City of Sin: Sixty-three trips

Faust, yes, the end of the trip to Richard is the legendary city Faust.

The time is Mana. When Richard left Blackrose Castle five years ago, entering Faust is still just a crazy and bold idea for Gordon. Now Archeron Family has become an official member of Faust.

In Sacred Alliance, the most popular long poems of the bards Bard, it is always full of the exciting history of the XX family entering the Faust. In order to be able to enter the Faust, many families have carefully planned the preparation process for more than a hundred years. After the preparation is complete, one or even a few real heroes still need to emerge to lead the family through the heavily blockade. After blood and fire, life The long road of watering with glory finally stepped into Faust and established a solid foundation in the following decades. It can be said that every family in Faust is a living Epic.

Only here at Gordon, the century-long journey was condensed into three years, and the original magnificent, magnificent and huge psalm became a high-pitched aria that hit the clouds.

Richard is 15 years old and officially became Runemaster at the age of 15. Gordon apparently did not leave him alone as it seems on the surface, but sent Mordred early to pick him up to Faust, and obviously also had some plans for his future. From the time when Mordred arrived in Deep Blue, you can know that Gordon is actually familiar with the progress of Richard. Richard already knows his own father from multiple perspectives, and it is no longer a half-knowledge.

The meeting place designated by Gordon is Faust, which is not as simple as it looks on the surface.

For the Sacred Alliance family, stationing in Faust is just the beginning, stepping into that legendary city is just getting the entry ticket to the game of thrones. If you want to seize the right to speak, you really become a member of the mainland ’s top level. There is a long way to go.

Any new family successfully stationed in Faust will have to face a lot of crowding and intensive attacks in the dark for more than a decade. Although there are not many such exchanges between the old families, it is at least secret. And take care of the reputation. Therefore, the families who successfully stationed in the Faust in the past have strong allies in the legendary city, so as to ensure that the family that is seriously injured during the station can support the next difficult period.

In the past three hundred years, there are official records that more than fifty-three families have rushed to the Faust road. Twenty-one of these families have successfully reached their destinations, but the number of families in Faust has remained the same. The number fourteen.

Richard does not know how many friends Gordon has, but he knows that there must be many enemies. Archeron, who has just entered Faust, can be said to be enchanting on every side, and looking around, everyone you see is an enemy. And now only two years have passed. It should have been a difficult time for Archeron Family, but Gordon was able to send his most powerful knight to greet himself, and also extravagantly brought two Rune Knight as followers, which only shows that Gordon has successfully stabilized Lived in the situation of Faust.

For Richard, the news is mixed.

On the first day of leaving Deep Blue, the team set off from the early morning sun before it appeared, and walked until dusk to rest. Lunch was a bite of dry food on the horse with cold water in a water bag. After a long journey of more than ten hours, Richard is more than 300 kilometers away from the deep blue, and not far ahead is the scheduled resting place of Mordred.

This is a small, unnamed town, prospering because of its proximity to the Empire ’s largest highway. There are fewer than a hundred families in the town, but there are as many as six hotels, obviously living on this road.

Long-distance riding is very exhausting, so when the longitudinal horse walks into the flat and solid road of the town, Richard also has some fatigue on his face, but his eyes are still savvy, and the whole person still seems to be energetic. The iron armor horse, which is known for its explosive power, was not good at long journeys, but after a day of running, it was still stable and full of spirit.

The Mordred and the two Rune Knights are not different from when they set off early in the morning, except that they have more dust on their bodies. When they need it, they can continue to run at the highest speed for a day and night, this journey is nothing. However, the eyes of the two Rune Knight now look at Richard, but there is more appreciation, Mordred said with approval: “Richard, good horse, you are also good!”

They all know that Richard is now just a Mage of Level 8, and Mage is synonymous with weak body. Of course, this is not to say that the body of Mage is really bad, but it is weaker compared with the combatants. It is still a lot stronger than ordinary people. The more High Level and Mage, the stronger the body is. However, Richard only has Level 8. The limited Mana makes it difficult for him to bless himself for a long period of state-enhancement magic, such as the power of the wild bull, the wind of Agility, etc., so it is difficult to use the power of magic in a day-long journey . .

After a day of travel, in order to save time or other reasons, they left the road halfway, choosing a shortcut all over the hills and streams, not to mention the degree of bumps. The Richard, which did not use any Boosting Magic, should have been exhausted, but now it still seems to have the ability to spare. Obviously his body is much stronger than the Mage of the same level.

In addition to training the actual combat ability of Richard, Mordred is also preparing to temper his physique and perseverance, but apparently, the originally planned 300km distance is somewhat underestimated Richard. But Richard has been carefully trained in Legendary Mage for five years. It is not surprising that the physical qualities of all aspects are strong. After all, the mages produced by Dark Blue are known for their strength as bears, but how can an iron horse be so enduring?

Mordred looked at the Richard ’s armored horse again, and suddenly looked, said: “Richard, did you add Rune to this ironed horse?”

“Well! It is Low Rank Rune, which can reduce physical exertion and improve recovery speed, vitality.”

“Vitality? I don’t seem to have heard of this Rune?” Mordred asked with some surprise. As a High Rank Rune Knight, even if you don’t make it yourself, your knowledge of Rune is no less than Runemaster.

“This is not a standard Rune, but I designed it myself with reference to some magic and Divine Spell principles.” Then, Richard rolled up the sleeve of his right hand, and there was a complicated and beautiful pattern on his upper arm . “Look, I also added energy to myself, so that I can recover faster.”

“Why not add one that can improve combat effectiveness, such as those Rune that can add enhanced magic effect?” Mordred frowned and asked.

“That’s something to come.” Richard said, “Vitality can give me more time to study and practice Mana, which will improve the overall strength in the long run. When I can carry more in the future Rune position, consider Rune to enhance its combat effectiveness. “

Mordred touched a beard like a steel needle, laughed said a few times, “You really don’t seem to be a fifteen-year-old kid.”

ps: Second more. Tonight’s update time is uncertain, the quantity is uncertain, try to ravage your f5.

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