City of Sin: Seventy-four Shaman down

With the singing, Xun Ying ’s head actually began to tremble, the condensed section at the neck broke again, the wolf blood continued to flow out, and it slowly climbed up on the altar and merged into the war hammer hammer head at the foot of the statue. Gradually penetrated into the statue. After absorbing fresh wolf blood, the statue appeared to be alive, and Richard felt a strong sense of consciousness slowly awakening in the statue.

The eyes of the statue were also bloody, and the blood flowing was like a gaze, scanning everyone in the Shaman hall. When that consciousness looked at Richard, the blood in the statue both eyes was suddenly vigorous, Richard consciously seemed to burst a thunderbolt suddenly, and there seemed to be hundreds of lions roaring in unison. , Almost unconscious!

However, several powerful consciousnesses immediately merged into the soul of Richard, and violently collided with the will in the statue, and immediately rushed it out. That comes from the power of Soulguard water splash, Broodmother and magic slaves.

accident/surprise is that the Broodmother now has more powerful Spiritual Power than the water splash. In the just confrontation, Necromancer Zendrall, who was still intensively researching in the hotel, seems to be aware of it, so he also participated in this war. It’s just that his magical vows are much weaker than the magical **** contract, and the overly obscure connection prevents him from delivering too much power. Otherwise, with the powerful Spiritual Power volume displayed in the swamp that day, Zendrall may inflict heavy damage on the invasion consciousness.

The confrontation between spiritual and consciousness ends instantly, and Thunder Hammer and other Half-Orc suddenly have a very strong pain in their minds, so they fall to the ground one after another. When they climbed up in horror, they found that the wolf head had completely shrivelled, like a long dead body. And the statue is bleak and dull, when the Shaman reaches its climax, the lingering power has dispersed.

Thunder Hammer pressed his head dizzyly, looking blankly at the altar, falling and hurting all his wounds, and his face was deformed and distorted. He and the other Half-Orc looked at each other, but they didn’t know what happened, so they could only be regarded as a good sacrifice, causing the ancestors to show their spirits. And their strength is too poor to withstand the power of their ancestors.

The elders and the warriors soon returned to calm, while Thunder Hammer dragged a little lamely and walked in front of Richard, staring at his eyes, said solemnly: “Alien from afar, respected Grand Mage Thanks to your help, I was able to kill Xunying and avenge the warriors in the tribe. Now you have watched our Shaman and will be friends of the Bloodstone tribe forever. Although we are not strong, but When necessary, I will never begrudge life for my friend Immolate (sacrifice)! “

Talking, Thunder Hammer stretched out his arms, hugged with Richard, and completed the ceremony.

Feeling the strong and powerful hug of Thunder Hammer, looking at his old face and bruises all over his body, Richard suddenly felt an indescribable taste in his heart. If you make a Rune that is the same as Gangdor, then Thunder Hammer will not need Divine Spell Scroll using quicksand, nor will it speed up towards the end of life.

At least at this moment, Thunder Hammer is a true warrior, a qualified leader, and a friend to rely on.

But then the words of quicksand came to mind, and Richard remembered the pile of magic materials that were obviously looted. Every piece of material must be stained with a lot of blood. Moreover, the Bloodstone Tribe and even the Bloodstone Camp are not friendly places for ordinary humans. During his lifetime, Thunder Hammer did not know how many Undeads were produced.

All kinds of inexplicable feelings are intertwined, and Richard suddenly does not know how to judge Thunder Hammer and his Bloodstone tribe. So he sighed secretly in heart, but remembered his identity as Plane intruder again.

Even the chaotic and cruelly simple Bloodstained Lands, right and wrong, is still too complicated to explain.

Before leaving the Shaman hall, Richard glanced at the statue on the altar again. That consciousness should have been hit hard, and now lurking back into the depths of the statue, began to recuperate. However, in the confrontation just now, Richard has already noticed that the power of consciousness is somewhat Divine Power in nature. Otherwise, it is impossible to retain the will of a strand of bloodstones.

This is the first time Richard has come into contact with the power of Ancestral Worship.

Now Richard understands why Broodmother wants the statue of Ancestral Worship. It wants to absorb the ray of Divine Power contained in the statue. However, Richard does not want to go to this altar of the Bloodstone Horde for now.

“It seems that anyway, there will be countless Ancestral Worship tribes in Bloodstained Lands and even the entire Plane. As long as I look slowly, I will definitely find a lot. As for the Bloodstone tribe here … just wait until the death of Thunder Hammer! Anyway, he It wo n’t last long. ”Richard thought so, and comforted himself so much.

After Shaman, it was a dinner with a strong tribal color.

Several bonfires were lit on the semi-circular open space in front of the battle fort. Barbecue and inferior spirits were continuously supplied. The Half-Orcs around the bonfire danced in the rhythm of the drums and stopped and stopped from time to time. He threw his chest to the sky and snarled. This was a ritual since ancient times. He swore to his ancestor Ying Ling to defend his homeland. When he was tired, he sat down to drink and eat meat, and then joined the queue again.

There are several special guests tonight at the Bloodstone Tribe’s banquet. In addition to Richard, there are his two ends Ogre. Because of the existence of Tiramisu and Medium Rare, there will be a large pot of tangy broth. This pot of broth is more delicious than anything made by any chef in the Bloodstone camp, so it is even more enthusiastically welcomed by the Half-Orc who have no cooking tradition. Based on the level of this broth alone, the titles of the two Ogre gourmets are well-deserved, but they seem to only cook broth. Richard has not seen them make other cooked foods so far.

A carnival, the only thing that makes Richard unbearable is wine. He was forced to drink three bowls of wine with Thunder Hammer. The bowl was very Half-Orc style, thick and large. He also had a bowl with each Half-Orc elder, and a bowl with the most famous warriors in the Bloodstone tribe …

So at the end of the carnival dinner, Richard was lying back on the back of Medium Rare. He hadn’t been completely drunk, but his tumbling stomach made him weak, and his consciousness was like a fire, and it was vague. All the prudence and worries were usually away from him in one by one. This wine has actually gained a lot, at least the Half-Orc Warrior that Richard can take away from 20 to 30. However, the remaining ten can only be ordinary Half-Orc Warrior.

The back of Ogre is wide and thick, and Medium Rare walks very smoothly, but Richard still vomited twice on the road. Vomiting made Richard a little better, and the cold wind in the middle of the night also made his mind wake up, but the alcohol flowing in the blood vessels was still burning, making his will fluctuate.

On the way, Richard began to think about tomorrow.

At this time, it does n’t make much sense for Richard to stay at the Bloodstone Camp. A well in every area, even the entire camp, is not his end point, not even the starting point.

In addition, after all, he is an intruder, and the Bloodstone Camp is not far away from Human Kingdom. If the army of the God of Courage also enters Bloodstained Lands, it is still very dangerous for himself now. In the battle of temple, the power of Essien and the fearlessness of Temple Knight left a very deep impression on Richard. If it is a head-to-head battle, then Richard is likely to only get a tragic victory. Now that everything has been harvested at the Bloodstone Camp, it is time to go deeper.

He made up his mind and Richard also reached the door of the hotel. At this time, he could barely walk on his own, so he waved and let the two Ogres rest. Relative to humans, sleep is more important for Ogre, and the results of exercise or fighting can only be solidified during the process of sleeping.

There was a tumbling in my empty stomach, and Richard wanted to vomit again. So he quickly walked through the hotel lobby, pushed back the door, ready to find a corner in the backyard to solve the problem.

ps: seems to be erupted today.

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