use this method, at least give a shame cloth to other nobles, even if this cloth is really small.

“What about the territory?”

Chuckert spread out both hands, said: “Segmentation, and then gradually devouring whale swallowing, that’s it.” The parents of the family are stuck in such an infamous death, and the successor’s ability is strong. And Mage Association will certainly not let Earldom be smoothly controlled by the next term. Split inheritance is the most likely situation. In this process, Earldom will no longer exist because of internal chaos and external erosion.

Richard nodded, picked up the black tea, and tasted it lightly, before neither too fast nor too slow said: “I can help you with this matter. But do you really have the courage to fight Mage Association? I mean … war!”

Chuckert was taken aback at first and appeared a little panicked, then he calmed down and his face gradually became gloomy and decided. With a dumb throat, he said fiercely: “Fucked! If all of my territory is mobilized, I can pull out two thousand Warrior! It’s just that there are a thousand people who can really fight, and the other one thousand are not equipped properly, and the training is not In place. “

Richard knows that mobilizing two thousand people is absolutely out of the nest for a Baron, so he said: “Okay, go back and gather the army. When will you get together two thousand people? When will I intervene in this one?” Things. “

Chuckert Baron Huodi stood up and shouted: “One week! I will build up the army in a week!”

Richard took out a map of Bloodstained Lands, pointed to his own territories under construction, and said, “Very good. This is my territory. You will gather your troops here. I will join you in a week. “

Chuckert Baron suddenly went to kneeling on one knee, sent a servant courtesy to the lord on Richard, and then strode out of the parlor.

Throughout the process, Quicksand has been watching and listening quietly.

Richard is pacing back and forth in the parlor.

Liusha said: “It’s a bit weird. Mage Association did this, in fact, it hit the royal family and three Grand Duke the most. This is a challenge to the royal power bare. Why do they all remain silent? There must be a reason behind this, but we can ask Direwolf Duke Let ’s take a look. Also, Mage Association did n’t directly mention your name, but put Chuckert Baron back. ”If there is no Mage Association secretly draining water, Chuckert Baron will not be able to leave smoothly at all with the speed and strength of their capture of Burr Earl.

Richard nodded and said, “It seems that Mage Association is more difficult to deal with than we originally expected. But there is nothing bad to guess. It is nothing more than planning to drag me into the water. As for the royal side, I I think it may be that Mage Association has negotiated with them and is ready to divide up my interests in Bloodstained Lands. The benefits of this trade route can be measured at the level of 10 million/whatever happens in one year! And the majesty of the king can be used afterwards with a joint statement or the like Maintenance remediation. “

“So what are you going to do?” Liusha asked.

Richard smiled and said, “What else can we do, let ’s fight a battle and talk about it! Anyway, no matter what they calculate, the war is what we want. After playing on the battlefield, you can know that Mage Association is What’s the matter? “

“Alright! The guy in Eio is now looking forward to war every day.”

Hearing the name of Battle Priest, Richard heavily snorted.

Liusha also snorted, do n’t say something: “Our Temple of the Eternal Dragon Battle Priest, at least do not have the habit of **** casually!”

Richard looked suffocated. Suddenly, he picked up the sand and hugged him, dragged him into the bedroom, threw her on the bed, and then threw it up. Liusha struggled, screamed, rebelled, and finally fell. But in the whole process, she has not used Priest Grappling Technique, otherwise Richard will succeed, or two.


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