City of Sin: Sixty-five Conquering Heaven

“Okay, we should go. You will have time to watch these in the future.” Mordred waved a big hand and urged the lava to run towards the peak of miracles. Richard restrained his turbulent mood and followed closely.

Four people and five men ran for an hour before they really reached the foot of Miracle Peak. Only at such a close distance, this peak with a diameter of five kilometers and a height of three kilometers can truly show its grandeur and extraordinary. Human vision can no longer fully accommodate the magnificent landscape in front of you. Whether you want to see a road or a mountain, you must constantly turn your head and adjust your perspective.

The thin line circling up the mountain looking up from a distance has now expanded into a wide road that can accommodate four large carriages in parallel. The pavement is made of irregular rocks, but they are seamlessly stitched together. The surface is smooth and smooth, but the dense particles are closely distributed to prevent the mount and the wheels from slipping. The outer edge of the road is made of blue steel cast handrails and guardrails, and the top of each steel column is carved with a vivid Demon Beast head. In the middle of the road, there is a slightly raised rock belt, painted bright yellow, to distinguish the upward and downward traffic.

Richard raised his head and looked up the road. Looking up from here, even if you look up at an angle parallel to the sky, you can only see a cloud of cloud covering the peak, and it is difficult to imagine the miracle that is high above the clouds. However, he is good at mathematics, and seeing the **** of the road upward, he naturally calculated the total length of the road. But such a magnificent avenue, every piece of brick, every inch of guardrails are so delicate, all the way to the peak, how much will it cost? Richard can hardly calculate this huge number! This feeling only happened when he tried to calculate the cost of dark blue. Now, this is just the path to City of Miracles.

“Hey! Richard, look over there!” Mordred‘s voice came, and Richard looked in the direction he pointed. I saw a place with a strange appearance about a kilometer away. The most obvious feature is the flat rooftop. From time to time, Griffin boarded the platform, took a few steps to run, fluttered and took off. After hovering in the air for a few laps, he began to raise the altitude and flew straight to the clouds at the peak of Miracle Peak.

Most of the time Griffin carries one or two people on his back and flies to the summit alone. But there are also groups of Griffins starting at the same time, and the scene was very spectacular at that time. The spread wings of the Griffin group instantly made the sky dark and full of majestic tweets, even one kilometer away. Hear.

“That is the Griffin station. If you want to make it convenient, you can take them up and down the mountain in the future. But you ca n’t bring your own mount. At the other end of the mountain, there are two Wyvern stations and two Mo Ershan Mountain Eagle Station. However, the people in Faust can hardly bear the taste of Wyvern, so they are used for shipping most of the time. Well, Richard, come with me, we will go up! This is a long road, you are the most So to add some magic to your horse. “

Mordred slapped the neck of the lava, and this huge and fierce beast made a low roar, trotting down the road up the mountain. Although the avenue is wide, there are a lot of knights and various wagons on the road, and it seems almost crowded. Among the knights seen on the road, there are actually a lot of Rune Knight. The Mordred and the two Rune Knight followers also seem less eye-catching.

When the iron hooves of the armored horse finally stepped into the undisturbed clouds in the air, Richard had already felt the faint flow of Mana in the cloud. , Constitutes an invisible thread, condensed. When Richard outlined these invisible Mana lines in his heart, he was immediately taken aback, which turned out to be part of Magic Array! If there is such a Mana thread in all the clouds, then how great is this Magic Array!

Richard! Be careful, the front door is Faust.” The voice of Mordred faintly passed down from the clouds above. The spirit of Richard boosted the iron armor and speeded up. When the Richard bypassed a bend, it suddenly entered a huge square, and there was no cloud cover in front of it, and its vision suddenly widened!

This is a huge square with a radius of thousands of kilometers. The whole body is paved with pale gold boulders. Richard can’t tell the origin of the material of this boulder, but only the iron hoof of the armored horse can’t leave any trace on the ground. You can imagine how hard it is. On the square with light gold as the base color, there are also huge lines of navy blue and dark green dual-colored. From the lines similar to the runes and magic symbols, it looks like an incomparably huge Magic Array. However, Richard also can’t distinguish the origin of the rock material that constitutes the texture, nor can it feel the slightest flow of Mana from this extremely huge Magic Array.

Intuition tells Richard that he is now stepping on a Magic Array, although this Magic Array is different from any Magic Array he has learned in the past. It ’s not just different. In fact, Richard does n’t even know the meaning of a twist and a twist. This Magic Array cannot be explained with known magical knowledge at all.

Immediately, Richard‘s eyes were attracted by two huge statues on the other side of the square. Those were two warrior statues up to 100 meters high, they stood with swords, and their faces were deeply covered by capes. The giant sword in his hand is plain and unpretentious, and only a few runes of unknown significance are engraved in the central part of the sword spine. The runes are also navy blue or deep blue. The two warriors bowed their heads slightly, as if saluting a supreme being. Although they were just two statues without life, their piety came. And somehow, Richard even felt the faint coercion and murderous aura from these two statues.

The statue is backed by two stone pillars that are more than 100 meters high, and the two stone pillars are connected by a vault. Both the stone pillars and the vaults are carved from the same pale gold rock as the square, and there are also unknown green dual-colored Magic Line wrapped around it. However, no matter how Richard observes, it has never been able to find even a trace of cracks or stitching on the statue or stone pillar. what does this mean? Are the two Warrior statues and the stone pillar arches behind them all carved from a complete giant rock?

Who has the ability to sculpt such masterpieces that can be called miracles?

Richard suddenly finds it hard to breathe again. So he closed his eyes, first letting his heart be blank, then slowly opened his eyes and looked at the dome of the arch. In the very center of the dome, the name of the city, “Faust“, was engraved in the magical language common to Norland Continent. In addition to the name being written in magic language, Richard can no longer find the basis for the incomparably huge arch and the Plane.

ps: Fourth tonight. Looking forward to the fifth more ….

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