City of Sin: Seventy-one legendary magic

“It’s Summon Red Dragon. To be precise, this spell becomes Giant Dragon summon in your teacher’s hands.” Gordon quickly gave the answer.

“In those days, your teacher just joined us soon Archeron Family With some … well, friction. At that time, I was also young and full of vigor and strength, so I took the same six energetic members of the family little brat Fight with her. At that time, we were not legends, but there were enough people, and the professional mix was not bad. Sharon She has just entered the legend, at most there is only one legendary magic, after this magic is let go, she is just a peak level Archmage That’s it. Although some of us will surely die under her legendary magic, but the real Archeron When did you fear death? “

Head Gordon looked upward, staring out the window, telling the past. On his face, there was inadvertent publicity and pride. Seven young Archeron dared to fight Legendary Mage, not only in that era, but at any time, it is a proof of courage. Of course, most of the time, courage and recklessness are inseparable twins, and perhaps the stupid sister.

Sure enough, after pride, the face of Gordon was replaced with a wry smile, and slowly said: “Your teacher ’s first legendary magic is Summon Red Dragon. The opening of that battle was very classic, Archmage among us With the same Time Stop, Archeron Family of Sharon was washed away, and she used her absolute advantage in casting speed to restrict our movement with group restraints, and opened any door to teleport beyond 100 meters to complete her legendary magic. When she was Halfway through the spell, we knew that it was Summon Red Dragon. At that time, we even felt the hope of victory! After all, Red Dragon itself has no legendary power. We can drag it with two people, and then the rest of them concentrate on attacking Legendary Mage. But … “

Gordon has a struggling expression. Obviously the shadow that was left by him in that battle was not small: “When her spell was completed, there were three Giant Dragon in front of us! Including one Red Dragon and two black dragons! Then … and then it was very simple. Three heads of Giant Dragon rushed over and instantly put us all down. And in the process, your lovely teacher has already started to eat fruit. “

Richard took a breath and was surprised to ask: “Why are there three Giant Dragon!”

“I also learned later that her bloodline ability is actually a very rare summoning master! So the ordinary Summon Red Dragon becomes a Giant Dragon summon in her hand, not only will there be a dragon like Black Dragon above Red Dragon There are more than one head. Of course, there is no difference between two and three heads Giant Dragon. “Gordon sighed, shook his head, and then smiled to Richard, said:” If she now cast Giant Dragon call, there must be more than three Giant Dragon. Boy, do you understand now? If anyone wants to fight alone with your teacher, it will definitely not be so good in the end. “

The combat effectiveness of an adult Red Dragon is actually similar to that of a Saint Realm warrior, and its strength fluctuates between 18 and Level 20. Therefore, in the battle of Legendary Powerhouse, the extra Red Dragon is a powerful help, but it is not enough to decide the battle situation. But three more heads Red Dragon can definitely determine the battle. The adult Black Dragon’s combat power is stable at Level 20, which is the closest to the legend. It is much stronger than Red Dragon. Each additional black dragon has the power to reverse the situation, not to mention two heads and three heads?

Gordon ’s line is that the teacher of Richard is actually the one who pays the least attention to singles, but his talent is so powerful!

But between Sharon and Gordon, Richard will definitely stand on the side of Sharon. He immediately expelled bad ideas, and then asked the end of the war: “Then? How many of you died?”

Gordon smiled and said, “None of them died. There was no big conflict between the two parties, and your teacher did not like killing people, but she preferred to do business. Not only did she let us go, she even gave back It took a sum of money from each of us to use as the starting capital for our battle for Plane. The price is the first Plane we each laid, and we need to pay half of her income. Among all the people, the money I got is The most. But fighting for Plane is not without risk. Of the seven Archerons that year, only three are still alive. “

In the understatement of Gordon, Richard heard the unusual tragic. The seven young strong men who dared to challenge Legendary Mage, but in a short period of time, fell four in Planar War.

At this time, Gordon looked at the sky outside, put on a serious expression, and said, “Okay, it’s not too early, so I won’t talk about those past things. Richard, you are an adult, already counted as Archeron Family I ’m an official member. As the patriarch, not your father, I will continue to give you some resources. But in return, you also need to abide by the three ancient traditions of Archeron Family, and you need to maintain the family before you fully return to the family. Loyalty. “

“Before fully returning the family?” Richard asked.

“It is that one day in the future, when your contribution to Archeron has exceeded the family’s investment in you, you can no longer be constrained by the family, but develop according to your own wishes. Many Archeron are embarked on This way. But before you lift your obligations, you must obey the ancient tradition of the family, which is the responsibility of every Archeron. “Gordon said seriously.

“Which three ancient traditions?”

The look of Gordon becomes more solemn and straightens the body, said solemnly: “One, maintain the purity and continuity of the bloodline; second, no civil war between family members; third, the most powerful Archeron guards the family graveyard Obligations. “

The latter two are easy to understand, but the first point makes Richard a little bit puzzling. Gordon knew that Richard actually knew very little about the tradition and secrets of Archeron, so he explained in detail.

Archeron Family inherits an ancient and mysterious bloodline. Its bloodline power is powerful and unstable. So far, there have been as many as 22 bloodline capabilities. The thicker and purer the bloodline, the more likely it is to obtain a powerful bloodline ability, thus becoming an unmatched strongman.

Therefore, since hundreds of years ago, Archeron Family has had an ancient family motto, that is to maintain the purity and inheritance of the blood line, which is the most sacred duty of every Archeron. Bloodline inheritance requires offspring, while the richness and purity of bloodline requires the marriage of two people who also have Archeron Bloodline. Therefore, every clan supported by Archeron Family needs to marry or marry an Archeron until they complete their contribution to the family or give birth to a child. In many cases, the other half of a Archeron is designated by the patriarch or a strong person within the clan, and he has no right to choose. The weaker the strength, the less voice they have among the clan.

In the history of Archeron, there are a lot of examples of intermarriage between relatives, including even marriage between brothers and sisters.

Now Richard only understands why the atmosphere is so weird and strange when meeting with brothers and sisters during Blackrose Castle.

“The situation is not as bad as you think, kid!” Gordon smiled and said, “As the only Runemaster of this generation Archeron, you have a lot of privileges. In addition to getting the most investment, you can feel free to Specify a few of the Archeron girls without a partner as your partners. Of course, this relationship will only last until you have children. And it wo n’t take long for you to know what you can get from the family. “

The long took a breath of Richard said, “I … still want to rely on myself.”

Gordon glanced at Richard, his eyes seemed to have infinite penetrating power, penetrating deep into the heart of Richard, he was trembling involuntarily.

“Boy, do n’t rush to a conclusion, because you will regret this decision in the future. I think, for you, your mother should be the most important one.” Gordon‘s voice is like With Mana, let Richard shake again. For a while, Richard even doubted whether Gordon knew his mother’s will. This is a secret that he hid in his heart, and he was not willing to share it with Gordon anyway. Just when Richard was suspicious, Gordon‘s voice rang again in his ears: “Okay, boy, I’ll take you to see the family’s cemetery, that is the ritual that every Archeron must pass through when it becomes an adult.”

Family graveyard? !

Richard was shocked, and my mother ’s voice seemed to sound in her ear again: “If one day in the future, my Richard becomes a real big figure, then bury my mother in my father ’s family cemetery, the highest one Layer! “

ps: today completed three more changes

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